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The Rancher's Nanny

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Penny had hated treating that club whore like that by tugging her off Pea’s lap, but one of the old ladies had told her when Pea and Melissa first got married, that it was the only way to deal with club pussy.

  “Show them who’s boss or they’ll walk all over you. They’re traitorous bitches but free pussy for all the club.”

  When Melissa had married Pea three years ago, Penny didn’t imagine for a second she’d be dragging his ass back home. She adored the club, but she’d never marry one. It had been three years since Melissa shocked her that she was getting married to Pea. Out of all of the club members Pea was a big horn dog, and a pain in the ass. Still, he’d shown an interest in Mel, and that was all Penny had needed.

  I’m not this kind of woman.

  She loved staying in her apartment above the sex shop in town, reading a good book. After her father died, her mother hadn’t lasted six months after. Neither she nor Mel had wanted the house as it held too many painful memories, good memories that were hard to ignore with the death of both parents. They had sold the house, splitting the profit equally. Around the same time, Dirty Deeds had an apartment open up above their shop, and Penny had jumped on it. It was a nice place, beautifully kept, and she didn’t even mind that it was a sex shop as it helped with her research. She’d purchased many items at the sex shop, and used them on herself so she’d understand what her heroine would be feeling in her books. Her own sex life had been a bust. After losing her virginity prom night with her boyfriend, she’d had one other partner, and their sex had been … boring. Very boring, dull.

  To escape her boredom with her lack of sex life, she’d turned to her computer. She’d been reading erotic fiction for a long time, and as e-readers were so popular, she’d already gotten the bug. One afternoon after an awful quickie with her boyfriend, Robert, she had sat at her computer and just started writing, only she started writing her fantasy sex. Before she even knew it, a month had come and gone, and her story was complete, with a storyline, and all.

  Not doing anything with it, she left it, and moved onto the next story, then the next. Until she had over ten completed romance stories, and writing became an addiction, a way for her to escape the reality of what was happening.

  One day, Melissa had been staying over and found the stories, reading them. Penny had hated that. The stories belonged to her, and they were her way of dealing with her life. After she broke up with Robert, she kept on writing. She loved it.

  Penny didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t for Melissa to encourage her to get them published. After a year of submitting, being rejected, she’d finally been accepted, and was making a decent living out of her writing. She wasn’t wealthy, and her books were never going to make it to the movies, but she was happy with her life.

  “How have you been?” Rage asked.

  Glancing toward him, Penny quickly averted her gaze. She didn’t like staring at him for long periods of time. He unnerved her, and out of all of the club members, Rage was the one who made her nervous. Rage constantly stared at her, and it was the strange look in his eyes that got to her.

  “Fine. You?”


  Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she tried to ignore him.

  “You’ve got to stop pulling me out of the club,” Pea said, leaning forward. His breath fanned across her neck, and she pulled away.

  “You’ve got to stop cheating on my sister. One day it’s going to bite you in the ass.”

  “Bite me,” Pea said.


  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

  Annoyed, she focused back on the road, and was relieved to see her sister’s house just up the road.

  “Been on any dates lately?”

  “No. Not this week.” She was a serial dater. It was easier for her to go on dates for one night than consider a repeat performance from the same man. Penny didn’t have sex with the men she dated. One night was more than enough.

  “You’ve got to stop dating assholes,” Rage said.

  “What? And start dating men like you and cheater in the back? You’ve got to be kidding.” She snorted, and pulled up outside of her sister’s place.

  Melissa opened the door, and the tears that Penny had seen thirty minutes ago were gone. Her sister looked calm and steady.

  Pea leaned forward. “You know, men only cheat because they like what’s on offer. It’s what the club is about, and your sister knows what’s going on.”

  Turning to her brother-in-law, she glared at him. “You think telling me that my sister knows you’re a cheating ass makes it any better? Do you think it’s going to make me like you any more? You’re an asshole. Get the fuck out of my car.”

  Her usual placid personality had gone. She was tired of dealing with Pea and her sister’s bullshit. This was one of the reasons she was never getting married. In her books, the man always remained faithful, and she didn’t know how her sister did this all the time with Pea. It would drive her crazy.

  Climbing out of the car, she moved toward Melissa.

  “He was at the club, chasing whores.”

  There was no sadness present on her sister’s face, and Penny hated it. She didn’t get it. Hugging her sister, she walked into her sister’s home going straight toward the kitchen.

  “Rage is here as well?”

  “Apparently, you invited him.”

  “He’s got a thing for you. He has for a long time. You’re just too blind to see it.”

  “Rage doesn’t have a thing for me. He barely talks to me.”

  Melissa stared at her, and Penny swiped a carrot off the plate. “Stop eating, and you’re blind. The books you write, and you can’t even see when a guy is into you.”

  “Fuck off, Mel.” Eating the carrot, she stared at her sister. “How do you do it?”

  “How do I do what?”

  “Cope with Pea screwing around on you.”

  Her sister didn’t even flinch at her words. “It’s our thing.”

  “Okay, I’m confused right now.”

  “I love Pea, and in his own way, he cares about me. He takes care of me, provides me with a nice house, and I don’t have to go out for work.”

  “Is that it?”

  “He cheats, and when I catch him, he feels bad, and he becomes attentive to me. You just don’t see it. I like it, so I don’t see a reason to change.”

  Penny frowned. “Does it even bother you at all that Pea is screwing other women?”

  “No. It doesn’t.”

  Crossing her arms, Penny glared at her sister. “What was with all the damn tears?” When Penny had made it to her sister’s she’d found Melissa standing in the kitchen, crying.

  “I know you’ll go and get him for me if I’m crying. If I show you I don’t care, then you don’t care.”

  Penny was so angry at her sister. “The tears are lies?”

  “Yes. Come on, Penny, I was always able to cry when I wanted to.”

  Melissa was her older sister, and right now, Penny was so mad, she wanted to hit her own sister.

  End of sample chapter




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