Just One Night (Cowboy Heaven and Texas Beauties Book 1)

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Just One Night (Cowboy Heaven and Texas Beauties Book 1) Page 1

by Russell, Jaime

  © Copyright 2016 Jaime Russell

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  When I saw you

  I fell in love, and

  You smiled

  Because you know.

  -William Shakespeare


  May, Thursday night

  “I hope that Erin gets to feeling better,” I say as Taylor shrugs into her coat.

  “I wouldn’t have called you in if I didn’t need to leave.”

  “I know. I leave on Monday so it will be good to have some extra money for the move. I’m going to miss you and your brats.” I laugh. She knows I adore her two kids. I often babysit them so she and her doctor husband can go out when schedules permit.

  “Thanks for doing this for me, Charlie.” I wave her off. It’s my only day off, but Taylor’s daughter is sick, and her husband can’t take the time off. She only called me as a last resort. Overtime will be perfect for me since I’m making a big move with my twin sister, Maddie, and best friends, Dana and Macy.

  We want—no, it’s more of a need—this fresh start since Dana lost her dream job so we threw darts at a map. You didn’t think four twenty-somethings were going to pick a place the normal way, did you?

  I’ve always wanted to open a restaurant of my own, so I got a culinary degree. I traveled the world with my degree and worked for some amazing chefs, but I settled on waitressing because I needed to pay my loans. My dad wanted us to get a degree, but I picked one that would piss him off the most and still let me have my passion for cooking.

  “Charlotte, really? You can’t make money cooking.”

  I set off to prove him wrong, but he likes to call to remind me that he was right—for now, anyway.

  I’m currently waiting tables at a swanky restaurant. My uniform consists of a black skirt, white blouse, and a bow tie. My long blonde hair is in a perfectly-shaped bun on my head. Now, don’t get me wrong, I make good tips and the owners are amazing, but I hate looking like everyone else. I notice the hostess places a man in my section so I head over to take his order.

  “Hello, and welcome to Markos. My name is Charlotte.” I almost choke on my full name. I love that my parents named me after my grandmother who I adore, but it’s not me. “Can I start you off with a drink?” I stand there with my notepad in my hand, twirling my pen waiting for his response.

  “Ma’am.” My stomach flip flops with his Southern drawl. “Can I have water, please?”

  “Sure,” I stammer. I walk away fanning myself, catching Macy’s attention, and I hear him laugh out loud. I guess I wasn’t as subtle as I thought. I head back to the bar to take a few deep breaths.

  “Girl, he is hot,” Macy comments, looking at the mystery man at my table. Macy is the bartender and my partner in crime when we work together. Macy’s red hair and hazel eyes make every guy stand up to attention, but I would have more luck with her. Macy ended an unhealthy abusive relationship and wanted a change so I told her let’s go. We both put our notice in, and we pull out in five days.

  “You should hear him speak in his Southern accent. Panties wet.” Macy laughs out loud. I have no filter with my friends and need to get myself in check. Macy hands me the glass of water with a wink. I let out a deep breath, square my shoulders, and head to the table.

  “Here is your water, Sir. Would you like an appetizer or are you ready to order? Are you waiting for someone to get here so you can order?”

  “Yes, my sister and her fiancé are joining me. They are setting me up with someone.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m only in town for a couple of days for their wedding, not looking for a relationship especially here in San Francisco.” Why is he telling me this? I don’t know, but the way his eyes look me up and down, I shiver wishing I could be with him, hearing him talk dirty to me in his sexy accent while wearing his cowboy hat.

  Charlie, get a hold of yourself, I tell myself. I smile awkwardly hoping that he can’t read my thoughts because my facial expressions tend to give me away.

  “Oh, I can understand that. My friends are always setting me up. I’m getting ready to move away from the great state of California with my sister and best friends.” I look into his beautiful ice-blue eyes to see that he is staring at me, and I blush. “I’m sorry, rambling. I’ll come back to check on you. Let me get you some complimentary bread and butter.”

  “Thank you.”

  I smack my forehead. Why is this guy getting under my skin so bad? I'm that awkward teenage girl again, and I've only spent a total of five minutes with him.

  I get pulled into the private dining area for a party of thirty, so I don’t get to see the hunky cowboy anymore. I actually find myself disappointed, but I shrug it off and clock out.

  My feet are killing me.

  “Night, Jimmy.” I wave to the bartender who is cleaning up the bar, and he mumbles a goodbye to me. I love the weather tonight, it’s warm but not muggy like during the day. I take a deep breath and look up to the sky. I grew up in the country where there were a million stars, but in the city, they are gone. Drowned out by the bright lights. I start walking down to the corner to catch the bus. One good thing about living in the city? The bus runs 24/7, so I’m good to get home without having to pay for a taxi.

  The red line bus number 402 pulls up to the stop and opens the door.

  “Charlie, how’s it going, my main man?” I laugh because Kelly and I go through this all the time.

  “Kelly, how’s it going, darling?” I try to change my voice to a British accent, but it comes out as a new accent altogether, which makes me giggle.

  “I think our parents messed up naming us. Kelly is a girl’s name, not a dude’s name,” he yells as I sit down three seats back from him.

  “My real name is Charlotte, but I hate it. So everyone calls me Charlie. Besides, I thought Kelly was famous thanks to that TV show Chicago Fire and he is cute from what I’ve seen.”

  “I don’t know if he is cute or not. Do I look gay?” I open my mouth. “No comment from you.” Kelly stares through the big mirror above his head, and I raise my hands in surrender. Kelly likes to dress in pinks, purples, and bright yellows. I often think he prefers the men over the ladies, but I don’t say anything. “When are you leaving?”

  “We leave Monday. I’m excited about it. Between the four of us, we have enough saved for a down payment on a house and can live in a hotel for a few weeks if we have to.” I can talk freely about it since I’m the only one on the bus and Kelly is a close friend.

  “That’s great. Do you know anyone out that way?”

  “No, and that’s the beauty of it.”

  “Well, tell Pattycakes to keep in contact.”

  I stand up when we get to my apartment; Kelly goes out of his way to make sure I get home safely since I’m the only one on the bus at two AM.

  “Of course. We’ll keep you in the loop. See you tomorrow night the same time?”

  “Yes, darling.” I wave as he pulls away. I step over the current drunk person who forgot what apartment he lives in and head to apartment 1C. Maddie and Dana have been staying with me since we decided on the move. I like the company, but they tend to be too much for me—clothes thrown everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink
for days, and the coming and going at all hours of the day and night. They aren’t working so it’s fine for them but for me it’s hard

  How am I going to live with them?


  I stare at the ass of my waitress as she walks away while fanning herself. I'm used to women’s attention in my small town of Lakeway, Texas, but there is something about her. Quinn is usually on time, but tonight she is late, so I decide to check my email. I hate being away from work for more than a day or two. My brothers and I decided to take a few extra days since the ranch has kept us busy with all of the changes that we’re making and people quitting.

  I hope she gets here soon, and I wonder who she is setting me up with this time. Ever since Quinn got engaged, it’s her mission to set us up because in her words, “You need someone to come home to and be there to support you.” I roll my eyes every time. I mean, I’m twenty-five years old, do I need to be married?

  “Hello, sir. My name is Mike, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you a drink or an appetizer while you wait for your party?”

  “What happened to Charlotte?” I look around the room, and I see her standing there talking to another woman. Charlotte looks disappointed.

  “Oh, we had a huge party come in, and she’s the best at handling it. So you are stuck with me tonight. I’m sure she is as disappointed as you are.” I laugh at his remarks.

  “I’d like a beer, please. Whatever you suggest; none of that light shit, though.” Mike walks away, and I continue to watch Charlie.

  “You’re early or am I late?” The voice of my older sister Quinn is in my ear. She kisses my cheek, and my face gets red. When our parents died in a car accident when I was three, she dropped out of school to raise me, my two brothers, and sister. We were quite the handful. I'm the youngest of the five, and when I hit eighteen, Quinn finished her law degree and moved here with her professor who she’s marrying this weekend.

  “You're late. I'm never early. So, who is she?” I smirk, knowing that she set me up.

  “Actually, no one. Mark isn’t even coming.” Quinn looks away to the menu, avoiding all eye contact with me, but something in her tone speaks volumes. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s almost like a disappointment.

  “Quinnie, what's the matter?” I take the menu from her and grab her hand.

  “I got the job!” Quinn squeaks out.

  “You got it?” She nods her head quickly with the biggest smile on her face. Quinn has been working really long hours at her current job as a junior associate with her fiancé, Mark, and his dad. Quinn told them that she wanted to earn her way. In two years of her being out here, she got the partnership.

  “Mark and Sherman weren’t allowed to vote so the other three partners voted me in. I’m marrying the man of my dreams in two days, and I got the dream job.”

  “We need to celebrate!” I wave over the waiter. “Could we get two glasses of your best champagne, please?” Mike nods and walks away.

  “Oh, you didn’t have to do that.” Quinn hates when we spend money on her. “I am curious, though, as to why you asked me here and not Tuck and Wes?”

  “I want you to give me away on Saturday,” Quinn says as she sips her water.

  “I would be honored.” I smile. “Tuck and Wes would have understood you asking me.”

  “I wanted it just to be us. I know they wouldn’t get mad about me asking you. You and I are the closest since you’re the youngest and I spent more time with you.” Growing up, I was with Quinn all the time, I even went to work with her at the law office where she was assisting.

  “Order me the steak, medium, salad with ranch dressing, and a baked potato with the works. I need to freshen up.” When she stands, I group text my brothers to let them know before they try to track us down. I told them that Quinn wanted to talk to me.

  Me: Everything is great. She asked me to walk her down the aisle.

  Tucker: I kind of figured that since Wes and I are groomsmen.

  Me: Since when

  Wesley: Since we are out to dinner with Mark.

  Tucker: Quinn thought we would be mad so we are now in the wedding. *rolls eyes* Tuxedo fittings tomorrow.

  I put my phone away when I see Quinn coming back. She's smiling, and I see her on her phone. “Fuck a duck,” I mumble. “Tuxedo?”

  “Of course you will be in a tuxedo. And no cowboy hats for you boys.”

  “But—” Quinn gives me the Mom look that makes me drop my head, and I nod. Quinn squeals in excitement. We eat dinner as she rambles on about wedding plans. All I can think about is how I wish Charlie would come over to see me. I look around for her when I'm leaving, but I don't see her.

  “See you tomorrow for the rehearsal. Oh, tell Tucker and Wesley best behaviors this weekend.” I try to act innocent, but I just can’t.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I wink and hail a cab to go back to the hotel to see Wes and Tuck.


  I hear my phone ding which pauses my music that I was dancing to while I was in the shower. I pick up my phone to see a text from my friend and co-worker Mike.

  Mike: Cowboy was real disappointed that I was his waiter. He was looking around for you.

  Me: Shut up!

  Mike: His name is Rhett. I heard the chick that was with him say.

  Me: Thanks

  I'm standing in front of my mirror with the towel wrapped around me and my hair. I clean the steam from my shower off the mirror and stare at myself. I mean, I'm pretty. The long, blonde hair, blue eyes, curves in the right places. I've never had time for a serious relationship. I want the husband, 2.5 kids, and picket fence, but no one has caught my eye.

  After brushing my teeth, I throw on my three-sizes-too-big San Francisco Giants T-shirt and head out to the living room to see what Maddie is up to.

  “Maddie, what are you doing?” My sister and I are twins, but you can't tell until we were side by side. We have the same body type—skinny, curves in the right places, and blue eyes—but she has black hair, thanks to her wigs. Maddie loves it because it drives our parents crazy knowing that she is ruining her beautiful blonde hair, and, of course, Maddie won’t tell them it’s fake. I think she enjoys torturing our parents. Maddie is sitting Indian-style in the middle of the room staring at the wall.

  “Pierre says that I need to get right with the Earth before moving to Austin.” Pierre, or should I say Peter, thinks he is the guru who knows everything. I roll my eyes going into the kitchen to get a drink of water. It's a small one-bedroom apartment. The place has wallpaper coming off the walls, rats and roaches hiding in the crevices—I leave lights on all the time. It was all I could afford when I moved here, but we leave in five days, and I can't wait. Maddie, Dana, and I have been sharing my bed since no one wants to sleep on the couch I bought from the Salvation Army. I don't blame them.

  “Where's Dana?”

  “Out. I doubt she’ll be home tonight.” Maddie wiggles her eyebrows.

  “So it's just us twinsies.” I lightly kick her. “Want to do some online house hunting or job hunting?” Maddie went to school to be a dental assistant so she knows her job will be the easiest because her boss has already spoken to a couple of dentists to set up interviews for her. I think I'm probably going to have the hardest time finding work.

  “Yes!” Maddie grabs the laptop on the floor next to her and we go into my bedroom. “I know we don't know the area so we might find something in the wrong part of town.” She laughs because Pierre read her hand and told her that same thing. I roll my eyes. “Stop that.” She swats my arm.

  “I can’t help it. Peter doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Maddie pulls up the local Austin newspaper to check things out, and she squeals in my ear.

  “Oh, my God, Charlie, look. Someone is looking for a cook for a ranch.”

  “What?” I say in disbelief as I pull the laptop from her hands.

  “Yeah I guess you would need to make breakfast and lunch for twenty people then dinner
for five. You would also live on the ranch in your own house. This would be perfect for you.” Maddie reads over my shoulder and points to it.

  “I thought we were buying a house together?”

  “What if the house came with enough rooms for Dana, Macy, and me? We could use the money that we have saved up for traveling, buying a couple of cars for us since you’re the only one with a car.”

  “I don't know, Maddie.” I didn't know if I could live in a new town without my sister and best friends. “I'll email them and set up an interview.” I find my résumé on the computer and start typing my email.

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Dear Sir or Ma’am,

  I'm relocating to the area, and I came across your ad on the local newspaper website. As you can see from my resume, I have a degree in culinary arts and have worked with some amazing chefs. I have attached their letters of recommendations. I'm currently working as a server, so I do have experience working with people. I've done a little bit of everything.

  Living quarters question. I'm moving to Texas with my sister and two best friends; is the housing big enough for the four of us to live? If it's not, then I might need to live somewhere else so I can stay with them.

  Thank you for taking the time to read my email and look over my resume. I included my cell phone number since I’ll be leaving on Monday and will be in Texas in a week.

  Charlotte Chandler


  I look the email over one more time and send it. Fingers crossed that I have a job and a place to live with my girls. Maddie is looking for work for her and found a couple that she contacted but with it being three in the morning, we doubt that we’ll get a response.


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