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Not An Angel (A Poryria Vampire Novel (Book 1))

Page 9

by Dawn Chartier

  She lifted her head, knowing he was toying with her. “Don’t stop now.”

  A predatory smile spread across his mouth. His intense gaze captured her. She couldn’t turn away when his stare lingered down her naked body. Her breath caught.

  “I want to lick every inch of you.”

  The hunger in his eyes and his words excited her even more. He tilted his head lower, and she jumped as his tongue barely grazed her already swollen flesh. His hands held her thighs as his tongue traced circles against her clit and sucked her pink tender flesh into his mouth. She gasped and struggled to control her breathing as sparks lit down her spine. The powerful lust building inside her surprised her. Where had this come from?

  She wanted to connect with him even more. Her hips lifted as he stroked his tongue deeper. He released her and she felt immediate abandonment.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he teased.

  No. She swallowed and couldn’t speak. She wanted to pull his head lower, back to her flesh. She shook her head instead. She’d had no idea a man’s mouth could do this, make her insides swell even more. His tongue darted in once again, and she moaned. He aroused her more than she’d ever imagined. She heard panting and realized it was coming from her.

  Trace lifted her legs over his shoulders and probed deeper. His tongue was pure magic. Her body shook. Something explosive built inside her. “Wait.”

  Whatever this was terrified her. He reached for her hand and held tight, reassuring her.

  Trace lifted her with his free hand and pulsed in and out of her. Her body bucked, and her legs clenched tighter around his neck. He released her hand and rocked her hips up and down, teasing her clit with his fingers and tongue in and out. The raw urge to release the dam was more than she could bear. Her clit ripened as he penetrated her, flowing, ready to burst.

  Her body burned feverishly, elated, wanting more. Her fingers ran through his hair. Pulling gently.

  “Wider,” he murmured. “I want to taste all of you.”

  He rubbed his hard-on with his free hand. “You have no idea what you’ve done to me.”

  “Done to you? Let’s trade places. Let me…”

  He wasn’t listening. He filled her with his mouth once more, and brought her to the edge of ecstasy. She bit her lip and couldn’t stop the tiny spasms slamming into her. Her pulse pounded in her ears. Her body threatened to explode into a zillion pieces.

  “Let go for me.”

  Trace rocked her hips, and she followed. She couldn’t free herself from him if she tried. She didn’t want to. The erotic sensations took over her flesh, charmed her mind, and her heart lowered its defensive shield. The thought aroused her. Her fingers dug into his powerful biceps. “Trace,” she moaned.

  She could practically see him smiling. “Em… that’s it.” Trace slid a finger, then two, deep inside and sucked at her sensitive nub.

  Her head swam. The room blurred. His hands pushed her hips higher, higher. A deep, throaty groan sounded. It shocked her, that the noise came from her.

  Impulsive shocks flamed to life inside her. An orgasm shook her so ruthless she couldn’t control herself. It surprised and overjoyed her beyond belief. She inhaled deep breaths trying to gain some kind of dignity. “I’m in heaven.”

  “I told you, I’m not an angel.”

  “That’s for sure, at least not in bed.” She laughed. “More like the devil.”

  “You’ve no idea.” Trace ran his fingers along her thighs. His tongue swiped her still ultra-sensitive clit and she nearly flew off the bed.

  “You taste so good. I want you to come again.”

  While the thought aroused her, she blew out an exhausted breath. “Phew. I can’t do that again.”

  He laughed, and it was the most beautiful sound she’d heard in a long time.


  Trace lifted from between her thighs and laid his head on her stomach. The sensation of her fingers toying with his hair provoked him, but he wouldn’t push her further. He’d already gone past the point he’d wanted, which only teased the hell out of him more. What would it be like to have her mouth around him? He closed his eyes knowing he’d better not find out. There was a point he knew he couldn’t pass, or he’d never give her up.

  Maybe he’d gone too far already. Doubt entered his mind. Think of her, damn it!

  Shit. What had he done? She’d been through so much already, with the drama of Jeff and then seeing the Vry, and now he added his lust for her into the mix. Idiot.

  He lifted his head and glanced at her. He felt ashamed. When she smiled at him it rattled his heart.

  Her grin faded. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. I’m sorry I was selfish with you.” He rubbed her hip.

  She blinked in surprise. “What? I’m the one who was selfish. You didn’t let me please you.” She tried to sit, but he wouldn’t budge.

  He froze, not believing what he heard. She wanted to please him? Why? The women he bedded before never offered. Kira was certainly different. The thought of her wanting him to feel good pleased him. He didn’t deserve her. He had to tell her what he was.

  “My intentions when I came in here this morning were to watch you sleep. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I couldn’t keep from touching you, tasting you.”

  She tilted her head. “I don’t regret it, if that is what you’re thinking,” she said as a small yawn escaped her lips.

  Trace wouldn’t allow her to touch him. He was dark, not human, and she might not regret him touching her now, but she would. He climbed over her hoping she wouldn’t regret him having touched her later. His eyes bore into hers, he ran a hand down the side of her cheek and she closed her eyes. Then he kissed her temple. “Sleep. We’ll chat later,” he said.

  She blinked and nodded out in seconds. He hated persuading with a gentle nudge, but he needed to tell her everything about him and the Vry before she decided if she wanted to go further or not. Truth was he wasn’t sure what he could keep hidden if she took him into her mouth or her body.

  And once she learned what he was, she might never want to touch or look at him ever again. He couldn’t allow her to regret being with him. This was for the best.

  He watched her sleep until his body demanded rest. It wasn’t the sun raising that made him weak, it was lack of blood. He still tasted a hint of blood from Kira’s inner thigh where he nipped playfully. Now that he knew how delicious her blood was, he’d want to taste more, but as long as he’d absorbed her during sexual longing and not from raging hunger she would be safe. He hoped.

  Strange, he had no real blood thirst like usual, but he was tired. He stood and dragged himself to the kitchen, knowing he needed to replenish himself before he got much closer to the edge.

  Glancing in the refrigerator, he found a container of blood he’d stashed for emergencies. After tonight he would need to go to the blood bank and refill his supply. Trace punctured the plastic bag and downed the red liquid. It wasn’t the same as drinking it directly, but it served its purpose. The bag landed inside the trash container, and he strolled into the study ready to start preparing for the next nights hunt.

  Deveraux stood smoking a pipe in his doorway.

  “Do you know how to knock?”

  Dev arched a brow. “No need. I am already inside.”

  Trace shook his head at the ancient Poryria. “What do you want?”

  “You tell me.”

  “Stop playing games.” His mood turned grave fast.

  “You didn’t tell her, and the Queen has requested your lady’s appearance tonight.”

  Trace growled. “Not gonna happen, man.”

  “I see it differently. Tonight after dusk.” Dev glared at him for a few seconds before he disappeared.

  What was with him? What did he see? His breathing increased and his hands fisted. Wanting to break the desk, he punched the wall instead. Plaster shattered around his hand and pieces of drywall sprinkled on the floor like powder.

p; “Damn you,” he said, knowing he had no choice but to tell Kira as soon as she woke. Even if she wanted to leave, she couldn’t now. It would be useless to try to escape with Kira. Dev would know his every move before he’d made it, and he was sure the Queen ordered Dev to keep an eye out. What a mess he had gotten her into. Maybe he should have let her go to a hotel as she’d wanted.

  Several hours later, Kira sat across from Trace at the kitchen table, drinking coffee. “Sorry I fell asleep on you.” She pushed her hair behind her ears, blew on her coffee and took a sip.

  The vein in her neck called him like a beacon. Trace wanted to run his tongue down her collarbone to drink her sweet blood and claim her before the meeting began tonight. You’re sick man. Get a grip. He shut his eyes and tried to remove the tempting thought.

  “You’ve been through a lot, you needed to sleep.” What was he waiting on? Tell her now.

  “Odd, but I’m refreshed and energized. I haven’t felt that in a very long time.” She blushed.

  Trace wanted to smile. At least he’d given her some small pleasure before he had to ruin her world. Do it! “I need to tell you something.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Oh no, you don’t. First tell me about that creature thing we saw.”

  “I will. It’s all a part of what I’m about to say.” He exhaled “I’m going to start from the very beginning and maybe you’ll understand.”

  Kira sat still. “All right. I’m all ears.”

  He cleared his throat, even though it wasn’t needed. “Have you heard the tales of Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scots?”

  Kira shook her head. “A little. I didn’t pay much attention to history in school.”

  “Well this is not the Queen Mary that’s in any history book. This is long before her. Someone not ever mentioned in your history books.”

  “Seriously? Well, how do you know about it then?”

  Once she hears the rest, she’ll think I’m nuts. Trace hoped the short version would be best. “I’ll explain it in my story.”

  Kira nodded.

  She wouldn’t believe him, but he had to try. “The Queen Mary that no one knows about was young when she was abducted by a man named Bothwells. We don’t know how he got through her guards, but he did. He raped her, then brought her back to her castle and ordered that they be married. The law was clear back then, so they married. Soon after, she learned she was pregnant.”

  “God, how terrible,” she said.

  “It gets worse.” He took her hand in his and held tight. He couldn’t finish without holding her. “Before Mary…I’ll call her just Mary. Before she gave birth she began to notice changes to her body. At first she contributed them to being pregnant, but then she soon discovered it had nothing to do with it. Her body changed in ways a pregnancy would never cause. She longed for raw meat, slept all day and was up all night.

  “She couldn’t confide in the King. He was never around and he didn’t talk to her other than to rape her night after night while she was with child. Her husband bit her while taking her, her body was riddled with teeth marks, only to disappear the next day.

  “The clothing hid them until they faded, except from one of her handmaidens who helped bathe her. The handmaiden had kept Mary’s secret afraid of Bothwells’ wrath. Everyone was afraid of him.

  “Alone and awake one evening, Mary decided to watch Bothwells closely. Late one night he came home more alive and refreshed than when he’d left her in the middle of the night.”

  Kira nodded for him to continue.

  “So on another night when he left again, she and a trusting servant searched for Bothwells. They spotted him in an alley with a woman. It didn’t surprise her in the least. But what shocked her was when he turned around and looked her dead in the eyes knowing she was there watching him. He smiled at her.”

  Kira rubbed her arms. “How horrible. What happened next?”

  “Mary and the servant were about to leave except Mary found herself forced to watch. Bothwells sank his teeth into the woman’s throat. He killed the woman right in front of her. Mary’s servant seemed to be in a trance, he’d seen nothing.”

  Trace watched as Kira narrowed her eyes.

  “Bothwells murdered the woman. He bit her?”

  “Yes. He’d done this to several women. Bothwells is what we call a Vrykolakas. Most people today would call him a vampire. Although, they are not, we borrowed the term as well.”

  Kira leaned back against her chair and sighed. “Vampire?” He could tell she was agitated. She rubbed her forehead and shook her head.

  He realized she didn’t believe him, but he continued. “What happens next is important. Mary, also in a trance saw Bothwells exposed teeth covered with blood. Somehow she’d released a scream and it startled the servant. The servant now aware of everything stared at Mary and turned white as a ghost. He scrambled out of the carriage, leaving Mary behind.”

  “Why would he leave a pregnant woman alone?”

  “Because Mary had turned into a Vrykolakas, too. Fangs protruded from her. The Queen was horrified with herself and realized Bothwells’ bites had turned her into a beast like him. She was afraid she would become a murderer as well.”

  Kira shook her head and surprised him with her next question. “What about her baby?”

  Although Kira seemed concerned, she still didn’t believe his story was fact instead of fiction. He had to continue.

  “When the Queen realized what he’d sentenced her life to, rage took over her. She jumped out the carriage and killed Bothwells. Even pregnant, she drank him dry. Moments later she vomited until she passed out. The servant came back after his shock wore off and helped the Queen home. Then months later, she gave birth to healthy twin boys.”

  “Her staff, still loyal, had promised to keep her secret, and she in return promised them she’d take care of them and their offspring as long as she could.”

  “Now the rest is all hear-say. She claimed her husband was murdered by the same people who’d murdered all the dead women in Scotland. Rumors said he had come across the murderers while in action and they turned on him.”

  “What about the babies? Were they like her? Did they live?”

  “I’ll get to that. Mary had good reason to believe Bothwells had been a servant to someone higher up.

  And when they found out what she did, they might seek revenge for his death. So…she lied. She told everyone that one baby had died at birth. And she kept him hidden.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “I’ll explain. Years later while she slept a Vrykolakas known as Victor kidnapped her son. If he’d known there were two boys he would have had both of them kidnapped. The twins had a very strong bond. They could find each other.”

  “Okay, but I still don’t understand how this relates to now and the creature I saw.”

  “In a moment.” He paused. “Mary promised her remaining son that she would take care of him. They would find his missing brother and things would be different for them. They vowed not to kill innocent people. Although they did kill criminals. The Queen insisted on making her country a better place. But as her anger built within her, she vowed to kill every single rogue she crossed. She started an army and protected those who needed it from the vicious Vrykolakas. Her race became known as the Poryria, “The Good Ones.” She hunted for her lost son, came close several times, but never found him. The search consumed her and her other son died.

  And for those born within the Poryria bloodline, they are bound to the Queen and keep the Poryria code of honor.”

  “Code of honor? Sounds like the Marines.”

  “I guess we are similar in some ways. I’m bound to protect when necessary. Like the creature you saw, he is a Vrykolakas.”

  Kira narrowed her eyes. “I admit that was a good story,” she said and then frowned. “Now, tell me the truth.”

  “It is the truth. I’m Poryria. A protector. And I’m sorry.”

  Kira sat still, and then licked her lips. �
�Do you really believe that is what you are?” She fidgeted with her fingers.

  He could see disappointment spread across her face. She thought he was insane. “I am Poryria. I was born Poryria. It’s rare, but some of us are conceived while our mothers hadn’t fully turned yet. Most are turned, but it’s against the laws of our people. Unless the queen says different.”

  Kira shook her head. “A Poryria? A vampire? Right.” She paused. “Okay, so tell me how old you really are then.”

  “I’m really, really old.” She’d probably be disgusted by his age.

  “That narrows it down. Maybe thirty is really, really old to you.”

  “No. That is a mere child, but that’s around the time our bodies stop aging.” He could tell she didn’t believe a word he said. He didn’t want to scare her but he had to prove it, even though it could cost him everything. He exhaled, stood and vanished into the den. He wasn’t far when he heard her gasp. He reappeared in the kitchen. Being in front of her one second and gone the next had to convince her he was what he’d claimed. “Believe me now?”

  Chapter 11

  Kira stood and then stumbled backward toward the kitchen door. “I have to go.” Her hands trembled as she smoothed them through her hair.

  Trace appeared behind her, catching her beneath her arm. She gasped and jerked away from his hold. “It has to be a trick.”


  “No?” Not happening. Not after, we’d …

  “I can’t allow you to leave with the Vry still out there. I’m sorry to keep you against your will, but I must.”

  Kira stifled a scream. Trace seemed to be everywhere. She couldn’t think. Not real. Not real. To hear him talk about being a Poryria or vampire was crazy, but seeing, then not seeing him. Everything slowed in her mind, replaying each and every moment. It had to be an illusion.

  Why did she end up with crazy people? Was this her destiny? God she hoped not. She exhaled long and slow. I was just with you, damn it. She swallowed the lump crawling up her throat. She couldn’t be a victim again. She wouldn’t.

  Kira sprinted around Trace to reach the front entrance. She tugged and tugged until it finally opened, then her heart slammed against her chest, and her knees almost buckled when she saw Mike standing outside. “No.” She pushed him with all her strength. He didn’t budge. There was no way in hell she could trust him either. Her gaze met his. “Get out of my way!”


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