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The Third Heaven Series Boxed Set: Books (1-3)

Page 103

by Donovan Neal

  The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due s eason.

  What is the impact to heaven when a third of her populace has left? How does that impact the work of God? How does that impact their job functions, since God has stopped making angles. How does that effect creation?

  What is the event that prompts God to destroy the earth.?

  1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

  Lucifer attempts to corrupt the image of God by sullying man’s bloodline, causing man to devolve as the beasts of the earth due to his depravity. The tactic of the enemy is so effective as it prompts God to create the second man. But he must first wipe the remains of the first from his beloved planet.

  Evil has spread as a cancer. As gangrene it must be cut out.

  Gangrene is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that arises when a considerable mass of body tissue dies The evil of man has become as gangrene, man is on the verge of necrosis of spirit. Only Noah can now be saved.

  Why didn’t God intervene, why the flood?

  God saves Noah.


  “For I must make a people, pliable to obey me, humble to contain me, and available to house me. Heb 10:5

  Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:

  The creator has become his creation

  In the last third/quarter of the book is when things really should pick up pace wise. As the angels finally understand what El has planned, and the gravity of the situation weighs on them.

  Is El crazy? Does he not love us? His willingness to leave the throne bolsters some angels into thinking that perhaps Lucifer was right.

  Show angles leaving haven following the spirit of El to earth and fighting to create a path that El may come unhindered. Show the kenosis (i.e. emptying ) of God as he leaves the throne, and departs Heaven and all its glory for a womb. To be birthed in the Kiln of a woman.

  And when they looked upon the throne, show the image of three distinct personalities, that flicker as one. Show one leaving the throne while the other two remain.

  Thought, show book two as a love story. For God so loved the world that he sacrificed everything he was to be with and rescue the one he loved. Man.

  What would you do for love?

  God’s actions of death and destruction need to be viewed through the lens of love for his people and to see his people saved. Time is short…to rescue man he must do the thing that only God could do. Become man.

  Note that Gods leaving heaven is parallel to Abraham leaving his kin and moving into a strange land.

  Ge 6:6

  And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

  Ge 6:7

  And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

  Show the grief of God that he must destroy his creation, show the intense anguish over the decision. Show relief when he finds Noah.

  #4: Once upon a time God the king of creation created a son he called man; in his image and his own likeness . For a time, God and Adam enjoyed fellowship, and Adam knew peace, prosperity and health, and was given a purpose. One day Lucifer the enemy of God ensnared and enslaved Adam through deceit. Because of that, mankind began to kill one another and move away from Gods will for him, and the corruption of Lucifer seeped into mans mind and his ways. Lucifer in his jealousy over Gods fawning over the man vowed that he would destroy mankind and raise him as his own children, unless God surrendered the throne. Because of that, God devised a daring plan to rescue his son. Until finally God became flesh to save his son and received the penalty for the actions of his seed on his own head freeing his son from slavery.

  It has been less than one earth since the rebellion. A third of my brothers have been exiled across the multiverse. My family, my home -- ripped apart. I looked over the abyss now sealed by El himself. Only here at the edge of the Maelstrom do I find something familiar…something of comfort. For the great gulf that lies between the realms had remained untouched during the war. I sat looking over the winds of the maelstrom. The gusts washed across my face and there was solace in the wind. It whispered and brought to remembrance times when my brother and I would work to extend the foundation of heaven.

  I miss his song.

  “Now El. Now after millennia on this wretched world. Cast out by thine own hand. Ruler of this precious mote, now…I shall have my vengeance. You have denied me my throne, robbed me of my station.

  Thou hast made thyself bond slave to these filth. To what end, I had loved thee. Yet you saw fit to deny me my place at thy side. Now thou shalt serve to be bond slave to me. Within the depths of this creature shalt thou service me. Within the kingdom of Hell wilt thou reside, and the memory of thee shall be snuffed out in the earth.

  “Gabriel I believe that el means to allow himself to be submitted to harm. Are you sure? All I know is that the lord showed me a vision on the mount. And lo Adam and his kind had multiplied as the stars, and after a time, they grew to violence and I saw a man. Yet he was like none other before him. And when I had looked into the man’s eyes…Michael paused… perhaps it was nothing.

  Gabriel turned to his brother. “Do not be coy with me Michele Kortai, speak plainly. You are not one to succumb to doubt. Especially if you say, El showed this to you. Tell me what you saw.

  I saw El hung by Adams kin on a cross…I…I saw the death of God!

  “Impossible! El is life eternal. You are mad… shall the Godking take on flesh? Nay you must be mistaken.”

  “I know what I saw, said Michael. “El hast shown this to me for a reason.

  Would you have me believe that Lucifer….could slay El?

  I did not say Lucifer. I said Adams kin. They will kill God.

  But how is such a thing possible? How can this be?

  The theme song to the novel two has been acquired as well as the visuals for the next trailer.

  Mt 20:18

  Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, Scripture to be used in book three.

  Jan 1 2014 5285

  Jan 2, 2014 1:26pm word count 5880

  “El dost not know the choices that you might make. He does know the outcome of all choices, that you might possibly make. He has set before us life and death, and admonishes us to choose life, that both thou and thy seed might live.” You are yet free to choose life apart from El.

  And you would seek vengeance on he hast razed our home? You would seek to apprehend him who wast the anointed cherub that covered that you may bring him before me now?

  They replied as one man. All except Michael. “Yea Lord, we would have him chained, and Hell be hom
e to him.”

  El’s face became saddened, and he turned to his son Michael. And what say you? Will you too take up arms to wrest Lucifer from his throne?

  Nay said Michael. I will not leave thy side. Only at thy command will I leave thee…for I know,,,I know what the end must be.

  And El looked upon Michael knowingly, and spoke to the rest of the Lumazi. “Because thou hast yet to comprehend the fullness of time…go to and seek thy desire. But know that thine actions will further rip heaven herself. But alas, the time has come to commence with thy instruction that thy may know that wisdom belongeth to the Lord.”

  And the Lumazi bowed and turned to leave the room, yet Michael stayed to worship at the Lords feet.

  Forgive us my Lord. For it is as you say. The usurpers time is not yet come.

  You are Chief Prince now…and thus my secret now abides with thee. For a body must be prepared for me. That I might succor my people from the hand of the enemy. And you my son. Will protect them until I

  For It is my glory to conceal a thing, yet nothing is hidden that shall not be made know.

  Lucifer walked to Argoth and towered over him. You drowsy excuse to be Raphael. You think that by your hand I might be brought low. Only El hast power to bring me down and even he will not risk destruction of his children to upend me. I had the very tome of Raphael in my hands. Yet I would not bring him low. But you—you I hold in no respect. Remove thyself from my sight. For if your shadow but crosses me again. I will remove they stone from thy gaseous neck, and wear it as an ornate.

  And Argoth back away and cowered afraid of the might of Lucifer to bring dissolution to him.

  1-3-14 word count 6830

  Fifteen word summary of the story

  God leaves Heaven to rescue his kidnapped son and give his life for his freedom

  Lucifer plans to force God’s surrender of the throne by ransoming God’s most beloved creation—man.

  Tagline: What would you do for love?

  Story setup Lucifer Gods perfect creation has fallen. In his hatred towards God, he exploits the only vulnerability he can find—his love of man. Targeting man for slavery and destruction, he deceives humankind into also turning against his creator causing man to bring about a curse on himself and the earth in the process, allowing Lucifer deed to the Earth he covets. Man is now held ransom, and Lucifer forces the Lord to demonstrate how as King he would handle rebellion from his most prized creation—man.

  Major disasters:

  Man’s descends into a spiral of devolution from his original design and sin further creates a barrier preventing Gods influence in the Earth, leaving him but little choice but to destroy his creation.

  God creates a people that he might use as kindling to spark the restoration of his Kingdom on earth. But when they reject his direct rulership and choose to be as the other nations, they seal their doom ultimately forcing them into civil war and slavery by the other nations that they chose to emulate.

  God’s chosen people are now subject to the most brutal regime Lucifer has raised to combat Gods attempt at international influence and hope seems lost

  Ending of the novel : God finally leaves the throne for flesh to rescue his son

  You need a storyline for the following characters


  All of the Lumazi


  Look at you El…just look at you. After millennia on this wretched word you favor—but there is now a new power arising!

  Principle: What God makes he cannot unmake. He is as the golden head of Babylon where the King decrees a thing it must be enforced, even to his own hurt. The King is law. Da 6:12 “He cannot deny himself. 2Ti 2:13

  Have El swallow the tome of Hell, prior to his leaving. This will tie in with Hell having no power over him.

  1-5-14 word count 7176

  Three Archangels. Three Brothers...One Turned Renegade. A sweeping epic of origins and mysteries, The Third Heaven explores a tale older than the universe itself. Set in opulent palaces and battles within the streets of Heaven. This is a timeless saga of doubt, of demons and angelic warriors, of obsessive love and treason, and of an ancient evil that knows no bounds.

  Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war...a war between three angelic brothers...a war fought for the greatest prize in the universe. The war for the Race of Men. Wendy Alec’s blurb.

  The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is book one of a three part series that explores the fascinating tale of the Fall of Lucifer. Lucifer, God’s perfect creation who walked in the midst of the Stones of Fire.

  Yet a perfection that rose up to betray his creator and Lord, and bring Heaven itself to civil war.

  Many tales have referenced this great angelic war but few have sought to explore the dynamic relationships between God and the angelic hosts.

  Why did a third of Heaven seek to overthrow their creator? See Lucifer and his actions in a light never before seen. Journey back to the beginning, and see the drama unfold before your eyes: as allegiances are broken; choices are made, and why all of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God!

  Back cover for the Birth of God

  Heaven has been decimated by war. Michael’s minds reel with the visions shown to him by God of the future, and Lucifer’s plans to force God’s surrender of the comes to a head. The Birth of God follows the powerful aftermath and consequences of Lucifer’s fall from Heaven. In order to save humankind, God will make the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of his creation. What would YOU do for love?

  The Adam has yielded in following me…do you concede to me their birthright? What say you, or does the Lord of all creation changeth? ,

  And the thing which Lucifer said, grieved the Lord. “Behold…all that he has is in thy hand. Yet the life of the flesh is in the blood, you may touch all that he hath, but his life is in my hand.

  The prequel to the Bible is here!

  Explore the fascinating tale of the fall of Lucifer!

  The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is book one of a three part series that tells of the fascinating story of the Fall of Lucifer.

  Lucifer, God’s perfect creation and who dwelt in his very presence, walked in the midst of the stones of fire. Yet rose up to betray the Lord and bring Heaven itself to civil war.

  Many tales have referenced this great angelic war but few have sought to explore the dynamic relationships between God and the angelic hosts. Why did a third of heaven seek to overthrow their creator?

  See Lucifer and his actions in a light never before seen. Journey back to the beginning, and see the drama unfold before your eyes: as allegiances are broken; choices made, and why all of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.

  1-12-14 Word count 11288


  American government collapsed through terrorist attack, president assassinated and DC water supply has been poisoned decimating the entire federal government, bring the US to a virtual standstill. Powerful cyber-attacks shut down the grid, and immobilize communications. leaderless, Other nations fearful of Americans might poise themselves to destroy the county out of fear that her nuclear arsenal might be used by terrorists towards them.

  Europe stands to protect America, against foes domestic and abroad. And proposes a temporary solution to stabilize the once might US. Ushering in a temporary chancellor from the UN. Someone who quickly arises to power and is eventually revealed to be the anti-christ.

  1-18-14 11,695


  1-21-14 13,833

  There needs to be a new chronicler of Lucifer’s works. A new Grigori must document his wonders. What will his name be?

  Third Heaven Series Commentary

  Am I romanticizing Lucifer?

  by Donovan | May 4, 2013 | Christian Commentary | 5 comments

  A viewer of my kickstarter project saw the above trailer and stated the following.

  “I must say you have made a VERY interesting trailer. Did you make that your
self. I assume the footage is from video games and stock footage but the music, text and all is pretty impressive.

  The question I have though is aren’t you afraid that this is romanticizing Lucifer? I ask because prior to being saved I had a crazy interpretation of the Bible in this ultimate struggle between Good and Evil. Long story short my version of Lucifer was much like Anikan Skywalker (assuming you have seen Star Wars). It sort of made me sympathetic to the “dark side” if you will. Now that I am saved and actually read the Bible I have a completely different take on things however, you trailer (as good as it was) kind of reminds me of how I use to see things. So what I am asking, how do you think this will benefit the 16 – 21 year old version of myself that imagining things like this”

  Here was my response.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed the trailer. I took me quite a while to put it together. Yes it is from various elements of footage that I’ve ‘stitched’ together. If you think that was impressive imagine what I was able to depict in a 400 page novel! I love the story and I think it came out great. You’re just getting a taste of my story telling in the trailer.

  I think the question is a great one and its one I have given a lot of thought too. The Bible makes it clear that Lucifer was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. Ezk 28:15

  For those of us who accept the literal interpretation of the Bible Lucifer is a real person, Anakin Skywalker is a fictional one. This is ultimately a fictional account of the life of a real person, and depicts his falling from power and his eventual demise. When you think about it, we hear about this type of thing daily with all manner of persons unfortunately.


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