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The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World's Classics)

Page 38

by Apollodorus

  Parthenopaios, son of Talaos 47

  Parthenope, daughter of Stymphalos 92

  Pasiphae, daughter of the Sun 43, 97, 98, 134, 172

  Patroclos, son of Menoitios 121, 130, 153–4, 155

  Pedias, daughter of Mynes 132

  Pegasos, offspring of Poseidon, a winged horse 64, 66

  Peiras, son of Argos 58

  Peirithoos, son of Ixion 40, 84, 121, 142–3, 149

  Peisandros (of Cameiros, early epic poet) 42

  Peisidice, daughter of Aiolos 38

  Peisidice, daughter of Nestor 46

  Peisidice, daughter of Pelias 46

  Peisinoe, a Siren 167

  Peisistratos, son of Nestor 46

  Peisos, son of Aphareus 119

  Pelagon, son of Asopos 126

  Pelasgos, son of Zeus, or earthborn 58, 114

  Pelegon, son of Axios 154

  Peleus, son of Aiacos 40, 49, 116, 126–9, 148, 160

  Pelias, son of Poseidon and Tyro 45–6, 48–9, 53, 56–7; funeral games for 116, 127; daughters of 57

  Pelopeia, daughter of Pelias 46

  Pelopia, daughter of Amphion 105

  [Pelopia,] daughter of Thyestes 145

  Pelopia, mother of Cycnos 90

  Pelops, son of Tantalos 68, 69, 73, 104, 126, 127, 136, 139, 143–5; altar of 87; bones of 156

  Peloros, a Spartos 100

  Peneleos, son of Hippalcimos or Hippalmos(?) 50, 121

  Penelope, daughter of Icarios 120, 121, 147, 168–70

  Penthesileia, daughter of Ares, an Amazon 144, 172

  Pentheus, son of Echion 103

  Peparethos, son of Dionysos 140

  Pephredo, daughter of Phorcos 65

  Perdix, mother of Talaos 137

  Pereus, son of Elatos 115

  Periboia, a Locrian maiden 162

  Periboia, daughter of Hipponoos 42

  Periboia, wife of Icarios 120

  Periboia, wife of Polybos 105

  Periclymenos, son of Neleus 45, 50, 87

  Periclymenos, son of Poseidon 110

  Perieres, charioteer of Menoiceus 72

  Perieres, son of Aiolos 38, 44, 68, 120, 127, 128

  Perieres, son of Cynortas 119, 120

  Perileos, son of Icarios 120

  Perimede, daughter of Aiolos 38

  Perimede, wife of Licymnios 69

  Perimedes, son of Eurystheus 92

  Periopis, daughter of Pheres 130

  Periphetes, son of Hephaistos 138

  Pero, daughter of Neleus 45, 46–7

  Perse, mother of Circe and Aietes 166

  Perseis, mother of Pasiphae and Aietes, 43, 97

  Persephone, daughter of Zeus 30, 33–4, 84, 131, 143, 170

  Perses, brother of Aietes 57

  Perseus, son of Nestor 46

  Perseus, son of Zeus 29, 44, 65–8, 70, 119

  Peteos, father of Menestheus 121

  Phaedra (properly Phaidra), daughter of Minos 97, 98, 141–2, 172

  Phaethon, son of Tithonos 131

  Phaia, sow of Crommyon, named after

  the woman who reared it 139

  Phaidimos, son of Amphion 105

  Phanos, son of Dionysos 50

  Pharnace, daughter of Megassares 131

  Phegeus, father of Arsinoe 113

  Pheneus, son of Melas 42

  Phereclos, builder of ships for Paris 146

  Perecydes (of Athens, historian, 5th cent. BC) 32 (3F42 Jacoby), 33 (F53), 42 (F122a), 51 (Fllla), 59 (F67), 71 (F69a), 89 (F42), 96 (F87), 100 (F22c), 101 (F89), 110 (F92a), 115 (F157), 126 (F60)

  Pheres, son of Cretheus 40, 46, 48, 49, 120, 130

  Pheres, son of Jason 57

  Pheidippos, son of Thessalos 148, 161

  Philaimon, son of Priam 125

  Philammon, father of Thamyris 30

  Philocrates (Hellenistic author of a work on Thessaly) 130 (601F1 Jacoby)

  Philoctetes, son of Poias 121, 125, 148, 151, 155, 161

  Philoitios 169

  Philolaos, son of Minos 78, 97

  Philomela, daughter of Pandion 133–4

  Philonoe, daughter of Iobates 64

  Philonome, daughter of Tragasos 150–1

  Philyra, mother of Cheiron 29

  Philyra, wife of Nauplios 62

  Phineus, son of Belos 60, 67

  Phineus, son of Poseidon or Agenor 51–3, 135

  Phlegyas, son of Ares 104, 119

  Phocos, son of Aiacos 126, 127

  Phoebe {properly Phoibe), a Titanid 27, 28

  Phoebe, daughter of Leucippos 119, 122

  Phoenix {properly Phoinix), son of Agenor 96, 131

  Phoenix, son of Amyntor 129, 153, 156, 160

  Pholos, son of Seilenos, a Centaur 75–6

  Phorbas, father of Augeias 76

  Phorbos, father of Pronoe 39

  Phorcides, the (or Graiai) 29, 65

  Phorcos, son of Pontos 29, 65, 167

  Phorcys, son of Aretaon 152

  Phoroneus, son of Inachos 39, 58

  Phrasimos, father of Praxithea 134

  Phrasios, a seer 82

  Phrasios, son of Neleus 45

  Phrixos, son of Athamas 43, 49, 52

  Phrontis, son of Phrixos 43

  Phthia, concubine of Amyntor 129

  Phthia, daughter of Amphion 105

  Phthia, loved by Apollo 39

  Phylacos, son Deion 44, 46–7

  Phylas, king of Ephyra 89, 92

  Phylas, son of Antiochos 93

  Phyleus, son of Augeias 76, 87, 121, 148

  Phyllis 161–2

  Phylomache, daughter of Amphion 46

  Phylonoe, daughter of Tyndareus 120

  Phylonomos, son of Electryon 68

  Pieris, slave of Menelaos 21–2

  Pieros, son of Magnes 30

  Pittheus, son of Pelops 136, 143, 145

  Placia, daughter of Otreus 124

  Pleiades, the 117

  Pleione, daughter of Oceanos 117

  Pleisthenes (son of Pelops) 99

  Pleuron, son of Aitolos 39

  Piexippos, son of Phineus 134–5

  Piexippos, son of Thestios 39

  Pluto 28, 30, 33–4, 84, 127; see also Hades

  Podaleirios, son of Asclepios 121, 148, 155, 158, 162

  Podarces, later called Priam 86, 124

  Podarces, son of Iphiclos 47

  Poias, son of Thaumacos 50, 56, 91, 121, 148

  Poliporthes, son of Odysseus 170

  Polites, son of Priam 125

  Pollux, see Polydeuces

  Poltys, welcomes Heracles at Ainos 79

  Polyanax, king of the Melians 161

  Polybos, king of Corinth 105

  Polybotes, a Giant 35

  Polycaste, daughter of Nestor 46

  Polydectes, son of Magnes 44, 65, 67

  Polydeuces, son of Zeus 40, 49, 51, 120, 122

  Polydora, daughter of Peleus 127

  Polydora, daughter of Perieres 128

  Polydoros, son of Cadmos 101, 103

  Polydoros, son of Priam 125

  Polygonos, son of Proteus 80

  Polyidos, son of Coiranos 99–100

  Polymede, daughter of Autolycos 48, 56 (not named)

  Polymedon, son of Priam 125

  Polymele, son of Peleus 130

  Polymnia, a Muse 30

  Polyneices, son of Oedipus 106, 107–10, 111, 112, 149

  Polypemon, see Damastes

  Polypheides, king of Sicyon 146

  Polyphemos, son of Elatos 50, 51

  Polyphemos, son of Poseidon, a Cyclops 165

  Polyphontes, a Heraclid 95

  Polyphontes, herald of Laios 106

  Polypoites, son of Apollo 39

  Polypoites, son of Odysseus 170

  Polypoites, son of Peirithoos 121, 149, 158

  Polyxene, daughter of Priam 125

  Polyxenos, king of the Eleans 69

  Polyxenos, son of Agasthenes 121

  Polyxo, mother of Antiope 117

  Pontos (Sea) 29

  Porphyrion, a Giant 34

  Porthaon, son of Agenor 39

  Portheus, father of Echion 157

  Poseidon, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Praxithea, at Eleusis 33

  Praxithea, daughter of Phrasimos 134

  Praxithea, wife of Erichthonios 133

  Priam, son of Laomedon 86, 124–5, 147, 152, 154, 157, 161

  Proeles, son of Aristodemos 93, 94

  Procne, daughter of Pandion 133

  Procris, daughter of Erechtheus 44, 70, 134

  [Procroustes], see Damastes

  Proitos, son of Abas 62–4, 65, 67, 115

  Promachos, son of Aison 56

  Promachos, son of Parthenopaios 47, 112

  Prometheus, son of Iapetos 29, 31, 36–7, 75, 83, 128

  Pronax, son of Talaos 47

  Pronoe, daughter of Phorbos 39

  Pronoos, son of Phegeus 113

  Protesilaos, son of Iphiclos 121, 148, 151–2, 153, 161

  Proteus, king of Egypt 102, 147, 164

  Proteus, son of Poseidon 80

  Prothoos, son of Agrios 42

  Prothoos, son of Tenthredon 149, 161

  Protogeneia, daughter of Calydon 39

  Protogeneia, daughter of Deucalion 37

  Psamathe, daughter of Nereus 29, 126

  Pteleon, lover of Procris 134

  Pterelaos, son of Taphios 68–70

  Pterelaos, the sons of 68–9

  Ptoos, son of Athamas 44

  Pygmalion, king of Cyprus 131

  Pylaon, son of Neleus 45

  Pylos, king of Megara 135–6

  Pylia, daughter of Pylas 135

  Pylios, at Eleusis 171

  Pylos, son of Ares 39

  Pyraichmes, leader of the Paeonians 152

  Pyrene, mother of Cycnos 82

  Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus 37

  Pyrrhos, later Neoptolemos 129

  Python, serpent at Delphi 31

  Rhadamanthys, son of Zeus 71, 72, 96, 97

  Rhea, a Titanid 27–8, 102, 125, 162

  Rhesos, son of Strymon 30, 153

  Rhexenor, father of Chalciope 136

  Rhode, daughter of Poseidon 33

  Rhoicos, a Centaur 116

  Salamis, daughter of Asopos 127

  Salmoneus, son of Aiolos 38, 44–5

  Sandocos, son of Astynoos 131

  Sarapis 58

  Sarpedon, son of Poseidon 80

  Sarpedon, son of Zeus 96, 97, 153, 154

  Satyr, a 58, 60–1

  Scaios, son of Hippocoon 120

  Scamander 123, 124, 154

  Sceiron, son of Pelops 126, 139

  Schedios, son of Iphitos 121

  Schoineus, son of Athamas 41, 44, 49, 117

  Scylla, a monster 55, 167

  Scylla, daughter of Nisos 137

  Scyrios, father of Aigeus 136

  Sea, see Pontos

  Seasons (Horai), the 29

  Seilenos, father of Pholos 75

  Selene, see Moon

  Semele, daughter of Cadmos 101, 102

  Side, wife of Orion 32

  Sidero, stepmother of Tyro 45

  Simoeis, father of Astyoche and Hieromneme 123

  Simonides (lyric poet, 6th-5th cent, BC) 141

  Sinis, son of Polypemon 138

  Sinon 156–7

  Sipylos, son of Amphion 104

  Sirens (Seirenes), the 30, 40, 55, 167

  Sisyphos, son of Aiolos 38, 44, 64, 101, 117, 126

  Sky, see Ouranos

  Smyrna, daughter of Theias 131

  Sparta, daughter of Eurotas 118

  Spartoi (Sown Men), the 100, 109

  Spercheios, son of Menesthios 128

  Spermo, daughter of Anios 148

  Sphinx, the 106

  Staphylos, son of Dionysos 50, 140

  Stemops, son of Melas 42

  Sterope, daughter of Acastos 128

  Sterope, daughter of Atlas 117

  Sterope, daughter of Cepheus 88

  Sterope, daughter of Pleuron 39

  Sterope, daughter of Porthaon 40

  Steropes, a Cyclops 27

  Stesichoros (lyric poet, 7th-6th cent. BE) 119, 172

  Stheneboia, daughter of Apheidas or Iobates 62, 63, 64, 115

  Sthenelaos, son of Melas 42

  Sthenele, daughter of Acastos 130

  Sthenelos, father of Cometes 160

  Sthenelos, son of Androgeos 79

  Sthenelos, son of Capaneus 112, 121

  Sthenelos, son of Perseus 68, 69

  Stheno, a Gorgon 66

  Stratobates, son of Electryon 68

  Stratonice, daughter of Pleuron 39

  Strophios, father of Pylades 163

  Strymo, daughter of Scamander 124

  Stymphalos, son of Elatos 92, 115, 126

  Styx, an Oceanid 28, 29

  Sun, the (Helios) 29, 33, 34, 43, 50, 55, 57, 76, 80, 83, 97, 166, 168

  Sylea, daughter of Corinthos 138

  Syleus, killed by Meracles 85

  Talaimenes, father of Mesthles and Antiphos 153

  Talaos, son of Bias 47, 107, 108

  Talos, a man of bronze 56

  Talos, nephew of Daidalos 137–8

  Talthybios, herald of Agamemnon 148, 150

  Tantalos, father of Pelops and Niobe 105, 143

  Tantalos, son of Amphion 105

  Tantalos, son of Thyestes 146

  Taphios, son of Poseidon 68

  Tartaros 35, 59; as place 27–8, 119

  Tauros, son of Neleus 45

  Tebros, son of Hippocoon 120

  Tegyrios, king of Thrace 135

  Teiresias, son of Everes 70, 109–10, 112, 114, 167, 170, 171

  Telamon, son of Aiacos 40, 49, 86, 121, 126–7

  Telchis, kills Apis 58

  Teledice, wife of Phoroneus 58

  Telegonos, king of the Egyptians 60

  Telegonos, son of Odysseus 167, 170

  Telegonos, son of Proteus 80

  Telemachos, son of Odysseus 147, 169

  Teleon, father of Boutes 50

  Telephassa, wife of Agenor 96, 100

  Telephos, son of Heracles 88, 92, 116

  Telesilla (lyric poet, 5th cent, BC) 105

  Telestes, son of Priam 125, 149–50, 156

  Temenos (son of Aristomachos), a Heraclid 93–4

  Tenes, son of Cycnos 150–1

  Tenthredon, father of Prothoos 149

  Tereis, mother of Megapenthes 122

  Tereus, son of Ares 133–4

  Terpsichore, a Muse 30

  Tethys, a Titanid 27, 28, 58, 126

  Teucros, son of Scamander 123

  Teucros, son of Telamon 121, 127, 155

  Teutamides, king of Larissa 67

  Teuthras, king of Teuthrania 88, 116

  Thaleia, a Grace 29

  Thaleia, a Muse 30

  Thalpios, son of Eurytos 121

  Thamyris 30

  Thasos, son of Poseidon 96

  Thaumacos, father of Poias 50

  Thaumas, son of Pontos 29

  Theano, wife of Antenor 152

  Thebaid (early epic) 42 (fr. 8 Davies)

  Thebe, wife of Zetheus 104

  Theia, a Titanid 27, 28

  Theias, father of Adonis 131

  Theiodamas, father of Hylas 51, 88

  Thelxiepeia, a Siren 167

  Thelxion 58

  Themis, a Titanid 27, 29, 31, 82, 128

  Themiste, daughter of lios 123

  Themisto, daughter of Hypseus 44

  Therimachos, son of Heracles 92

  Thersandros, son of Polyneices 112, 149

  Thersites, son of Agrios 42, 154

  Theseus, son of Aigeus or Poseidon 40, 49, 57, 84, 86, 98, 107, 111, 121, 138–43, 157, 172

  Thespios, king of Thespiae 71, 72, 89, 91

  Thessalos or Thettalos, son of Heracles

  92, 148, 161

  Thestalos, son of Heracles 92
/>   Thestios, son of Ares 39, 40, 41, 50, 120

  Thestios, the sons of 41

  Thetis, daughter of Nereus 29, 31, 55, 102, 128–9, 148, 151, 159, 160

  Thoas, father of Hypsipyle 50, 108

  Thoas, king of the Taurians 163

  Thoas, son of Andraimon 148, 170

  Thoas, son of Dionysos 140

  Thoas, son of Icarios 120

  Thoosa, mother of Polyphemos 164

  Thrasymedes, son of Nestor 46

  Thyestes, son of Pelops 69, 145–6

  Thyone, later name o/Semele 103

  Thyreus, son of Oineus 40

  Timandra, daughter of Tyndareus 120

  Tiphys, son of Hagnias 49, 53

  Tisamenos, son of Orestes 93–4, 164

  Tisiphone, a Fury 27

  Tisiphone, daughter of Alcmaion 114

  Titanides, the 27

  Titans, the 27–9, 34

  Tithonos, son of Cephalos 131

  Tithonos, son of Laomedon 82, 124, 154

  Tityos, son of Zeus 31–2

  Tlepolemos, son of Heracles 89, 92, 93, 148, 161

  Tmolos, husband of Omphale 85

  Toxeus, son of Oineus 40

  Tragasos, father of Philonome 150

  Trienos (Triton?) 167

  Triops, son of Poseidon 38

  Triptolemos, son of Celeos 33

  Triton, father of Pallas 123–4

  Triton, son of Poseidon 33

  Troilos, son of Priam or Apollo 125, 152

  Troizenos, father of Euphemos 152

  Tros, son of Erichthonios 123

  Tydeus, son of Oineus 42, 107–11, 112, 121, 148

  Tyndareus, son of Perieres or Oibalos 44, 88, 119, 120–1, 122, 146, 163, 172

  Typhon, son of Tartaros 35–6, 64, 73 80, 81, 106, 139

  Tyrannos, son of Pterelaos 68

  Tyro, daughter of Salmoneus 45, 46

  Ulysses, see Odysseus

  Xanthippe, daughter of Doros 39

  Xanthippos, son of Melas 42

  Xanthos, an immortal horse 129

  Xenodamas, son of Menelaos 122

  Xenodice, daughter of Minos 97

  Xenodoce, daughter of Syleus 85

  Xouthos, son of Hellen 37, 44, 134

  Zelos, son of Pallas 29

  Zetes, son of Boreas 49, 52, 134

  Zethos, son of Zeus and Antiope 104, 117

  Zeus, see ‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

  Zeuxippe, wife of Pandion 133, 291



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