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Wildfire Creek (Redemption Mountain Historical Western Romance Book 2)

Page 28

by Shirleen Davies

  “You didn’t need to explain. I already knew you’d chosen a life that included the ranch and jobs with Pinkerton. You have no use for building a family, yet I couldn’t change the way I felt when you were around. I did everything I could to ignore you. I soon learned that wouldn’t work.”

  Luke recalled his irritation at her obvious attempts to keep her distance, and his determination not to let her. Looking back, his actions seemed selfish.

  “I realized I couldn’t stay here, no matter how much I wanted to—not with you around. Even though Splendor is growing, there’s little work for someone like me. Suzanne couldn’t bring me back, and no one else needed help. The one place where a woman can find work, and good money, is in a saloon. I couldn’t bring myself to go to Amos, so I went to Mr. Barnett.” She fell silent, now knowing what a mistake she’d made by approaching Nick. She raised her eyes to Luke. “He turned me down.”

  Luke’s eyes widened at the news. “It didn’t appear as if he turned you down.”

  “Well, he did. He knew I wasn’t meant for a life in a saloon, but I was determined to try. He pushed me to the point I understood what I’d be giving up.” She stood and walked to the window, looking out at the darkening sky, her back to Luke. “I need this job. I’ll just have to find some way of pushing aside my feelings for you.”

  She heard chair legs scrape across the floor a moment before he stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her against his chest. He rested his chin on top of her head and closed his eyes.

  “I would rather you not push aside your feelings for me, Ginny, as I feel the same for you.” He tightened his hold as he felt her shift at his words. “Do you recall the day I received the telegram from Dutch, asking me to meet him in Big Pine?”

  “Yes,” she breathed out, her heart hammering in her chest.

  “Do you remember what we were talking about when it arrived?”

  “You mentioned your feelings for me had changed.”

  He placed a kiss on her temple, letting his warm lips glide to her ear, nipping at the lobe. “I love you, Ginny.”

  Her breath hitched at his words, wanting to believe them.

  He brushed his lips down her neck, then retraced a path back up. He could feel shivers ripple through her and pulled her closer. “It took me a while to figure it all out, and I’m sorry if my actions caused you pain. There’s no doubt in my mind that I want you. I’m through with Pinkerton. It’s over.” He turned her toward him, locking his gaze with hers. “Marry me, Ginny.”

  Her body shook so hard, she wouldn’t have been able to stand without Luke’s firm hold on her. She blinked, trying to hold back tears.

  “You want to marry me?” Her voice broke as she felt her entire body tremble. She looked up into his eyes. “Are you certain?” Her trembling question gave away how much she wanted him to say yes.

  “Quite certain.” He offered a tender smile, lowered his head, capturing her mouth for a brief kiss, then pulling back. “Well?”

  She smiled through the tears in her eyes. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”

  He crushed her mouth with his as a joy he’d never felt swelled within him. His heart pounded, and the need to possess her gripped him. The kiss became insistent as he pulled back to trace the outline of her lips with his tongue. She made a low sound of pleasure and her lips parted, allowing him access, hungry for the taste of her.

  His hands moved up her back, and he slid his fingers into her hair, pulling out the pins to let waves of golden brown curls drape around her shoulders. He broke the kiss long enough to see her eyes open, and a heated gleam appear before they fell closed and she drew him back down to her. A deep growl signaled his approval as a hand moved to the small of her back, aligning her body with his as fire streaked through him.

  He broke the kiss and pulled back. “Ginny, we have to stop before this goes too far.”

  She drew him back down, whispering against his lips, “Not yet.”

  “But, Ginny…” His voice trailed off as she continued to hold him to her.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” she breathed. “Please, Luke.”

  Common sense warred with passion as she melted against him, her hunger impossible to resist. He tightened his hold, then moved his hands up and down her body in almost frantic motions, capturing the hem of her dress and drawing it up until his hands rested on her bare thighs. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips, bursting the last shred of self-control Luke possessed. He lifted her into his arms, not breaking their kiss, and walked down the hall to her bedroom, pushing the door open, then kicking it closed.

  He lay her on the bed, looking down at her, his heart swelling beyond reason, and giving her one more chance to change her mind. Instead, she smiled, causing his chest to tighten as she reached her arms up to him.

  “I love you, Luke,” she whispered as he lay down beside her and took her in his arms.

  “I love you, too, Ginny.”


  Two weeks later…

  “I have to hand it to you. When you make up your mind, you don’t waste any time.” Dax clasped Luke on the shoulder as they stood inside the church after the ceremony.

  “I didn’t have much choice when Rachel came home and caught me leaving Ginny’s room, still buttoning my shirt. As I recall, she ordered me to stay away from Ginny until we got married. I’d have married her the next day if the women would’ve allowed it.”

  “Just feel fortunate Mary didn’t get home earlier and surprise you.” Dax glanced over at Rachel holding Mary’s hand, laughing.

  “Gabe told me he’s had no success finding homes for the children. What are we going to do with them?” Luke watched as Billy and Sam spoke with a couple other boys close to their age.

  “We won’t worry about it for now. Today is for celebrating your marriage. How about I get us something to drink?” Dax walked off without waiting for Luke’s answer, already knowing what it would be.

  Luke kept his gaze trained on his bride as she accepted hugs and congratulations from those who’d been able to attend. He’d agreed to a big shindig in the spring, but made it clear he wasn’t waiting months to marry her. He shifted his gaze when Nick Barnett walked up, offering a hand.

  “Congratulations, Pelletier. You made the right decision.”

  “Guess I owe you an apology, Nick.”

  “None needed. It all turned out fine.” He nodded toward Ginny, surrounded by Suzanne, Rachel, Lydia, and Abby.

  “Uh, Nick—”

  “Don’t even ask. What happened stays between us.” He shot a quick look at Luke before returning his gaze to Suzanne. “Guess I’ll go break up the ladies and escort Suzanne to the refreshment table. She won’t eat unless someone guides her toward the food.”

  Luke watched him walk away, wondering if there might be something brewing between the two.

  “Congratulations, Pelletier.” King Tolbert offered a hand, although his eyes scanned the room as if he were looking for someone.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you and Abigail could attend.”

  “Abby refused to miss it, even though she still felt weak a few days ago from the sickness. She seems fine today.” His eyes searched the room in an attempt to find her. “I also want to thank you for your services in Big Pine. You know, a deputy discovered the last outlaw and killed him.”

  Before leaving Big Pine, Dutch had sent Luke a message about the deaths of both Flatnose and Ezra Duncan. Sheriff Sterling didn’t quite understand why the shooting took place in the home of a wealthy citizen. The committee seemed satisfied with Frederick Marlowe’s explanation of the outlaw breaking into his home seeking shelter.

  “Yes, I heard. Duncan was a good man. I’m sorry he lost his life over such a worthless human being as Flatnose.” Luke saw Ginny glance his way and smile. “You’ll have to excuse me. I should claim my bride.” He strode across the room, his eyes never wavering from Ginny and the love he saw reflected back at him. It would be hard to wait throug
h the reception and trip home to get her back in his bed. Two weeks had proven to be entirely too long. Although it had given him enough time to resupply his house on Wildfire Creek and get it ready for her and Mary. He hoped Ginny liked what he’d done.

  “Hungry?” Luke asked as he came to stop next to her, grabbing her hand and squeezing.


  “Let’s eat, then head home. I can’t wait much longer.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. They’d just reached the table covered with food Suzanne had prepared when shouts erupted from the preacher’s office at the back of the church. “Wait here.”

  Luke took off, followed by Dax and Gabe, toward the sound of the commotion.

  “What’s going on back here?” Luke asked, stopping in the doorway to see Noah, Abby, and King Tolbert.

  “I want this man arrested, Sheriff.” Tolbert’s face glowed red.

  “Father!” Abby placed herself between the two men glaring at each other.

  “And just why would I arrest Noah?” Gabe asked as he glanced between the three people.

  “He attempted to attack my daughter—”

  “Noah did no such thing, and I won’t have you accusing him of it.” Abby moved in front of her father, her back to Noah.

  “It’s all right, Abby—”

  “No, it isn’t all right. He’s trying to make a scene and I won’t have it.” She rested her fisted hands on her hips and glared at her father. “Tell Sheriff Evans you made a mistake.”

  “I made no mistake, Abigail. I saw his hands on you.”

  “I kissed him. All he did was try to set me aside.”

  Noah winced at the image she painted. If they’d been someplace else, he wouldn’t have warned her off. He would’ve dragged her up to him and kissed her senseless.

  “Abigail.” Tolbert’s hard, cold voice did nothing to cool her anger.

  “It’s true.” She turned to Noah. “Tell him.”

  Noah’s jaw worked as he tried to clear his mind. He couldn’t blame her for something he’d wanted for a long time. “It’s my fault, Mr. Tolbert. We never should’ve come back here.”

  “Noah…” Abby’s response died on her lips as King grabbed her arm, escorting her from the room.

  “You’ll hear from me Brandt,” Tolbert said as he disappeared with Abby.

  Noah cursed under his breath and dragged a hand through his hair.

  Gabe rested a hand on his shoulder. “It’ll blow over. In a few days Tolbert will forget all about it.”

  Noah’s gaze snapped to his friend. “Somehow, I don’t believe he will.”

  The men began to leave when Rachel came storming toward them. “What happened in here?” she asked, a look of alarm on her face.

  “It wasn’t anything, Rachel,” Dax said.

  “It must have been something. King stormed past us with Abby, saying he’d had enough. He said he’d made up his mind and would be taking her to Big Pine, then putting her on the first train to Philadelphia.”

  Join me in the continuation of the Redemption Mountain series with the story of

  Noah and Abby in book three, Sunrise Ridge, due to release in 2015.

  Thank you for taking the time to read Wildfire Creek. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.

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  Other Books by Shirleen Davies

  Tougher than the Rest – Book One

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate, fast-paced story set in the untamed western frontier by an exciting new voice in historical romance.”

  Niall MacLaren is the oldest of four brothers, and the undisputed leader of the family. A widower, and single father, his focus is on building the MacLaren ranch into the largest and most successful in northern Arizona. He is serious about two things—his responsibility to the family and his future marriage to the wealthy, well-connected widow who will secure his place in the territory’s destiny.

  Katherine is determined to live the life she’s dreamed about. With a job waiting for her in the growing town of Los Angeles, California, the young teacher from Philadelphia begins a journey across the United States with only a couple of trunks and her spinster companion. Life is perfect for this adventurous, beautiful young woman, until an accident throws her into the arms of the one man who can destroy it all.

  Fighting his growing attraction and strong desire for the beautiful stranger, Niall is more determined than ever to push emotions aside to focus on his goals of wealth and political gain. But looking into the clear, blue eyes of the woman who could ruin everything, Niall discovers he will have to harden his heart and be tougher than he’s ever been in his life…Tougher than the Rest.

  Faster than the Rest – Book Two

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Headstrong, brash, confident, and complex, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will captivate you with strong characters set in the wild and rugged western frontier.”

  Handsome, ruthless, young U.S. Marshal Jamie MacLaren had lost everything—his parents, his family connections, and his childhood sweetheart—but now he’s back in Fire Mountain and ready for another chance. Just as he successfully reconnects with his family and starts to rebuild his life, he gets the unexpected and unwanted assignment of rescuing the woman who broke his heart.

  Beautiful, wealthy Victoria Wicklin chose money and power over love, but is now fighting for her life—or is she? Who has she become in the seven years since she left Fire Mountain to take up her life in San Francisco? Is she really as innocent as she says?

  Marshal MacLaren struggles to learn the truth and do his job, but the past and present lead him in different directions as his heart and brain wage battle. Is Victoria a victim or a villain? Is life offering him another chance, or just another heartbreak?

  As Jamie and Victoria struggle to uncover past secrets and come to grips with their shared passion, another danger arises. A life-altering danger that is out of their control and threatens to destroy any chance for a shared future.

  Harder than the Rest – Book Three

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “They are men you want on your side. Hard, confident, and loyal, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will seize your attention from the first page.”

  Will MacLaren is a hardened, plain-speaking bounty hunter. His life centers on finding men guilty of horre
ndous crimes and making sure justice is done. There is no place in his world for the carefree attitude he carried years before when a tragic event destroyed his dreams.

  Amanda is the daughter of a successful Colorado rancher. Determined and proud, she works hard to prove she is as capable as any man and worthy to be her father’s heir. When a stranger arrives, her independent nature collides with the strong pull toward the handsome ranch hand. But is he what he seems and could his secrets endanger her as well as her family?

  The last thing Will needs is to feel passion for another woman. But Amanda elicits feelings he thought were long buried. Can Will’s desire for her change him? Or will the vengeance he seeks against the one man he wants to destroy—a dangerous opponent without a conscious—continue to control his life?

  Stronger than the Rest – Book Four

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Smart, tough, and capable, the MacLarens protect their own no matter the odds. Set against America’s rugged frontier, the stories of the men from Fire Mountain are complex, fast-paced, and a must read for anyone who enjoys non-stop action and romance.”

  Drew MacLaren is focused and strong. He has achieved all of his goals except one—to return to the MacLaren ranch and build the best horse breeding program in the west. His successful career as an attorney is about to give way to his ranching roots when a bullet changes everything.

  Tess Taylor is the quiet, serious daughter of a Colorado ranch family with dreams of her own. Her shy nature keeps her from developing friendships outside of her close-knit family until Drew enters her life. Their relationship grows. Then a bullet, meant for another, leaves him paralyzed and determined to distance himself from the one woman he’s come to love.

  Convinced he is no longer the man Tess needs, Drew focuses on regaining the use of his legs and recapturing a life he thought lost. But danger of another kind threatens those he cares about—including Tess—forcing him to rethink his future.

  Can Drew overcome the barriers that stand between him, the safety of his friends and family, and a life with the woman he loves? To do it all, he has to be strong. Stronger than the Rest.


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