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Just One Night (Cowboy Heaven and Texas Beauties Book 1)

Page 3

by Russell, Jaime

  “Just shut up and leave me alone.” Tucker walks into the bathroom letting me know that this conversation is over.

  “I wish I had brothers,” Wesley comments as he flops onto the bed and starts flipping through the stations. We agreed to share a room, but I think that was a mistake.

  “Shut up.”

  “Seriously, are you two on the rag or something? Did the cute boy at the restaurant not pay attention to you or Tuck?” Wesley uses his best Valley Girl accent, and I can’t help but laugh at him. I decide to have some fun and jump onto the bed that he’s relaxing on. We start wrestling each other like we did when we were younger. Tucker comes out of the bathroom wearing his swimming trunks and stares at us.

  “Wow, and y’all say I’m immature.” He steps over us to answer the knock on the door. Wesley and I are lying on the floor with Wes having me in a headlock as my arms are flailing about to get a good shot at him.

  “I told you their room was where all the noise was coming from. Get up, you weirdos.” Savannah comes walking in and kicks each of us as she greets us. The women in our lives are the only ones who can make us go from almost thirty-somethings to five-year-olds with just one look, action, or word. The five of us are close despite Quinn and Savannah moving away from us. “This room smells like your feet. It’s gross.”

  “Sorry, had we known we were getting company, we would have cleaned up.” I snicker. We hug each other, and she informs us that Steven is staying with us so she can go spend time with the girls. Out the door she goes, and we dog pile onto Steven.


  I’m exhausted. It was almost seven o’clock when Maddie and I got back to the apartment. We went out to eat and shopped until we literally dropped. We were only supposed to shop for an outfit for tonight, but I ended up talking to Karen on the phone, and she informed me that I could wear shorts, tank tops, and anything that I’m comfortable with so that meant shopping. I usually hate the mall run, but the salary that she offered was more than what I was making before so I can afford it.

  “Did you have fun?” Macy asks as we come in. She’s standing in the kitchen cooking dinner.

  “Yes. What smells so good?” I sniff the air. Usually, I’m only who does all the cooking.

  “I called Markos to grab some food.” Macy is throwing the take-out containers out as she dishes the food onto our plates. “I figured that we could eat here before leaving.” Macy is wearing a black tank top and a pair of white skinny jeans with her black high heels, her red hair in her trademark ponytail. “Dana went out and told me that she’ll meet us there.” She shrugs.

  “More food for us,” I say as I come out of my bedroom after placing my bags of clothes on the bed. “You look amazing, girl, wanting to get lucky?”

  “Aren’t we all?” Maddie asks, high fiving Macy. I can’t help but laugh, and a certain cowboy comes to my mind.

  We eat in silence at first and then Maddie starts talking about the interviews that she has set up. Macy figures that she’ll wait until we get there and settled some before looking for work.

  “I can’t wait to leave here. A new beginning,” I say as I raise my red Solo cup filled with red wine. Maddie and Macy clink cups with me as we take a sip.

  “Oh, my God. I can’t move. You’re going to have to roll me into the bathroom so I can shower,” I tell Macy, patting my stomach. Maddie decided to call Pierre to see if he’s going to join us. “You okay?” Macy looks distant.

  “I’m ready to be out of here. Look.” Macy raises her shirt, and I see bruises. “Tracy came by today, and we got into it when she saw the boxes. I wish we could leave earlier than Sunday.” Macy has tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, my God, Macy. Can I do something? Stay here from now on, okay?” She nods her head as she carefully wipes her eyes without streaking her eyeliner. Macy gets up to go into the bedroom. I hate to see her crying. She’s usually the strong one, but seeing her so defeated breaks my heart.

  I grab my robe and towel to head into the bathroom to get a shower so I can start getting ready. As I’m in the shower, dancing to “Walk Like an Egyptian” when a thought comes to me. The four of us are getting ready to uproot ourselves and start fresh. A place where no one knows us. It’s going to be amazing not having my dad looking over my shoulder. My mom telling Maddie what a disappointment she is by not taking life seriously. Macy can finally be free of Tracy once and for all. Dana will be able to get the stink of the business that crashed off of her. She wants to start school to do something else.

  After I wash my hair and rinse off, I stand in front of the mirror and hold onto the sink. It hits me—we’re going to be on our own. This thought makes me so sick to my stomach that I throw up in the toilet. I’ve always had a nervous stomach, and I suspect this won’t be the first or last time this happens. I clean myself up again as I start to dry my hair. I’m lucky that I don’t have to straighten it since I usually have to add the product to my hair to make it do something. I walk out of the bathroom in my pink silk robe and hear Maddie and Macy talking about making this weekend a great sendoff for us all. I smile, and I feel better knowing that I won’t be alone.

  I look through the clothes that I bought and decide on my black skinny jeans and a bright-blue t-shirt. I look through my underwear drawer and make the decision on the white lace bra and matching thong. I need to look good under my clothes in case I hook up with someone. I’m not the type of person who goes home with random guys but what the hell, I’m moving in two days. I smile at myself in the mirror after I get dressed. My breasts look amazing in the shirt which just happens to hug me in all the right places. I throw on my blue strappy wedges and head out to the living room.

  “Charlie is getting laid tonight.” Maddie wolf whistles as I do a runway walk down the hallway into the living room.

  “You bet your cute ass. I might as well go out of this town with a bang.” I laugh. We start drinking shots of tequila and drinking some rum and Coke. We’re all feeling a little buzzed and happy so we decide to head over to the bar now. I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Tonight is going to be a great night. I can’t wait to dance and hopefully find a hot male to give me some much-needed pleasure.

  We walk the short distance to the bar, and from the looks of the parking lot, it's almost packed.

  The owner is a sixty-five-year-old woman who inherited the bar from her mother. When I talked to Alice one night, she told me she’s hoping her son will take over soon so she can retire on a beach somewhere not in California. The bar reminds me of a Tiki bar with the grass skirts that you see on the beach in Hawaii. It makes me smile because you would say that she’d sell some fruity drinks that go with that theme, but nope, it’s all beer and whiskey.

  “Holy shit. Charlie’s boobs are popping out. She’s come to play,” Alice yells as we walk into the bar and notice some of the males look toward me. I smile at her then flip her off. I raise my hand and show her four fingers, which means four shots and four rum and Cokes. We are quite the regulars here. I see Mike from work in the corner and he has a few tables with reserved on it. It looks like our party is going to start. “Whistle” from Flo Rida hits the speakers so Mike, Macy, and I head to the dance floor. It’s a night of letting loose and going where the flow takes me. I smile as we dance, yell at each other, and drink, having fun.

  The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, and suddenly, I feel like I am being watched. I decide to scan the floor and shake my ass in a circle trying not to look suspicious when I spot those eyes. Holy shit, my night just got better. A sexy cowboy walked in, and I caught him staring. He’s with a group of people. I wink at him then turn to him and gyrate my hips on Macy to give him a show. Oh, this is going to be fun.


  Steven, Tucker, Wesley, and I spent two hours swimming, drinking beer, and bullshitting about everything and anything this afternoon. Savannah and Steven live about five hours in Northeast Texas but we get together once every two months. We skipped last month�
�s visit since we were coming here. Tucker lets us know that Mark and Quinn told us to meet them at the bar in about an hour so we start the process of getting ready. Steven went to his room, and we went to ours. Quinn used to make fun of us when we got older because we were taking more time to get ready than her and Savannah put together. The three of us took about two hours to get ready. I mean, it takes me the less time since I have no hair, but I still like to look good. I have to make sure my muscles are showing, my abs poke through my shirt, and my jeans hug my thighs to show my package especially since we decided to troll for some chicks.

  The outside lighting on the bar flashes like the bulbs are getting ready to blow. This bar reminds me of the barn back home before we fixed it up. It was red with green trim and paint peeling. I’m pretty surprised that this is a pretty popular bar from the cars parked everywhere

  I walk in behind Wesley and Tucker and spot the girls over in a corner with Quinn’s friends whose names I can’t remember. I think it’s Shawnee and Leah. They were making eyes at the boys all through lunch so instead of being the fifth wheel, I decide to head to the bar to get my night started with early with a couple of shots. I look around, and I can see a lot of people my age dancing and laughing on the dance floor. I see a few hot ladies shaking their ass, laughing, and having fun. Suddenly, I catch a blonde with an ass that I know. I wait for her to turn around to spot me as I move a little closer to the dance floor and I’m standing front and center.

  It’s my favorite waitress—my night just got better.

  I smile when she catches me watching her. I stand here in the pure lust of her body. I don’t know what part is my favorite, her ass or tits. Charlie winks at me and starts provocatively dancing with someone. I can’t see who it is, but I see pink nail polish on the hands of the dance partner.

  “Dude, move.” Tucker pushes me, and I stumble forward.

  “Watch it, jackass,” I say as he follows my eyes. He gives me that all-knowing smirk. “Blonde or redhead?” “

  “The beautiful blonde in the blue shirt. She’s the one I was looking for earlier.” He whistles low and nudges me.

  “What are we drinking? I’ll buy the first round.” Wesley sends Tucker back to the tables to help me with the drinks. We walk over to the bar and place a couple of pitchers of beer and wine coolers.

  “Go for it. Remember your motto, a girl in every city.” I punch his arm.

  “I need some liquid courage first.” We down a couple shots of Jack Daniels while we wait for our order. The bartender, Alice, told us that she will keep the drinks coming as long as we signal her. I could get used to this, never having to leave my spot. I get back to the tables to make sure I have a great view of Charlie and her friends on the other side of the room at their tables. I know she’s spotted me because I see her blush. All of her friends are watching me, and I all of a sudden feel self-conscious. I’m trying not to let it show, but my head instinctively starts to look at my clothes to make sure my fly is up. I know my hair isn’t out of place, and I don’t have anything in my teeth. I rub my sweaty hands on my pants, I don’t like being on display like this.

  Bryan Adams’ “Have You Ever Loved a Woman” comes on, and this is my chance. I down my shot and walk over to the dance floor where she is with her friends. My black cowboy boots make noises along with my heartbeat; it’s like they are in sync with each other. I’m usually having to tell women no and not being the first one to go over to someone is new to me and makes me want to turn around to run for it. I don’t like asking a question that I don’t know the answer to. I clear my throat as I step on the bottom stair of the raised floor.

  “Charlie, dance with me?” I hold my hand out to her, and she nods as she places her hand in mine. Her friends all giggle and stand there to watch us.

  “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come talk to me,” Charlie says as I place my hands on her hips and she snakes her hands behind my neck.

  “I was waiting for the right moment and song. You never came back to my table last night.”

  “I know. When I was done in the room, you were gone.”

  “I went there today for lunch to see you.” Charlie laughs.

  “Should I be concerned that you’re a stalker?”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t get your number and thought you could show a tourist around town.”

  “Oh, well, tomorrow is my last shift at Markos, and I’m leaving on Sunday for my new adventure.” The song ends, and before she can get out of my arms, “Cross My Heart” by George Strait starts to play. I start singing the words and spin her around the dance floor doing some two-stepping trying to impress her as she laughs. “Wow. Fancy footwork, Cowboy.”

  “Well, shucks, miss, I’d do anything to see you smile,” I say in my most Southern accent because I remember her fanning herself. “You should smile all the time, you’re so beautiful,” I lean into her ear and whisper. Charlie shivers in my arms.

  “Are you always this forward?” Charlie tries to gain some composure and control of the conversation.

  “No, but with you, I feel like I need to tell you how much I want you and can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “Cowboy,” Charlie’s tone is stern, “pump your brakes.”

  “Rhett.” Charlie’s eyes squint at me like she’s trying to remember something.


  “My name is Rhett.” Charlie makes an O with her perfect red lips. I would give anything to know what it feels like to have those lips around my cock. “What do you say? Are you up to some fun with a cowboy?”

  “Why not? When do you leave?”


  “I leave Sunday so we can have some fun. Want to go to the movies? To the carnival?” Charlie giggles.

  “If that is what you want to do.” Charlie looks at me with those big blue eyes which make me want to do whatever she wants even if it means cleaning toilets with her. I decide to test the waters. “Or I have a better idea. You see, the fun that I want to have with you involves you screaming my name, naked bodies, and you seeing stars.” I pull her closer so she can feel how hard I am with just this conversation.

  “You think you’re that good that I’ll be seeing stars?” I smirk, and she slaps my arms. “All right, Cowboy.” Charlie kisses me with so much determination and lust. The song ends, and we’re still in an embrace with our lips and tongue trying to fight for dominance. My hands cup her ass cheeks. We finally break apart, panting with desire.

  “Holy shit.”

  “I know.” Our foreheads are together. “What do we do now?”

  “I need to make an appearance with my friends a little bit longer.”

  “Why don’t you and your friends join my brothers and me?” I motion to where my brothers are standing there staring at me each giving me two thumbs up. “Maybe I can hang with your friends instead of my brothers.”

  “I don’t think those girls are too happy with me.” Charlie looks over my shoulder. I roll my eyes.

  “My sister’s friends. It’s her bachelor/bachelorette party.”

  “Why don’t you go spend time with them and we can meet up later?” Charlie starts to walk away, and I grab her hand.

  “I don’t think so. Either it’s a big ol’ party where your friends are with my friends, or I’m with yours. I’m going to stalk you all night anyway.”

  “Okay, tell your party to come over to us because we have more tables reserved.” I kiss her as I walk away. I feel her eyes on me so I stop and turn around. Charlie notices me and scurries up to her friends. I smile as I tell my brothers the new plan. They seem to be pretty happy with it. The girls are not, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m spending time with my sister’s friends to make her happy, but I’m making sure I get inside Charlie before this trip is over.


  “Fuck, that kiss was hot and could possibly turn me to like men again,” Macy says once I get back to the tables. I replayed the conversation right before the kis
s that tilted my axis. I’ve never had a kiss or a guy even affect me before, and it excites me and terrifies me. If he lived here, I would probably rethink my moving to Texas.

  “I think you should have fun with him while you can. Take the lock off your pussy and let him conquer it,” Dana says as she brings me another drink and shot.

  “What?” I laugh at her because she’s drunk.

  “You need to be laid, and maybe life would be roses instead of broken vases.” Dana walks away, and I follow where she goes. Mike and her start trying to see who can swallow whose face first. I shake my head at that scene.

  “He’s going to be joining our little party. Actually, all of them are, but I need something from you two.”

  Maddie and Macy stare at me waiting for me to speak. They lean into me making sure that no one else can hear us like we have this big secret. “Don’t give him any details about where were moving to, what I do for a living now. I want to keep this strictly hook-up and nothing more.” They nod and stand up when I feel a hand on my back. Rhett slides his hand up my shirt and tickles my spine. I move around because it tickles.

  “I see you guys found us.” Maddie is the first to speak. “I’m Maddie, Charlie’s twin sister. This is our friend Macy, and over there is Dana.”

  “I see she knows Mike,” Rhett speaks up as he cranes his neck to see Dana. I look at him, my head titled and a raised eyebrow. “Mike was my waiter when you left me.”

  “I didn’t leave on purpose.” I hit him with my hip.

  “Oh, let me introduce you to my brothers, Wesley, and Tucker.” The guys shake all of our hands. I look around for the girls that were with him earlier. “They went to call my sister.” I laugh.

  “Are you going to be in trouble with your sister?”

  “Probably.” Rhett laughs. I look at his face to see when he laughs, he has two small dimples and gets these little wrinkles around his temples. It’s cute, and I can tell that he enjoys life and especially having fun. I raise my hand in the air and hold up three fingers. Tucker looks at me weird.


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