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The Guild Chronicles Books 1-3

Page 98

by J M Bannon

  “It’s not a surprise that he would be seeking arcane assistance,” said Moore.

  “What is a surprise is that he’s alive —” yelled Clark.

  “Clark, we swore to each other we would bring an end to him, and it's not the case. If we don’t do something now, then that bastard wins,” said Wood.

  “The four of us you see wish to help you, sir. We know what you are up against and we will do anything we can to help,” said Mr. Boyle.

  Jimmy scoffed, “I appreciate the gesture, but my expectations of ‘anything’ and yours are entirely different. I am prepared to work far outside of the bounds of anything that resembles a moral code. I saw the concern of the Witch Lady when she had visions of the Dowagers’ attack, and I’ve seen the dead bodies of men I believed were untouchable. Let me know what leads you might provide, but my ways will be unpalatable to a gentleman.”

  The four men looked at each other, there was some unspoken agreement.

  “Mr. Lin, the men who you think we are, what you see presented in polite society, that is an apparition of what we once were. What you see before you here are men who were prisoners of the Fox King, who were tortured in his jungle slave camps. We swore to avenge ourselves and all those that the Fox King has slaughtered. Long ago we threw away our moral compasses as they stopped us from reaching our desired destination; to stand on the grave of the Immortal Fox King. I assure you sir, on Judgment Day if you expect to be damned we will be burning with you,” said Captain Moore.

  Jimmy looked at the four men. He could see the darkness on their souls and the desire for revenge.

  Jimmy sat down and picked up the pint and took a drink, “I Agree. Now tell me how we kill our enemy.”

  Mr. Clark spoke, “We will tell you everything, but you must make us a promise. The four of us must be the ones to take the life of the Immortal Fox King.”

  Want to know about the day Rose, Lorelei, the Baroness and Angelica went to Paris?

  Get a short story about the day in Paris shopping for couture gowns. Do you think that gang could just have a boring day of shopping?

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  Author’s Notes

  A year ago, from the publication of The Mechanists, I released the Prequel “The Untold Tales of Dolly Williamson.” While the book focused on Dolly, it was meant to introduce you to the world and adventures of Rose Caldwell. Now Rose is set on new adventures in the aether where you will discover along with the White Witch the true nature of the universe and her part in it.

  I appreciate you for sticking with the series, even more taking the risk to pick up the first book and giving the stories a chance. I hope the stories and characters have been rewarding to you.

  The next project to be released is a four-book series called “The Tales of the Seamist.” It is in the same world, and Jacob Moore and Violet Caldwell will be featured in one of the books. This is a different challenge as it is going to be sweet romance mixed with my typical thriller elements. The Seamist tips it hat to Jules Verne and provides answers as to how the Immortal Fox plays a role in the world. Expect Happily Ever After (The caveat being that HEA for the likes Preston and Lorelei is an afternoon with your soulmate killing demons by solving puzzles and making potions) for all but some hard work to get there.

  After that, it is “Parasite of the Soul” the fourth book in the Guild Chronicle series. Again, you will have magic and mechanical marvels, but we will be delving into an even more mysterious world, the world of 19th-century global finance.

  That’s it for now need to get back to writing.

  Thanks again.

  JM Bannon

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  Also by J M Bannon

  While each book stands on its own there is a very large mind map that lays out plot, sub-plot, and multiple arcs that make up the world around Rose Caldwell. Expect more characters, intrigue and tightly wound stories that link, clash and collide. In its current state what started with Dolly Williamson asking Rose to join the Metropolitan Police Service will span at least another eight books.

  The Untold Tales of Dolly Williamson: The prequel to the Guild Chronicles.

  The Guild Chronicles

  A three book series following Rose Caldwell, “The White Witch of London”, as she finds her purpose and takes a leadership role in a loose band of eclectic characters known as the Libertines.

  Book 1: The Alchemists

  Book 2: The Necronists

  Book 3: The Mechanists

  Book 4: Parasite of the Soul Coming in 2019

  Want to learn more about Rose?

  The Saints and Scoundrels of Steampunk Series is a collection of books that document tales in JM Bannon’s Non-Newtonian Universe. The first book Awaken goes back to when Rose was younger and in the convent.

  You can buy Book 1 Awaken: A Rose Caldwell Tale direct from JM Bannon. Use coupon code: Awaken to get the book in any file format for only $1.99 (a $2 savings) and have the exclusive content that only direct buyers get! This book is also available for sale at $3.99 on all bookstores.




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