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Deadly Mistake (Deadly Series Book 5)

Page 6

by K. L. Humphreys

  I’m saved by answering him as there’s a knock at the door, I make the monumental mistake of not looking at who it is and just answering the door. As I pull the door open, I met with a very angry looking Eric. He doesn’t say anything, just grabs me by the throat and pushes me into the sitting room, “Two days, I’ve not heard from you in two days.” He squeezes tightly and I’m grabbing at his hands, slapping them away, but he’s too strong. “Yet here you are with that thing; did you forget about me?” I can’t get him off, no matter how hard I try, how much I squirm and wiggle, he won’t budge.

  I see a shadow in the corner of my eye, my breathing is labored as I try and fight the dizziness, I hear a thumping sound and instantly Eric’s hand loosens from my throat and I scramble away from him. I feel a hand on me pulling me up and I look up at Jake and see that he has my skillet in his hand, “I had to get him off of you Hails, it was the only thing I could think of.” He cries and I feel bad that he had to witness it. Eric fucked up, he’s never hurt me in front of anyone before.

  “Thank you.” The hoarseness of my voice is harsh to my own ears.

  I hear movement and I know that Jake didn’t hit Eric hard enough, the asshole’s still awake. He’ll have a sore head but he’s fine. As he stands he takes one look at me and Jake’s arm on me, hatred and anger enter his eyes and I take a step backward. My eyes glance to Jake and see that he too is scared, this has to end. “Get out.” My voice is shaky and Eric laughs, “Get out before I call the cops.”

  “Hail…” He starts as he walks towards me.

  “No Eric, it’s over. Get the hell out.” My voice is stronger now, I’m not going to let him bully or hurt me again. Eric doesn’t make a move, just stares at me, it’s unnerving. “Leave before I call the cops.”

  “Is it because of him? Are you choosing that queer over me?” Hearing him say the word ‘queer’ has my back up, what the fuck? He’s a homophobe as well?

  “Don’t call him that, he’s a normal fucking person like me and well I would say you but we all know that’s not true. You did this, you hurt me Eric and I realized that I don’t love you, I don’t think I ever did. I loved the idea of being in love.” It’s true, we’ve not been together long enough to be in love. I think I wanted to be loved and in love but I’m not.


  “It's’ not bullshit Eric. I don’t love you and I mean it when I say: leave. Jake hand me my cell. If you don’t leave I’m calling the cops and filing charges for assault.” His eyes narrow into slits and I know that if he had the chance he’d hurt me, he’s picturing it, replaying it over and over again. I hold my hand out for my cell.

  “This is far from fucking over Hailey.” He leaves and as he does my whole body sags in relief.

  “Fuck Hails, he’s seriously deranged. You need to call the cops, you need to file charges.” Jake tells me as his tears fall. “I thought he was going to kill you.”

  “Me too, he probably would have if you hadn’t stopped him. I’m so glad that’s over with and I never have to see him again.” I walk toward the kitchen, needing to do something so I don’t break down. As I step into the kitchen the smell of something burning hits me, “shit,” I cry as I rush to the oven and see the Lasagna is burnt. Damn it, everything is going to shit.

  “Um, how about pizza?” Jake says behind me, I can hear the laughter in his voice, I’ve told him how great I am at cooking and the one time he comes over for dinner I burn the damn thing.

  “Pizza sounds good.”

  “I’ll order it, I know that you’re not going to call the cops but Hails, if he does come back you need to.” He pulls me into his arms, he’s worried about me and I love that he is.

  “I promise.” And I will, if Eric comes back I’m calling the cops right away. I don’t want to deal with him anymore, I have more important things to deal with.

  “Good, now come on I’m starving.” When isn’t he?

  I’m struggling to breathe, something is holding onto my face blocking my airwaves. As my body comes awake I feel someone in my room, as my eyes open fear seeps in at seeing Eric standing over me. How the hell did he get in? Did Maddie let him in? Where is Maddie, is she okay? All these thoughts are swirling around in my head at seeing that gun in his hand. “Get up.” He commands waving the gun to emphasize what he wants me to do.

  I do as he says and I get out of bed, my legs feel like jelly but I manage to stay standing. His fingers dig into the skin of my forearm and it takes everything I have not to cry out in pain. He pulls me out of my room and into the sitting room where I see Maddie tied up and bleeding. Her eyes widen when she sees me and I see the despair in them, if we’re both here who’s going to help us? Eric throws me to the floor and I land with a thud. My arm is killing me but again I don’t make a sound, the look in his eyes is pure darkness and even one sound could make him kill us.

  “You don’t love me? I should kill you right now.” He leans down and puts his lips against mine, all I feel is repulsion, I don’t want him touching me. “I’m not playing around Hailey, you don’t decide when this ends, I do.”

  “Eric…” I try and stay calm but he’s scaring me right now, this is beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed.

  He pulls me by my hair and lifts me from the floor, we’re face to face, “You’ll do as I say Hailey, so help me God, I’ll kill that faggot boy of yours.” I know he’s talking about Jake and my heart breaks, if I don’t do as he says he’ll kill him. I know he will. “If that doesn’t make you change your mind, then maybe this will.” He lets go of my hair and walks over to Maddie, pointing his gun at her as he does. “What about now? Are you ready to come back to me?”

  Maddie’s eyes plead with me and I don’t know if it’s to do as he says or not to, so I don’t say anything. Eric’s twisted laugh makes my anxiety rise, what the hell is he planning? “Fine have it your way.” He cocks the gun and I swallow, he’s not really going to shoot her, he wouldn’t. “Last chance.” Maddie’s crying hard and I don’t know what to do, I don’t believe he’d shoot her but I don’t want to risk it. “Okay then.”

  He pulls the trigger and my heart leaps into my mouth, what has he done? The clicking sound of the gun can just be hear over his laughter. “Five more shots, one of them is going to kill her. Time to play Russian roulette.” He lines his gun up with Maddie’s temple and I can’t do this, he pulls the trigger again and this time Maddie screams, she’s alive.

  “Stop, I’ll do what you want just leave her alone.”

  Chapter Six


  It’s been over two months and she’s still with him, I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do. I honestly thought that she’d end things with him and we’d finally be together but that’s all gone to shit now. She’s not been at work for the past week either and we’re all starting to get worried about her. I know that Maddie is back in town but no one has heard anything, well if Nathan has he hasn’t said anything to us.

  Skye’s in London, her sister’s missing and she's trying to find her so at the moment it's all hands-on deck. Skye is a member of Smithy International, along with Ryder, Oscar, Sam, and Soph. They were all in the army together and when they were discharged they started Smithy’s it's an intelligence agency and they're doing pretty fucking amazing. They're one of the most sought after companies right now.

  A knock on my door has me wondering who the hell it is. Usually the guys just walk straight in. “Enter.” I shout as I finish sending an email to a contact of mine that I have in Russia. He's going to help me find as much information on the fuckers that we believe took Skye’s sister.

  As my door opens I see Jake walking in, my curiosity is piqued, what does Jake want to see me for? “I hope this isn't a bad time?” He seems extremely nervous, so unlike the confident barista I'm used to seeing.

  “No come on in and take a seat.” I wave at the seat in front of my desk, he doesn't hesitate in taking it, “What can I help you with?”

�Um, I'm not really sure if I should be here but I'm worried.” he looks around the room as though he's searching for something. “I'm worried about Hailey.”

  He has my full attention, “Continue.”

  “So about 2 months ago Hailey and I were supposed to have dinner. It got ruined because of Maddie.” He's rambling and it's annoying me, I don't need to know this. He needs to get to the important shit. He shakes his head almost as if he's reading my mind.

  “Eric came over.” that fucker, my temper rises just hearing his name. “He hurt her, god, I thought he was going to kill her. I managed to get him off her. Scott, she ended things with him that night.” his chest is rising and falling at an accelerated rate, he's upset and it's showing.

  “She changed her mind.” as soon as I say it has shaking his head, “How do you know she didn't.”

  “I was there Scott, she had finally had enough of being treated like a... what did you call it? Oh yeah, a doormat.” I raise my brow in warning, he better watch what he's saying. “She told me everything you’ve said to her.” I know that he’s talking about when Hailey and I were younger, and I brought her to prom.

  “She lost everything that night, her house, her car, and her sister.” He could be speaking foreign for all I know, I don't understand what the hell he’s talking about. “She told him she was done, that she'd call the cops if he didn't leave.”

  “Explain about her house.” I’m being an asshole but I hate not knowing shit, especially when it's important shit about those I care about.

  “You don't know?” I don't bother answering that stupid question. “She found out Maddie was in debt, a lot of it and the only way they could repay Hardy was by selling the house. She sold her car so she could put Maddie into rehab.” He says Maddie’s name with loathing and I'm glad someone else sees the selfishness of that bitch.

  “Okay so she's sold both the house and the car, how do you know that she didn't get back with Eric so she could move in with him?” I don't want to believe it, but it could be true.

  “No way, Hailey never needs a man to be her knight in shining armor. She had savings she told me she was going to rent an apartment. There's no way she'd go back to him let alone move in with him. What's happened to her?” That's what I'd also like to know. “I just have a feeling she needs help but won't ask for it.” Jake knows her too well.

  “I'm going to talk to a detective friend of mine and see what we can dig up.” I tell him, it's about time someone started fighting for Hailey, it's something I should have done a while ago.

  “Let me know if you need anything. I want my best friend back Scott.” He looks as though he's lost his friend and I know that he won't stop until she's away from Eric and he now has me in his corner.

  “I will do.” He lets himself out and I call Morgan, Luke's girlfriend.

  “Detective Yates.” She answers and she sounds tired, has she been on the graveyard shift? “Hello?”

  “Hey Morgan, do you have time to talk?” this isn't something I want to discuss over the phone, Morgan and Hailey are friends.

  “Yes, what's up?” She's on edge now, I've never done this.

  “Hailey.” is all I say, there's nothing else to say.

  “An hour and I'll meet you in the coffee shop across from your work.” She says and ends the call, she' probably going to try and call Hailey and see what's going on.

  I've an hour to try and rectify some things.

  “Want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Morgan asks as soon as she sees me. She already has her cup of coffee which is good. I don't want to sit and explain this shit to her.

  I nod my head indicating for her to follow me and she does, “I got a visit from Jake today, how much do you know about Eric?”

  “Not much.” She looks around to see if anyone's listening. “I did a background check on him, there's nothing and I mean nothing on this guy. Not even a speeding ticket, he's squeaky clean.”

  “No one’s that fucking clean. What about what happened with Maddie?” I ask, I should have asked Soph, she’s in everyone’s business.

  “She’s home now and they’re moving into my old condo.” Well that’s news to me. “She told me she’s ending things with him and living with Maddie, why?”

  “Well I had an interesting visit from Jake. I’ve had most of what he’s said verified, Hailey sold her house to pay for Maddie’s debts, she sold her car to pay for Maddie’s rehab and on the same day, she ended things with Eric, so I want to know why the hell she’s with him?” I’m going crazy, I can’t stop thinking about what the hell he’s got over her.

  “What the hell? She sold her house? Damn, Maddie really is a bitch.” That's an understatement but I don’t say that. “I’ll see if there’s anything I can find, as you said no one is that clean.”

  I nod, “He’s got something over her, I know Hailey, there’s no way she’d let a man treat her like shit.”

  “Scott, you don’t know Hailey.” She stares me directly in the eyes, she’s not even flinching, “You may think you do but I can assure you that you don’t.”

  “Bullshit.” There’s no way I don’t know her, I’ve known her for her entire life, not only that but we work together.

  “Okay then Scott, if you know Hailey that well, then what’s her favorite movie?” I don’t answer because that’s a bullshit question, “Fine, we’ll try something easier, what’s her favorite color?”

  “Pink.” That was easy.

  “Wrong and as a woman I’m insulted that pink is the first color you think of, jackass. Her favorite color is purple and if you really know her like you claim, you’d have known that. Look, face it Scott, you don’t know her as well as you think.” She’s giving me that look, the one my mom use to give us when we were in trouble. “She doesn’t trust you, she was going to try with you and you fucked that up. You think that you’ll be the one to save her and she’ll run into your open arms?”

  I stop in the middle of the street and look at her, she’s lost her damn mind. “What the fuck Morgan? Of course, I don’t think she’ll run into my arms. Hell, I have no idea what the fuck is going to happen. All I do know is she is mine and has been since she was seven-fucking-teen and I was an asshole who didn’t know what he had in his hands. I’m going to make sure I erase every fucking thing that piece of shit has done to her and I’m going to make those green eyes sparkle again.”

  Morgan’s face splits into a beautiful smile, “That’s what I like to hear, she loves you Scott and she always has. You need to remind her why she fell in love with you. You need to go slow, maybe take a ride over to my old condo and see if they need someone to do any heavy lifting?” She looks down at her watch, “Crap, I was supposed to meet Sabine ten minutes ago, I’ve got to go. Scott, if you find out anything call me.” Sabine is Morgan’s best friend and Dwayne’s wife. Dwayne is P.I.G.S’ tech geek, he’s the one that does the background checks on all our clients and of course anyone else we need one on.

  “I will do that, I’ve got to go too, I need to help some girls move in.” I wink at her as I start to walk back to P.I.G.S. Morgan’s right, I’m going to have to get her trust and love back, remind her that I’m not a complete asshole.

  As I walk into work Nathan is in the reception area, “Everything okay?” He’s stressed out lately, he and Soph have two boys George and Liam and now Soph’s pregnant with twins.

  “Yeah, I’m going to go and see Hailey.”

  “Um, are you sure that’s wise?” He’s questioning me? That just pisses me off.

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  He shakes his head at my tone, he’s use to me losing my cool, I’m a hot head. “Look Scott, I saw Hailey today and she’s different, she’s not the Hailey you know.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? What’s happened? Did that fucker hurt her again? I’m going to kill him.” I ball my fists up, I still can’t believe that this shit has happened.

  “She’s okay, nothing that won’t heal.
She’s finally out of that toxic relationship but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t marked her.” This hasn’t just marked her, knowing that she’s been hurt, that we couldn’t do anything no matter how many of us spoke to her, begged her to go to the cops and end this shit, she didn’t. “What I’m trying to say is she’s different now. Just tread carefully.”

  “Am I that much of an asshole? You’re the second person to say that to me in less than an hour.” I shake my head, “I’ve got to go.” I don’t wait for him to respond, I grab my keys from my office. It's time to check up on Hailey, I need to see with my own eyes that she's okay.

  I park outside the condo, the door is wide open and I see movement inside, looking behind me I see a U-haul van. I see a sofa and some other furniture inside and Morgan was right, they do need help with moving their stuff. Pulling out my cell I fire a text to Dad and Luke telling them to get their asses down here and help. I know without question dad will be here, he loves Hailey like one of his own. I think he knows how I feel about her; he's always known.

  A knock on my car window, makes me turn and look. Fucking Maddie! I open the door and climb out, “What are you doing here?” the selfish bitch asks with her hands on her hips.

  “Yeah, it's nice to see you too Maddie. I see Rehab worked wonders.” her eyes narrow at my sarcasm, she needs a personality transplant.

  “What are you doing here Scott? She doesn't need this right now.” She's giving me attitude.

  I laugh at her audacity, “She doesn't need you and yet here you are. How does it feel Maddie knowing you're the reason she's lost everything?”


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