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Dirty Daddies: 2020 Anniversary Anthology

Page 91

by Maren Smith

  “Good girl.”

  Vicky mewled; her head dropped down so she could press her face against the mattress. The new position meant her nipples rubbed over the sheets every time Saul thrust in hard, making her breasts sway. The thumb in her bottom probed deeper, his fingers splayed out across the hot cheeks of her bottom, as he stroked his cock in and out of her in a steady, deliberate rhythm.

  The angle meant he pressed against her g-spot every time his cock pushed deep, sending waves of tingling pleasure rushing through her. She moaned, backing up against him, greedily trying to take in more of him.

  “Oh… oh fuck…”

  “That’s it, baby girl.” Saul groaned as she lifted her hips higher, his fingers tightening on the globes of her ass and making her whimper. It hurt so good.

  His thumb pumped in time with his cock, filling her so deliciously, invading her in every way possible, while simultaneously using her for his own pleasure. Vicky moaned, shuddering as her passion climbed higher.

  “Saul… oh fuck… Saul…” Vicky cried out his name, ecstasy blossoming in her core and exploding outwards, sending her sky rocketing. She felt his thumb slip from her ass, enabling him to grip her hips and pound into her from behind, fucking her harder and faster until she was screaming into the sheets from the overload of sensations.


  There was nothing like a good hard spanking and fuck to put his girl into a better mood. It sure as hell didn’t hurt his mood either. Especially since a happy, snuggly girlfriend was much preferred over an unhappy one saying nasty things about herself.

  Vicky was definitely feeling better about herself now.

  Leaning against him in the shower, she let him wash and condition her hair, massaging it into her scalp while she sighed happily. Her eyes were sleepy when she looked up at him, a little smile curving her lips. It never failed to amuse Saul how a spanking really could make a good attitude adjustment—for both of them.

  “Feeling better, beautiful?” he asked, running his hand down to curve over her ass and pulling her against him. Her cheek was still hot to the touch, although whether that was from the spanking or from the hot water in the shower was debatable.

  She winced—so probably the spanking—but wrapped her arms around him, burrowing into his chest like she was going to make her home there.

  “Yeah. I don’t know why I get so in my head sometimes.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t like me when I’m like that either.”

  “I always like you,” Saul corrected, giving her bottom another little squeeze and using his other hand to tip her head back so she had to look at him. “I just don’t like it when you talk bad about yourself and I don’t like it when you feel bad about yourself, especially when you shouldn’t. The kitchen needs your talents. You don’t excel at competitions and that’s okay. You’re incredible at a lot of other things, and you’re a damn good baker or you wouldn’t have been hired in the first place.”

  The somber expression on her face didn’t tell him much, but he hoped she was taking his words to heart. Eventually he’d have to stop the competitions if she didn’t. Even though he’d vowed he wouldn’t let his personal life interfere with his professional one, something that made her so overwrought just wasn’t worth it. Sure, it benefited the restaurant and most of the kitchen enjoyed it, but there were other ways to come up with specials. It wouldn’t harm anything not to have the competitions.

  Although, he already knew he could never let her suspect that she was the reason they stopped doing them, if it came to that. She’d only feel worse. It was a complete Catch-22.

  “Thank you, Saul,” she said simply, pressing her hand to his chest and going up on tiptoe to kiss him.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Saul enjoyed feeling her slick skin rubbing against his under the spray of the water. He kissed her gently but firmly, exploring her mouth rather than claiming it, holding her rather than caressing her. Even this turned him on, but right now he wanted to give her intimacy rather than sex. She needed lots of cuddling and gentleness during aftercare, especially after a punishment.

  To be honest, it was one of Saul’s favorite things to do for her. He liked being a caretaker. Especially since in the kitchen, even though he was in charge, he couldn’t exactly coddle anyone. He was more like a task master or a drill sergeant. At home with Vicky, he might take on that role sometimes, but then afterwards, he got to coddle and nurture her.

  “Come on, sweetheart, time to get out.”

  She sighed, but complied, unwinding herself from around him and turning to get out. Not that he let her get too far. By the time he was done drying her off and brushing her hair, she was yawning and starting to waver on her feet.

  “I think someone could use a nap,” he commented, a little amused.

  The scowl he got in return told him that she definitely wasn’t amused at all. “I’m not a baby.”

  Saul snorted. “Sweetheart, one of the joys of being an adult is that we don’t have to take naps, we get to.”

  Rather than argue, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back over to the bed. She was still grumbling a little, although she didn’t protest outright.

  “Sometimes you treat me like a baby,” she muttered, snuggling into his side, her head going to the little nook between his arm and his chest.

  “I’m taking a nap too,” he pointed out, curling up around her.

  She was right though.

  At heart, Saul was a Daddy Dom. When he’d first been drawn to Vicky and they’d started dating, it hadn’t taken long to find out that she was kinky too, but she insisted she had no interest in being a baby girl or a little. He’d been unsure about how their relationship would work out, but since she was pretty bratty, required occasional discipline, and wanted all the aftercare he desired to shower her with, he never felt like he had needs going unmet.

  Sometimes he did wonder if he was meeting all of her needs or not though.

  When Rachel told him to take Vicky in hand, she meant as Vicky’s Daddy, not just her Dom, and he knew it. Rachel was a Mommy, which was how they’d met and become friends. If she was seeing signs that Vicky needed more than a Dom, then maybe Saul’s thoughts on the matter hadn’t been so far off.

  Maybe he should bring it up with Vicky again.

  Not today though. He grinned when he heard her soft snore confirming that she’d already fallen asleep. They were both exhausted, it had been a long week, so he curled himself around her and drifted off.

  Chapter Three

  Two Weeks Later–Vicky

  Dammit. She’d told herself she wasn’t going to let it upset her when she lost again. She’d even meant it.

  Last week she’d actually managed to achieve it.

  But then… this week she’d really thought she had a chance. When she’d tried out her salted caramel stuffed shortbread bars on Saul earlier in the week, he’d practically inhaled the pan. They were more than good, they were orgasmic. He’d even told her that she should enter them.

  Yet once again, she knew she’d created something subpar. The shortbread wasn’t crumbling the way it was supposed to, nor did it taste as buttery as it should, and the salted caramel was way too salty. How did she keep managing to do this?

  “Hm. The idea is sound, but the execution leaves something to be desired,” Chef Rachel said in that dry way of hers that always made Vicky want to sink into the ground.

  Yeah, she got it, she messed up. Somehow, she couldn’t duplicate what she created at home at the restaurant. She didn’t know if it was the different ovens, the pressure of the competition, the time constraints, or maybe psyching herself out, but she apparently couldn’t get her shit together.

  She really hated Chef Rachel for rubbing it in. The way she did every week.

  Stomach bubbling with unhappiness, there was nothing she could do except avert her eyes and wait for them to move on to Audrey. She didn’t dare look at Chef Saul. If she did, she might burst into tears.

What do you have for us, Audrey?” Chef Saul asked.

  “Bananas Foster Bread Pudding,” Audrey said nervously. Vicky didn’t look up to watch Chef Saul and Chef Rachel tasting Audrey’s dessert. She was too busy trying to get her rioting emotions under control.

  Bitterness at Saul for encouraging her.

  Disgust with herself.

  Resentment toward Chef Rachel, who would have found a reason to dislike the dish even if it had turned out perfectly.

  She was a miserable stew of unhappy emotions all over again. Worse, she knew she was going to need to hide that from Saul, otherwise he was going to be disappointed in her. Last week he’d been so pleased when she’d taken another loss without letting it affect her. Sure, she’d been disappointed, but she hadn’t felt like this.

  She’d built it up in her head that she was going to win. She’d been so sure of it. And being wrong, again, felt soul crushing.



  Shooting another concerned glance at Vicky, Saul could tell she was lost in her own little world, struggling with another loss.

  He almost wished he hadn’t encouraged her to make the bars, but the ones she’d made earlier this week had been stellar. If she’d been able to bring those in, she would have won, hands down. Something about it being a competition messed her up though. Nerves, maybe?

  “Mm, same problem as Vicky. Good idea, but the execution just isn’t there.” Rachel gave Audrey the same sympathetic look that she’d given to Vicky, but unlike Vicky, Audrey smiled back. While she was clearly disappointed, she didn’t let it affect her the same way it did Vicky. She knew she was a good baker, even if her bread pudding had turned out overly soggy and overly sweet.

  It was a bad week all around, actually. Even Darnell’s mini cheesecakes with blueberry topping and almond crusts hadn’t quite come out as firm in texture as they should, but he’d still been the best out of the three at their station. The mini cheesecakes were going to be a big hit, but Vicky’s bars would have been too. If only she’d managed to duplicate what she’d made earlier this week.

  While he was tempted to step in and say they were going to do the bars, because he knew how good they could be, he knew that would be crossing the line between his personal and professional life in a way no one would appreciate, least of all Vicky. But damn he hated seeing her look so upset.

  “Congratulations, Darnell,” he said, forcing a smile onto his face. Darnell deserved his sincerity. “The almond flour in the crust and the citrus of the lemon really made the flavors pop. I bet it’s going to be our most popular dessert this week.”

  “Thanks, Chef,” Darnell said earnestly, bouncing slightly on his toes. He always seemed slightly surprised when his desserts were chosen, which probably had something to do with his perfectionist nature. That side of him really helped out with the competition, but he struggled on busy nights if there wasn’t someone else by his side helping out.

  Audrey and Vicky both thrived in the fast-paced environment of a kitchen, but Darnell had struggled. The competition had been as good for his self-esteem as it had been bad for Vicky’s.

  Saul sighed inwardly. Why was nothing ever easy?


  “Are you okay?”

  Audrey’s concerned voice broke through Vicky’s growing ire and she jerked her head up to see the other woman staring at her with concern.

  “Yeah, just, um, disappointed about losing. Pretty used to that at this point though.” Vicky shrugged, as if it didn’t matter to her.

  Thankfully, Audrey seemed to buy it, and she giggled. “I know, right? Darnell’s really good at this.”

  The look of adoring admiration she shot towards the man, who was watching Chef Saul and Chef Rachel moving on to the other stations, made Vicky blink with surprise. Did Audrey have a crush on Darnell? That was… unexpected. Maybe that’s why it didn’t seem to bother her as much that he won all the time.

  Audrey prattled on about what she was going to make next week, but Vicky wasn’t really listening. She was watching Rachel lean in to whisper something in Saul’s ear that made him laugh. Jealousy and anger seethed inside of her.

  First, she had to put up with Chef Rachel putting her down in front of everyone, now she had to watch the woman flirt with her boyfriend too?

  “Don’t you think?”

  “What?” Vicky realized she had completely tuned Audrey out.

  “Don’t you think that sounds good?” At least Audrey hadn’t noticed.

  “Um, yeah, sounds great.”

  “Awesome. That’s totally what I’m making next week.” Grinning, Audrey turned away as Saul and Rachel straightened up, ready to make the announcement of the winner of the entrée special for the week.

  Crap. Vicky should have been paying better attention. With her luck, her subconscious would remember what Audrey had said even though she hadn’t been paying attention, and next week they’d end up making the same thing. Something else she could lay at Rachel’s feet. If she hadn’t been watching Rachel flirt with Saul, she would have been paying attention to what Audrey was saying.

  By the time everyone was done, Vicky felt like a black hole of seething negativity and she just wanted to get the hell out of there.

  Saul got held up talking to Brian, who had won the appetizer special for the week, while Rachel moved away, headed toward the walk-in fridge at the back of the kitchen. Without really thinking about what she was doing, Vicky started following her. She was just so tired of Rachel’s shit. Rachel’s crush. Rachel’s judgment.

  And she wasn’t going to take it anymore.

  Yanking open the door to the walk in, she followed Rachel in. The blast of cold air did nothing to cool the heat of her temper though.

  Turning to see who was coming in behind her, Rachel smiled—one of the fake smiles she gave Vicky all the time.

  “Hey there, Vicky, need something?”

  “Yeah.” Vicky crossed her arms over her chest, staring the other woman down. Might as well get it out there. She was too ticked off to tiptoe around the subject. “I need you to leave Saul alone.”

  “Excuse me?” Rachel actually had the nerve to sound confused, her brow wrinkling as she frowned.

  “No more flirting, no more little touches, no more leaning in so he has to lean in to hear what you’re saying,” Vicky said firmly. She jerked her chin upward. “He might not see what you’re doing, but I do.”

  “Oh, you do?” The confusion was gone, replaced by amusement. Rachel’s hands moved to her hips, her head cocking to the side in challenge.

  “Yeah, I do. And by the way, talking me down every week doesn’t change his mind about me either. He doesn’t care if I never win the contest.”

  “Let me get this straight.” Rachel held up one hand, using it to count off the points that Vicky had just gone over. “You think that I have a crush on Saul. You think that I’m flirting with him constantly. And you think that my critiques of your bakes are unduly harsh because I have a crush on him and I’m trying to make you look bad.”

  For some reason the straightforward way she said it made Vicky incredibly uncomfortable, but that didn’t stop her from nodding. She clenched her teeth against her discomfort—and against the cold, which was starting to get to her. Maybe that was why it felt like she was running out of steam already. She was literally cooling down after only having been in here for a few minutes.

  “Honey, you have issues,” Rachel said, shaking her head. “Saul and I are just friends—”

  “Don’t use that ‘just friends’ crap on me,” Vicky snapped, trying to summon up the righteous anger she’d felt coming in here. “I told you, I see what you’re doing.”

  Rachel’s lips pressed together. “All right. That’s it.”

  She came at Vicky, who stumbled back away from the unexpected movement. Vicky brought her arms up defensively as Rachel reached out—and the other woman grabbed Vicky’s wrist and spun her around. Strong fingers gripped the back of her neck.

  “Move, little girl.”

  It was an order, barked out in the same manner Saul sometimes barked out orders in the kitchen—or in the bedroom—and Vicky reacted in exactly the same way she did then.

  She moved.

  The warmth of the kitchen washed over them, almost shocking Vicky back to her senses, but Rachel’s grip tightened, and she steered Vicky to the right rather than into the kitchen proper. Toward Saul’s office.


  “Hush, little girl. You’ve done enough talking. Now zip it.”

  Vicky didn’t even know why she was obeying, but her mouth snapped shut and she moved. Right into Saul’s office where Rachel led her over to the chair and pointed.

  “Now sit.”

  Vicky sat.

  This was a side she hadn’t seen of Rachel before. It was similar to when she was running the line, but… different. The same way Saul was different when he was being her boss versus being her Dom. She found herself squirming in her seat the same way she did under his watchful gaze while Rachel stared down at her, arms crossed, and an odd expression on her face.

  It was only a few seconds before the door opened behind Vicky, but those short moments felt impossibly long while she tried to figure out exactly what had just happened.

  “What’s going on?”

  Saul sounded simultaneously worried and a little mad, and Vicky wasn’t sure which emotion was directed toward who. Although, even if he wasn’t mad at her right now, she thought it was likely he would be by the end of this conversation. She was still mostly sure Rachel wanted in his pants but… Vicky flushed as she thought about why she’d chosen to confront Rachel now.

  It had a lot less to do with Rachel’s behavior and a lot more to do with the stupid competition.

  Did she regret it?



  “Your girl is operating under some interesting misapprehensions,” Rachel said, leaning back against Saul’s desk. She almost sounded amused, which ticked Vicky off, but she held her tongue. “But more than that, Saul, you seriously need to take her in hand. Whatever you two are getting up to at home, it doesn’t seem to be helping enough, and I know there’s no way your needs are all being met.”


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