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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

Page 19

by Siobhan Davis

  I stumble in my heels on the gravel, and Brad places a steadying hand on my lower back as we walk. Heat seeps into my skin through the sheer material of my top. It doesn’t foster the same tingling sensation that Ky’s touch invokes, but it’s nice all the same.

  Rose and Theo are waiting at the side of the house, and she lifts her hand in a wave when she spots us.

  “Yay!” Rose says, bounding toward me. “You made it!” She loops her arm in mine and pulls me toward Theo, making necessary introductions. After that, we head around the side of the house, while the boys trail behind us, talking in low voices. “How are you two getting along?” she inquires.

  I roll my eyes. “It was only a ten-minute drive, Rose.”

  “I know, but you can tell he’s a decent guy, right?”

  I give her a funny look. “Why does it matter so much to you? You still got a thing for him?”

  She throws back her head and laughs. “Don’t be so silly. I’m crazy about Theo, and I told you me and Brad was only a childish thing, but he’s still a good friend, and I worry about him. Everything’s changing in his life, and I think you would be good for him. You make a cute couple.”

  Sounds of laughter are getting louder the farther we walk. “No matchmaking! This isn’t that. I’ve told him already that I only want to be friends. Boys are fuckwits and I don’t need any more complications.”

  She pulls me to the side. “Tell Auntie Rose all about it.”

  Brad and Theo stop and look at us. “Everything all right?” Theo asks, shooting a loving look at Rose.

  “Everything is perfect.” I level a gaze at Rose, pleading with her to drop it. I take her arm and pull her forward.

  “Later,” she whispers in my ear, and I give her a slight nod.

  The party is in full swing by a massive pool. Shrieks and cries fill the air as couples mess about in the water. Others are congregated in seating areas, drinking and chatting. Loud music pumps out through huge, mobile speakers. Expansive glass doors are retracted at the side of the house, merging the inside and outside spaces. Lighting is dim inside as Brad guides me through a large living room that has been transformed into a makeshift dance floor. The place is teeming with heaving, sweaty bodies, and Brad has to weave an elaborate path through the crowd in the direction of the kitchen. He keeps a firm hold on my hand as he maneuvers across the room. A few heads turn in our direction. Inquisitive glances dart from Brad to me, but no one makes any effort to greet us.

  Emerald green eyes latch on mine, as someone familiar spots me in the crowd. A glimmer of gleeful amusement flickers in Addison’s gaze.

  “Oh joy.”

  Brad stops, grimacing as he turns around. “What’s up?” He follows my line of sight. Addison notices him for the first time, and the look on her face transforms instantly. She saunters toward us, sashaying her hips in an orchestrated fashion. Her mouth pulls into a provocative pout, and I can’t help the snort that escapes my lips. She is such a walking cliché.

  Brad moves closer to my side, placing a protective arm across my lower back.

  “Well, well,” she says, standing in front of us with her hands on her hips. Her gaze hovers from me to Brad and back again. “This is almost too good to be true! The rejected blue blood and the wannabe rich girl! Too funny!” A line of girls form a semi-circle around her, and they all titter at our expense.

  “Don’t be a bitch, Addison.” Brad is uber calm.

  “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” She mock tuts, skimming one finger down the front of his shirt. “You’ve had to downgrade everything, haven’t you?” He pales at her words. She tilts her head to the side, and her eyes lock on mine.

  The insinuation isn’t subtle. Neither is the insult.

  “Get lost, Addison,” Kalvin demands, coming up on the other side of me. “Can’t you tell when you’re not wanted?”

  “That’s not what you were telling me before,” she purrs, brushing her chest up against him on purpose.

  Are you shitting me?

  I gawp at Kalvin, letting him witness the full extent of my disbelief. He stares at me defiantly, stepping back from Addison. “Quit messing around, and stop sniffing near me and my brothers. When are you going to get it into your thick head? We don’t want you. We don’t even like you. Go prey on some other dumb sucker.”

  Okay, now I’m confused. All these games are tying my brain into knots.

  “That’s not what Ky was whispering in my ear this afternoon. Ask her.” She jerks her head at me. “She was there.” I visualize myself lunging for her, clawing my nails down her smug face. It helps stem the growing tidal wave of fury taking root inside me.

  Kalvin peers into my eyes and he sees the truth. Fixing a dangerous sneer on his face, he bends down so he’s at Addison’s height. “You listen to me, and you listen good, slut. Stay away from Ky. I fucking mean it. You’re not worming your way back in.”

  Kalvin’s low pitch and venomous face state the truth. He isn’t joking about. So when Addison pushes him back, and laughs in his face, I have to reluctantly admire her balls of steel. “You, poor, clueless fool. Don’t you know that I always get what I want? And you really shouldn’t push me. You won’t like the fallout.”

  Kalvin’s jaw clenches and unclenches. Turning his back on Addison, he takes hold of my elbow. “I need to speak to you. Right now.” His eyes latch on Brad’s hand, which is currently loosely draped around my hip. “Get your fucking hand off her.”

  Brad stands his ground. “You need to chill out, bro.”

  Kalvin stabs his finger in Brad’s chest. “I am not your bro. And Faye’s not available to the likes of you.”

  That’s it. I’ve had enough of this macho-man bullshit. I take hold of Brad’s hand. “Let’s get a drink.” I shove Kalvin’s arm away. “You do not dictate who I spend time with. I will talk to you later, after you’ve calmed down.”

  I ignore Addison’s hoot of laughter, as I let Brad lead the way.

  My shoulders sag in relief when we step into the kitchen.

  “Wow. That was fun.” There is zero humor in Brad’s tone or his look.

  “You’re telling me. These people are flipping crazy.”

  That brings a smile to his face. “You have no idea.”

  “Forget about them. I know I want to.” I can’t decide if I find my cousin’s protective streak endearing or plain insulting.

  “What’s your poison?” Brad asks.

  “I’ll have a beer. Or ten.” So much for steering clear of alcohol.

  He smiles as he swipes two from a large ice-filled bucket, handing one to me. “Let’s start with one, and see how we go. Do you want to stay in here or head outside?” he shouts over the drone of the music.

  “Outside.” As far away from Addison is more the sentiment, but that one word will suffice. The heat and the noise die down the second we step out onto a sprawling patio. The crowded pool area is to our left. In front of us, and to our right, small groups and couples converse in private on the expansive lawn.

  “Do you want to go sit there?” Brad points out an elevated wooden structure at the far end of the garden, and I nod in agreement.

  The large, unoccupied pergola is positioned on top of a raised stone circle. Tiny tea lights hang from little lanterns in the roof. Wicker furniture with soft cream cushions surrounds a low table. Ornate pots of all shapes and sizes are scattered around the space. The setting is very romantic, and now I’m feeling a little uncomfortable. “Don’t worry. I won’t bite,” Brad teases, sitting down on a two-seater couch. I sit down beside him and cross my legs. “So,” he says, drumming his fingers off his knee. “What did you do to earn Addison’s wrath?”

  “I exist.” I tip my head back and chug some of my beer.

  “I figured as much. Addison strikes quick to neutralize any threat.”

  “I’m not a threat.
I don’t want anything she has. She’s welcome to it all.” Liar, a scheming inner devil hisses in my ear. I lean my head back against the soft pillow and stare at the twinkling lights above.

  “She wouldn’t care to hear that. You are all everyone is talking about, and that’s enough to set her blood boiling.” He raises the bottle to his lips, and I take the opportunity to slyly study him. I can’t reconcile this boy and that bitch. Nope. Don’t see it. It doesn’t make any sense. Brad seems like a genuinely nice guy, and he’s the complete opposite of the Queen B inside.

  As I examine his face, I notice the pale shadows under his eyes for the first time. Tired, fine lines crinkle the corners of his eyes, and his pallor is a little off-white. He looks wrecked, as if he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  “What?” He looks perplexed.

  I sit up straighter, realizing my mind had wandered. “What?”

  “You were staring; not that I’m complaining.” He grins, flashing a set of perfect white teeth. “What are you thinking?”

  I pump for honesty. “That I don’t understand how you ended up with her. You don’t seem the type.”

  His throat works overtime as he drains his beer in one go. “You and me both.” I lean forward on my elbows, waiting for him to continue. “It’s complicated. I …” Brad trails off as he looks over my head.

  Feet race across the stone platform and a muscular arm snakes out, lifting Brad up by his shirt. “Keep your filthy paws off her, McConaughey.” Kyler growls out a warning. Hostility radiates from him in waves, lifting all the hairs on the back of my neck. A thrill of excitement whips through me, and I’m disgusted at myself. This side of Kyler speaks to the inner demon inside me. I don’t want to acknowledge that dark part of me, much less release it. That’s why this part of Ky’s personality is so dangerous to me. “I don’t know what you’re up to this time, but you won’t hurt my family again.”

  Brad removes Kyler’s hand. “It’s not what you think. I’m just looking out for her.”

  “I’m right here.” I feel the need to state the obvious because they’re both talking as if I’m not present. Neither of them looks at me. Their faces are locked on one another, and some silent battle is erupting between them. I climb to my feet. “Knock it off, Ky.” I tug on his arm, but he doesn’t budge. Bunched muscles are rigid under my fingers. Kyler is primed for battle, and all it’ll take is one erstwhile comment from Brad to set him off.

  “I’d like to leave now, Brad. Can you drive me home?”

  He lowers his head to mine. “Of course, Faye. No problem.”

  “What are you doing?” Kyler pins his dark expression on me. “I told you to stay away from him.”

  “And I told you to go screw yourself.” I lace my fingers in Brad’s and jerk my chin up to level a cold look at Kyler. “We done here?”

  “I know what you’re doing, and it won’t work.” Kyler scowls, his eyes traveling to our conjoined hands for a brief second.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t care. Come on, Brad.” We step around the table, avoiding Kyler. Brad places his arm across my shoulders as he steers us onto the lush grass.

  Firm hands seize me from behind, and I’m lifted clear off the ground. Kyler pulls my back against his chest, keeping a tight hold around my midriff. I wriggle in his embrace as he presses his mouth to my ear. “I know you’re mad at me, and you’ve every right to be, but I can explain. Don’t do this. You can’t trust him.” His warm breath seeps over my skin causing me to wither in his arms. Kyler tightens his hold on me, and suddenly I’m hyperaware of his hard body pressed flush against mine. The usual dart of desire ignites instantly, turning my limbs to rubber. I clasp Kyler’s arm to stop myself from slithering to the ground. Brad watches me intensely.

  “He’s not into you,” Kyler continues whispering in my ear. “He’s using you to get back at me.”

  A fresh wave of hurt rolls over me. “You’d know all about that.”

  Kyler stiffens. “What does that mean?” He turns me fluidly around, hanging onto my upper arms.

  “You know exactly what I mean,” I snap.

  “Look, let’s not do this here. Let me take you home and we’ll talk then.” His eyes beseech me to play along, but I owe him nothing.

  “No, we won’t. Now let me go. I’m leaving with Brad.”

  He grinds his teeth as he releases me, and I step back, rubbing my arms.

  He sighs, running a hand across his stomach. His shirt lifts with the movement, showcasing a tantalizing strip of skin. My eyes linger on his abs a beat too long, and I want to punch myself in the stomach. Either that or gouge out my eyes so they can’t betray me anymore.

  Kyler smirks knowingly and it’s like waving a red flag in my face. My nostrils flare as I take a swing at him. This time, he reacts fast, gripping my wrist before I can make contact. “Hitting isn’t very ladylike.” He fights to keep the smile off his face, and that only infuriates me further. I lift my knee to his groin, but he bats it away before impact. “That’s definitely not very nice.”

  “Ky,” a nauseating voice calls out, and I roll my eyes. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Addison strolls across the grass, shooting me a filthy look. Ky releases me as she circles her arms around him. Brad moves forward, slinging his arm around my waist. I appreciate the show of support.

  “Come back inside, Ky,” she says, sneaking her hand up under his shirt. She makes a deliberate show of snuggling into him as her hand visibly creeps up over his chest.

  How can he stand to have her touch him after what she did? Does he feel superior now that she’s sidling up to him in front of Brad? Can’t he see her for the opportunist she is?

  Red splotches blur my vision, and I’m about to go ninja on her ass. I’m literally two seconds from losing my shit. I grip Brad’s hand hard, needing his touch to ground me. “Please get me out of here.”

  Kyler breaks free of Addison’s hold, stepping toward me. “I’ll take you home. You’re not getting in a car with him.”

  Addison pouts, fisting a hand in Ky’s shirt. “Don’t leave. We were only getting properly reacquainted.” She loops her fingers in his belt and tugs him toward her. My mouth goes dry as her hand slips under the band of his jeans. Kyler watches me with those penetrating eyes of his, waiting for me to react, and I can’t stand it a second longer.

  Twirling around, I rest my hands on Brad’s chest. He looks down at me, and I see my own hurt and confusion mirrored in his gaze. His arms fasten around my waist, and I don’t know if it’s the feel of his body against mine, or the shared outrage, or that I need to feel comforted in that moment, but my brain checks out as I lift on my tiptoes and press my lips to his.

  His mouth is soft and warm against mine, but his kiss is light and hesitant. I think I may have misread the situation. A surge of embarrassment heats my skin as I start to break away, but he stops me, drawing me in closer to his chest. His arms tighten around me, and he tilts my head, deepening the kiss. His mouth moves confidently against mine, and while his kiss doesn’t ignite the same flames that Ky’s does, it’s still flooding me with gentle warmth.

  I’m ripped off him in one fluid movement. Kyler lifts me off the ground, swiftly handing me off to Kalvin who seems to have magically appeared from somewhere. Ky’s arm flexes as he throws a concentrated punch at a dazed Brad, glancing the side of his jaw. Brad stumbles but doesn’t lose his balance. “Stop, Ky.” He deflects a second punch with his raised palm. “I don’t want to fight you.”

  “Tough. You’ve had this coming for a long while.”

  Brad stretches his neck from side to side, as he removes his jacket and flings it to the ground. Addison leans back against a tree with a smug look on her face.

  “You really want to do this?” Brad asks, rolling up his shirtsleeves. “Fine. Let’s do it.”

group advances across the lawn, sniffing a fight.

  Brad raises his fists in front of him as Ky approaches. I elbow Kalvin in the ribs, extracting myself from his hold as I jump in the middle of the two would-be brawlers. I raise a hand to each of them. “Stop it. This is not the way to resolve your issues.”

  “Butt out, Faye,” Kyler grits out. “This is nothing to do with you.”

  “They’re fighting over me,” Addison says with stupid pride, as if it’s some claim to fame. “Did you really think this was about you?” Her eyes scan my body in her usual derogatory fashion.

  “You’re an idiot if you think this is about you,” I say. Her expression sours as she glares at me. Like I care. I show her my back, turning around in time to see Kyler lunge at Brad, thrusting his knotted fist in his face. Brad takes the hit without complaint before jumping Ky and punching him in the nose. Kyler sends him an amused grin, and his fist snakes out again, clocking Brad in the eye.

  A large crowd has gathered around the boys now, and they shout out encouragement. Brad lands a blow directly to Ky’s mouth, and blood spurts from a cut in his lip. Ky launches himself at Brad, grabbing him in a headlock. They continue to trade successive jabs, as the crowd whoops in delight. Every so often, they share a grin, and I have a sneaky feeling they’re actually enjoying this showdown.

  I’m utterly disgusted with both of them.

  Kicking my shoes off, I snatch them up and take off running. I’m aware of footsteps behind me, but I keep going until I’ve reached the front of the mansion. “Stay here,” Kalvin says, looking down at my bare feet. “I’ll get the car.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  We don’t speak on the way home, and that suits me fine. I’m happy to drown in my turbulent thoughts. I knew I shouldn’t have gone out tonight. All I’ve done is make an awkward situation ten million times worse.

  Kalvin eases the SUV into the garage and switches off the engine. He turns to face me. “I’m not going to ask what all that was about tonight.”

  “Good. Because I couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to.”


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