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The Affair 1 & 2: a New Adult Series

Page 8

by Olivia Grace

  Instantly, Terry, a bouncer, stood his guard. He pushed me to the side and stood in front of me.

  “It’s okay, Terry. He’s my friend.”

  Like Midnight, his eyes had so much to say. He was judging me too.

  “Seriously,” I assured him. “He’s my friend.”

  Terry and Brad gave each other the same stern looks. When Terry saw that Brad wasn’t backing down, he bent down and gave me a quick hug while saying, “See you tomorrow, Ginger.”

  And then there I stood, nervously. When Terry shut the back door, it was as if he had shut the door on what had become reality to me. He’d locked out and locked me in this twilight zone that I had been thrown into.

  It was two in the morning. I normally wasn’t the type of woman that made such mischievous and irresponsible decisions. However, the voice in my heart that wanted him back spoke louder than any sane part of my brain. Therefore, when he reached for my hand and took it in his, I followed his lead … straight to my car.

  I was disappointed. I wanted him to whisk me away in his chariot and make love to me all night. Obviously that was not the case as he waiting for me to pop the lock.

  It’s for the best, I thought as I unlocked the car door. The man’s wife was just sliced to death. He’s like ten years older than me and ten times hotter than me... What the fuck was I thinking, anyway?

  I knew better, but as he opened my door, and I slid in, I didn’t want to do what made sense.

  I wanted to do what made me happy.

  “Give me a few minutes to pull around and then follow me.”

  That made me happy!

  I swallowed the immature girly grin that was fighting its way through my teeth. I attempted to appear nonchalant and experienced. I replied, “Okay.”

  You couldn’t think of a more flirtation reply, Karrie? Real smooth. Reeeal smooth.



  I followed him to a stunning building on Michigan Avenue. The glass building neighbored Lake Michigan. I could literally smell the water as I followed Brad’s lead and left my car with the valet.

  This is Trump Towers. Wow. Is he taking me to a hotel room? I wondered as I tightened the teal pashmina scarf around my neck. Admittedly, I felt like what Midnight’s eyes were calling me; a hoe.

  “At least I’m a high priced hoe.”

  I’d heard of the building before, when watching the random reality shows that Donald Trump was on. Never had I been so up close and personal that I had to lean back in order to take in its height.

  I was still tightening the scarf. I wasn’t cold. It was forty degrees, but I was so flustered that I couldn’t feel the temperature. I was nervous, very, as I watched my car roll away.

  Part of me wanted to run it down, hop back in and go back to my normal life. Suddenly, my asshole boyfriend, small town and frustrations felt safe. Another part of me was so interested in what awaited me inside of this building that I continued to ignore all rationality.

  Surely, my hand felt cold and clammy in his. Luckily, the posh interior of the building was so mind blowing that its luxuriousness took my mind off of things. That is, until I realized that Brad spoke personally to many of the guards and staff as he passed them by.

  “You live here?”

  “This is one of my properties, yes.”

  One of his properties? Mmmkay.

  I made eye contact with an older White guy in a grey jumper that was buffing the floors.

  “Brian. My man! What’s up?”

  He was speaking to Brad, but he’d obviously mispronounced his name while looking at me curiously with goo-goo eyes.

  “Carlos! Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you too, sir.”

  Luckily, the elevator was there, so as soon as he pushed the button and the doors opened, I was able to slip in and away from the pervert with the loud machine.

  “Brian?” I asked as the doors closed.

  “People always get me confused with my brother. It happens so much that I just go along with it.”

  Ah yes. The brother that I heard him and my father speak of a time or two. “You guys look that much alike?”


  Shit, there is two of him. Sabrina will be thrilled.

  And then there was silence. Awkward silence. It was probably only awkward because I felt so … so… There were no words for what I was feeling. My nerves were running rampant. I was unsure whether I was righteous in my fear or stupid in my excitement.

  But one thing was for sure, I felt like there - in the elevator with him - was where I belonged, at that moment.

  This was fate.

  His hand on my lower back brought me out of the mediation in my brain. He was guiding me out of the elevator. It took only a few steps and another swipe of his keycard before we entered a door market 46A.

  I held in the gasp. I attempted to hold in the shock of the elegant four-thousand square feet of modern luxury that was before me. The glass windows hypnotized me. I was drawn to them and the water that lay in front of it, so clear that I could seemingly reach out and touch it.

  “Beautiful view, isn’t it?”

  Brad’s voice pierced the air. It was a beautiful soundtrack to the scene that was before my eyes.

  “It’s breathtaking.”

  Then, I heard him breathe in deeply. His voice changed to almost a low, simmering growl as he said, “It is.”

  I tore myself away from the view. I turned to him. There he sat, amazingly just as beautiful as the view, on the back of the couch. His back was slightly slumped as he stared at me.

  I needed to do something, say something to appear as confident and cool as he did.

  “So,” I said with a deep breath as I removed my coat. “How often do you stay here?”

  “I rarely do. My brother and I have had it on the market for some time. Brian uses it

  as a hotel room from time to time when he doesn’t feel like driving to Alsip after drinking too much at the club. Since… the accident… I hide here every now and then. More now than then.”

  “A cop can afford this?”

  I had no idea how much this condo ran for. Surely Sabrina could sniff out the property value, but I was oblivious. However, my father had been a cop for more than half his life and could never afford a home with more than two bathrooms, so owning properties was certainly out of the question.

  “My brother and I own a real estate company, Miller Realty,” he said answering my silent inquiries. “We started it in our dorm room at Ball State. We dropped out after making our first sale. It’s a multi-million dollar company, but I wanted to be like my grandfather, live out his legacy or some shit, so I became a cop. My brother is the brawn behind Miller Realty. I step away from writing speeding tickets to attend meetings and make decisions… to bang my gavel, I guess.”

  Bang. That word - that one word - did something to me, and he knew it. He caught my paralyzed stare and smiled. His grin no longer confident, but sheepishly in a way that was so damn sexy.

  “And to pretend to be Justin Miller.” I swallowed my lust in order to get to the point.

  But Brad was still caught in the moment. He squinted, with a charming smile, which made his eyes sparkle like stars. “Huh?”

  “And you step away from writing speeding tickets to pretend to be Justin Miller.”

  For the first time that night, he lost all confidence. The loss in stature was sexy, however. The hint of humbleness made his prior dominance that much more sexy. It made the god more human and approachable. It drew me further into him.

  “How did you know that I would be at the strip club?”

  “I didn’t, honestly. I was here with nothing else better to do. My brother told me about the place. I decided to check it out… How long have you been dancing?”

  “Not very long. I hate to sound typical, but I needed the money. I decided to go the day that you…” The memory alone still brought sadness over me. He was there, in front of me, but
I still resented the way that he’d left me stranded. “... The day that you stood me up.”

  Again, he lost his confidence. For once, he was the shamed one.


  It was a simple question that I was sure had a very complicated answer that would still keep me wondering.

  “I’ve always had an eye on you, Karrie. For obvious reasons, I couldn’t act on that. So, I made up Justin for the chance to talk to you every day.”

  My face balled up in disbelief and confusion. “Always had an eye on me?”

  That damn Ashton Kutcher. Still fucking with me.

  Although that statement made me question his sanity, when he looked at me with assurance pouring from every orifice, when I saw that impressive erection dancing in his pants, I trusted that it was true. On top of that, he looked at me as if he dared me say otherwise, as if he dared me deny his attraction to me.

  So, in obedience to the silent order, I didn’t.

  “And the day that you stood me up?”

  “I didn’t want to break your heart. At the time, though I was ready to be fully honest with you, I couldn’t have you. How could I be so unwilling to share you when you would have to?”

  There was the huge elephant in the room, galloping and flaying its tusk.

  But I ignored it for the sake of being able to continue to be naively in the moment. I turned away from the elephant in the room and aimlessly walked, landing at a bookshelf in the corner of the large den.

  The bookshelf was full of paperbacks and hardcovers. The titles on their spines alluded to erotica, dominance, BDSM, and alpha men, the only one I recognized being Fifty Shades of Grey.

  “Which one of you is the kinky one? You or Brian?”

  I kept my face hidden in the bookshelf to hide the way that my face flushed maroon as the titles of the books and images left me flustered.


  But that made me find his eyes. Damn, that stare. It burned through me. It was so sure, so confident, so dark and captivating,

  I cleared my throat in an attempt to force my mouth to close, to no longer be agape with lust and trance. “Don’t tell me that you have whips, chains, and a mask stashed in the bedroom.”

  His chuckle was the most enticing thing that I had ever heard in my life. “You are getting dominance confused with sadomasochism. I don’t bite… but I may spank you.”

  I was stuck, fighting lust, wondering what he meant and wondering why my body reacted in such approval though I did not know. When I realized how much I liked what he said and how it sounded coming from his lips, I hid inside the shelf again, as if I really gave a shit about the books in alphabetical order.

  When he said, “Come here,” my feet marched towards him obediently before I was even sure that I wanted to.

  Once within arm’s reach, I wanted him to reach out and touch me so badly that my nipples hardened and reached out to him. The distance between us was violently taunting me.

  Yet, he stayed away, with his arms planted on the couch behind him.

  “Take off your clothes, Karrie.”

  I was disappointed that there wasn’t a more romantic gesture to get me undressed. He saw the instant fizzle in my eyes in result but kept his stance, waiting for me to remove my clothes. So I did. Layer by layer, underneath the leather coat, jeans, and t-shirt, I revealed the freckled skin that remained pale, per Rosie’s orders. I slipped off my boots and socks, revealing freshly painted toes. My hair hung down my back and tickled my skin, giving this moment even more intensity.

  Once down to the lace bra and panties, I stood there, surprisingly waiting for him to tell me what to do next. The longer he stared, the more I became uneasy, embarrassed of the person that stood before him. Though I proudly announced this body on stage and laps five nights a week, there was still that vulnerable, insecure frail girl in the back of my mind that wanted to run away from Brad Miller.

  “Walk over to that mirror, look in it and tell me what you see.”

  I followed his eyes, towards the stainless steel wall mirror that stood over eight feet tall. His intent stare telepathically moved my feet in obedience. My feet seemed to sink into the plush carpet as I slid across the floor, wringing every intelligent brain cell so that something smart, sexy and alluring came out.

  “I see a woman. I see me.”

  That was the smart, sexy and alluring words that came out of my mouth.

  I could have died right then.

  The way he smiled at me like I was this darling naive little girl made me feel enjoyably different. I felt nurtured. I felt cared for. He left the back of the couch and came towards me, asking, “Do you want to know what I see?”

  I was frozen in admiration and lust. Clearly, my tongue had given up on me.

  “I see beauty.” As the words left his lips, his hands caressed my bare shoulders.

  “I see an abundance of sex appeal oozing from every one of your orifices.” His hands then slid slowly down my arms, causing such euphoria that I quickly closed my eyes to sustain my balance.

  “I see dangerous curves, kissable skin, and parts of you that I can’t wait to taste.”

  My mouth fell slightly ajar to regain my ability to breathe.

  “Why wouldn’t I have my eye on this? Why wouldn’t I fantasize about what I would do to this every day for the past three months?” I looked at him through the mirror. It blew my mind that his eyes weren’t on mine. They were on me; my body, every part of me. He was taking me in. “Why wouldn’t I?”



  Before I could answer, he moved in even closer. I was speechless as he kissed me on my shoulder. The way I trembled was disturbing. The way that my knees buckled was shameful. He gave me no time to collect myself. He turned me around and introduced my tongue to his.

  I melted into his mouth. I had anticipated this moment for so long. Now that I was here, it was as if I was in a fairy tale that I never wanted to wake up from. His hands roamed freely as he sucked my tongue and then my bottom lip. The foreplay was enough. I moaned with satisfaction. This was just as satisfying as any penetration I’d ever felt. I felt myself cumming just the same.

  Yet, and, unfortunately, he stopped the love making between his mouth and mine. He cupped my face and burned those green eyes into mine. I was so disappointed that he’d stopped fucking me with his mouth that I wanted to pout and cry. He knew it and he enjoyed it; he played with my yearning like a toy. He stared into me so that I felt lost in a bright green forest.

  “What do you want, Karrie?”

  Looking in that face, there were so many answers to that question. Feeling his hands against my face, there were so many vulgar, nasty, sexy and yet romantic things that I wanted to do inside of that condo.

  But to tell him was to voice my wants and expose them to rejection. I was there, in his space, with his saliva still sliding down my throat, and yet I still feared the possibility of this night not happening as I envisioned it.

  Yet, he forced me to kick fear’s ass. “Tell me what you want, darling.”

  He wanted me to tell him. He needed it just as much as I needed his mouth and hands back on me. So, I forced myself to play along. To be the big girl, the sultry and assertive girl. “I want you.”

  “You want me to…”

  “To fuck me,” I forced out. I wanted it so bad that it came out in a whimper. “I want you to fuck me.”

  He reacted to the command like an obedient attack dog. He did attack me. His fingers found my scalp. They grabbed my roots to the point that it was almost painful. With my hair lost amongst his grasp, he yanked my neck back, exposing every sensitive area of it. He massacred it with his tongue. His hand found my breasts. It hugged them tightly. His fingers pinched my nipples.

  “Oh my God,” I whimpered with his heavy breaths. He responded with groans that I felt in the pit of my stomach.

  He licked and sucked as he continued to squeeze my breasts. He kept squeezing my nipples between his f
ingers. I bit down on my lip with passion and disbelief. He was the most beautiful man in the world, and he was all over me. It was so hard to keep my cum inside of me.

  I felt his erection against my bare thigh and moved my hand to say hello. The moment that I finally was introducing myself to it, he wrapped his hand around my wrist and took it away. I looked at him, wondering why, and he only smiled seductively while guiding me to floor.

  “Slow down, darling. It’s coming,” he promised as he lie me down.

  The tease was driving me crazy. Watching him remove his shirt was an excellent alternative. I lie on my back with my knees spread and he between them. The closer he came towards me, leaning in, my heart raced. I came close to totally losing consciousness, I swear.

  My neck was no longer the victim. He attacked my entire body. I reached beside me and grabbed the fibers of the carpet for dear life. I bit my lip, attempting to muffle sounds that were sure to wake the neighbors.

  Unfortunately, I was no longer able to do that when his kisses landed on the inside of my thighs.


  He removed my panties while kissing and biting slightly.

  “Oh God,” I squealed and giggled in satisfaction.

  He knew that he was driving me crazy.

  I tore my eyes open. I made myself watch this so that I wouldn’t miss one second of it. So that I knew it was really happening. So that I knew I was indeed there, and it wasn’t one of the many dreams that I’d had about this very moment.

  His fingers found my clit. The rough circular motion, coupled with my intense moisture, quickly signaled the orgasm that had been eagerly teetering at the front door. I began to move my hips slightly against his fingers. My head fell back, against the floor. My eyes closed when I didn’t want them to.

  “What do you want me to do, Karrie?”

  God, he was driving me crazy with that shit.

  How could I talk with his fingers antagonizing my orgasm to come out and explode all over him?

  “What do you want me to do, darling?”

  “Oh God.” I was lost in ecstasy.


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