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The Eternal Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic Book 5)

Page 10

by Chandelle LaVaun



  Deacon’s magic hadn’t worked on me even a little bit. Not that I understood why. Still, I’d pretended like it did and claimed a bedroom to myself in hopes that I might actually fall asleep. But that hope crumbled after a while of lying there staring at the ceiling, thinking about Tegan. Not the quest. Not Salem’s prophecy. Not parting ways with my father come nightfall.


  So I’d gotten up and began prowling the hallway and bedrooms. Everest had claimed he’d come for us, though I wasn’t sure I believed him. I wasn’t sure I wanted to trust him. But I didn’t doubt for a second that Queen Sweyn might try something.

  I did one final sweep through the room Emersyn and Willow were sleeping in to make sure there were no signs of trouble. Just like I’d done with all the other rooms. The last room to check was Tegan’s. The two times I’d been in there before, she’d been asleep. Once I was sure the room was clear, I opened the door and slipped out into the hallway.

  A fire surged in my chest. I hissed and spun around, looking for the cause of my torture. I spotted her in an instant. My body turned to ice, and I froze in place. Thirty feet away, the wide main doors of the east wing were wide open. Standing in the threshold were three white-cloaked vampire guards. The same ones we’d seen outside the castle. Except these weren’t aggressive. They leaned against the wooden doorframe and smiled down at Tegan. The tips of their fangs glistened under the dim lighting.

  Tegan giggled and flipped her long black hair over her shoulder. She smiled up at the bloodsuckers and said something. The rage coursing through my veins drowned out the sound of her voice. But I didn’t need to hear it. I knew that face. I knew that look. She was flirting with them. Jealousy burned through my body like acid.

  Tegan’s eyes snapped to me then went back to the guards, all without breaking her smile. Tenn, this isn’t what it looks like.

  A vicious growl I’d never heard myself make ripped free from my throat and echoed down the hall. The ground trembled. The chandeliers rattled over my head. The three vampires spun toward me with their cute little swords drawn and their fangs out. I didn’t try to rein myself in. I didn’t try to calm down and think rationally.

  She’s mine.



  Oh, shit.

  My soulmate stormed toward us, his aura on fire with raw jealousy. In the back of my mind, this thrilled me, but in the present, it rattled me. The rage in his eyes was unlike anything I’d ever seen. For the first time since I’d met him...he scared me.

  I finally saw what everyone else did.

  And it definitely wasn’t human.

  The three vampire guards I’d stumbled into while looking for Everest forgot I existed. They mumbled to each other and got into fighting stance. They hissed and bared their fangs.

  Tennessee marched toward us. Fear bubbled to the surface.

  Not for Tennessee.

  For them. And for us. Killing innocent vampires inside their kingdom would be a big problem. Queen Sweyn would claim we’d provoked the attack she’d already planned.

  Tennessee raised his left hand, and his dagger flew out of his boot and into his palm. He lifted his right hand out, and a blast of pure power swept by us. His massive black sword flew through the air and right in front of the guards’ faces before slamming into his open hand. All without missing a step. He snarled and another roar ripped through the hallway. The wooden doors rattled. My pulse quickened. Warmth spread through my body. The guards exchanged nervous glances. They took the tiniest of steps back.

  The magic pouring out of him made the hairs on my arms stand tall. Goose bumps spread across my skin. Part of me, the natural instinct part of me, feared the witch storming up to me. But the other part of me relished the pride of knowing he was incredible. And mine.

  Blue lightning shot out from his hands and struck the ground around him as he walked. His body lit up with that powerful glow like only he could. He shined brighter than a full moon. His gorgeous mismatched eyes sparkled under the light.

  One of the vampire guards said something to the others in a language I didn’t recognize, and then they all turned and ran. The wooden doors slammed shut right in my face. The locks clicked, and then fleeing footsteps clattered on marble.

  I spun around and smiled. He glared at me then turned and stormed toward the bedroom without saying a word. I cursed and ran after him.

  “Tenn, please. I wasn’t flirting with them!” I cried, begging him to hear me. My words poured out in a rush. “I felt you in my room, and it woke me up, so I came out looking for you, but you weren’t around. I stood out here waiting for you to show when those guards came in.”

  He threw the bedroom door open, and it rattled on its hinges.

  “I was trying to act nonchalant. I wasn’t flirting, I promise. I’m just trying to keep us all alive. This—everything else—it’s all been to help us win. Please, Tennessee, can we just talk about this for a second?” I ducked inside behind him just as the door swung closed. “I love you.”

  He spun around so fast I didn’t have time to get out of his way. He pushed me back against the wooden door and pressed his body into mine. His lips were on mine in an instant. I sighed and leaned into his kiss.

  He gripped my hips and lifted me, pushing me back against the door. I gasped against his mouth. He devoured me with his kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and fisted his long black hair in my fingers. He slid his hands down my thighs and wrapped my legs around his hips. I sighed and squeezed him tighter. I needed him closer. The heat radiating off his body burned away the anxiety rattling inside me. Being away from him had chilled me to the bone. I hadn’t realized just how much I’d been struggling these last couple weeks until his lips were on mine again. I’d been half alive. He was the oxygen I needed to breathe.

  His hands gripped my thighs, and then cold air brushed over my back. I felt his hips move under my legs, but I was too focused on the feel of his soft lips attacking mine. His heart pounded against my chest. The world swayed and tilted…and then my back hit something hard. My head bounced on something soft. Cold, silky material brushed over my arms. And then he was everywhere all at once.

  He kissed a trail along my jaw. His hand slid under the hem of my shirt and scorched a trail up my side. I shivered and hissed through clenched teeth. He nibbled that soft spot right under my ear, and I made a noise I’d never heard myself make before. I gripped his back with my nails and arched into him. My pulse thundered in my veins, my body on fire. He dragged his teeth down my throat. But then he kissed the spot where Everest had bitten me, and the world melted away.



  I knew I should’ve slept. I was exhausted, and we were far from done with this quest.

  But Tennessee’s body wrapped around mine was warmer than Florida summer sunshine, and I struggled to think logically. His breath brushed over the top of my head and through my hair. Our legs and feet were a tangled mess. I pulled his arms around me tighter and felt the pounding of his heart against my back. The smell of fresh rain, his smell, surrounded me. He was everywhere. I should have slept, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to miss a moment of being with him. I was afraid that when he woke he’d still be mad at me, so I needed to soak him all in while I had him.

  Every second I spent in his arms, those tattered pieces of my heart glued back together a little more.

  He laced his fingers through mine and snuggled in closer. I smiled and opened my eyes. The light in the room was on, because we hadn’t taken the time to shut it off, but it was soft and dim. My head was cradled in the nook of his shoulder, with his thick bicep serving as the warmest pillow ever. His breathing was calm and steady. I looked down at our interlocked fingers, and my eyes widened. My smile grew broader. At some point in the night, the vines of our soulmate glyph spread halfway down our forearms. It was almost complete. I leaned forward and pressed
my lips to his skin, right at the edge of the glyph.

  There was a soft, single knock on the wooden door, then it opened. Bright light from the hallway poured into the room, casting whoever it was in shadow. I cursed under my breath and searched for my shirt, but it was on the floor and way out of my reach. I pulled the blankets over my shoulder. Uncle Kessler? No, too short. Oh Goddess. Cooper. The person with wide shoulders and long legs stepped into the room, and my stomach dropped. Why didn’t we lock it?

  Tennessee stirred and cursed in my ear. He pulled his right hand out of mine and held it up. His long black sword flew through the air and landed in his open palm. The bedroom door shut, and the shadow covering our visitor’s face vanished.

  I sighed and dropped my head to Tennessee’s arm. “Everest.”

  Tennessee lowered his sword, though not completely.

  Everest arched one black eyebrow and looked around the room. His white irises sparkled like fresh snow in the moonlight. “Clothe yourselves. Gather your Coven. Your window for escape is minimal.”

  I opened my mouth to ask him the plan, but he spun and fled from the room faster than I could form a single word. It reminded me of someone else I knew. I chuckled and shook my head. “Maybe you’re part vam— Tenn?”

  In the middle of me speaking, he’d jumped over me and out of bed. He pulled his black jeans up and over his hips then glanced over his shoulder at me. He tapped on his temple. “Wake the others. We need to move before it’s too late.”

  Too late. Sweyn’s trap. I cursed and sat up. Everest had warned us to be ready to move at a moment’s notice, so of course I was the one to not listen.

  I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart then channeled my thoughts into my Coven-mates’ minds. WAKE UP. Time to move. Be in the hallway in thirty seconds.

  Tennessee slid his jacket on and turned toward me. “We need to—” His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. His gaze was locked on my chest. He blinked and looked away with a soft blush on his cheeks. He flicked his wrist, and my clothes flew right into my face.

  I frowned and glanced down— Oh, right. Clothes. I cleared my throat. My cheeks were on fire. “I’ll be right out there.”

  He nodded once then ran out the door into the hallway.

  My stomach turned and flipped like a rowboat under a tidal wave. Is he still mad at me? I groaned and climbed out of bed. It only took me a few seconds to throw my clothes on and lace up my boots. I was out the door and in the hallway in no time.

  Tennessee stepped out from the room across from ours. He glanced up at me then quickly looked away. I frowned and looked down at myself. I was fully dressed, and everything was in the right place.

  Which means he’s still mad at me. Great. I clenched my teeth to stop myself from yelling at him. It wasn’t fair to still be holding such contempt for someone you loved just because they tried to save your life. It wasn’t like I signed up for any of this. Anger and frustration rushed through my veins. My pulse quickened. I shook my head and looked around the hall. No one else had come out yet. There were heavy footfalls outside the double doors that sectioned off the east wing, followed by Everest’s deep voice.

  Our time was up. I flicked my wrists, and every bedroom door flew open. The wooden slabs slammed into the walls and rattled on their hinges. NOW. Everyone poured out of their rooms like I’d dragged them out myself. Which was good, because that was my next move. They slid to a stop one by one and stared up at me.

  Uncle Kessler looked around the hall, his lips moving like he was counting us. Which he probably was. He nodded then turned to look at me. “Okay, what’s the plan?”

  I opened my mouth then shut it again. I didn’t have an answer. Everest hadn’t said.

  “You come with me.” Everest appeared at the far end of the hallway. His icy, white and blue eyes scanned our group once. “We need to move you. Now.”

  “We’re ready,” Tennessee said without hesitation, or looking at me.

  Easton scowled. “Where did he just come from?”

  “Wait, we’re going with him?” Royce asked from behind me. “That seems counterintuitive.”

  He wasn’t wrong. Everest was obviously close with Queen Sweyn, so it didn’t exactly make sense for him to help us escape if she wanted us dead.

  But I couldn’t show my hesitation. I had to look confident. “We’re going with him.”

  Everest narrowed his eyes. “Where is the Fire Stone?”

  “I have it,” Uncle Kessler answered.

  Everest nodded. “Give it to your Sun Card.”

  Timothy frowned. “Don’t trust him with it?”

  “I don’t trust them,” Everest all but growled. “She carries the weapon we cannot fight.”

  “He’s right.” Uncle Kessler pulled the red orb out of his jacket pocket then handed it to Lily. “Your job is to protect this Fire Stone at all costs.”

  Lily nodded and stuffed the stone into the pocket of her coat then zipped it shut. “Got it.”

  “Good. Follow me. We don’t have much time.” Everest turned and walked away from us.

  “Wait, isn’t the door over here?” Willow asked and pointed to the east wing doors behind me.

  Everest tapped the wall, and a door opened. He glanced over his shoulder. “I want to help you leave, but I won’t sacrifice myself for it. Come.”

  I hesitated. As much as I wanted to believe his words, there was something in his eyes that concerned me. Not knowing his motive made me nervous. None of my Coven-mates moved. They stared at the secret door Everest walked through like it was a door to hell.

  “Come on. We have to trust him.” Tennessee sighed and moved behind me with his arm stretched out. His sword flew through the open bedroom door into his palm. “Come on.”

  I followed him without missing a beat, but when he took my hand in his, I almost tripped over my own feet. My cheeks warmed, and my heart did a weird little flutter. Electricity zapped up my arm, tingling every nerve ending in my body. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop myself from grinning.

  We walked through the doorway together and found a whole lot of darkness. Tennessee’s body lit up like the full moon in an instant. A narrow spiral staircase appeared in front of us. I tightened my grip on his hand and took a deep breath. My magic told me there was no danger in our path, but I was having a hard time believing that.

  Tennessee tugged on my hand then pulled me down the stairs with him. My Coven-mates’ nervous energy tickled my spine. Our footsteps made soft little thuds against the stone stairs. There weren’t any lights or candles. Vampires must not have needed them. But we weren’t vampires. Em, light up the back, please?

  Bright orange light flickered from behind me as my sister summoned a flame to her hand. I smiled and followed Tennessee down the stairs. It felt like a weird time loop, like something out of the Twilight Zone, where we just kept descending over and over and never stopped. I didn’t look at my phone or count the time, but it seemed like several minutes later before we found flat ground.

  Everest stood a few feet away next to an ancient-looking door with some kind of locking contraption. He nodded his head toward it. “Queen Sweyn has the castle on lockdown. The doors can only be opened sixty seconds prior to sunset, except for this one, which I rigged for twice that.”

  Timothy cursed. “Are you telling me we have two minutes to get away?”

  Everest raised his hand and looked at his wrist. “Is your Strength Card here?”

  “I’m here,” Uncle Kessler said.

  “Good. You are the only one capable of opening this door.” Everest pointed to the intricate handle. “On my cue.”

  Uncle Kessler walked up to the door and gripped the metal contraption. “Ready.”

  Everest moved to stand on the other side of the door. “Waste no time. If you’re not past the arches by sun fall, they will come for you, and I will have to fight. My loyalty cannot yet be questioned. Run. Fast.”


r />   What kind of instructions are “run fast”?

  “Has anyone heard from Chutney or my parents?” Cooper asked after a few seconds of tense silence, his green stare locked on the doorway. “Did they make it?”

  Uncle Kessler shook his head, his hands still gripping the door handle. “Not yet.”

  Royce stared up the stairs behind us with a deep frown. “Tenn, are you part vampire? He has some you kind of speed.”

  Tennessee rolled his eyes and shook his head, but there was a small smirk on his face he tried to hide. He stepped closer to the door and tugged my twin along with him. Their hands were locked together so tight their knuckles were white. “Focus, Royce.”

  Everest chuckled, though his eyes were fastened on his watch. “Valid question.”

  Tegan looked over her shoulder at the rest of us. “Lily, run and don’t stop until that Stone is in Salem. Don’t worry about us. Everyone else, be ready for anything.”


  “Magic at the ready, friends,” Deacon mumbled.

  My stomach dropped. My heart pounded. My nerves were completely shot. My magic surged to life, simmering just below the surface like it knew something I didn’t. I swallowed nervously and stared at Tegan and Tennessee’s interlocked hands. I was happy for them. Really, I was. I was grateful for whatever triggered Tennessee to forgive her trickery. But I would’ve been lying if I said I wasn’t jealous. Deacon was my soulmate, yet we didn’t have what they had. What would happen if I held his hand right now?

  “NOW!” Everest yelled.

  Uncle Kessler’s magic poured out of him. His arms shimmered like liquid gold. He pulled and pushed with his power…and the door flew open. Bright sunlight poured into the stone staircase. Tennessee and Tegan leapt out into the light, still clinging to each other.


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