Just One Night (Cowboy Heaven and Texas Beauties Book 1)

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Just One Night (Cowboy Heaven and Texas Beauties Book 1) Page 2

by Russell, Jaime

  I do book our rooms at the hotel, and after living together for two months, I need some alone time, so I get my own room. I lock up after sending a text to Dana to let her know that I'm putting the chain on, and she’ll have to do the walk of shame in the morning. She replies with the thumbs up. I fall asleep cuddled up with Maddie dreaming of a cowboy with piercing blue eyes and a smirk that makes my stomach flip flop. Why didn't I get his number before leaving? I could have had some cowboy fun before heading off to my new adventure.


  When I get back to the hotel room, the guys are sleeping. Since I’m the last one in, I get stuck on the couch. I lie down and the beautiful blonde waitress pops into my head. I’m dreaming of bending her over one of the tables in the restaurant and taking her there. Charlie lying flat on the table while I fuck her with her long legs wrapped around me as her heels are digging into my ass. I wake up and smack myself in the forehead. I came in my sleep. God, I haven’t had a wet dream like that since I was in high school. I think I need to go back to that restaurant and find Charlie.

  “I heard she made partner. I wanted to hit Mark for telling us,” Tucker mentions while he looks through his bag. I groan when my brothers want to talk about Quinn and Mark before I can have a cup of coffee. I want to enjoy thoughts of Charlie more but Tucker has to be a chatty Kathy this morning.

  “She came in and acted all sad. I thought something happened between her and Mark.” The three of us are not big fans of Mark. He is ten years older than her, and I believe he is holding her back on a lot of things she wants to accomplish, but she sacrificed a lot for us so we have to be supportive. Savannah, our other sister, agrees with us. She thinks Quinn deserves better and told her so. They haven’t talked for a few months because of it.

  “I don’t want to even go to this wedding,” Tucker mumbles as he grabs his clothes to change in the bathroom. Tucker, who is 6’5”, is six years older than me. All three of us boys are all over six feet tall. I am the shorter of the three being six feet even; Wesley is 6’3”. When the three of us walk into a room together, women tend to smile, and men keep an eye on us to see what we’re about to do. We all have the same bright-blue eyes, but that is where the similarities end. We often joke with people that our mom found us on the side of the road and couldn’t resist us so she brought us home like stray cats. I'm the only one with tattoos—got my first one on a dare and now I can't stop. Tucker has long blonde hair, while Wesley has short brown hair and mine is actually brown but I like to keep mine shaved. Tucker is the protector of us while Wesley is more of the voice of reason. I’m the peacekeeping hell raiser of the group which is an oxymoron right there but mess with what’s mine then I can go from nice guy to Andre the Giant on your ass.

  “We have to respect her wishes. She gave up a lot for us.” Wesley comes out of the bathroom wearing just a towel. Wes is three years older than me and is always the rational one, but somehow, I became the peacekeeper in the family. I hate to see us fighting, but I know it’s going to happen.

  “I know that, asshat.” I throw my pillow at him.

  “I bet he has a small dick,” Tucker says, pulling on his jeans. We all groan out loud.

  “I'm getting a shower then we can leave. Where are we meeting her?”

  “At her office. She has to work this morning. I guess the groom is out golfing today.” I peek my head out of the bathroom. “Fuck, that means we're on wedding duty.”

  I hear Wesley say he isn’t doing it. I shower quickly so we can head downtown to the law office.

  We stop at the coffee shop to grab a coffee to wake up some before Quinn ruins our day and makes us run all over San Francisco. I notice a girl who has the face of Charlie but has dark hair. I was going to go over to her, but my brothers were yelling at me to hurry up. I shake my head because I must be seeing Charlie everywhere. Damn, I need to find her and fuck her to get her out of my system. We step off the elevator and head to the receptionist where we find Quinn.

  “I want to sue my brother for claiming he’s the better looking Livingston,” Tucker says when she doesn’t notice us right away.

  “Sorry, boys, I own that title and don't even think about dethroning me.” She gets up and hugs each one of us. “Are you guys okay?”

  “You tell us?” I say with my arms folded over my chest. I look around, and no one is here. “Why are you here?”

  “Hannah called off.” Quinn rolls her eyes.

  “Then close the business for the day. You're getting married tomorrow.” Mark comes out of his office with his briefcase. Mark is in his early fifties with gray hair. He isn’t much taller than Quinn maybe 5’6” and he finds it funny when he stands with us. Mark told us one night when we were drinking that he feels young when we’re standing together because of his height. We laughed because he doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

  “Boys!” He shakes our hands before kissing Quinn. She seems happy, but I still think she is selling herself short.

  “Mark. How’s it going?”

  “I’m getting married tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s been eight years in the making, but she finally said yes. You guys ready?” The three of us stare at each other with a confused look on our face.

  “They just got here, I haven’t told them yet,” Quinn says and then looks at us with that devilish grin of hers. “Mark is going with you to get your tuxedos.” I groan. “I’m meeting the girls at the bridal shop to try my dress on one last time before walking down the aisle to this man.” Quinn snuggles up to Mark. “Then we’re meeting for lunch, and I’ll divide up the list.” Quinn smiles sweetly at us.

  “Are they going to have tuxedos for us since the wedding is tomorrow?” Wesley asks. “We are big guys, and it’s hard to find clothes for us.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head. I called them a month ago with your sizes.” Quinn’s Southern accent is very thick which usually meant don’t mess with her. We nod and head to the elevator.

  “You’re not even marrying her, and she has all of your balls in her purse.” Mark laughs, and Tucker cracks his knuckles; I don’t think he finds it as funny.

  The tuxedo shop isn’t too bad. We end up buying them so we can have them on hand in case we ever need them. I hate having someone touching and measuring me. It felt very weird, and I didn’t like it. We finished early so Mark decided to take us to the country club for a round of golf. We get about halfway through the game before Quinn starts calling us to meet her and the girls at the restaurant. I hope Charlie is working, because this time, I won’t forget to get her number.


  I wake up to banging on my door.

  “Maddie, get the door.” I try to wake her up, but she doesn’t budge. She snorts and turns over onto her stomach as her blonde hair fans across her face. I have to climb over her to get out of the bed to answer the door. “Stop the banging, I’m coming,” I yell as I walk into the living room.

  “Hurry up, I gotta pee.” Dana is on the other side of the door. I unhook the chain and open the door. Dana pushes past me as she rushes to the bathroom. I can’t help but laugh at the sounds coming from the bathroom. Dana yells, “Thank God for relief.” She comes out with her short, brown hair a mess and her eyeliner makes her look like a raccoon.

  “Fun night?”

  “Oh, my God. You didn’t tell me that Mike was such an animal.”

  “Mike who?”

  “Mike Edwards, the one you work with. We met up at Cougars last night after he got off work.”

  “Gross. I don’t want to know about my coworkers.”

  “Anyway,” Dana dismisses my grossed out a facial expression that looks like I just got done eating a lemon and goes about talking, “we are hitting up Cougars tonight.”

  “Why?” I whine. Cougars is a local bar that is more like a dive bar. The bar is in dire need of Bar Rescue with the floor tiles peeling off, and the seating all tore up. I’m afraid to sit, and don’t get me started on how disgusting the bathr
ooms are. I hate going to Cougars, but it’s the only place where drinks are cheap and all of our friends hang out.

  Friday night, Cougars is usually really busy, and we don’t get home until 4 AM, and I have to work the afternoon shift at Markos. I also don’t want to play designated driver like the last four times we went out. I’m usually the responsible one making sure everyone gets home for our group of friends. It’s nice that Dana, Maddie, and I can walk home, but my other friends aren’t so lucky, so I have to drive them home.

  “Because we need a night out since we will be packing and moving soon. Please?” Dana starts her whining, and I give in just to shut her up, but I tell her that we need to pick a new DD so I can have some fun. “I’m crashing.”

  I go to tell her that I’m going back to bed, but she shuts my bedroom door. I sigh. This living in a one-bedroom apartment with two other people who make me sleep on the couch is getting old. I look at the clock and see it’s 9 AM, so I decide to start my day.

  My apartment is used to being in order, and now it’s all chaos—clothes everywhere, boxes stacked or open to add more things. I need to get this organized before I start to freak out. I grab one of the boxes and start to tape it up so I can pack up my entertainment stand. It’s a simple stand that was my first big girl purchase when I rented this place almost three years ago. It has gone through a robbery, a fight, and numerous parties. I’m sad to get rid of it, but this is about moving on and starting fresh. I start to wrap all the little goofy knick-knacks that I’ve purchased through the years and my extensive DVD collection. Five boxes later, and I decide to take a break. I see that it’s one o’clock in the afternoon. I wonder when the girls are going to get up? Should I start making noises? I get up from the floor, but I get distracted by my phone beeping. I grab my phone to see what I missed. I have a few text messages about going out tonight. I roll my eyes because I don't want to go, then I see a notification that I have an email.

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Ms. Chandler,

  My name is Karen, and I am the ranch manager. I do all the interviews, and I have just one question for you. Are you sure you want to work at the ranch? Your résumé is so impressive that I would think that you were running your own restaurant. I would be honored if you would come in to go over everything. I will be honest with you, you have the job because no one else has applied, and I need someone ASAP.

  As far as the housing goes, it will be no problem to have your friends and sister live with you. The house is a five-bedroom ranch home. I’m not sure if my bosses will charge a fee or not, but that is something I will discuss with them. I'm looking forward to meeting you and sampling your cooking.

  I also forgot to mention in the ad that during the summer, we run a camp where kids will be there for breakfast and lunch. It will be simple foods, but it’s three months out of the year that my bosses have the kids here. Once a month, the guys run a program for kids with disabilities to help around the ranch, ride horses and even cook. It’s so much fun watching the kids bake and their favorite dinner to make is macaroni and cheese with cut up hot dogs mixed together. Christmas time they have a big party for the same kids and their family.

  Please email me with the day you will be arriving so we can get you settled and start working.


  Karen Masters

  Livingston Ranch Manager

  O-M-G. I got the job and a house for us. I start to do my celebratory dance of the Roger Rabbit and running man together. This white girl has no rhythm. I hear someone behind me clearing their throat, and I turn around slowly to see Maddie standing there. “What are you doing?”

  “I got the job. No one else applied for it so by default it is mine. Plus, I scored housing for all of us.” Maddie squeals with me as we are holding hands and jumping up and down. This move is already starting to be amazing. “We have so much to celebrate tonight at Cougars.” I laugh.

  Maddie hugs me then releases me as she heads to the fridge. “Charlie, that is great. I'm so happy for you. This move is going to be excellent for the four of us. Wow, you've been busy.” Maddie looks around to see my hard work the last few hours.

  “Yeah, Dana decided to come home early this morning and take my bed. The couch sucks to sleep on so I figured that I could get some work done.” The living room is completely boxed up and organized so it's no longer a maze. Maddie and I leave a note for Dana to let her know that we went out to lunch. Maddie informs me that I have nothing to wear tonight, and I need to sex up my wardrobe, so shopping and lunch with my twin it is.


  “You're going to pull a muscle in your neck if you keep craning it like that. You look like a giraffe. Looking for someone?” Wesley whispers, trying to not draw attention to us.

  “Shut up.” I avoid eye contact. The waitress, I don't remember her name, brushes her breasts upside my arm. I smile up at her but try to let her know I'm not interested. Mark, Wesley, Tucker, and I order some drinks while we wait for the girls to get here. They called us an hour ago to meet them. “If they don't come soon, I'm ordering.”

  “I text Quinn but nothing. Let's order,” Mark speaks from behind his menu.

  “So, Markie,” Tucker starts in his Southern drawl, “bachelor party?” Mark starts to say something when he breaks out into a cough.

  “We are not having separate parties. I know how you boys can be. We’re going out to Cougars tonight. It's a dive bar but a lot of fun,” Quinn answers the question as she sits down in the chair next to Mark.

  “Why?” I whine. I want to see strippers if I can't see Charlie.

  “No strippers. If I leave him in your hands, he might not even show up.”

  “In our defense, we left Steven at the church; it's not our fault that he wandered off to a different church in his boxers.” Savannah’s husband also happens to be Tucker's best friend. We were all pretty wild when we were younger and Steven had a good send off. “Besides, the night is a blur so we can't remember everything that we did.” I laugh, and Quinn does too. “Savannah isn't still mad at us and Steven still can't remember how that tattoo came about so it was a night for the record books.”

  “Cougars is a lot of fun. They have bands on weekends and a pretty kickass deejay. It needs a lot of repairs but a great atmosphere.” Mackenzie, one of Quinn’s friends who lives in the same building as her and Mark, tells us.

  “What is the plan for the rest of the afternoon?” Mark asks.

  “Hair appointments, tanning, and relaxation.”

  “My hair looks good, so I can miss that meeting.” I chuckle as I rub my shaved head.

  “I'm going back to the hotel to swim and do nothing. It's nice not having to do some work for a few days.” I wave the waitress over and ask for the check. I pay for it and say goodbye to the girls and Mark.

  “Okay, so who were you looking for?”

  “I was here last night with Quinn, and there was a waitress that caught my eye. I didn't get her number since she ended up having to work somewhere else in the building, and I can't stop thinking about her. I was hoping to have some fun while out of town. She doesn't know me, my bank account, and isn't from Texas.”

  “Well, maybe we’ll get lucky and see her out tonight,” Wesley says as he hails a cab.

  “I hope so. There is something about her that I can't let go.”

  “Wait, are you talking about something more than just fucking her?” Tucker’s voice sounds surprised.

  “I didn't say that,” My brothers and I made a pact that we wouldn't settle down for a long time. We're still sowing our wild oats. “All I'm saying is, it'd be good to have a couple of days with her. I can fuck her, get to know her, and maybe when I come back to see Quinn, I have a San Francisco fuck buddy. Nothing wrong with having partners in different cities, is there?” I’m not going to mention that she is moving out of California.

  “You are not a fucking rock star; you are a rancher,” Tuck
er scoffs.

  “I like to keep my options open,” I protest.

  “More like your zipper,” Tucker mumbles as he gets into the taxicab. What the fuck is his problem? We ride to the hotel in silence, and I feel sorry for the taxi driver as he's looking nervous. He keeps checking us in the rear view mirror and out the corner of his eye since I’m sitting up front with him. He’s mumbling under his breath that he has a gun. I smile at him to try to give him some reassurance that we’re not going to rob him. I try to make small talk with him, but he avoids me.

  I get on my phone to check my email and see where Karen lets me know that we will be having four people moving into the house as she has hired a cook and will be starting in a week. Thank God for that because Karen can’t even boil water, so we’ve been spending extra money for catering.

  We run a 300-acre ranch where we hold a camp for kids with disabilities for a weekend each month and a lot of kids during the summer months. We try to build up self-esteem. On top of that, we have horses, cows, chickens, goats, and a garden. We provide fresh vegetables to the local school and churches. We make our money by racing horses, training horses, and with the cows.

  I thank the driver and tip him $100 since we made him feel uncomfortable and he thanks me over and over again as he pulls away. Tucker and I stand on opposite sides of the elevator. As we walk into the hotel room, I push on Tucker's back. “Care to tell me what your problem is?”

  “You are right now.” We’re standing nose to nose and his nostrils start to flare. “Can you please keep it in your pants this trip? We really don't want any extra drama.”

  “Have you been hanging out with Quinn and her girlfriends? Should you head out to the salon to get your hair and nails done?”


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