Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1)

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Finding Kyler (The Kennedy Boys #1) Page 33

by Siobhan Davis

  “Kyler!” Alex cries. “Stop talking. Right now.”

  The officer starts leading Kalvin away, and we all follow suit. At the door, Alex turns to address us. “Our attorney will deal with this, and I’ve notified your father; he’s on his way. Do not do anything to make this situation worse for your brother. We will sort this out. Wait here until I return.” She grabs her keys and flies out the door after her son.

  Kalvin is being lowered into the back of the police cruiser, and I feel so helpless just standing there doing nothing. Worried blue eyes lift to mine, and I try to send him a reassuring look. This is one occasion where money most definitely helps. I’m sure Alex and James will hire the best attorney and have him home before long.

  The car door is closed and we watch silently as Kalvin is driven away.

  Ky ushers us all inside and closes the door.

  “That bitch!” Kent fumes. “I say we storm over there right now and find out what the lying little slut is up to.” His fists clench into balls of fury at his side.

  “No.” Ky’s instruction is firm and final. “You heard Mom. We sit tight. This isn’t some shoplifting spree. This is a serious accusation. I doubt Dad will be able to pay the cops off in the same way. No one is to do anything. Understood?”

  Kent lets loose a colorful volley of curses before reluctantly acquiescing. He skulks back to his room while Keanu and Keaton head into the kitchen.

  I make for my room with Ky’s quiet footsteps following me. “I’m going to speak to her,” I tell him the minute he closes my bedroom door.

  “I know, and it has to be us. I don’t want the triplets getting mixed up in this. Especially Kent. Not with his track record. Come on.” He pushes my window open and jumps out before turning to help me down.

  Keeping to the right-hand side of the garden, we take the long route to the forest to avoid triggering the spotlight. Our footsteps crunch on the uneven path as we creep toward Lana’s bungalow. The property is lit up like the Fourth of July, and we hang back, scouting the scene.

  Lana’s parents, Greta and John, are diligently loading cases into a small red Honda. Ky and I trade wary looks. I nudge his shoulder and point around the other side of the bungalow. He motions for me to lead the way, and I tiptoe slowly and carefully through the trees around the other side of the bungalow, coming up at the rear. There’s a dim glow coming from Lana’s bedroom. The curtains are open offering unrestricted access to the sobbing girl inside.

  An ache pierces my chest cavity.

  Ky tugs my sleeve, holding me back. “I’ll stay here,” he whispers, cowering around the corner of the bungalow. “See if she’ll talk to you.”

  I nod and approach the window cautiously, tapping lightly on the glass. Lana jumps ten feet in the air, emitting a tiny shriek. Whipping her head around, she spots me and stills. “Lana, honey, are you okay?” Greta calls out, and I duck my head just in time.

  “I’m okay,” she says in a muffled voice.

  “He’s going to pay for this, sweetheart. I promise you.”

  “But your job …” she sniffles.

  “A job is a job. It’s not as important as you. We never should’ve stayed here this long, not after all those rumors started circulating. And I’ve known those boys were running amok for some time. Those people have a lot to answer for. I’m so sorry, honey. We’ve failed you.”

  Lana hiccups. “It’s not your fault.”

  There’s a minute of silence before Greta speaks again, this time in a softer cadence. “Finish packing. We’re leaving shortly.”

  When the tappity-tap of footsteps fades, I lift my head, jumping a little when I see Lana with her face pressed firmly to the window above me. She flips the lock and pushes it open. “You shouldn’t be here.” Her lip wobbles.

  The utter devastation on her face almost floors me. “Are you okay?”

  A lonely tear trips down her cheek, and my eyes well up. There is so much hurt and pain in her gaze; it’s clear something traumatic has happened. I bite back my distress.

  It can’t be true.

  Kalvin is a lot of things, but he’s not capable of this. My mind churns in confusion. Something awful has obviously happened to her, but none of this makes any sense. Kalvin wouldn’t hurt her. I’d stake my life on it. I chew on the inside of my cheek, utterly conflicted.

  “No. I’m not okay,” she chokes out.

  A sense of dread sweeps through me. “What’s going on, Lana? What happened?”

  Please tell me it wasn’t my cousin, I plead in my head.

  No! It wasn’t Kalvin. I inwardly chastise myself for even thinking those thoughts.

  He wouldn’t do this.

  “I’m in a bad place, Faye.” More tears cascade down her cheeks. “And I hurt so much.” There’s an anguished quality to her tone that brings tears to my eyes.

  I gulp, willing the jittery feeling in my chest to go away. “The police have arrested Kalvin.”

  More tears erupt, and she wipes her sleeve across her snotty nose. “I know. He hurt me, Faye. He promised me th—”

  “Get the hell away from my daughter,” Greta demands, cutting Lana off mid-speech as she stomps toward the window. “Leave. Right now, or I’m calling the cops.” She pins me with harsh, cold eyes and steely determination.

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to make such demands,” Ky supplies, coming up alongside me. “This is our property, our grounds.”

  “And she’s my daughter!” Greta shrieks as her husband materializes beside her. “Leave her alone! You Kennedys have done enough damage.”

  I glance one more time at Lana, and a myriad of conflicting emotion washes over her face. There’s no denying she’s wracked with pain, and my heart bleeds for her. Whatever is going on, it’s destroying her on the inside—I can tell.

  I tug on Ky’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Please give this to your mother.” Lana’s father speaks up for the first time, handing Ky a plain white envelope through the open window. Greta trembles, and he throws an arm around his wife’s shoulders.

  I take Ky’s other hand and drag him away. Neither of us speaks on the walk back to the house, but there’s a heavy pressure chasing us the entire time.

  All is quiet when we return, and the house is in darkness. We slip into my room through the open window and strip to our undies, sliding under the covers together. I rest my head on his bare chest, as his fingers toy with my hair. Everything is such a mess, and all manner of thoughts and ideas flit through my mind.

  Concern for Kal competes with questions over my future with Ky. I prop up on one elbow, and peer into his face. “I don’t want to hide. Nothing good comes from keeping things secret.” James, Kent, and whatever is going on with Kal and Lana is proof of that.

  He reaches up, cupping my cheek. “I agree, but we shouldn’t rush the decision because of what’s happened tonight or Keaton’s reaction.”

  I press my face into his palm, loving the feel of his warm hand on my skin. “I’m not. I’ve given this plenty of thought. When all that stuff happened to me, I felt ashamed, like I’d done something wrong. It took a while for me to realize that wasn’t the case, but I was already walking around like the guilty party. Nearly inviting the taunts and the bullying. I’m not doing that again.” I shake my head vigorously. “I want to go out in public with you and hold my head up high, because the only thing I’m guilty of is falling for my cousin. There’s nothing illegal about it, and no reason why we can’t acknowledge our relationship in front of others. If they choose to look down their nose at us, then that’s their issue. Not ours. I won’t allow pettiness and narrow-minded prejudice to dictate who I am anymore. I’m not afraid to show my true self in public.”

  I run my fingers across his cheek. “I want everyone to know I’m your girlfriend.” I gaze deep into his eyes, wanting him to see the truth o
f my words, hoping he can get on this train with me. “We’re perfect for each other, and people will see that in time.”

  He drags my face down and kisses the heck out of me. When he finally releases me, we’re both panting. “It’s okay if you don’t want or feel the same, if y—”

  “Ssh,” he interrupts me. “I want that. Every part of it. I’m not afraid to go public.”

  “Are you sure? Because we both need to be on board with this. Both ready to face all the crap.”

  He sweeps his hand through my hair. “I am. In a way, Keaton did me a favor. At least we’ll know exactly what to expect. But I don’t care about any of that. I care about you and your happiness. It’s all I’ve been thinking about these last twenty-four hours, and you’re right. We are not running and hiding—we’re stronger than that. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Faye, and I’d happily shout it from the rooftops. The dissenters can screw off.”

  My grin is so wide it threatens to split my face. “Yeah?”

  “Yes, babe. A thousand times, yes.”

  This time, I lean down and kiss the face off him. When we part, he gazes at me so adoringly that it feels like my heart is about to break free of my chest and dance a salsa. I’m so happy I could burst.

  “We need to tell my parents first.”

  “Of course,” I instantly agree. “Now probably isn’t the best time …”

  He winces, as if he’s only remembering his brother.

  To be fair, I had kinda forgotten about Kalvin too, but now it’s back on my radar, and my previous concern for his welfare returns with a vengeance. To be thinking about myself, when my cousin is languishing in a jail cell, is probably the most selfish thing I’ve ever done. “We’ll wait a couple of days and then tell them.” The previous joy on Ky’s face is replaced by grim realization. I rest my head on his chest again, as we both return to that worrisome place.

  I wish I could decipher the situation with Kalvin and Lana, because it can’t be as it appears.

  I know Kalvin has a well-deserved rep, and a dirty mouth to boot, but he isn’t a bad guy. It’s part bravado, part attention seeking, but never malicious or hurtful. Kal has them lining up outside his door, so why would he ever force himself on a girl? Not that I’m that naïve. I know there is a multitude of reasons why someone forces themselves on another, but my cousin doesn’t fit the bill.

  I can’t believe he would do that. I refuse to believe it.

  But something has happened to Lana, so why is she lying about it?

  “Ky?” I run my hand up his chest as I tilt my chin up to look at him. “Why would Lana make up something like that?”

  “I honestly don’t know.” He drops a sweet kiss on my lips. “She’s always been in love with him, and I think, if he was truthful with himself, he’d admit he has deep feelings for her, too. They were virtually inseparable as kids.”

  My finger makes twirling motions on his bare chest, and he flinches under my ministrations. “She is in love with him, but if that’s the case, why is she saying this?”

  “I hate to say it, but I’ve been wondering if—”

  Ky’s words are cut off at the sight of James looming like a ghostly predator in my doorway. Caught off guard, I shriek, my heart pounding wildly against my ribcage. Kyler hauls himself up against the headrest, eyeballing his dad with fierce determination. He pulls me up gently, and his arms fold protectively around my shoulders as I clutch the sheets to my chest. With a healthy dose of trepidation, I watch James stalking toward us. I snuggle into Ky’s side figuring there’s no point trying to hide what we are to each other now. It’s clear from the way James is standing at the edge of the bed with a frozen shell-shocked expression on his face that the game is well and truly up.

  Frantic, disbelieving eyes meet mine as his gaze leaps between us. His mouth opens and closes several times but he looks like he’s struggling to find the right words. I look at Kyler, my head cluttered with a mixture of apprehension and relief. At least the secret is out in the open now. My heart is still pounding manically in my chest, and I’m half-expecting it to sprout wings and break free of my ribcage.

  “What have you two done?” His panicked eyes latch on Kyler’s.

  “It’s none of your business,” Kyler grits out. He holds his chin up in a defiant stance.

  James looks horrified as he stares at his son. A vein throbs in his neck while, simultaneously, his fists clench and unclench at his side. “I told you to stay away from her!” he yells. His face has turned an ugly shade of red as he starts pacing back and forth in front of us. “Damn it all to hell!” he roars, thumping his fist on the top of my dresser. I jump in the bed. He clamps a hand over his mouth as he stares at us again. His face has paled, and he seems to have aged on the spot.

  I start shaking—I can’t help it. I’ve never seen him lose control like this, and quite frankly, he’s scaring the shit out of me. Kyler reaches out, lacing his fingers in mine. His warm touch helps calm me down, and my trembling subsides a little.

  James stops pacing as his eyes fixate on our conjoined hands. He watches Kyler run soothing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. James scrubs a hand repeatedly across his taut jaw, mumbling curses under his breath. “Have you had sex?” he barks out.

  Kyler’s wall goes up, and he stares at his dad with his signature blank face. I chicken out, averting my gaze from James altogether.

  “Well?” He glares at his son. “Have you?” His gaze flits to me, and I gulp.

  Some invisible thief seems to have crept into the room and stolen my vocal cords, because I’m physically incapable of responding or forming any type of denial. I’d like to tell him to sod off and mind his own bleeding business, but the words are stuck in my throat. A dry, sour taste floods my mouth. Something is wrong here, and I’ve a feeling I’d rather not know.

  “Our relationship is nothing to do with you, and I’m not answering that,” Kyler snarls. “Mind your own fucking business.”

  James stalks toward his son, grabbing him roughly by the shoulders. “I am your father, you are living under my roof, and you will answer me! Goddamn it! Have you been inside her, Kyler? I need to know.”

  I squirm uncomfortably as a red flush creeps up my neck.

  “Screw you!” Kyler shoves his father’s hands off as he jumps up out of the bed. They face one another with barely an inch of space between them. Kyler eyeballs his dad with a ferocious look. “I love Faye, and there is nothing legally or morally wrong with us being together. And we’re done hiding.” He looks to me for reassurance.

  I think my heart has stopped beating in my chest. Despite the brash waves of hostility emanating from my uncle, I can’t keep the smile off my face as I nod at Ky.

  He loves me?

  I long to fling myself into his arms and return the sentiment, but I don’t think James would appreciate the gesture.

  James curses again, taking a step back, as he drags his hands through his hair.

  “I mean it,” Kyler continues, still looking at me. “I love you, and I want everyone to know.”

  “My God!” James rasps, tugging fiercely on his hair. “This is just like history on repeat.”

  My stomach lurches unpleasantly, and a nasty taste coats the insides of my mouth.

  He fists large tufts of his hair. If he keeps doing that, he’ll be bald by morning. He shoots us an anguished look, and my fleeting euphoria has died a rapid death. Butterflies swarm my chest, slamming around my ribcage in sheer panic.

  “What?” Kyler looks confused. “What exactly do you mean by that?”

  “You shouldn’t have had sex with her! You can’t be in a relationship with her. I’m sorry, son, but you can’t love Faye. Not in that way. You can’t.” He bridges the gap between them, placing his hand on Kyler’s shoulder.

  A gnawing hole opens up in my stomach
/>   Kyler thrusts his hand away. “The hell I can’t! There’s no law that says I can’t conduct a relationship with my cousin. You are completely overreacting, as usual.”

  Wrapping the sheet around my body, I climb out of the bed and walk to Kyler’s side. “Ky,” I plead, taking his hand in mine. “I’m sure it’s still a shock and he needs some time to get used to the idea. Right, James?” I turn imploring eyes on my uncle, hoping he’ll throw me a bone, praying that’s all this is. I fervently hope my sixth sense is off kilter and he isn’t about to drop some massive bombshell.

  Momentarily closing his eyes, James shakes his head despondently. “This is my fault. I should’ve kept a closer eye on you. Should have read the signs instead of being too preoccupied with my own issues.” He looks off into space. “This has to end, right now. You can’t continue this relationship.” The hard set of his jaw indicates there will be no negotiation. His mind is made up. Goose bumps shoot up and down my arms.

  Kyler tucks me possessively under his arm. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. You lost that right a long time ago. I’m not giving Faye up. Not for you, not for anyone. And you are making far too big a deal of this. She’s my cousin. So what? Get over it!”

  James looks between us, seemingly contemplating his next words carefully. His breath leaves his body in a loud rush, and everything goes on high alert inside me.

  “She’s not your cousin.”

  My eyes are out on stalks as I meet Kyler’s equally surprised gaze. Butterflies are throwing the party to end all parties in my chest. “What?” I turn and face my uncle. “Just spit it out. What are you saying?”

  His eyes soften at the corners, and his chest visibly swells. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. Reaching out, he holds my wrist gently in his large hand. “Ky isn’t your cousin.” He gulps, glancing at his son briefly before returning his gaze to me. “He’s your half-brother.”

  I sway on my feet, almost losing my balance along with the ability to breathe, to see, to hear. My head is buzzing. “Wh … what?” I croak.

  “You’re my daughter, Faye. I’m your father.”


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