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Descent Unto Dark: The White Mage Saga #3 (The Chronicles of Lumineia)

Page 13

by Ben Hale

  "It was further revealed that High Chancellor Ranson had been plotting with a secret organization known as the Harbingers." His smile widened as he stalked the edge of the pillar. "Apparently . . . they have brought a dark entity into this world."

  "Because of you!" an older boy yelled. "You were there!"

  "What are you even doing here?" another yelled.

  "The Rayths will come and take you!"

  Varson's voice boomed over them. "The Rayths have been disbanded and sent to their homes! I am now in charge of this school."

  Grayson made an effort to stand but Varson flicked a finger to him. The blow rocked his head back, and he crumpled again.

  "This assembly was to inform you that due to the impending war, Tryton's has been given greater protection. This will become especially important in the coming days as the new High Council has decided to dissolve the Cloudwall."

  Tess's eyebrows shot up. That was not something she'd expected. Revealing the massive city would practically dare the auren nations to attack them. Varson ignored the sweeping gasps and continued.

  "The High Council has further made the decision to move Auroraq. Over the next week the entire city will fly east until we are over Europe. Once we reach the cloud that has begun to spread, the city will come to a halt and the new officials will direct matters from there.

  Again raising his voice, he continued, "I know that Auroraq has flown above the United States since it was lifted into the sky. However, the new High Council wishes to show that the mages have united with Alice. This comes directly from our newly appointed High Chancellor herself."


  Tess felt a tremor build within her. Alice had taken over the mage High Council, and sent Varson to Tryton's. The Harbingers had truly seized control of Auroraq, and with it the core of the mage world.

  "For the time being, all extracurricular activities have been canceled," Varson continued. "That includes Tempest, the Magic Melee, the inter-academy Stratos tournament, the . . ."

  As he continued to expand the list of activities that had been cancelled, more and more students were on their feet. Shouting their dismay, they clamored for an explanation. Amidst the din Tess stood rigid.

  The cancelling of the school activities would obviously make it easier to control the students, but why not just dismiss the entire school? The only explanation was that Alice wanted the students where they were.

  The entire scene felt disturbingly surreal, like a bad nightmare that could not be reality. Had the Harbingers really walked in and ousted the mage leadership? The Magtherian was comprised of the most powerful mages on the planet. There was no way they would have just let Alice walk in and take over. Even Alice could not have taken on so many. If she'd tried the Spirus would have suffered major structural damage.

  And what about the battlemages housed below the Magtherian? What could possibly cause them to give up without a fight? Her eyes were drawn to the smoky creatures that hovered above the downed professors.

  Iris bumped her elbow. "What are those things?"

  "Alice mentioned Voidling," Tess said softly. "She said they were entities of the Dark."

  Iris's eyes tightened. "If that's true then we can't stop them."

  "Find out what you can, and fast."

  Iris bobbed her head and her eyes glazed. Tess felt a rush of gratitude for her roommate. Iris had never needed Tess to explain anything to her. More often than not Iris knew a great deal before she did. Even now Iris was muttering under her breath. Purple magic buzzed around her hands and flitted away as she cast small spells.

  Tess looked back to Varson and saw him standing with his arms folded. His face was black with fury as thousands of students shouted at him.

  "SIT. DOWN."

  The sheer force behind the words was stunning, but the threat inherent in his eyes rammed them home. The students reluctantly quieted.

  "You will be obedient," he said, speaking in a hard, clipped voice that reverberated throughout the large amphitheatre. "The renewed regulations have been put in place—and you will abide by them."

  He stared at the cowed students like a feudal lord looking over his domain. His boots made a menacing clip as he began to stalk the edge of the circular pillar.

  "From this moment forward you will follow your schedule with exactness. In addition, you should know that all communication into and out of this school will be monitored for potential threats. We are here to protect you."

  He gestured to the doors ringing the chamber, where a line of similarly dressed Harbingers had entered with dozens of Voidlings. At his motion they moved to block off every escape route, hedging everyone in a chain of hardened flesh and Dark creatures. Several of the older students were still on their feet, and Tess recognized Shorn among them. Varson swung to look at them, and they reluctantly resumed their seats.

  "Fortunately for you," Varson said, "we have been granted special assistance to ensure your obedience and protection. Our new High Chancellor has been gracious enough to lend us half of the Voidlings."

  The Voidling that had taken down Grayson coasted to his side as if summoned. Standing taller than Varson, it appeared to be a shard of the Dark itself. It's disturbing jaws widened as it surveyed the crowd, and its arms swelled with strength. The semi-solid material cascaded off its shoulders and faded into ragged wisps like a tattered cloak.

  Varson smiled, but it inspired fear rather than comfort. "Make no mistake. These Voidlings have the power to kill you, or leave you Twisted. Since you are underage your disobedience will result in a taste of the Dark. I assure you, it is far worse than any punishment you have yet received.

  “Disobedience will not be tolerated. One infraction will result in a warning. A second will earn you twenty minutes of Darkened time. The Voidling will bind you where you stand, and rob you of every sense for the duration of your punishment. Every subsequent infraction will raise the time of detention.

  "If you are punished enough . . .," his smile became a sneer, "you will be unable to withstand its effects, and you will die. Your death will serve as a reminder to your former friends."

  He motioned to the side and another figure flew to join him. Tall and handsome, Drake alighted at his side. Clad in a matching Harbinger uniform, his bearing displayed an arrogance toward his former classmates.

  "I believe you all remember Drake," Varson went on. "As former Tempest captain at this school, I am appointing him the head of school security. Any student is allowed to join him, and those that do will be given special authority over their classmates. He will further instruct students and professors on the new arrangements."

  Drake nodded. "I look forward to helping you all learn the new order."

  "Nark!" someone shouted.

  Others echoed it, and in seconds the condemnation had swept the crowed. Drake's eyes blazed with fury and he took a step forward. Varson stopped him. He flicked his wrist and a fire whip burst into view. A single snap caused everyone to flinch and restored order.

  "I look forward to ensuring that Tryton's remains safe from any enemy," Varson said, "from without . . . or within." His voice echoed in the stillness.

  Varson stared down the crowd, daring them to protest. When no one did he dismissed them. Reluctantly the crowd began to file out.

  Derek passed them his way, and whispered a single word. "Dinner."

  Tess gave a subtle nod and joined the throng. She had no desire to be left behind to face Varson. At first she thought the other students weren't going to allow her in, but at the last moment they made space for her so she and Iris could exit. To her surprise not one bore an expression of anger toward her. Perhaps it was due to Varson's display, or maybe they were just too scared to blame her.

  At dinner they spoke in hushed tones, but little could be done with a pair of Voidlings patrolling the hall. Tess returned to her room worried and afraid. In a single day Alice had taken the most powerful city on earth. Exhausted and uncertain, Tess went to bed with a burning ques

  How could she lead the mages now?

  Chapter 19: Derek's Plan

  The following night Tess climbed into the sky as dusk fell. Slowed by her thoughts, she took longer than normal to gain a respectable altitude. Gradually rising into the twilight, she gazed at the Cloudwall. Several hundred feet below, the bulk of Tryton's students lined the walls of the school. Collectively they whispered . . . and waited.

  In the distance she could see the Spirus. Now she wondered if Alice walked its halls, watching powerful mages cower as she passed. Or had they all been dismissed? Tess had no way of knowing. Since the occupation began there had been no word from Alice.

  At the appointed hour the Cloudwall began to fade. Imperceptible at first, the Cloudwall gradually lightened to the point that Tess was able to discern the mountains of Virginia below them. The minutes passed quickly, and soon she was able to make out the lights of the auren cities. Before long the Cloudwall had faded into nothingness, leaving them exposed for the world to see.

  She sighed in regret. She would be the first to admit that she'd taken the protection of the Cloudwall for granted. Now that it was gone she felt a seeping worry that only amplified as she noticed the second change to Auroraq. Unfelt by any on the city's surface, Auroraq had begun to change direction.

  At first the only sign was a subtle change in the angle of the ground. Then the wind began to pick up, its power tugging at her. A moment later Tess realized that the auren city lights were gradually receding, indicating that the whole city was traveling east. She turned, and watched the Atlantic Ocean approach.

  The January wind had a bite to it as it cut past her face. Its chill seemed to mirror her emotions. She remained where she was until after night had claimed the city. Tess may have taken Alice's anonymity, but Alice had taken the heart of the mage world a mere fifteen days after Mt. Elbrus. Move and countermove, it didn't seem to matter what Tess did. Alice was the Master.

  Tess's contemplations were interrupted as a shadow fell over the school. Looking up, she saw that a cloud was floating in front of the large moon. As Auroraq fell into shadow, Tess shivered.

  But what could she do?

  The next morning Tess sat with her friends at breakfast, the food forgotten as she watched the video of Hawk destroying the stone sentinels. She'd seen it several times with Iris, but Derek had wanted to watch it together to see if anyone saw anything he'd missed.

  At her sides were Derek and Iris. Shorn and Rox sat across from them. Their other friends were equally as riveted. Around them a host of other students huddled over their own orbs, and it was easy to distinguish those that were seeing it for the first time. Collectively they flinched when Hawk issued his war cry. Even diminished through the enchantment, it caused Tess's skin to tremble.

  Then Hawk exploded through the roof and the battle was over. Tess stared at the carnage that had once been the High Council chamber. Surprise at what had occurred, pride in Hawk's escape, and worry at what was to come all warred within her. The last image of the video was Hawk's shard of lightning embedded in the floor.

  Iris released a gigantic sigh. "I can't believe they allowed the news to release it."

  "Why?" Derek said.

  Iris snorted. "The Mage Technology Bureau kept the broadcast going even when it was clear he was going to win." Her frown became a scowl and she turned away to scold someone in Australia.

  "Riley, I told you to fade the yalis charm. Now they are going to trace the—Scott, get back on with your squad and trail it with a drogan enchantment. Maybe we can trace them back. Just in case—Uri, if I catch you playing Angry Birds one more time I swear I will strip your static to the nub. And, Selina, I need you to laz the sat feed . . ."

  Derek caught her arm. "Just how big is your army now?"

  "Almost a hundred," Iris replied irritably. "Haven't you been paying attention?"

  Iris returned to ordering her people around and Derek flashed Tess his signature wry grin. "I still struggle to grasp the situation, and Iris has an army."

  Tess issued a tight laugh, her worry too prominent to let go so easily. She cast Iris a look. The tension her roommate had felt prior to the takeover was still there. Tess was concerned about her, especially because Iris didn't appear inclined to talk about it.

  Then Derek lowered his tone. "So what do you think the impact of this is going to be?"

  Derek threw a pointed look at the students crouched over their news orbs. By their fear and confusion she doubted that any of them had known that the Guild even existed. Until now Hawk had operated in secret, and had done so for thousands of years. He'd been visible on the video from Mt Elbrus, but few had known his identity.

  "Alice couldn't kill Hawk," Tess said. "Not before making sure no one would follow the Guild."

  "What do you mean?" Shorn asked

  "She's just ensured that most of the mages will be afraid to join Hawk," she said.

  Derek was nodding. "She's right. Alice herself said he would have become a martyr. After what he did on the video it would have looked like he was the only one standing up to her. Revealing Hawk to the public ensures the people will be afraid to back him."

  "You think people are going to be that scared?" Shorn asked.

  "Wouldn't you?" Derek asked. "There hasn't been a dragon or phoenix in ages, and back in the day they weren't exactly friendly. We know Hawk—but they don't." He jerked his head at the students that had begun to file out for their classes.

  Although many tried to hide it, their fear was evident on their faces. Tess tried to imagine what they felt like, and realized she knew. When she'd found out that magic existed it had shattered everything she knew about the world.

  "But they know he helped in The Second Draeken War," Shorn pointed out.

  "But they don't know who he is now," Derek said. "All they've seen is that he is very, very dangerous. I have no doubt that he will overcome their hesitation, but it will take time—time that Alice will exploit. She's using the first principle of tactics, divide and conquer."

  "So what do we do for them?" Rox asked, and motioned to the room.

  "They need . . . something," Tess said, unable to find a better word.

  "Yeah, a victory," Shorn said.

  "It's more than that," Derek said, his eyes lingering on a first quad girl who was fighting back tears. "They need a purpose."

  The way he said it struck her as odd, causing her to consider her original intention. It was even more vital that they stopped Alice now. But how? Now Tess was confined to the school, and her ability to lead the mages had been stripped away.

  "Is it bad of me to wish that Alice would be assassinated?" Rox asked, eliciting a quiet laugh from the others. Then she caught sight of Tess. "Sorry," she said hastily. "I know she's your mom and all."

  "She not my mom," Tess said wearily. As an afterthought, she added, "But I'm not sure I could kill her given the chance."

  A flash of insight lit Derek's eyes. "Stopping her doesn't necessarily mean killing her."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Shorn asked.

  Derek leaned in and lowered his voice. "What if her magic was stripped from her? What if we took her magic?"

  Iris tuned into the conversation. "Do you have any idea how hard that is? That level of magic is way above our own."

  "Why?" Tess asked. "Derek's right, it would stop her."

  Rox answered before Iris could. "Stripping magic requires a high level master in body magic, memory magic, anti-magic, and all the types of magic the person can use. It also requires a unique conduit called a horrending dagger. The Magtherian controls the only ones."

  "And we don't know what magic Alice uses," Tess said. Her discouragement leaked into her voice.

  "Not yet," Derek countered, his eyes bright. "But you can do all magics. If you learned how to strip magic from someone, you could take it from anyone."

  "Who would we practice it on? It's not like we . . . " A grin split Shorn's face. "Let's take Drake's magic.

  Iris laughed, and for the first time in days appeared like her old self. "We would need a place to practice, somewhere the Voidlings and narks can't find us."

  "And we would need one of those daggers," Derek said.

  "Then all we need are the instructions for magic they don’t teach at Tryton's," Shorn said brightly.

  "If we can do it at all," Rox said, but a smile was on her features as well.

  Iris jerked, and said, "Heads up."

  Right then the door opened and Drake entered, flanked by two Voidlings. "Get to your classes," he barked.

  His demand elicited a quick exit from everyone, including Tess and her friends. She kept her head up but refused to meet Drake's gaze as she passed him.

  "Let's meet at dinner," Derek whispered once they were outside.

  They all nodded and separated. Tess caught Iris and started to fly her to their first class, but a shouted order caused her to turn.

  "Flying is no longer permitted except during designated class hours," Drake said with a malicious smile. "Even for you, Oracle. You can consider this your warning."

  "My name is Tess," she said, and held her ground.

  His lip curled into a sneer and he stepped closer. "Your mother made it clear that if you display a hint of disobedience, you are to be punished."

  "She's not my mother," Tess said evenly. "And you are a—"

  Iris caught her arm and yanked. She resisted, but Iris sent a burst of static energy into her, shocking her enough to look at her roommate.

  He's trying to bait you Iris said into her mind.

  Tess clenched her fists, then turned on her heel and strode away. Iris kept pace with her, and neither of them looked back for Drake's parting comment.

  "I relish the opportunity of speaking further." His tone was light, but the threat was implicit.

  Seething, Tess allowed herself to be led toward their class. She was tempted to fly them once they were out of sight, but at the last minute she decided against it. Better to avoid punishment until she could establish the best way to fight back. As soon as they were out of earshot, Tess released an explosive breath.


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