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An Atomic Love Story

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by Shirley Streshinsky

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  The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (Bancroft)

  Courtesy of the Archives, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

  Alfred Eisenstadt/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images (Eisenstadt)

  Getty Images (Getty)

  J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee Photographs (JROMC)

  Los Alamos Historical Society (LAHS)

  Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

  Martin Sherwin Collection at Library of Congress (MSC)

  Peuning/Vissering Family Photographs, Courtesy of Martin Vissering (VFP)

  Ramseyer Family Photographs, Courtesy of Helene Dickel and Lin Clayberg (RFP)

  Taniment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, NYU (TL)

  Tatlock Family Photographs, Courtesy of John Tatlock (TFP)

  Oppenheimer Family Photographs, Courtesy of Peter Oppenheimer (OFP)

  Robert and Ella Oppenheimer (JROMC); Robert Oppenheimer (JROMC), Kitty Oppenheimer (MSC); Jean Tatlock (TFP), Ruth Sherman Tolman (Caltech); Baby Kitty, Kitty and Kaethe Puening (OFP), Robert and Julius Oppenheimer (JROMC), Jean Tatlock (TFP); Jean Tatlock (TFP); Jean and Hugh Tatlock (TFP), Robert Oppenheimer (JROMC); Kitty and grandparents, Kitty and Kaethe Puening, Kitty and Franz Puening (MSC); Kitty and German family (OFP); Frank Ramseyer (RFP), Joe Dallet (TL); Kitty Oppenheimer (MSC); Jean Tatlock, Hugh Tatlock (TFP); Ruth Tolman, Ruth and Richard Tolman (Caltech); Jean Tatlock (TFP); Jean Tatlock (TFP); Haakon Chevalier (Bancroft), J. S. P. Tatlock (TFP); Marjorie, John and Jean Tatlock at Vassar graduation (TFP), Robert and Crisis (JROMC); Ruth and Richard Tolman at blackboard, Ruth and Richard Tolman at home (Caltech); Richard Tolman (Bancroft), Ruth Valentine passport (; Robert and Peter, Robert feeding Peter (JROMC), Stewart Harrison at Caltech (Caltech), Kitty and Peter (JROMC); Jean Tatlock (TFP); Oppenheimer home at Los Alamos (LAHS); Kitty at laboratory (MSC), Robert at party (MSC), Kitty smoking on sofa (JROMC), Jean Tatlock (TFP); Kitty in chair (MSC), Robert with colleagues (JROMC); Richard Tolman receiving his OBE (Caltech), Ruth Tolman (Caltech), Kitty and her parents at Olden Manor (Getty/Eisenstadt); Kitty and Robert in Japan (JROMC), Kitty and Robert with Pearl Buck (Getty), Robert receiving the Fermi Award (JROMC); Oppenheimer family on beach (JROMC), Toni (JROMC); Kitty sailing (MSC)


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