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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

Page 3

by K. L. Humphreys

  I go to my room with a bag of frozen peas, there was no ice in the damn freezer, so peas will have to do. I strip out of my clothes and into my pajamas, I’m scared to look in the mirror, Eric went way too far today and I know that if he doesn’t get help it’s going to continue. I fall into bed and cry, wondering where the hell my life went wrong, when did I end up being this girl?

  Ashiver runs through me causing me to wake, I’m cold. I sit up and realize that I didn’t pull the covers over me, not only that, the bag of peas is making my bed wet. Looking over at my alarm, I see that it’s almost 3am. Hopping out of bed, I turn on the main light, I’m going to have to change the bedding. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I’m stunned, I look like hell, I look as though I’ve been battered when in fact it was just one hit. A hit that he didn’t mean. The frozen peas didn’t help the swelling go down, there’s no way I can go to work like this tomorrow. I’m going to have to take my first sick day, I hate this.

  I quickly change the sheets and grab some painkillers, my face hurts like a motherfucker and I’m so drained that all I want to do is crash. Looking at the sofa, I see that Maddie’s still passed out, this shit needs to stop. She needs a kick in the ass and I’ll be the one to give it to her. Going back to my room and seeing the clean sheets makes me smile, there’s nothing better than falling asleep in freshly laundered sheets. Pulling the covers over me, I put my head on my pillow, trying to come up with what to say to Nathan when I call in sick tomorrow.

  Thesound of my alarm wakes me and I turn over to shut it off. The sunlight peeking through my bedroom window makes me blink harshly as I adjust to the light. As my hand comes out from under the covers I see the blackish purple mark on my wrist, fuck, I knew he was hurting me but I didn’t think it would look this bad. I need to talk to Nathan, I don’t know whether calling would be a good idea or not, he and Sophia have two little boys. I send him a message instead, hoping this would be better.

  Me: I didn’t know if I should call or not, I didn’t want to wake anyone. I’m not going to be able to come in today, I’m not feeling too hot.

  I bring my cell to my bed and turn away from the window, it doesn’t take long for Nathan to message me back.

  Nathan: Thanks, Soph was up half the night with George, there must be a bug going round. We’ll survive one day without you. Get some rest and feel better soon.

  Guilt consumes me, I hate that I’m lying to my family. I don’t reply to him, tears slowly fall. I’m going to have to talk to Eric, things need to change, he has to change. I can’t do this again. I send Eric a message telling him that I’ll call him later, I’m not surprised that I don’t receive a message in return, he expects me to be at his house later, as I am most evenings but tonight I’m going to give it a pass. I close my eyes and drift back to sleep, hoping that when I wake up things will look brighter.

  I slowly come awake and stretch, I look at my phone and see that it’s almost noon, I don’t know the last time that I slept that long. I feel a bit refreshed but I also feel pain and I know that my face is still going to look a mess. I guess my makeup will be heavier than it usually is, and I’ll be wearing long sleeved clothes to cover up the bruises. I listen to see if Maddie’s awake or even in the house but it’s silent, that’s good, I can’t be dealing with her shit at the minute. The house was a mess when I came home last night and I have no doubt that Maddie’s not cleaned up. It will have to wait until after I have a shower.

  By the time the house is cleaned it's almost five and that means Maddie will be home soon, when she does get home we'll be having a serious talk. Things can't go on like this, changes are going to have to be made. I decide that cooking dinner may help the situation, it's been a while since we both had dinner together. I’m not taking no for an answer, I know her and she’ll try anything to deflect all the crap she’s been doing lately. I make Lasagna, it’s what mom use to make us when we were younger.

  My cell ringing has me on edge, I don’t want to talk to Eric right now. I need time to think, I need time with Maddie and just get my head straight. Yes, I love Eric, but I don’t love his anger or his mood swings. I walk into my bedroom and relief washes through me and my face lights up when I see that it’s Jake’s name flashing up on my screen.

  “Hey!” I say as cheerfully as I can, Jake started off loving Eric, he loved the way Eric treated me but Jake started to see subtle changes in me and he’s asked me on more than one occasion if everything between Eric and I is okay, he’s also asked if Eric still treats me like a princess. I lie to him, I don’t want anyone to know.

  “Hails, what the hell is going on. Your guys left earlier on and not one of them is back yet! Not only that, you’re not here today, what gives?” He talks a mile a minute and you’ll be lucky to get a word in.

  “I’m not feeling well today, Nathan says there’s a bug going around.” I try to sound as convincing as I can, I know that Jake suspect things aren’t okay and he’ll pick apart my excuse.

  I’m met with a sharp intake of breath, “Oh Hails, are you pregnant?”

  “No, God no, why would you even think that?” I’m actually horrified at the thought. Me and Eric having a baby?

  “You said you weren’t feeling well. I just thought…”

  “Don’t just think, I’m not pregnant. I’m feeling a bit better now and I’m going to have dinner with Maddie, whenever she gets home.” The smell of the Lasagna is filling the house and my mouth is watering from the smell alone.

  “How come you’ve never made me any dinner?” I know he’s messing with me but he’s right, I’ve not made him any and I’m a great cook. “What are you making?”

  “Lasagna, if you come over tomorrow I’ll cook dinner for you.”

  “Yes, I haven’t had a home cooked meal in years.” He hasn’t spoken much about his parents, other than telling me that his dad’s a dick and doesn’t approve of his ‘lifestyle’ which is a nice way of saying his dad’s an ignorant asshole who doesn’t like the fact that his son is gay. “Josephine doesn’t cook, she’s a bitch.” Josephine is his roommate.

  I laugh, “You have two capable hands, you can cook for yourself. You don’t like her because she won’t be your maid.”

  “Well she wouldn’t make a very good one, she’s messy, she can’t cook and she’s downright unfriendly.” He doesn’t understand, he thinks that because he’s younger than her that she should treat him as such and help him out.

  I hear keys rattling in the door, Maddie’s home. “I've got to go but dinner tomorrow at seven?”

  “It’s a date Hails. See you tomorrow and please don't poison me.” His laughter is the last thing I hear before he ends the call and that’s all it takes to make my day, talking to my best friend about stupid shit.

  “Hey Maddie.” I call out to her as I make my way back into the kitchen.

  “Hey Hails, something sure does smell good.” She seems to be in a good mood, as I walk into the kitchen I see that she’s in here too. “You look different.”

  “Thanks, I think.” I change the subject quickly hoping that's all she's going to say. “I've made dinner, I was hoping we could eat and talk?”

  Her eyebrows shoot up, shocked that I'm asking. “Umm, sure, I have no plans.”

  “Great, dinner should be ready in a few minutes, will you set the table?” I ask looking at her, she’s happier today and I wonder what’s made her so?

  We sit at the dining room table and I notice that her glass is almost full with wine whereas mine is not even half full. I wait until we're halfway through our meal before bringing anything up. The last thing I need is for our food to go to waste and Maddie and I are extremely opinionated and we have very short fuses.

  “So…” I start off not really knowing how to broach the subject.

  She puts her knife and fork down, there's hardly anything left on her plate. “Ah yes, you wanted to talk.” She's being a sarcastic bitch now and I know this talk isn't going to go well but it needs to happen
. “So, what do you want to talk about?”

  “I want to know what's going on with you Mads? You've changed so much.” there finally I've said what's been on my mind for a while.

  “Nothing is going on and what do you mean I've changed; how have I changed?” She's mad and agitated. She's in the mood for an argument.

  “Don't play dumb Mads! God, you've been a bitch for so long now. Look at what happened with Winter, you told her she lied about being raped!” I still can’t get over her saying that, I mean who in their right minds says something like that to their best friend?

  “I know, I made a mistake. I was jealous, they have everything Hailey, they can have whatever it is they want and that included David. He wanted her when we were dating…” She shakes her head, almost as if she’s trying to get rid of some of the nasty thoughts she has swimming in her head. “I made a mistake Hails, one that I wish I could take back. I let my jealousy override everything. There are so many things that I wish I could do differently.” She sounds so sincere and tears are gleaming in her eyes.

  “Have you thought about calling her, telling her that you want to repair your relationship? That you want to apologize?” I don't even know if Winter would accept her apology, God knows I wouldn’t.

  “I want to but I think I burnt that bridge.” I hate that she’s so sad, yes, I know that she brought it on herself but she seems remorseful.

  “Think about it okay, you’ll never know unless you try.” Her eyes look through me as though she’s thinking about it. “Also Mads, we’ve got to talk about your drinking.” I hate that I’m the one that’s talking to her like this, she’s my big sister.

  “What about my drinking?” She’s getting defensive but before either of us can say anything both our cell phones ring.

  I walk towards my bedroom when I hear Maddie scream “Noooo.” before she starts sobbing. I turn and run back to the dining room and find her on her knees crying. Her cell on the floor and the name Asher on the screen, why the hell is he calling her?

  “Hello?” I ask as I put her cell to my ear. She’s still sobbing her heart out and I’m worried what’s happened.

  “Hailey, fuck. Scott’s been trying to call you.” He sounds devastated.

  I’m on edge, what the hell is happening? “What?”

  “It’s Connor. He’s been shot.” I feel as though I’ve been sucker punched, all my breath leaves me. “Hailey, he didn’t make it.” I fall to my knees beside Maddie, I can’t believe it, Connor’s dead. It feels as though time has stopped and a piece of me is missing. Tears flow silently, I can’t move, I’m in shock. I can’t believe that he’s gone, just like that. I never got to say goodbye.

  Chapter Three


  “Hmm,nice bruises Hails, what did you do, fall?” Maddie says as she drives to the Dallas’ house. After finding out that Connor had died, Maddie decided that life was too short and she wanted to apologize to Winter. She wants a second chance and she wanted me to come with her for moral support.

  “Leave it alone Mads.” I plead with her, not wanting to get into this.

  “I won’t leave it alone. What the hell is happening? Let me guess that asshole boyfriend likes to use his fist?” Maddie is worried about me, I know, but I’m not talking about this. “Hailey…”

  “Leave it alone Mads and mind your own damn business.” I snap at her and I hate that I have, I know she’s trying to help but sometimes she needs to butt the hell out. The rest of the ride is silent and I’m thankful for the reprieve but I know my sister and she can’t leave things alone.

  “Hey Hailey. I didn’t realize you were coming as well.” Scott says as I walk into the Dallas’ family home. “Come on in and sit down, none of us bite unless you want us too.” I hate that he's joking, Connor’s not even dead 24 hours and he's making jokes. Whereas I feel hollow and numb, I still can’t bring myself to believe that he’s really gone.

  I spot the vacant armchair and make a beeline for it, I don’t want to be too close to anyone. I don’t want anyone looking to closely at my face or my wrists. They’re so bad today, the bruising is so dark, there’s absolutely no mistaking the finger marks that Eric has left on me. I sense someone staring at me and look up to see that it’s Winter, worry etched on her face as she takes me in. I do the only thing I can do and that’s give her a cold stare that tells her to back off. I don’t want to get into this right now. The room goes silent as my sister walks in and I’m so mad at her right now. She looks a mess and I know that she’s only doing it for sympathy.

  “I came here to ask for forgiveness. What I did was wrong.” She doesn’t sound as though she does want forgiveness, I can’t bring myself to look at her. I was shocked when I got in the car this morning to see what she’s done to herself. Last night she looked like she has for weeks, a bit thin with her vibrant red hair. She looked amazing but now? Her hair looks as though it’s matted and I have no idea how she did that but along with that, she’s wearing my bed t-shirt. The one that has bleach stains and God knows what else on it. She looks a hot mess.

  “Why should she forgive you? You haven’t even given her a reason. Fuck, you haven’t even apologized properly.” The anger is coming from Scott, I stare down at my hands not wanting to be a part of this. What Scott’s saying is true, Maddie is being her usual bitchy self. She said she came here for forgiveness yet I haven’t heard her actually ask for it.

  “Fine, I knew something bad had happened when you stopped calling and texting me. You stopped going out. No one had heard from you. But you know what I thought? Good. Now everyone can focus on me. I was sick of being the third wheel. Anytime we went anywhere it was always about you and Soph. How gorgeous you were, how amazing and talented you both were. Soph being in the Army and Winter owning her own business at such a young age. Nobody cared about me. So yes, I was happy that you weren’t around.” I don’t know what to do anymore, I believed Mads when she told me she wanted to make amends but that bullshit she just spewed, that’s just hate.

  “What the fuck! You called asking to speak to Winter, said you had something you wanted to talk about. This better not be what it is.” The harshness of Steven’s tone is something I’ve never heard from him before. Usually he’s so calm and collected, he needed to be, he has three kids who are crazy as it is. Luke, Scott and Sophia Dallas are amazing people but sometimes they can get a bit too much.

  “What I actually came here to say was I’m sorry, I knew David had done something to you. I thought maybe he got a bit rough with you.” The bitchy condescending tone that Maddie is using pisses me off, I look at her and she’s actually loving this.

  “Oh, for fuck sake Maddie, you were meant to make amends not cause more freaking arguments.” I can’t let her talk to Winter like that; Winter is one of the sweetest women I have ever met. Her being raped broke her, no it shattered her and in doing so made her only a shell of who she truly is. Listening to the shit that Maddie’s saying to her sets me on edge.

  “Is that the only reason you came here? To insult Winter and not take responsibility for what you have done? And who the fuck told you it was David?” Sophia is pissed and she has every right to be, Winter is her best friend. If this were happening to Jake I’d be the same way.

  “Look David always had a thing for Winter, he would always go on about her and ask how she was and who she was seeing, if she were seeing someone he’d get mad. I was so sick of coming second best to you. So, when I saw David that night and he asked about you, it was the third time that night a guy I spoke to asked about you. I was pissed. I told David that you were single and that we were talking about him the other day and how much you liked him.” I feel sick listening to Maddie try and justify what she’s done.

  “You have got to understand I never wanted anything like this to happen. I saw David two days later and he said that you had slept with him, but you hadn’t spoken to him since, I knew you. You weren’t the one for a one-night stand so I knew something was up. I went to
your house but got no response. I parked outside your house and I watched as you opened the door to get the newspaper. I’ll never forget the way you looked.” I’m in shock, when did my sister become this cold, callous bitch?

  “And what did you do? Nothing because that fucking asshole is still out there. Still terrorizing her and killing people. He killed Connor.” Scott yells at her and at the mention of Connor’s name sadness hits me. I’m going to miss him like crazy.

  “Why do you hate me so much?” The sadness in Winter’s voice kills me.

  “Don’t you get it yet? I hate you just for being you. I hate that anytime I’m around you I’m pushed to the background, that every time I’m around you I don't exist to a man.” Winter laughs and I watch as Maddie’s eyes narrow into slits.

  “Haha, you want my life? Hmm? How about the Mom who doesn’t remember you half the time and the only time she does is to show you off? Or how about not having anyone in your life except for your best friends? Yeah and when one of them goes overseas the other one instigates you being raped, still jealous?” Winter tells her and the saddest part is she’s given up, she’s given up on Maddie and she’s given up on just about everything.

  “So, did he actually rape you or are you making that up as an excuse for being a slut?” I inhale a sharp breath, what the fuck is wrong with Maddie, I look to Winter to see her getting up out of her seat to leave. That is until Luke puts his hand on her to stop her. If anyone should be leaving it’s Maddie.

  “Don’t leave. Don’t give the bitch the satisfaction of knowing she got to you. She doesn’t deserve it.” I look on with pride as Winter nods at his words and sits back down.

  “I’m so disappointed in you Maddie. I know Mom and Dad would be too. I’m ashamed to call you my sister.” My voice cracks as the tears begin to form in my eyes, what the hell happened to her?


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