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Scarred (Unlikely Heroes Book 5)

Page 22

by Leslie Georgeson

  Sebastian snorted. He’d spent the last three days lazing around with Emily, having lots and lots of incredible sex. It was possible he’d lost a pound or two, but more than likely he’d gained a pound or two. He didn’t generally go this many days without working out. He would need to work out as soon as they arrived at the gym. His muscles needed stretching.

  “It might have fluctuated a bit.”

  Travis narrowed his gaze at Sebastian. “You’ll have to fix that when we get there. I ain’t bringing you back until your weight is where it should be.” He paused. “So tell me, boy, did you come here for the fight like you were supposed to, or were you planning on fucking with me and not showing up?”

  Sebastian met his father’s gaze. They had him by the balls and they knew it. He might have balked at first, but he would fight. He had no choice in the matter.

  “You know I came for the fight. Why else would I be here? I hate L.A.”

  Whether or not Sebastian won the fight would be a different story. He was going up against the Cockroach tomorrow. A guy who fought dirty. If the Cockroach got you in a submission hold, you were done. You could tap-out all you wanted. The Cockroach wouldn’t let go unless he was dragged way. Or you managed to escape. The man was brutal and relentless. He was famous for breaking arms and legs, knocking shoulders and knees out of sockets. It was rumored he’d even snapped a man’s neck, though Sebastian had found no truth to the rumor.

  Travis reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a packet of Marlboro Reds. Sebastian turned away as his father lit up and blew a plume of smoke in Sebastian’s direction.

  “So, boy, you ready to take on the Cockroach? I hear he’s one mean sum-bitch. Never seen him face-to-face myself, but I heard all the rumors. He’s real big.”

  Sebastian shrugged. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

  Travis chortled. “That’s my boy! I knew you’d agree. So what’s your plan for taking him down?”

  “Wear him down, then choke him out.” It was easier said than done. Sebastian would have to elude the beast long enough for the guy to get winded, then get him in a chokehold and hold on until the guy passed out. Could he pull it off? Probably. Was it likely? That depended on a lot of things. Timing. Stamina. Wit. If the Cockroach managed to get a hold of him, Sebastian might not walk away from tomorrow’s fight.

  Travis inhaled on the cigarette, puffed more smoke in Sebastian’s face. “That should work. You’re quick on your feet. He won’t be able to catch you. Just keep him out of reach until you sense he’s wearing down, then...”

  Sebastian tuned Travis’s words out as his father droned on about how he should fight.

  An image of Emily’s beautiful face flashed through his mind. When he was with Emily, he was happy. He’d never thought he’d find happiness until he’d met Emily. When he was with her, his demons went away. When he was with her, he was able to feel. What he felt for her went beyond anything he’d ever felt before. He hadn’t even known he could feel the way he did when he was with her. He was addicted to her, plain and simple.

  Was that all she was, an addiction?

  His chest tightened with emotion.

  What he felt for Emily went much deeper than any addiction he’d ever experienced before. He was scared to contemplate it too deeply. Afraid of what it might mean. Even though deep down he knew exactly what it was. But saying, even thinking the “L” word still scared him shitless. He couldn’t go there yet.

  But he would do anything in his power to protect Emily from his father.


  When Travis had shown up, Sebastian had been cold and unfeeling to her. Guilt nagged at his gut. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Emily. She was so sweet. He didn’t deserve her. But he always instinctively went into “acting” mode when his father was around. He always shut his emotions off when Travis was near. It was the only way he could deal with him. He’d also done it to protect Emily. If Travis suspected how much Sebastian cared about Emily, he’d do everything he could to use her to hurt Sebastian. The problem was, Sebastian hadn’t been able to just stand back and let his father abuse her. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from intervening. And if Travis didn’t yet suspect how Sebastian felt about her, he would figure it out soon. Unless Sebastian remained cold and detached and acted like she meant nothing to him.

  Now that his father was here, the coldness had returned. The demons were back, fighting to break free. If Sebastian unleashed them, it could get ugly. Someone would get hurt.

  Sebastian had no doubt his father would use Emily to get to him if his Plan A failed. That’s why Sebastian needed to get Emily out of here. She would be safer far away from him. As much as it would hurt to send her away, it would be for the best until he managed to deal with his father. He’d been selfish and foolish to get involved with her. The last thing he wanted was Emily getting hurt by his father. If she was already gone by the time he got back to his beach house, he wouldn’t have to face her, wouldn’t have to explain what was going on. He didn’t think he could bear her disgust, her disappointment when she learned the truth. When she learned what he truly was.

  But I want her to be there.

  He wanted to see her one last time before he sent her away. Hold her one last time. Kiss her one last time.

  Make love to her one last time.

  The SUV slammed to a stop at the gym, jerking Sebastian out of his thoughts.

  Travis blew another plume of smoke at Sebastian before snubbing the cigarette butt out in the ashtray.

  “You ready, boy?”

  Sebastian clenched his teeth, nodded. He had every intention of destroying Travis’s Plan A. He just needed more time. He needed Emily safe while he dug deeper. He was expecting an update from the private investigator he’d hired any day now. He could only hope the information the man provided would be helpful.

  “Oh, by the way.” Travis turned back to him. “That P.I. you hired to spy on me? I took care of him. If you send anyone else, I’ll kill them to.” He opened his door and climbed out.


  Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut. Despair slithered in, clutching him in its cruel embrace.

  I can’t let him win. I can’t.

  He dragged air into his lungs, forced it back out. The demons fought to be free, screaming for release. Giving in to the darkness was the only way to deal with his father. The only way to get through this.

  So he pushed all thoughts of Emily aside.

  And let the demons take control.

  Right now Sebastian had no choice but to do this fight.

  And hope he came out alive.

  * * *

  Craig’s sigh came over the line. “What did Sebastian get himself into?”

  Emily hesitated. How much should she tell Craig?

  All of it. Tell him everything you know.

  “I think he’s involved in underground fighting.”

  Craig groaned. “If Sebastian is doing something illegal, I don’t want to know about it, because I’ll be obligated to look into it. I don’t want to see that kid go back to prison.”

  “He’s not doing it willingly,” Emily explained. “They took him at gunpoint. I investigated online after they left and I think Sebastian is the Raccoon.”

  “No shit?” Craig let out a long whistle. “The Raccoon is reputed to be undefeated. Rumor has it he’s fighting the Cockroach tomorrow night but we’ve been unable to determine where.”

  Craig’s knowledge of underground fighting was impressive. Would he apprehend Sebastian—his friend—if he caught him fighting?

  “How do you know so much about it?”

  “The FBI’s been trying to crack down on illegal fighting for some time, but it’s a slippery slope, lots of loopholes these guys use to get away with it. In some states, it’s not illegal as long as both opponents agree to the fight and the spectators aren’t charged a fee to watch. Oh, they hide the money well. We know they’re charging people to watch, but knowin
g it and proving it are two different things. And we know the fighters are getting paid. Who would do it for free?”

  Sebastian. Because his father is making him.

  Emily cleared her throat. “You know Sebastian doesn’t need money. I don’t even think he likes fighting. His father is forcing him to do it. He’s been blackmailing him somehow.”

  “Hold on a minute.” Craig made a choking sound. “Did you just say his father?”

  “Yes. Sebastian said he got a letter from his father not long after he was released from prison and Travis has been blackmailing him ever since.”

  “Travis?” Craig’s voice changed pitch, rising several notches. “You said his father’s name is Travis?”

  “Yes. Travis Wade. Sebastian changed his name when he ran away from home.”

  “Well fuck a duck. Travis Wade is one of the ringleaders in the underground fight world. No wonder Sebastian lied to me and Karen. He made us believe his real name was Sebastian Wolfe, and as far as I was ever able to tell, that was—is—his legal name. I found no evidence suggesting he’d changed it.”

  “Can you blame him?” Emily whispered. “Have you met Travis Wade? If that man was my father, I’d change my name too. I’d never want anything to do with him either.”

  Craig was silent a moment. “I wonder what that son-of-a-bitch has on Sebastian.”

  “I don’t know,” Emily admitted. “But he said something about a boy.”

  There was another long silence over the line as Craig mulled that over. “Well, hell. You can’t tell me all this and expect me to just ignore it. It sounds like Sebastian may be in some serious trouble.”

  “I know. I’m worried about him. What if they hurt him? What if he never comes back?”

  Craig sighed. “Sebastian’s tougher than he lets on, so don’t let him fool you into thinking he’s weak, because he’s not. He’s a survivor. He can take care of himself.”

  Emily’s throat clogged with emotion. “I know he’s physically strong.” She swallowed hard, forcing the lump from her throat. “That’s not what worries me. I’m afraid if we don’t get him away from his father, it will destroy him. You should have seen Sebastian when I first met him. He was so lost and alone. So…broken and damaged inside.” A tear trickled down her cheek. She drew in a ragged breath. “He was doing better the past few days. He seemed really happy. He actually smiled. He even…laughed. But I’m afraid if we don’t get him away from his father, he’ll spiral back down into the black pit he sank into after Scar died.”

  Craig inhaled sharply over the line. “Wait a second. What happened to Scar?”

  Emily explained about the punks who’d stolen Scar and how Sebastian had gone after them to get Scar back.

  “They killed Scar,” she whispered. “It tore Sebastian up.”

  “Jesus.” Craig let out another sigh. “I didn’t know that. I took care of that dog for him while he was in prison.”

  There was another long silence. “So what do we do?” Emily asked.

  “I’ll look into Travis Wade and see if I can find out anything that might be helpful to us. You should go home, Emily. Let me handle it from here.”

  Sebastian had told her to go home and now Craig. No way was she abandoning Sebastian now.

  “I can’t,” she whispered. “I can’t leave him alone to deal with his father. He needs me.” Another tear slipped out, trickled down her cheek. She swiped it away. “As long as his father is in his life, controlling him, he’s in danger.”

  “Obviously I can’t make you do something you don’t want to, but I must caution you to be careful, Emily. Travis Wade is a criminal. Try to stay away from him.” He paused. “I’ll call you back if I find out anything. And please call me as soon as you hear from Sebastian. I worry about that kid.”

  “I will. Thanks Craig.” Emily hung up.

  She sank down on the edge of the bed and stared blankly at the wall. She had to save Sebastian from the brute who was his father. Whatever hold he had on Sebastian, it was big enough to make Sebastian do whatever he wanted.

  Emily rose from the bed and snatched her phone from the nightstand.

  Craig might have the FBI’s resources to look into Travis Wade. But Emily was in L.A. She was close to wherever the fight was going down tomorrow night. She would do her own research.

  She aimed to find out where that fight was going to be held.

  Because she planned to be there.


  It was after midnight when Sebastian returned. He’d been gone for almost six hours. The first thing Emily noticed was they’d shaved his head. All that beautiful hair was gone. His hair was now shaved almost to the scalp. It made him look…tougher, meaner. Like a fighter. Like a badass. Not the pretty boy actor everyone knew. Was that why they’d shaved his head? To make him less recognizable? Was that why he wore the mask in the first place? To prevent people from recognizing him?

  Emily had no idea where they’d taken him or what they’d made him do, but when he strode into the living room where she’d sat on the couch for the past few hours, waiting and worrying, she sensed the change in him.

  His coldness was palpable even from the ten-foot distance between them. He wasn’t just acting. He’d shut his emotions off. Had he let the demons take control?

  For a moment, fear clenched at her gut. Would she be able to get him back?

  She shoved the fear aside. This was Sebastian. She wasn’t afraid of him. He wasn’t dangerous. He would never hurt her no matter what happened. Somehow she would find a way to bring him back.

  He spied her. Paused. Something indescribable flickered across his face. He headed for the kitchen. “I thought you’d be gone by now.”

  Emily jumped up from the couch. She’d done some research while he was gone, placed some phone calls, did some acting of her own. It hadn’t been easy, but she’d found out where tomorrow’s fight was being held. Pretending to be an interested spectator, she’d inquired about the fight from numerous people, asking how much it cost to watch, and where she was supposed to pick up a ticket.

  After talking to seven different people, she’d finally gotten the information she needed.

  The fight was being held at an abandoned warehouse in the slummier side of town. She was required to bring the admission fee in order to get in. Five hundred dollars in cash. She wasn’t sure how she would come up with the money, but she’d find a way in.

  She followed Sebastian into the kitchen.

  He yanked open the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. Twisting off the cap, he guzzled the entire bottle, then tossed the empty bottle into the garbage can underneath the sink.

  Ignoring her, he strode from the room.

  So that’s how he was going to be? Damn him. She wasn’t about to let him use her and discard her like this. She wasn’t one of his floozies.

  Who are you kidding, Emily? What else would you be? He used you, plain and simple. Now he wants you gone.

  No. She refused to believe that. What she and Sebastian had was special. He felt it too. It wasn’t just her.

  Emily stalked after him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were the Raccoon?”

  He paused halfway down the hallway and turned back to her. “It’s not exactly something I’m proud of. You should go home, Emily.”

  She marched up to him. Planting her hands on her hips, she lifted her face to his. “And how the hell am I supposed to do that? I don’t have a way back home!”

  He heaved out a sigh. “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t think. You can use my credit card to buy a plane ticket.” He turned and strode down the hallway to the master bedroom.

  Hurt spiraled in her chest.

  Hell no.

  She stormed after him.

  When she reached the bedroom, he was pulling a credit card from his wallet. He held it out to her.

  “Here. Buy yourself a ticket and go home.”

  That did it. Emily slammed her palms against his
chest, shoving him backwards. “I don’t think so. You promised me I wasn’t one of your floozies! I let you t-touch me. I let you make l-love to me.” Her breath hitched and she squeezed her eyes shut against the pain. “I gave you what I never willingly gave anyone else before. I trusted you, Sebastian. And you used me.”

  He let out a groan and turned away from her. “Fuck!” He tossed his wallet aside. It slammed into the wall, then fell open on the thick carpet. He turned back to her. Grabbing her hand, he shoved the credit card into her palm.

  “Take it. Get a plane ticket out of here. I need you gone, Emily. Far away from me.”

  She dropped the credit card, refusing to take it. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

  He hissed out a breath. “I don’t have a choice.”

  She glared at him. “We always have choices.”

  He held her gaze, then jerked away. “Just fucking go, Emily. I can’t deal with you right now.”

  The pain in her heart spread outward, invading her bloodstream and numbing her limbs. Her eyes filled with tears. Her bottom lip trembled.

  I can’t deal with you right now.

  What the hell did that mean?

  “Don’t I mean anything to you? Anything at all?” A tear trickled down her cheek. Then another. Was she wasting her time here? Was Sebastian a lost cause?

  He turned back to her, his expression tortured. His gaze locked on hers, his eyes deep with pain. He sighed. “God, you’re killing me.” He dragged her into his arms.

  The tears came freely then as she sobbed into his chest, clinging tightly to him. She was scared for him. Afraid she would lose him to his father. Afraid he would let the darkness consume him. She didn’t know what to do.

  “Please tell me what’s going on. I’m scared for you. What does your father have on you? Why are you letting him use you like this?”

  He gently stroked up and down her back, brushed her hair behind her ear. His chest rose and fell as he drew in a deep breath and let it out.

  Sebastian set her away. He looked down at her, his expression filled with resignation.


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