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Deep Fried Trouble (Eugeena Patterson Mysteries)

Page 10

by Tyora Moody

  “Kisha, give Mr. Amos his hat back.”

  “Ah, she ain’t hurting it.” He turned back to me. His eyes seemed bright and young despite the deep caramel wrinkles in his face. “What can I do to help?”

  Earlier I had expressed my fears about this unknown man in Leesa’s life to Amos. I shook my head, “Maybe I’m overreacting. If she would just show up. I’ve been just about to tear my hair out.” I didn’t need to be ripping out no hair follicles. I wasn’t trying to sport the bald look like Amos.

  “Well, I’m sure she has her reasons. It does sound suspicious about this boyfriend though. Maybe she needs to lay low from him for a while.”

  “I can tell he’s not a nice man.” Kisha’s confession of being struck on the arm by this Chris person didn’t sit too well with me.

  I still hadn’t told Amos about the money in the diaper bag, the letter and the ring. It started to sink in that maybe Leesa was trying to escape or run away from someone. Pondering a million scenarios, none of them good, was making it difficult to keep my composure. Water filled my eyes. I brushed my sleeve across my face as though I was wiping sweat from my brow.

  I don’t know if Amos noticed my teary eyes. If he did, he was a gentleman about it, by changing the subject. “By the way, I had a talk with Wayne this morning.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Yeah, I saw him. He was all cleaned up.”

  “He actually told me he’s been asking other folks about what they’d seen. Apparently, he’s concerned about the recent robberies too.”

  “I bet. Did you find out about anymore about his police record?”

  “Just an assault and battery a few years ago. Sounds like in a drunken stupor he got into a fight at some pool place. He was lucky. Most folks are packin’ these days.”


  “You know, carrying a gun on them.”

  “Oh.” It certainly was a different world.

  “Anyhow, Wayne seems to be pretty clean now, but it’s still hard for him working in construction especially now the way the market is doing. You know this housing boom and all the foreclosures gave everyone a beating finance-wise.”

  “I know, it’s a shame.” I’d been suspicious of Wayne, but the fact is the witness still pointed out seeing a woman at Mary’s house. “Amos, what about the witness? Any ideas?”

  He shook his head. “Detective Wilkes has been pretty closed mouth. She especially wasn’t too keen to share anything. She’s the only female detective and certainly didn’t want to hear from an old pro like me.”

  A car caught my attention as it pulled into the driveway across the street. I recognized Tamara’s husband BMW. “I hope mister over there came home to make up for missing the anniversary. That’s not the way to keep a woman happy.”

  “I guess my wife would’ve said the same thing if she was here.” Amos rubbed his chin, his eyes focused on nothing in particular, except whatever memory that flowed through his mind. “It wasn’t until I got shot, lying in a hospital bed, I looked up to see her standing over me, I realized how much of my life I missed. Children all grown and my beautiful bride had become almost a stranger.”

  I whipped my head around at the mention of Amos, using the word stranger. What really struck me was Ralph and I had a similar situation, with Ralph suffering a heart attack. Did folks really need God to get their attention quite so dramatically? I commented, “You were so devoted to her during her cancer treatments.”

  “I owed her. When that cancer tore through her body, I would have done anything to trade places with her.”

  My eyes filled with tears again. It’s something special to see how God matures a person to really see what life is all about.

  Amos stood suddenly, sending the rocking chair into a frenzy of motion. “Eugeena, I think you should plan to call an emergency neighborhood association meeting. Can you round up folks by Friday evening?”

  “That’s pretty short notice.”

  “You want to find that witness? You might even have some suspects show up.”

  I shot an uneasy look at Amos. “Are you saying I could be inviting a murderer to my house?”

  “From my experience, whoever did it, if they are from around here, they will show up to see what others are saying, you know make sure they are in the clear. Another place to keep an eye out for anything suspicious will be the funeral tomorrow.”

  “That’s kind of bold to show up to the person’s funeral?”

  “It is, but people do some crazy stuff in the heat of the moment. I mean think about Cain and Abel. When God came looking, Cain was all nonchalant, like it was no big deal that he took his brother’s life.”

  There was a lot about Amos I didn’t know. Him getting all biblical on me was a bit of a surprise. “Okay, well I will get with Louise. I know she will let everyone know. She seems to have everybody’s contact info around here. Plus some neighbors are bound to be at the funeral tomorrow morning.”

  “Sounds good. Y’all have a good evening.” He saluted us and then bounded off the porch.

  Everyone was a suspect, including my own missing daughter. I picked up Tyric, who was still knocked out to the world. Good for him. Kisha ran through the living room to the kitchen with Porgy right behind her.

  I placed the tray on the counter. On my shopping list on the refrigerator, right under diapers, I marked down formula. At my age, I really shouldn’t be thinking about or considering this kind of stuff on my grocery list. Funny, when I had Junior, I had to physically wash diapers. By the time Cedric came along, I had started using disposable diapers. The diapers these days were expensive and had so many fancy smancy features.

  I slid my eyes across my refrigerator up to the corner. A little white card held in place by a yellow plastic banana magnet, caught my attention. She would have been the last person in the world I wanted to talk to, but it might be a good idea to invite her to the impromptu meeting too. I pulled the card down and then grabbed the phone. I waited with my heart pounding in my chest.

  “This is Detective Wilkes, can I help you?”

  “Yes, Detective, this is Eugeena Patterson.”

  “Mrs. Patterson. Good to hear from you. I was about to contact you.”

  It figured. I didn’t have who she wanted, but I was going to do everything I could to protect my daughter.

  Chapter 20

  The twins eyed me, but at least this time neither Annie Mae or Willie Mae assaulted me with questions. With Kisha holding tight to my hand, and behind me, Cedric holding little Tyric, we walked up toward the front of the church sanctuary. I knew Amos was behind us. He mentioned wanting to stay in the back of the church to observe. I’m glad Cedric pulled some time off to come this morning. It meant a lot. I felt okay, but with so much was on my mind, I had difficulty picking my feet up to walk.

  As we drew closer, I focused on the beautiful baby blue casket. I was trying to process that Mary’s body was in there. An empty shell of a woman I would sorely miss.

  “Psst, Eugeena.” I pulled my eyes from the casket. Cora waved me over to where she had saved seats. Cedric, the children and I squeezed into the third row. I hugged Cora. She clutched my hand as I sat down. With her on one side and my son on the other, my uneasiness wasn’t quite so overwhelming.

  This church was where Mary and I really met. Later, we learned we lived in the same neighborhood. Not too long after that Mary made the transition from working at the high school down to the middle school. We sat in each other’s classrooms talking about our students, the curriculum and our families.


  I looked down and Kisha. “Yes, honey.”

  “What’s that?”

  It didn’t occur to me until now that Kisha had never been to a funeral. The four year old had sense enough to know this wasn’t like a regular church service. “Someone special is in there. She’s sleeping right now. God decided to take her home with him.”


  “God wanted her home. She has people w
aiting for her in heaven. Don’t worry, she’s happy.”

  All this time I thought of all my regrets. It certainly wasn’t pleasant the way Mary died, but she was with her Jennifer again. Her precious Jimmy too. Tears sprung to my eyes.

  “So, why do they have the box? Is she okay in there?”

  “Honey, her body is in there, but she’s with God in heaven. We’ll talk more later.”

  Pastor Jones rose, “Church, we come to lay to rest our dear sister Mary Fleming. This is not an occasion to be sad, but one to rejoice in her homegoing. Some of us have loved ones on the other side. So, we rejoice because Sister Fleming is with her Creator and loved ones.”

  As Pastor Jones continued, I felt a little hand come up near my face.

  Kisha peered into my eyes. “Grandma, you crying?”

  I touched my face; sure enough it was wet.

  The choir stood and sang “Precious Lord.” I looked down at the program and almost had an inclination to run out of the church. My name was on the program.

  Lord, what do I say? What do I say when I was the one who found her? My daughter is wanted for questioning.

  Mary reached out to my daughter before she reached out to me. What did that say about me? In all my self-righteousness had I built my own wall so high, Mary wasn’t willing to try to climb?

  Before I knew it, Cedric prodded me from the side and looked with concern. I nodded I was okay. It was time to say something.

  Lord, don’t let my legs fail me.

  I grabbed the microphone from the side podium and looked at the audience. Not sure why, but I saw Amos’ face first despite him being in the back. His eyes were warm and supportive. I smiled back at him.

  “Church, thank you for coming. I’m not really sure what to say.”

  My eyes swung around the church, noting most of the pews were filled.

  “Mary was a kind, sweet person. She and I became friends years ago. I can’t say we kept in touch as much, but I always still enjoyed seeing her smile. She was one of those people when she smiled it truly lit up her eyes. And …”

  I caught sight of Carmen. I wasn’t sure why she was there. She didn’t really know Mary. Did she?

  “Like pastor said. She loved her family. She is probably ecstatic to be with her husband and daughter.” I choked on the word daughter, not knowing where mine was located. “We should rejoice with her.”

  My eyes fell back on Amos. Something about that man stabilized me. All the years I was married to Ralph, despite our struggles, he was my rock. Not the Rock of Ages, mind you, but someone God sent to be by my side and me by his.

  “You know, I think sometimes we get caught up in people being just like us. Mary was always herself. She willingly became a vessel God could use. No matter what she went through, she kept her heart open, willing to love anyone who let her. The church will miss her spirit. I will too.”

  As I sat, Cedric handed Tyric over to me. I noticed he gazed across the pews. I turned to catch Carmen staring back. When she saw me looking, she turned her head back to the choir.

  I curled the baby in my arms and looked over at Cedric who had also turned his head to the choir. What was that about?

  After the eulogy, Cedric took the children back to the house. Neither of them needed to be out in the heat and I couldn’t take any more of Kisha’s questions. Not then.

  As Cora and I walked through the cemetery gates, she had hooked her arm into mine. I was grateful for the support. Across the cemetery plot I caught sight of Amos. He seemed to be in deep conversation with... Detective Wilkes.

  Before Cora and I had walked three yards, Amos and Detective Wilkes were on the move. In my direction. Amos nodded when he walked up and planted himself next to me. I peered into his eyes. He turned away and looked into the crowd. Detective Wilkes cleared her throat and glanced over at Cora.

  “Mrs. Patterson, do you mind if we talk to you? Alone.”

  “I’m family. Whatever you have to say to Eugeena, you can say to me.” Cora crossed her arms.

  With that we followed Detective Wilkes. Amos was strangely solemn next to me. Once we were a good bit away from the burial plot, Detective Wilkes stopped. “Mrs. Patterson, I understand you reported your daughter missing in Richland County on Tuesday.”

  I looked at Amos, who seemed to be studying a tombstone. I hoped to find Leesa before this woman did. “Yes, I went to her apartment Tuesday. I talked to a neighbor and thought it might be a good idea to get some help.”

  The woman frowned, “Mrs. Patterson, you could have told me on Sunday.”

  “It wasn’t twenty-four hours yet.” I lowered my voice, so not to attract attention from the funeral attendees. “Plus, you came into my home telling me my daughter was a suspect.”

  “Not a suspect. Just a person of interest.” The detective pointed to the open grave where Pastor Jones stood talking under the tent. “She might have been the last person to see Mrs. Fleming alive. With Mrs. Fleming being somewhat of a recluse it’s been hard to piece together the woman’s activities leading up to her death.”

  The detective did have a point. “Detective, I can’t believe my daughter ...”

  “Eugeena.” Amos took hold of my elbow.

  The gesture stopped me cold. Why did these two pull me to the side at the cemetery? My shoulders sank. I’m not sure I wanted to know. “You have something to tell me.”

  Redness creeped around Detective Wilkes’ freckled face. I’m sure it was more than heat-related. “Yes, Mrs. Patterson. I received a call from the Richland County Sheriff. Does your daughter drive an aqua blue Nissan Altima?”

  I slapped my hand to my mouth. All I could do was nod.

  Amos’ hand moved from my elbow to draping his arm around my shoulder. “Now don’t panic, Eugeena. They found her car, but not Leesa.”

  My hand shook now. I gasped, “What does that mean?”

  Amos quietly said, “She still out there.”

  Chapter 21

  Amos wanted to drive me back home since Cedric left earlier with the children. I told him Cora would. I stared out the passenger window. I’m sure he thought I needed space, but I wanted to be mad with him. Not very reasonable, but I needed someone to be angry with. It was probably a man’s fault that my daughter was out there. Some man named Chris. How is it that I didn’t even know his last name? Nor what he looked like?

  Then there was that slim chance Leesa was involved in Mary’s death. I refused to believe she was and pounded myself inside for even considering it. I prayed to the Lord that I didn’t have to attend another funeral. Ralph’s been a missing hole in my life I have slowly mended, but one of my children going before me, I couldn’t take the idea.

  “That man really cares about you.”

  I turned around to face Cora. “Have you lost your mind? My daughter is Lord knows where and you trying to be a matchmaker?”

  Cora slapped the steering wheel. “That’s not what I’m trying to do and you know it. I’m just as worried as you are. I just wanted you to know you were a bit short with Mr. Jones.”

  “He’ll be alright.” I had every right to be huffy.

  A tiny bit of regret crept in as I watched Amos pull his truck in front of my house. Cora parked behind Cedric’s Lexus, which was parked in the driveway. I thought back to the night when Amos and I sat on the porch and Leesa drove up. I wished her car was in my driveway and hadn’t been found on the side of some road.

  As I walked toward the front porch, Amos called my name.

  “Eugeena, wait a minute.”

  Cora cut her eye at me. “Talk to the man, he’s trying to help you.”

  I threw my hands up and stopped to wait for Amos. “So, what happens now?”

  “We are going to find her. Wilkes will circulate the photo you gave us to the television networks. Doing it now as we speak. Plus, don’t forget about the meeting.”

  The meeting. Do I really want to have a neighborhood watch meeting with my daughter out there? “There has got to
be something else I can do? She’s my child.”

  “Stay put. Leesa might call you.”

  “It’s been almost a week.”

  “Eugeena. Leave it up to the law enforcement. Wilkes told us to continue with the meeting.”

  I closed my eyes. “Do you really think it could be someone around here?”

  “It’s crucial we observe folks for any suspicious behaviors. Someone might just be cocky and think they can get off the hook especially if they were trying to lead us to looking at Leesa. Has to be someone who knows your family.”

  “Okay. I will prepare the best I can.”

  “Good. We should have a good crowd. If you need anything, call me.”

  Cora was sitting on the porch. “What’s the plan?”

  “I’m still to go on with this neighborhood watch meeting tomorrow.”

  Cora stood and stared at me. “How in the world did you get that assignment?”

  I shook my head. “I’m still trying to figure that out.” We shuffled into the house. The television was exceptionally loud in the living room. I saw why. Cedric popped off the couch. “Mama, why didn’t you tell me? Leesa’s photo is all over the news. They found her car.”

  “Yes.” I looked past Cedric to the woman sitting on my couch. Seems like my son wasn’t too worried about his sister. “Carmen.”

  She stood. “Hello, Mrs. Patterson. I’m so sorry about your daughter. Is there something we can do?”

  I ignored Carmen and glared at Cedric. “Where are the kids?”

  “We put them to bed as soon as we came in, they were both tired.”

  “What’s this we stuff? How long have you two been here?”

  Cora cleared her throat. “Eugeena! Why don’t you sit down?” Cora moved next to me and gently led me to the chairs. “I will check on the children.”

  I sat down hard in the recliner. Too tired to even prop my feet and stared at the television.

  “Mama…” Cedric prodded.

  I waved at my son like he was a mosquito. “Shhh… I need to hear what they are saying.”

  I heard Carmen whisper to Cedric, “I think I better go.” The two walked out into the hallway while I struggled to follow the report. The photo was about four years old, but that was my Leesa for the entire world to see. I held my head down. I felt in my heart she was still okay, but where could she be? Why did she leave her car? Did somebody have her somewhere?


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