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Safe Harbor (Pine Cove Book 1)

Page 23

by HJ Welch

  Dair smiled, then leaned down to gently touch his lips against Robin’s. “Come on. My room’s a few doors down.”

  He let them in with the keycard that had been safely in his suit jacket when he’d dived into the lake, along with his phone. Robin’s was ruined, but he’d made sure everyone had Dair’s number who might want to reach them.

  It was kind of nice in a way, knowing that his friends and siblings could talk to Dair now if they wanted. Like they’d officially accepted him into the gang.

  Dair flicked a couple of the lights on and dropped his bag onto the small table by the window. A couple of spindly-looking chairs sat on either side and the curtains were already pulled. A double bed dominated the room while a small closet occupied the corner opposite the bathroom.

  Robin’s clothes were still soggy and clinging to him. They’d bought novelty T-shirts from the convenience store, but they hadn’t had any sweatpants or anything. Hopefully their suits would start drying overnight, otherwise it might be a little tricky to get an Uber in the morning.

  They could think about that then. For now, Robin locked the door behind him, then placed his bag of shopping next to Dair’s. He fished out the shower gel they’d bought…

  …and Dair promptly took it out of his hand.

  Robin turned, raising his eyebrows questioningly. But Dair met him by touching their lips together in a sensuous kiss. Robin squeaked. Dair stopped immediately.

  “Sorry,” he said breathlessly. “I’m being selfish. Do you need some space?”

  The thought of being away from Dair any longer after the last twenty-four hours made Robin physically ache. “No, no,” he stammered. “I’m a little disorientated, I guess. It was pretty scary out there. But I don’t want to be anywhere else, and I don’t want you to stay away.”

  Dair sighed and brushed the back of his knuckles against Robin’s cheek. “Are you sure you don’t need to go to the hospital?”

  A wave of exhaustion and residual adrenaline rushed through Robin’s body as he fought back a little sob. He threw himself against Dair’s chest, hugging him tightly while he inhaled deeply and managed to calm himself again. Dair stroked his hair.

  “It’s okay,” he murmured.

  Robin believed him.

  “No, no hospital. Just you. I’m sorry things got so crazy so fast between us. I shouldn’t have let that happen.”

  “It’s my fault, too,” Dair insisted. He kissed the top of Robin’s hair. “But all couples fight about dumb stuff. The important thing is how they make up.”

  Robin grinned, excitement bubbling in his belly. A couple. That was what they were. They’d told everyone. It was official, for real.

  No more pretending.

  He looked up, searching for Dair’s lips. Dair grinned just before their mouths met, a spark of fire in his eyes. Fuck, Robin felt so secure with him. Not just because of the insanely dramatic rescue that Robin would never forget as long as he lived. But always.

  Dair was his safe harbor, his port in a storm. Robin hoped they could drop anchor together and keep each other warm and dry for a very long time indeed.

  He felt his shoulders relax as Dair kissed him where they stood, running his large hands up and down Robin’s arms, then across his back.

  “Can we take a shower?”

  Robin eased away from him and looked up into his brown eyes. “Uh…together?”

  Dair licked his lips and rubbed Robin’s arms again. “Only if you want to?”

  “I-I’d love to,” he spluttered. “I just…I haven’t really done that before with, well, anyone.”

  Dair’s smile was warm and comforting. “Me either. But a buddy of mine back in the Marines always said it was the first thing he wanted to do when he got back home to his wife. Said it was the best way to reconnect.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Plus, pretty sexy, don’t you think?”

  Robin couldn’t help but laugh, despite his nerves. Dair’s enthusiasm was infectious. “I mean – you’re very sexy.”

  He yelped as Dair suddenly slid his hands under his ass and picked Robin clean off the floor.

  “As are you. I’m not sure you realize that, so I was hoping to show you instead.”

  Robin was blushing too hard to think of anything to say in response. Instead, he watched as Dair easily snagged the bag of toiletries they’d bought, then carried him into the dinky motel bathroom.

  Unlike the bedroom walls, which were made of log, the bathroom was tiled white. Robin stood back on his own feet near the closed toilet. He winced against the bright light as Dair turned on the bulb that glowed through the flimsy lampshade. Then he watched as Dair closed the door, deposited the toiletries by the sink, and began running the water hot.

  Robin had to admit, he’d thought they were just going to shower separately. He was kind of glad he hadn’t anticipated this was Dair’s plan, otherwise he might have panicked. Luckily, he’d only had a few moments to worry what the hell he was supposed to do.

  As it turned out, Dair didn’t really expect him to do anything. He turned back around to face Robin, kissing him sweetly on the mouth as he pushed his sodden jacket over his shoulders and onto the floor. It hit the tiles with a splat, which made Robin giggle and relax a fraction more. Then Dair worked his fingers down Robin’s shirt, popping the buttons one by one.

  Dair hadn’t put his dry jacket back on, carrying it to the motel, then leaving it over the chair by the desk. That missing layer somehow made it easier for Robin to raise his trembling hands and rub them against the top button of his shirt.

  Robin had gotten into a boat and survived almost drowning that night. He could damn well take Dair’s shirt off.

  Dair hummed against his lips as Robin also began popping buttons. The steam from the shower was filling the bathroom, fogging up the mirror, and making Robin’s skin tingle. Despite his reservations, his natural urges were taking over, and he was very much looking forward to getting Dair naked again.

  He thought he’d lost this. He thought he’d never really had it. He hoped now they were here, together, he could prove himself wrong.

  Because, honestly, the way Dair was kissing his neck as he pushed Robin’s shirt to the floor next to his jacket couldn’t be mistaken for anything but lust. This big hunk of a man was running his hands over Robin’s cold skin and sucking against his collarbone with attention bordering on reverence.

  “Come on, hon,” he murmured as their lips found each other again. “You’re still too cold. Let’s warm you up.”

  Robin helped with both their belt buckles. Within a minute, they were both stripped bare and stepping under the water. Dair angled Robin so he was closest to the faucet, meaning they could both get some of the stream. The hot water over his head after the freezing lake was blissful, making Robin moan. Dair smiled and captured his lips for a quick kiss.

  “More of those sounds, please.”

  It didn’t feel awkward to be standing in front of each other naked in the bright light. For some reason Robin couldn’t untangle, it felt freeing. He grinned back at Dair. Perhaps they could have some fun tonight after all? Dair made him feel good like this. Not pressured. Robin would just try his best.

  Dair leaned around the curtain and picked up the products they’d bought for their hair and bodies, squirting some shampoo into Robin’s waiting hands. He sighed as he massaged his head, rinsing the lake water out of his hair. It felt like several years’ worth of hang-ups and stress were swirling down the plug along with the suds.

  Mac had been arrested. Robin had meant it one hundred percent when he’d said he never wanted to see his ex again. He was sure Mac would just get a slap on the wrist for his behavior as Robin didn’t want to go to the effort of actually pressing charges, but that didn’t change anything. Robin was done with him – done worrying about the past. He wanted to live in the present, and right now, the present included his gorgeous, dripping wet boyfriend, who was grinning as he rubbed conditioner into Robin’s hair.

  Robin c
ouldn’t really reach the top of Dair’s head without standing awkwardly on his tiptoes. Instead, he lathered shower gel between his hands, then began rubbing it over those magnificent, hard-as-rock abs of his.

  Despite his previous exhaustion, Robin’s cock perched up, adrenaline pulsing through his veins. “You’re so hot.” He was still disbelieving, and he wondered if the novelty of Dair’s body would ever wear off.

  He could feel his cock thickening, and Dair was half-hard too. They kissed as the water rinsed the rest of the suds and remnants from the lake, not to mention metaphorically washing away a lot of their earlier woes.

  “You’re beautiful,” Dair rasped, nibbling at Robin’s ear and making him whine. “I understand if you’re too tired, but I got us supplies at the store.”

  Robin’s breath hitched, and his fingers involuntarily tightened against Dair’s hips. Immediately, Dair stilled his playful ministrations and moved around to look Robin in the eyes.

  “It’s not a problem,” he said gently. “I’m just so happy to have you here. We can sleep, nothing more.”

  Robin bit his lip and blinked against the spray, looking into Dair’s concerned gaze.

  “I haven’t bottomed since Mac,” he blurted out, feeling awful where he’d just been feeling so magnificent. “I’m rubbish at it. I want to try, but I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  Dair sighed with an air of patience. He hugged Robin against him, then pulled back just enough so they could see each other once more. “The only person who’s told you you’re bad at it is Mac. And correct me if I’m wrong, but he’s a compulsive liar, right?”

  Robin frowned. “Well, yeah, but…”

  His pause was interrupted by a squeak as Dair massaged his ass cheeks, trailing his fingers along Robin’s crack.

  “Now, if you don’t like it, that’s a totally different issue. Or if you want to try it the other way around, I’m down for that.” Dair raised his eyebrows at Robin, leaving the proposition open.

  Robin gulped, but he made himself keep eye contact with Dair. “Uh, no. I – I really liked it, actually. I mean, when it went well. Sometimes it just hurt and felt awkward. But the good times were great.”

  He tried not to get his hopes up. But surely, Dair would be more patient with him than Mac? The fact he had even suggested bottoming while Robin topped was mind-blowing. Mac would have been horrified. Robin had never topped anyone, yet here this gorgeous man was offering to let him try.

  Dair licked his lips, looking down at Robin’s cock with a positively sinful gaze. “We can see how it goes together. Help each other. But the thought of being inside you…” He hissed between his teeth. “It’s pretty all-consuming, hon.”

  Robin ran his hands over Dair’s expansive chest, resting them over his pecs. He could feel his heartbeat under his right palm.

  “You make me feel so special,” he said reverently.

  Dair brushed their lips together. “You’re incredibly special, that’s why. Not just to me. To the world. I feel very lucky to be here with you, Robin Coal.”

  Robin closed his eyes and smiled, feeling the water run down his warmed body and Dair’s solid presence against him. It had been one hell of a night, and he wasn’t ready for it to end yet.

  “Take me to bed, Dair.”



  DAIR REMEMBERED this from combat situations out in the desert.

  Adrenaline made you fucking horny.

  He was extremely conscious that Robin was okay with this plan of action. But it was pretty evident by the way he dragged Dair back to the bed after their shower that he was just as eager as Dair was.

  Robin’s body was perfect. He dropped on the mattress and pulled Dair on top of him, grinding their hardening cocks together. He was warm and solid and so alive under Dair’s touch.

  A flair of rage almost threatened to rear its head again as Dair contemplated how he’d almost lost Robin forever. But that was done. Dair wasn’t going to dwell in the past anymore. There was nothing holding him, and Robin back now. They’d poured their hearts out, and Dair was confident Robin needed him just as badly as he needed Robin. They worked well together. They fitted like jigsaw pieces.

  He wanted to see how well they fitted literally as well as figuratively.

  Honestly, he wasn’t entirely sure of the exact mechanics. He’d never done this before, but he was pretty sure he couldn’t just plunge right in. According to his brief internet research this week, when entering from behind, some preparation was required.

  “So, what do we do now, boss?” Dair asked from where he was hovering above Robin. As much as he wanted to keep kissing and rubbing their cocks together (it had worked awesomely last time, after all) he felt the need for more.

  It made his blood boil that Robin thought he’d let Dair down in any way. Mac was done fucking with his head. Dair was going to make Robin feel spectacular if it took all night.

  He kind of hoped it did take all night.

  Robin snorted. “Boss?”

  Dair ran his hand down Robin’s ticklish side, making him giggle and squirm. “Yeah. You’re in charge. I’ve never done this before. How do I make it feel good?”

  Robin’s expression became more serious. He cupped the side of Dair’s face and rubbed his thumb over his cheekbone. “You already make me feel good.”

  Dair’s heart swelled. “Good,” he murmured before leaning down for another kiss. “Seriously, though. I need some sort of instruction manual.”

  Robin burst out laughing and hugged Dair to him. “I love you.”

  Dair bit his lip, then kissed the side of Robin’s cheek. “I thought that was what you said earlier.”

  They pulled apart to look at each other. Robin swallowed, his expression one of resolution. “I do. Love you. I think. I’m not sure I was in love ever before. But I do know that today felt like I was missing a part of myself. Like I had a hole in my chest. You…you make me better, Dair. I love the way you care so deeply and how fun you are and the easy way you smile at people.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Um, that was a lot of words. Sorry.”

  Dair chuckled. “I love you too, Robin. I think maybe I have for a while, but I didn’t realize it could be like this.” He ground his hips, making Robin moan. “Intimate.”

  “Fuck,” Robin gasped. “Oh my god, Dair. We’re going to need to have sex soon. I can’t last.”

  “Oh, really?” Dair rolled his hips again and sucked a tender spot on Robin’s neck, making him whimper and shudder. “You better tell me what you want, then. What do you desire, Robin? How can I pleasure you, my baby?”

  Robin garbled something incoherent that made Dair grin against his neck.

  “Jesus fuck, Dair. I want you inside me. I want to ride your big cock.”

  Dair growled. “There he is,” he murmured in delight. He loved sex-crazed Robin. This was what Dair had been craving since their last time in bed. “And how do you want to ride my big cock, darling?”

  Robin panted and Dair continued to rub against him. “Uh – need to – uh – stretch first. I can do it – if you want to watch. Or you can do it. Or – oh fuck – how filthy do you really feel?”

  “God, filthy, trust me.” Dair laughed. His cock was painfully hard right now. He was up for almost anything Robin could suggest, he was certain. But Robin was blushing again and he covered his face with his hands. “What?” Dair asked, his interest piqued. “You can say it, hon. I want to hear all the gorgeous things from your dirty mouth.”

  Robin moaned and bit his lip, his eyes still hidden. “Do you want to eat me out?” he asked in one rushed breath.

  Shit. Dair wasn’t entirely sure what that meant – ohh. Did Robin want Dair to stretch his hole out with his tongue?

  Dear lord, that was hot.

  “Forget it,” Robin blurted. “It’s gross-”

  “No, it’s fucking not,” Dair growled, gently encouraging Robin’s hands away from his face. His topaz eyes peeked out to look at Dair. �
��It’s sexy as hell. Will it feel good?”

  Robin squeezed his eyes shut again, but at least he didn’t pull his hands back from Dair’s grip. “I’ve only seen it in porn. But it looks – it looks so amazing.”

  Dair’s heart flipped. “You want to try it with me? For the first time?”

  Robin sighed and finally opened his eyes properly. “Yeah. I trust you. But only if you’re into it?”

  “I am so into it.” Dair laughed. “Holy fuck. How do we do it? Like this? On your front? Sitting up?”

  Robin barked a laugh, relief clear on his face. “Maybe…if I lie on my front?”

  He wriggled around onto his stomach and Dair kissed his way down his spine. Every groan and shiver went straight to Dair’s cock, keeping him hard and ready. He settled between Robin’s legs. Robin tilted his hips and raised them slightly in anticipation.

  Dair caressed his cheeks and thighs. “Oh, you want this badly, don’t you, beautiful?”

  “Yes, Dair. Please.” Robin’s voice was strained. His body trembled and glistened with perspiration.

  Dair nuzzled his nose against the crease between Robin’s ass and leg. “Fucking hell, you’re gorgeous. Tell me if you like it, okay? What feels nice?”

  Spreading Robin’s cheeks, he exposed his puckered entrance, making Robin gasp. “Oh, fuck, Dair. Yes.” He hadn’t even touched it yet. Surely this could only get better?

  Dair kissed his away toward the tender flesh, licking and nipping at Robin’s pale skin. His hole was darker, inviting Dair inside. But to begin with, he simply kissed his entrance, then ran his tongue along it.

  The sounds Robin made were delicious. He bucked against the mattress and grabbed at the sheets.

  Oh. Dair loved seeing that. He was causing his beautiful man to react like that?

  He was going to keep doing it.

  “Holy fuck! Dair!” Robin panted and squirmed as Dair used his hands to keep Robin’s ass spread while he kissed and sucked and worked his tongue inside the freshly cleaned hole. There was a faint tang of their fruity shower gel, but mostly it was Robin’s natural musk, and Dair adored it. This flavor was intimately Robin’s, no one else’s.


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