The Third Heaven Series Boxed Set: Books (1-3)
Page 5
Dust and debris jettisoned into the air, and after the passage of time gently settled back to earth covering both leaf and blade of grass. The breadth of the crater burned of charred wood and grass whispering to onlookers with the sizzle of steam and nestled silently and motionless within its core, the empty, crusted husk of Saesheal lay still; smoke lifted from his frame like a hovering phantom.
Angels in the area of impact moved to investigate the site. By the hundreds, they came open-mouthed and eyes wide.
“Saesheal, can you hear me? Saesheal,” one said.
“Wake up, Saesheal! Wake up,” another cried.
Another looked upon the charred remains of his comrade. “How is such a thing possible? Why does he not answer?”
“I saw a flare of light come from the sun. He looked as if he was trying to stop it,” said another.
“But he does not breathe! The Arelim does not breathe,” shouted one.
Apollyon still cradled in a bath of stellar fury looked on in anguished dismay. Passion and sadness overwhelmed him: yet he dared not express himself, for he knew the sun would broadcast his pain to the solar system's ruin.
So silently, he ruminated, embroiled in a mental cauldron of grief and angst. Looking into the distance of the black star-filled canopy of space, he strained to see past the second heaven into the third and wondered to himself, El why didst you not save us?
"My Lord," said Michael.
“Yes, my son?”
“You seem preoccupied. Is all well?”
El sat on his throne, his eyes looking past them all, looking elsewhere.
“Saesheal has thwarted a threat to Earth, and Apollyon now wonders within himself my actions.”
Each archangel collectively looked upon one another questioningly and in amazement then turned to their Creator. Unanimously they responded as one. “And your will in this matter Lord?”
El closed his eyes for a moment. He sat in silence, then opened his eyes, and spoke. “Raphael come forward and report of thy stewardship.”
Like his fellow brothers before him, Raphael stepped towards the throne and sat. He waved his hands, and volumes of books appeared above their heads and filled the room. Raphael stood across from El and pointed to a small window-like opening, and images began to flash before their eyes.
Raphael displayed the record of each Elohim. Each volume was open before him and floated transparently yet occupied no space. Pens and stylus moved of their own accord, never ceasing in their writing. Each pen updated the book upon which they wrote, and in the window before them, Grigori stood everywhere, taking note of all things: watching. Each carried a book, an inkhorn, and a stylus. Each screen showed the cowled and blank face of the Grigori, a race of Elohim that possessed neither eyes nor ears. They could see, but they did not. They heard, but they did not. Gifted with divine sight and hearing, they were absent the instruments normally associated with a species that experiences sight or sound.
El spoke, “Raphael, please display the Grigori assigned to Apollyon’s attachment.”
Raphael once more raised his hand, and one image came to the forefront of all others.
The image showed Apollyon looking up, and his Watcher barely perceptible in the background, faithfully recording every word and the thoughts of Apollyon’s heart. The Lumazi collectively viewed this crystal display; the show of thought and action hovered above their heads as Apollyon’s innermost thoughts were made known for all of them to see.
“El why didst you not save us?”
Each was amazed; startled even that El would even be questioned.
El spoke, “Lucifer.”
Lucifer stood to attend to his master, “My Lord?”
“Please assist Apollyon to understand.”
El’s eyes fixated upon the person of Lucifer and El began to communicate to Lucifer the words and the voice tone upon which he was to speak the word of God. Nothing was left to chance, and in the seconds that passed between them, Lucifer’s reply was straightforward and familiar.
“Yes Lord.”
“Thou art dismissed to see to the matter. Make haste,” said the Lord.
Lucifer scratched at his chest. “Thy will be done,” said Lucifer.
Instantly Lucifer rose to his feet and began his descent from the throne room, deep bass sounds echoed with his every step. Melodious sounds emanated from the motions of his wings, and as he left, the sound of his presence faded.
“Jerahmeel, Talus, and Sariel, I will commence later with your reports. You may each retire for a time, and I will call for you when I am ready. Raphael, I have an assignment for you. Michael stay as you also have a new assignment. Gabriel, Saesheal, has ––fallen. Recover what remains of thy brother’s body and bring him here. He has honored me, and I will honor him. Tell your brethren that I am with them and let not their hearts be troubled.”
Each cherub bowed to the Lord and exited the throne room.
El turned to Raphael. “Raphael, thou art commissioned to find all instances of thought, conduct, and or speech similar to Apollyon’s. You and your attendants shall bring to me a volume which lists all Elohim and research on your findings.”
“Aye, Lord. And your desire as to when you would have this complete?”
“Report thou to me on the conclusion of the 6th Earth day at which time I will take my rest.”
“As you command Lord,” replied Raphael. Bowing, the mighty cherub turned to leave the presence of the living God.
Michael stood and looked at his Lord. El noticed his glance.
“Speak Michael.”
“Lord I have served you without ceasing day and night. You have allowed me to oversee as Archon the expansion of the city. I have seen wonders as you spoke the stars into existence, yet I perceive that something is amiss.”
The Lord looked upon his beloved of angels, smiled, and studied him. El’s gaze penetrated Michael, and for a brief moment, Michael thought that the Lord would speak. El stood instead.
Immediately Michael bowed with his face towards the ground.
“Rise, Michael, O beloved of angels. Rise and walk with me.”
El left the throne, and both walked to the upper floors of the palace.
“Understand my son, that I declare the end from the beginning, and in the day ahead, that will be called ‘ancient times,’ the things that are not yet done. My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. The words that I speak unto you, though they are unclear, they shall be revealed later.”
“Yes Lord,” was Michael’s reply.
“So, Michael, speak your mind.”
“Lord, I do not fully understand what I have just seen. Raphael showed us what Apollyon’s Grigori witnessed. I was not aware that such thoughts would be contemplated among the Elohim.”
El looked upon his son and smiled. “My friend, thou art ever with me and have my heart. Thou art continuously in Heaven laboring in the work to which thou hast been faithfully assigned. Apollyon hast experienced for the first time a force capable of injury to his person. This new awareness of self-preservation hast brought with it questions. Questions about, why I would create such a thing? Why might I risk his person to accomplish my own ends? Apollyon has been thrust into a new set of circumstances, and as you all were created with a free will, such lines of reasoning must inevitably encroach upon his thoughts.”
Michael nodded. “I see.”
“All that can be done will be done. And all that will be will be,” said El.
“All that will be will be, aye, Lord.”
Lucifer arrived at the Cliffs of Argoth, a cropping of rock that overlooked all of Jerusalem: one of several waypoints that El had allowed for travel between the realms. The waypoints were essential. Failure to use a Ladder directed at a waypoint could result in the mistaken destruction of a structure in Heaven or worse, the possible dissolution of an Elohim. Several waypoints existed throughout the realm, and eac
h was wide enough to accommodate the displacement of the heavens when Ladders formed. Lucifer closed his eyes and focused his thoughts. His mouth moved, and he recited the Elomic command that would transport him from the capital city to the second heaven called “space."
Lucifer felt honored. As the first created sentient being, he was one of a select few given an Elomic command. Each command allowed a creation event, a method to affect reality. Every syllable and each word added to reality or even allowed travel between the realms.
By this word, El created reality. El, however, was the living Word itself. All creation sprang from his mouth. El spoke, and what he spoke came to pass. He was the Elomic command.
Carefully, Lucifer pronounced each syllable, and with every utterance, eternity began to fold back upon itself. The pitch in Lucifer’s voice was flawless, his volume perfect, and with the authority of El, he evoked the realms to hearken and to permit passage to the celestial realm.
As if on cue, creation itself came to attention and bowed to fulfill the word. Light danced around Lucifer's person, and slowly Heaven dissipated and revealed the barrier that separated eternity from time. Energy crackled around the mighty cherub, and wave after wave pulsated until a schuuuup sound blasted the air; similar to the sound expected when air vacates a room. Then it opened––the Ladder.
Lucifer’s scales retracted into his body to reveal a powerful armor that surrounded him. The luminescent and translucent flesh of his wings glowed bright and, his legs and arms grew muscular, and with the revealing of his talons, he completed the transformation into the warrior angel necessary to survive the environment of the thing El had called space.
Looking down into the pulsating chute of light, Lucifer began his descent down the Ladder, and galaxies and stars soon littered all that he saw. Lucifer moved his body to adjust his path and made his way towards the planet that he had come to call home: the lush place El had called Earth. Lucifer had been responsible for its administration, and as chief Archon, he was the arm of the Lord overseeing all things concerning El’s will.
Lucifer soared past worlds seeded with new life; each waited expectantly with an attentive ear for any command from El to bud. Some planetary bodies were pleasant to the eye, and all assisted in the guidance of what was now dubbed times and seasons.
He turned to a star in the distance and, able to recognize its unique signature among the billions littered in space, motioned his body towards the third planet. He entered the solar system and flew past the outer planets.
Then it appeared; the lush planet filled with aquatic life lovingly handcrafted by El. The young atmosphere quickly enveloped Lucifer, and its searing heat embraced his angelic skin as if to welcome him home. Red and green flashes of light skipped before his eyes, and then blue skies filled with wispy and majestic clouds. The familiar clap of thunder announced his entry. His twelve broad wings, used to cover El himself, slowed his approach, and he lightly touched down a stone’s throw from the location of Saesheal’s plummet. The Ladder then dissipated and retracted to lift back into the Third Heaven.
Lucifer approached the scene and eyed with curiosity the thousands of angels encircled above and around the crater of Saesheal’s impact.
One angel of God was a remarkable sight; a legion was a thing of wonder. Each Elohim was as different in function, power, and beauty as the snowflakes that filled the Earth. There were the Arelim; massive, four-armed muscular creatures, bi-pedal with cloven feet. With the faces of rams, their leathery wings made them perfect for the building and movement of planets, a species to which both Apollyon and Saesheal belonged.
There was the Harrada, Issi, Satyrs, Kortai, Draco, and Grigori–so many present to behold this sight.
All noticed Lucifer’s presence as they surrounded the crater and bowed to the Chief Lord Prince and planetary Archon.
Lucifer surveyed the enormity of it all. There was a central black impact crater bordered by scorched and flattened trees of one-furlong roundabout. Apollyon lay within the center of the deep crater; holding the charred remains of his friend weeping uncontrollably. Apollyon refused to be comforted, and his wails filled the air.
“Eleah, Eleah, kknada sabathkunar?” Which in the Elomic tongue meant, “My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?”
Lucifer turned to one of the gawkers. “How long has he been this way?”
“My Lord Prince, you honor us with your presence on this dark day.”
“Forgo me the chatter––how long!”
“He has been discomforted since Master Breagun commissioned Ra to relieve him not moments ago. He then ran into the center of the crater, held Saesheal, and would not release him. Master Breagun has suspended Apollyon’s post as Archon of Sol until he receives instructions from Prince Talus.”
“Indeed?” Lucifer replied.
Suddenly, with a flash of immense light and clap of thunder, Gabriel stood over Apollyon, his white linen still bright from the glory of God. Gabriel stood nine feet tall, with twelve white flowing wings. His hair was solid white, and his skin spotted with flakes of black on dark grey skin. He looked upon Apollyon and spoke.
“Oh, Son of the Dawn, fear not, nor be thou troubled. Saesheal though fallen is not without a future, for El has declared that his journey is not yet complete. I have come for his temple to return him to the Lord.”
Apollyon looked upon Gabriel, and the Shekinah glory still irradiated Gabriel’s face, for he was still fresh from the presence of the Lord. Peace slowly began to fill Apollyon. Apollyon held the body of his friend in his arms, wiped what remaining dirt and debris encrusted his face, and lightly brushed Saesheal’s cheeks.
“And what does El intend to do with the body?”
“El has stated that as Saesheal has honored him thus shall he be honored. More I do not know. My task is clear; make way not to deter me from it,” said Gabriel.
“Aye, Lord Prince,” said Apollyon.
Apollyon gently gave the body of his friend into Gabriel’s waiting arms, and with equal care, Gabriel wrapped Saesheal’s body within the linen of his robes and prepared himself to depart.
“Hear all ye Elohim, for the Lord is not without pity. Believe in your God, let not your hearts be troubled nor let them be afraid, the Lord thy God is with thee.”
Gabriel and Lucifer looked upon one another. Gabriel nodded with respect, and Lucifer returned the acknowledgment. Gabriel looked up and lifted himself from the gravity of the mass of spinning ore, and all looked upon him as his figure slowly diminished into the distance. Then the light of a Ladder was seen bridging the realms, and Gabriel was gone.
“My prince, what does this mean?” asked a bystander.
Apollyon spoke before Lucifer could reply. "It means that I have injured my friend. It means that I have failed. It means, Orion, that I must live with the knowledge that my brother has perished because of my hand.”
Orion and the others looked on Apollyon with curious stares, but Orion spoke for them all. ”Explain, Apollyon. How are you responsible for this?”
“I attempted to manage the sun's power to make life habitable on the Marxzian surface…”
“You fool! Did it not occur to you that you would boil the oceans just made? I cannot imagine that Master Breagun would have authorized such a careless act…”
“He did not, Orion, for I had thought”…
Livid, Orion cut Apollyon off. "Think no more, ‘Broken Stone’, as it is ruinous to us all. If you …”
“Enough!” Lucifer said.
Lucifer’s deep and powerful voice overwhelmed them all and shook the ground. All present immediately stopped all talk and took notice as the Chief Prince roared at them. Silence surrounded the area, heads bowed in obeisance.
“I find that I have had enough and that this conversation edifies not. Accusations against a Son of God will not be leveled in my presence! Cease from this prattle and return to your posts, all of you!” Lucifer barked.
The ground quaked as Lucifer’s comm
and was issued. Startled and shocked back into the normalcy of reason, angels dismissed themselves from the area until none remained save Lucifer and Apollyon.
His countenance now softened, Lucifer turned to Apollyon and spoke, “Be encouraged, my brother; you did what you thought was right.”
“My Lord Prince, I…”
“You Son of the Dawn are tired, and it is apparent that you are overwhelmed with the events of today. Come, seek solace at my palace, and be refreshed. My attendants will see to your needs, and we will talk after you, have had a chance to meditate. El knows of our friendship and of all the princes that he might send during such a time; He knew I would be the one most apt to comfort you.”
“Your pardon, Lord Prince, your hospitality is appreciated, however…”
“Speak,” said Lucifer.
“But I seek no meditation on the person of El.”
Lucifer looked curiously upon this angel never having heard such speech in all his days. “I see. Then seek consolation within my halls. Come.”
“Aye, Lord Prince.”
Lucifer took flight, and Apollyon followed, heading towards the central city Lucifer had built on the Earth.
Lucifer’s mind churned with questions about the day’s events. Why would El allow this to happen? With a thought, he could have easily dispatched the flare. He needed never to have even left the throne. Why even show us Apollyon’s thoughts? Are my thoughts on display to those of the court as well?
Lucifer noticed that their Grigori silently followed them. Their gaseous form made them easy to forget that they were there. Knowing that Lucifer’s own thoughts were logged and recorded, he chose to meditate on thoughts of intrigue that he might provide sport for his own Grigori, Lilith, to write.
Why would the Lord even create such a creature? Lucifer was sure Lilith’s pen would record his thoughts and, in so doing generate, some intriguing logs.
Ahh to know the innermost mind of a Grigori.
Lucifer chuckled at this prospect, for Lilith, his watcher was ever with him, yet Grigori never spoke or interacted with anyone but their own kind. Lilith, however, was of no immediate concern to the Chief Prince, but they would have words later Lucifer thought. Of that, he was sure.