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Not An Angel (A Poryria Vampire Novel (Book 1))

Page 14

by Dawn Chartier

With a smirk on his face; the rogue glared down at him. “It’s been a long time, brother.”

  Everything slowed. Brother? Why in the hell was he calling him that? Whatever. His only brother was kicking some ass in the corner.

  The Vry circled him, and he watched his movement carefully.

  The rogue smiled. “Don’t remember me?”

  Trace stared hard, the vampire seemed familiar, but from where? “The asshole from before.”

  The vampire lifted his head and laughed. “No. That’s not what I mean.”

  “Look I got things to do. Just tell me who the hell you are and let’s get this over with.”

  “I already told you.”

  Trace shot to his feet. No more games. He rushed at the rogue. Surprised, the demon ended on the ground rolling with Trace. Trace landed on the bottom, but had his knife in his hand ready to kill when he heard a scream.

  No. Not Mikal’s scream. A woman. Kira’s.

  Startled, he turned and found her watching with terror etched in her wide eyes and opened mouth. What the fuck was she doing here?

  He glanced at the rogue straddling him. The rogue looked at her and then back to Trace with a new light in his eyes. Before he was able to drive the knife into his heart, the rogue vanished once again. “Damn it.” Not good.

  Angry as hell, he stood, dusted his pants off and stormed toward her.

  Kira ran to him. “Are you okay?”

  Well, he was before she showed up. “Fine.”

  “I thought he was going to kill you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist.

  He didn’t return the affection. This had been his last chance to kill the damn beast. When Kira caught him off guard, she’d ruined his chance. Now all hell would break loose. Especially after noticing how the rogue stared at her with vengeance. He didn’t like it at all and didn’t want to think about it. For now, the vampire was gone.

  But, now he had to worry about what the Queen would do. Would she insist his head on a platter as Mike had said? Would she soon realize that he hadn’t wiped Kira’s mind clean as demanded? Hell. He was in deep.

  Kira stepped back. “What’s wrong?”

  His hands fisted at his sides. “Why are you here?” he asked as he rubbed his temple. “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” How could she put herself in danger after everything she’d been through? She could’ve been killed. Damn it. She could’ve died.


  As they stared at each other, Kira couldn’t believe Trace was acting this way. She wrapped her arms around her waist. He was upset, cold even. All hints of his caring personality gone. Her heart kicked. All she had wanted to do was to tell him about Jeff. Instead, she turned and walked away. “I’m not a dog to order about!”

  Trace appeared in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. “Wait. I’m sorry. Why did you come here? Don’t you know the danger you put yourself in?”

  Furious, she ignored his words and went past him. “Forget it.”

  She glanced ahead and found Trace leaning against her car door. She sighed.

  “Don’t you know what could have happened with you here?” His voice grew softer. “You could have been hurt.”

  “I didn’t mean to screw up your plans.” She pulled on his arm to move him from the door. He didn’t budge.

  “The Vry saw you.”

  Kira had no idea he would react this way. It wasn’t as if she could hold back the scream when she saw that disgusting thing leaning over him. It was going to hurt him.

  Mike ran up to them. “What’s she doing here?”

  Trace took a few steps back and looked at Mike.

  Kira glared at his brother. “I’ll answer that. I’m screwing things up.”

  She got in her car and started the engine. She didn’t want to stay anywhere she wasn’t wanted. He’d made that perfectly clear. It was time to give up and realize the only one that was responsible for her was herself.

  “Wait,” Trace yelled.


  Hiding in the dark, Jeff rubbed his hands together. He’d followed her to the warehouse. He’d watched as she parked, and then he hid. The moment would have been the perfect opportunity to grab her if she had been alone. He’d noticed another vehicle sitting in the parking lot. He kept his distance while waiting. As her car passed his hiding place behind the trash container, he ran back to his Jeep and followed.

  Once on the highway he spotted her car ahead. He narrowed the space between them. A shiver ran down his spine as pictured them together. The good times they’d have. He’d be able to fuck her anytime he wanted. However he wanted to, and the police would even help keep her there. He smiled. She’d learn to like it. Hell, she’d love it. He’d be the best fuck she’d ever have. She wouldn’t ever want another. He frowned. The bitch better not have been with that bastard. He’d kill him if she had.

  His car sputtered, drowning out the soft music playing in the background. Then both noises suddenly died. “Shit. What now?” He coasted the car to the side of the road.

  “I’ll tell you what.”

  A flash of light lit in his rearview mirror. He blinked. A grayish-purple man sat in the back seat. “Get out my damn car!” The thing appeared next to him in the front seat.

  “We are going to make a great team.” The creature laughed.

  “We are?” Jeff couldn’t argue with whatever it was. His mind clouded with visions of Kira’s friend’s death. His mind wasn’t his own anymore. This creature showed him a picture of him being killed instantly. He’d do whatever the fuck it asked.

  “I am Chason. You are to keep following the woman, my brother’s woman. You can help me.”

  She’s my woman, he thought.

  “If you want her, I will give her to you.”

  “You read my mind?” Sick bastard. What the hell was this thing?

  “Yes. I read your thoughts and I am a bastard.”

  The jeep and music roared to life. “You want the girl, and I want my brother to suffer.”

  This would work out just fine. If whatever the hell this thing was got Kira away from that guy, he’d be free to grab her and no one would care less—but the creature had to let him live first. “I’ll help, if you let me live.”

  Chason ran a pointy black fingernail down Jeff’s cheek. “Like you have a choice.”

  Chapter 16

  “Girl trouble?” Mike smirked.

  Trace glared at him and took a deep breath. “Shit.”

  All of this was his fault. If only he’d caught the rogue the first time, none of this would be happening now. He failed. Not once, twice, but three freaking times. Frustration ate at him. The fear he felt for Kira when the rogue looked at her caused him to take it all out on her. Damn it! She could have been killed.

  He’d die if something happened to her. He rubbed his neck. “She has no clue what the Vry could do to her.”

  Mike cocked his brows. “She doesn’t want to find out either.” He turned toward the building. “You better get going. I’ll meet you back at the house.”

  “No. You won’t.” Dev materialized in front of them “Your presences are demanded elsewhere.” He narrowed his gaze on Trace. “The girl is more trouble than she’s worth, and—”

  Trace growled. “Don’t.”

  Dev raised his lip exposing long fangs. Arguing wasn’t his thing. He could make you do whatever he pleased with a mere thought. Too bad his mind control didn’t work on rogues.

  “Screw this.” Trace had no choice. He glanced at Mike. “Let’s get this over with quickly.” Mike shouldn’t have to pay for his stupid mistakes, but they were a team so he would. “I’m sorry, man.”

  “No worries, bro.”

  “Promise me if the Queen holds me captive or worse, you’ll make sure Kira is safe.”

  Mike sighed. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”

  Trace gripped Mike’s shirt in his fist. “I’m dead serious. Promise me.”

  Mike jerked back and dusted his shirt. “Of course, now
watch the threads.”

  Upon arriving inside the Queen’s domain they were greeted by four of her guardians. Unlike Trace and Mike, they stayed in her home at all times.

  They directed Trace and Mike toward her office. It was more like a library intertwined with a lounge. He wanted a drink badly, although it wouldn’t do him any good.

  His mind traveled to the rogue and what he’d said earlier. He’d called him his brother. Why? Where had that come from? The thought bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

  Mike cleared his throat, pulling him from his thoughts.

  The Queen’s long legs were crossed at the ankles and propped on her antique wooden desk, exposing the stilts of her black heels. He mentally cringed when he thought what one kick in the wrong place would do to a man or an immortal.

  As she rose, the sheen from her purple satin shirt enhanced her bright blue eyes. She slunk across the room in dark denim, hips swaying. This was the Queen he was used to. She only dressed to kill when other women were around. In front of her guards, she didn’t put on airs.

  “You failed again.” She narrowed her eyes.


  Mike opened his mouth to speak.

  “You. Silent,” she ordered.

  Trace stepped forward. “My mistake. Not Mikal’s.”

  Mike gripped his shoulder. “No. My screw up. You know, being young and new at this shit sucks,” Mike said.

  “Hush.” Her voice vibrated the room as she shook her head, her long black hair swung like a black cat’s tail. “Mikal, you wait in my quarters.

  When I’m done, it will be your turn.”

  Trace blew out a breath, hoping Mike would receive an entirely different punishment than him. Maybe not one he wanted, but one he would survive. He’d at least live to see another night. He hoped.

  Mary’s glare followed Mike to the door, then turned her narrowed eyes on him. “Why, Trace? What is with you?”

  “I was caught off guard. This rogue is not your typical vampire. He has determination. Something I’ve not seen since I’ve been hunting.” Trace demanded better of himself; the Queen couldn’t punish him any more than he punished himself. She stood quietly. “Damn it. I fucked up.” He stared straight into her eyes.

  “I expect more from you. I’ve always been able to depend on you.” She’d always been negative toward him.

  “I expect more from myself as well.”

  Mary stepped closer. “No. You don’t understand.” She seemed to be having a difficult time confronting him. This was a first. What was she not telling him? She turned and walked toward her desk and sat.

  “Is there something you want to say?”

  She gestured for him to take a seat in the brown leather chair in front of her desk. “I’ve a confession, Trace.”

  He eased into the chair, but remained on the edge. His hands fisted on his knees. A confession from her? This was another first.

  “The vampire you’ve been chasing,” she paused. Her eyes held his. “He’s my son.” A red tear streaked from her eye. She wiped it quickly with her finger and stared at it for a long silent moment, as though she was surprised to see it.

  “Your son? Is that true?” Why had she hidden that fact?

  “Long ago, the Vrykolakas poisoned his mind against me.” She let her head fall back. “He’s not the same as the others. Our bloodline is stronger than most, and now his blood is mixed with the Vrykolakas, which normally would damage his brain, but it didn’t. He still remembers who he is, and that he’s my child. He wants me dead.”

  Trace recalled the tales of her boys. She’d lost them both. One to the Vry and one a short while later from some rare blood disorder. “Your son is Chason?” He shook his head not believing it. Why did her own son want her dead? “Why did you tell us he’d died?”

  “I thought he did, but a few months ago he tried to break in. He was caught briefly, but escaped. I didn’t tell anyone about it and kept my guards silent.” She sighed. “Before he left, he attempted to kill me. I managed to get away from him, but haven’t been able to find him since.”

  “So, what now? You want me to kill him for you? Your son?”

  “He has to be stopped. He may share my blood, but he is no longer my son. He only exists to destroy life.” She stood and then paced the room.

  A knot formed in his chest at the memory of what Chason had called him. Brother. He swallowed hard. It can’t be. Trace stood abruptly, his chair sliding across the wood floor. “Tell me everything!” He roared while pieces of a puzzle began to drop into place.

  Mary froze with her back to Trace. She didn’t say or do anything.

  Trace marched behind her. “He-—called—me—brother.” Each word grated through his extended teeth.

  Mary lowered her head. “No. No. No,” she cried out. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. The rage he felt was more than he could handle.

  She frowned. “No,” she whispered.

  A piece of him shattered inside. An ache so strong filled his chest, and he could hardly breathe. This had to be the worse moment in his life. After hundreds of years, he realized Queen Mary was his true mother, not the woman who’d raised him. “It’s a lie.” He gripped her arms. “Tell me it’s a lie!”

  She remained silent, her stare blank.

  “Why? How could you do this?” He had to know before he killed the bitch.

  Calmly she spoke. “They would have destroyed or changed you if they knew you were alive. I hid you.” She reached out to touch his face. “I didn’t have the army I do today.”

  He pushed her hand away. “And Mike?” Trace strode toward the window. He couldn’t stand the sight of her anymore. He glanced around the property, but saw none of it.

  “They raised you as I instructed them to. Then later, Mikal was born unexpected. We all knew how rare it is to have a child born in the Poryria race.” She sighed. “He’s not your blood brother. And you are not their son, you’re mine.” He heard footsteps close in behind him. Her hand caressed his shoulder. He spun around, glaring at her. Her touch made his skin crawl. She moved away, and sat down knowing if she didn’t give him space, he’d either hurt her or leave.

  Thoughts flooded him. All the times she took her guardians to bed with her filled his mind. She never chose him. She had always looked at him with disgust. He thought something was wrong with him, because he hadn’t been attracted to her either. The others still jerked him around about it. The only thing she ever used him for was to drink from. She’d call on him often. She’d told him his blood was different from the others. Now he felt sick to his stomach.

  “I always thought—I was not good enough. I thought something was wrong with me. I never allowed myself to love anyone.” It was why he’d bedded so many women for so long. Trying to prove himself, until Jessica’s death had changed all that. Then he’d banned women totally.

  Then Kira proved him wrong. He could love.

  The Queen had always watched his every move. Judged him more than the other protectors, and all the while he thought he disgusted her. Failed her in some way. It was why he demanded more of himself. He had to prove to her he was not weaker than the rest. His mind filled with revulsion, and his hands shook next to his sides. He wanted to wrap them around her neck, but it would not do any good. He could perhaps drain her dry, but that would not solve a damn thing.

  “You’ve had a long time to confess. Damn you.”

  She glanced up at him and stood, straightened her back, picking herself up as though nothing had changed, nothing had happened. “The human woman is to be brought to me, and I will erase all of her memory of you. Of all of us.”

  Kira. His mind reeled. Panic set in. He had to find her. “No. Kira is my mine. No one touches her.”

  “It is forbidden, Trace. I will not allow it.”

  Trace scowled at her words. “You’re nothing to me.” Trace moved toward her. He gripped her wrist. “You’re not my mother. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
Being guardian to his race was his life, his blood. He’d trained his entire life for the honor of that position. But he’d gladly throw it all away for Kira.

  Angry, Trace left her office. He didn’t care if the Queen sent ten guardians after him. Kira was his only concern. He prayed he wasn’t too late. And if he was, he’d take his mother to hell with him.

  “Wait.” The Queen rushed after him. “He’s already got her. There are two of them. He’s teamed up with that lunatic human.”

  Trace punched a hole in the wall. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “Dev has only just learned of this news. And you’d be wise to watch your tongue with me, my son.” She turned and swayed toward her bedroom.

  “If anything happens to her…” he warned.

  Mike tried prodding his mind. Trace slammed his thoughts shut. Now was not the time to worry Mike. And as far as he was concerned, he would always be his brother. I’m fine. I will call you if I need your help.”

  Trace buried his feelings about the Queen’s confession, then worried she might reveal herself to Mike.

  Do not tell him! Trace forced his words into his mother’s mind.

  Chapter 17

  Kira clutched the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white. She could understand Trace being upset because she’d caused him to lose the vampire, but his words had hurt. So much going on with Jeff after her, she’d just left without thinking things through. She hated to admit it, but she’d acted childishly.

  Had she read him completely wrong? After she’d finally let her guards down with him, and allowed him into her heart, he acted all...How had he acted toward her? Mad. Yes, he seemed furious. Her heart had started mending, now the hole had ripped open once again. Her chest burned from holding in the tears that wanted to come.

  She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t fall apart. Numb all feelings.

  Who was she kidding? Her heart still ached to be with him.

  She squeezed the wheel, knowing she had to get a grip before she wrecked. Deciding it best to pull over along side of the highway, she rested her head on the horn. “Toughen up. Pick yourself up and do something.” Yes. That is what she’d do.


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