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Once a Mistress

Page 17

by Debra Mullins

  The path they traversed abruptly opened into a clearing. Diana stared, her mouth falling open in delight. Vegetation surrounded the clearing on three sides, crowding up against a craggy hill that rose high above their heads. From somewhere atop the rocky formation a stream of water snaked down to empty into a quiet pool at the hill’s base. Moonlight shimmered off the mirror-like surface of the water.

  “What do you think?” His quiet tone blended with the trill of insects calling to their mates and the soothing splash of the water.

  “‘Tis beautiful.”

  “I knew you would like it.”

  He walked into the clearing. His footsteps grew muffled by the softer ground near the pool. Diana looked around with awe. ‘Twas an enchanted place, the air heavy with the scent of hibiscus, the trickling sound of the water blending with the whisper of the breeze through the trees to create nature’s music. The world beyond the clearing seemed far away.

  Alex stopped at a boulder near the edge of the water. He released Diana, guiding her so that she slid down along his body. She was breathless by the time he stepped away from her.

  “Sit down. I must see to that wound.” She sat on the boulder, and he caressed her cheek with his fingers before turning away.

  Her heart tripped into double time as he stripped off his shirt. Moonlight played off the sculpted sinew of his chest and arms as he ripped two strips of material off the bottom of the garment.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making a bandage.” He smiled. “Fear not, my sweet. I have other shirts.”

  She watched him as he turned away from her, his breeches pulling tautly across his trim backside as he crouched beside the pool. The muscles of his back rippled as he reached down to soak a strip of cloth in water. Her palms tingled as she longed to stroke them over his bare back as she had done the other night in his bed. He rose and came to kneel before her, his head almost at a level with her own.

  “I need to see that wound.”

  Still absorbed in the flush of awakening desire, she presented her arm. He shook his head. “No, the sleeve is in the way.” Meeting her gaze, he gave her a lusty grin. “You will have to remove the gown.”

  A quiver vibrated along her spine. An air of danger blended with the obvious desire in his eyes, exciting her. She knew he would never hurt her. But there was something thrilling about the way his passion seemed barely under control.

  “Diana,” he said softly. “Take it off.”

  “Very well.” She kept her eyes on his and reached behind her to fumble for the laces. After a few moments with no progress, he chuckled and reached around her.

  “Allow me.” His fingers brushed hers. She dropped her hands to her thighs, bunching her skirt in her fists as a familiar hunger slowly grew. She could feel his hands plucking at the laces. The bodice loosened. He tugged at it until her upper body remained clad in nothing more than the smock-like chemise. For a moment he just looked at her. She followed his gaze and realized that the shadowy nipples of her breasts were visible through the thin white material. She started to raise her hands to cover herself, but then he turned his attention to her wound. After a moment’s hesitation, she dropped her hands to her lap again.

  He rolled up the elbow-length sleeve of the chemise until the wound was exposed. Dabbing at it with the damp scrap of cloth, he said, “‘Tis not a deep cut. Your gown seems to have taken the brunt of it.”

  She took a shaky breath. He curled the fingers of one hand around her bare arm as he cleaned the slash with the other. His touch made her tremble.

  “Better to have taken a death blow,” she quipped, trying to control the craving flowing through her veins. “‘Tis the only gown I have, and not even one petticoat to speak of.”

  “I would not mourn the lack.” He used the other scrap of cloth as a makeshift bandage and tied it around her arm. Then he looked up at her, and the hunger in his dark gaze made her heart skip a beat. He smoothed one hand along her thigh. “I do not miss those many layers between me and your soft skin.”

  “Alex.” Even she heard the undisguised longing in her voice.

  He took her hand and stood, pulling her to her feet all in one fluid movement. “Come, let us bathe.”


  Her scandalized gasp made him laugh, easing the tension between them only a little. “Aye, my sweet. Together.”

  She blushed at the teasing note in his voice. Then she squealed as he expertly stripped the gown from her, letting it crumple to the ground in a pool of saffron silk. He overrode her exclamations of modesty and pulled the chemise over her head. He crouched down to tug the slippers from her feet, leaving her naked before him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, looking up at her. Without rising to his feet, he reached out and caressed her stomach. “Your skin is glorious.”

  “So are you.” She touched his shoulder, his hair. “You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen.”

  He rose. “I thank you, my sweet. But ‘tis not just your fair looks of which I speak. ‘Tis your courage. Your spirit.” He pulled the ribbon from her hair and then lifted a lock to his lips. “Your excellent fighting skills.”

  She laughed. “You may thank my father for the last. ‘Twas he who decided a young woman living so close to Port Royal needed to know how to defend herself. Truth be told, the knife is the only weapon I wield well.”

  “Never forget your tongue,” he teased. “It is indeed deadly.”

  “To other men, but not to you.” His sincere admiration encouraged her to be bold. She pressed herself against him. “I understand that you, too, wield your weapon well.”

  “Indeed.” He wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head. “Come here, wench, and I will demonstrate.”

  Some demon within her made her slip from his grasp just when his lips would have met hers. “Alas, kind sir, I cannot. My captain has ordered me to bathe.”

  “Mayhap your captain has other orders for you as well.” His heated gaze followed her movements as she slowly waded into the pool.

  She sent a flirtatious glance over her shoulder. “Then he will have to catch me and tell me so.”

  “Prepare to be caught, nymph.” He quickly stripped off his clothing.

  Her laughter echoed through the clearing as he waded into the pool after her. She backed away as he approached with determined strides, though all she wanted to do was to throw herself into his arms.

  “None of your foolishness, sir! I have not bathed properly these two days past, and I desperately need to do so.”

  “Of course, my sweet.” She squealed as he grabbed her about the waist and pulled her to him. “Allow me to help you.”

  Her pulse jumped at the warmth of his body against hers. He held her pressed to him with one hand while he scooped up a handful of water with the other. He trickled the cool water over her breasts and watched the drops slide over her skin.

  “Not clean enough,” he murmured. Dipping his head he followed the path the water had taken with his tongue.

  She clutched at his shoulders as his hot mouth closed over one beading nipple. “Alex…”

  “Shhh.” He laved her entire breast with long, slow strokes of his tongue.

  She closed her eyes. Familiar fire licked at her loins as his lips brushed the underside of her breast. She dug her nails into the muscles of his shoulders. He pressed her lower body against him, his hard shaft blatant proof of his desire.

  “God’s teeth, but I want you,” he muttered, pressing open-mouthed kisses to her neck.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  For an instant she thought he would take her then and there. But he shook his head. “Nay, not so quickly.”


  “I have been a poor instructor, my sweet.” He kissed her lips before she could protest again. “There is much more to loving than I have shown you.”

  “Teach me,” she urged.

  He lowered his mouth to hers in answer.

sp; Her head spun as he introduced her to a new kind of loving. Their first encounter had been passionate and urgent. Now he took his time. Tasting her. Absorbing her.

  His gentle caresses were lighter than the breeze blowing through the trees, yet as potent as a bolt of lightning. He murmured sweet words against her skin, his lips tenderly exploring the resilience of her flesh. He scooped up handfuls of cool water and trickled it over her hot skin, catching the sliding drops with his tongue. Her body had no secrets from him. No places he did not touch, taste or tease.

  She slid her hands over his wet flesh, learning what pleased him. Copying his movements, she brought forth groans of pleasure from him.

  “I love you,” she murmured against his skin.

  He murmured her name and pulled her closer.

  Her body pulsed with emotion as his hands and mouth coaxed her to the peak of desire. He caressed her with heart-breaking tenderness and devastating experience. She arched her back as he finally found the place between her legs that ached for his touch.

  “Alex,” she cried, trembling with reaction.

  “I know, my sweet.” He slipped his finger into her, and she clenched her muscles around him in response. Her body thrummed with passion, so close to the brink she thought she would explode. Then he rubbed his thumb over the sensitive nub hidden in her feminine folds.

  She cried out as the pleasure shot through her, making her fingers tingle and her lips form his name. Her knees like water, she clung to him and waited for her tilting world to right itself again.

  When her tremors ceased, Alex lifted her in his arms and carried her to shore. He seated himself on the boulder and settled her in his lap.

  “Are you all right?” He stroked the hair back from her face.

  “Aye.” She took a shuddering breath. “But what about you? You still appear quite…ready.”

  “I am that.” With a roguish grin, he lifted her and arranged her thighs on either side of his. “Tell me, milady. Do you ride?”

  “On occasion.” She balanced herself with her hands on his shoulders.

  “My sweet,” he said with a kiss to her lips, “you ride tonight.” He lowered her slowly on to his straining shaft.

  She moaned with delight as he filled her. Closing her eyes she shifted her hips, luxuriating in the feel of him inside her.

  He cupped her hips in his hands and began to slide her up and down with unhurried, powerful movements. She picked up the rhythm, using her inner muscles to caress him. His groans of pleasure spurred her on. Her nails scored his shoulders as she shifted to find a better seat and tightened her legs around his flanks. Her hair whipped around them as she galloped with him over the edge and into a storm of potent pleasure.

  Much later Alex led Diana back to the tavern. She entered his room first, finding the candles lit and the bed neatly made. Alex followed her in and latched the door behind him.

  She glanced toward the window where she could see the full moon shining in the dark night sky. Regret squeezed her heart as she thought of their moonlit paradise by the pool. She sighed, not wanting the magic to end.

  Alex snuffed a candle at the far side of the room, leaving the one beside the bed still lit. “What troubles you, Diana?”

  “I did not want to leave the pool.” She gave him a sad smile. “‘Twas a beautiful place.”

  “It was indeed.” He came to her and took her in his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You were pleased to have the opportunity to bathe.”

  “I was.” She shrugged. “Though many feel differently, I dislike being unclean. ‘Tis my Scots blood.”

  “I, too, bathe often.” He grinned, his eyes taking on a wicked gleam. “Should you ever be in need of assistance, I would offer my services.”

  “Why thank you, kind sir.” She traced a finger over his heart. “I will be sure to summon you when your ‘services’ are needed.”

  “Mouthy wench.” He grinned and swatted her bottom, then turned to pull back the coverlet from the bed.

  “Wench? Is that all I am, just another woman warming your bed?” She said the words teasingly, but realized that part of her was serious.

  He paused in readying the bed and looked at her. “Is this about Rosana?” he asked quietly.

  She shrugged. “I simply want to know my place in your life.”

  Alex sighed. “I ended my association with Rosana as soon as we arrived,” he said.

  “All right.” She longed to ask him if there were any other women, but decided to content herself with what he had revealed thus far. “How long will the repairs to the ship take?”

  “Two days, perhaps three to lay in stores.” He sat on the edge of the bed and started to take off his boots.

  “I want to go with you.”

  He dropped the boot to the floor with a thud, then stared at her. “We discussed this. You are not going.”

  “We did not ‘discuss’ this, captain. You issued an order.”

  He removed his other boot. “Indeed I did. You will stay here, where it is safe.”

  “Have I not proven my worth?” She propped her hands on her hips. “I am not helpless.”

  “I said no.”


  “No!” he shouted. “Bloody hell, woman, are you deaf?”

  She stiffened her spine. “I am not. Neither, I suspect, are the people in the taproom.”

  “You are not going,” he said in a slow, deliberate tone. “My decision is final.”


  “I want you safe!” He leaped to his feet and threw one boot across the room. It hit the door and fell to the floor. They both stared at it. Then they looked at each other. “Diana,” he said almost pleadingly, “I need to know that you are safe.”

  “I am safe with you,” she answered quietly. “I can defend myself. Why won’t you relent? Let me come with you.”

  “Because Marcus is a murderer, that’s why.” He sat on the bed again and stripped off his stockings. “I don’t want you within ten leagues of him.”

  She heard something in his voice, something that sounded like fear. She grew curious. His reaction seemed too extreme for a mere rivalry between two pirates. “Alex, why do you hate Marcus so? It is more than competition, isn’t it?”

  He paused in the act of removing his shirt, then pulled the garment over his head. Folding it with precise care, he laid it on the floor beside the bed.


  He looked at her. For a moment she saw a terrible pain in his eyes. Then he masked it. Very quietly, he said, “He murdered someone I loved.”

  “A woman?” She held her breath as she awaited the answer.

  ‘No, my brother.” He stood and unbuttoned his breeches.

  “Oh, Alex, I am so sorry.” She wanted to go to him, but something about the set of his shoulders warned her not to.

  “‘Tis done.” He paused, breeches unfastened and put his hands on his hips. “But now you see why I cannot allow you near Marcus. If I am to do what I must, I have to know that you are safe, Diana.”


  “I no longer wish to speak of this.” He stripped off the breeches and placed them neatly with the rest of his clothing. “I suggest you ready yourself for bed.”

  She longed to assuage his pain. Ignoring his naked body, she put her hands on her hips and raised her chin. “I would do that, captain,” she replied in a saucy tone, “had I any nightclothes. What do you suggest I wear?”

  He slipped beneath the covers and settled himself against the pillows, hands folded behind his head. The haunted look left his eyes to be replaced by a wicked gleam. “What you always wear to bed with me, my sweet. Nothing.”


  He gave her a lusty grin. “Come, milady. Your stallion awaits.”

  “You…you…” Her words stumbled to a halt, her cheeks reddening as she recalled their erotic encounter by the pool.

  “What was that you were saying?” He threw back the bedclothes to reveal his read
iness for her. “You—what? You rogue? You rake? You scoundrel?”

  She tore her eyes away from his naked glory and met his gaze squarely. “Aye, all of those!”

  “Indeed?” He leered and patted the bed next to him. “Come lie with me, my lovely, and I shall try to live up to your expectations.”

  “Perhaps I am tired.” She feigned a yawn, all the while delighting in the excitement bubbling through her veins. He looked so dangerous, and so desirable, his bronzed, muscular body laid out against the snowy linens like a banquet for her to savor. She wanted nothing more than to feast on him, but she held back and let the anticipation grow.

  “Come to me, Diana.” He paused. “Or shall I come and fetch you?”

  He would come fetch her, she thought with a little thrill. With trembling fingers, she managed to unlace her gown and stepped out of it. She avoided looking at him as she slipped off her chemise and discarded her slippers. She approached the bed.

  He closed strong, sun-browned hands around her waist and pulled her down on top of him.

  “Alex!” Wriggling free, she scooted to her side of the bed.

  “Aye, my love?”

  She froze in the act of running a hand through her tangled hair. Love? Had he really called her that? She chanced a glance at him. He looked no different, certainly not like a man who had just made a declaration. Mayhap it had been a slip of the tongue. A meaningless endearment. Aye, that was it.

  But as she gave herself up to his embrace, she couldn’t help but wish that his tongue would slip again. And mean it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alex blinked against the glare of the morning sun. He started to lift his arm to shade his eyes, but something warm and heavy pinned the limb to the bed. Memory rushed back as he looked down at Diana curled against his side, her coppery curls spilling over his chest. With a nostalgic grin, he fingered one of the silky locks and considered the events of the night before.


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