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It Takes Three to Fly [Sweet Serenity 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 28

by Mia Ashlinn

  Katie-Anne nodded. “I understand. Even though I didn’t know the truth, if I had, I probably would have been a total bitch to you.”

  Sharon laughed. “See.”

  “Mrs. McCullough—” Landon said.

  Sharon cut him off. “Mrs. Scott.” His mother had told him about how she’d moved to the Missouri and Kansas state line, letting the McCulloughs believe she’d died or ran away or whatever their twisted minds wanted to think. She’d changed her last name then got a job at the local market.

  “Oh,” Katie-Anne said, sounding completely confused but too polite to ask. “Well, Mrs. Scott, would you like to join us for lunch? I’m sure we could find somewhere nice to eat.”

  “Yes, Katie-Anne,” Sharon agreed enthusiastically. “I would love that, but I need to take a quick nap so I’m going to head over to the hotel.” Peering down at her watch, she suggested, “How about we meet in an hour at Chez Bastien? Well, it is something else now, but you know where to go, Shane.”

  “Sure,” Landon agreed for Katie-Anne and Shane. Smiling, he said, “We’ll see you there.”

  Taking the hint that Landon wanted a private moment, Sharon smiled then disappeared from sight.

  “Well, well, well,” Landon said when they we’re completely alone. “You have been busy.”

  “Yes, I have,” Shane concurred. “I went to the McCulloughs’ house after we talked. While I was there, I found out that my mother had cut herself off from her parents, and no one knew where she was. My grandmother tried to talk me into staying for a cup of coffee, but something didn’t feel right, so I left.”

  “Wait,” Katie-Anne said. “If they didn’t know where she was, how did you?”

  Landon laughed. “He called Deke.”

  Elbowing Landon in the side, Shane said, “Yeah, I called my brother. He said that she had come to town for the trial and, of course, he knew where she was staying. That makes a hell of a lot more sense now. I got in a taxi and rode to the hotel. We talked through the night, and I fell asleep on the cramped sofa sleeper. Then we spent all day yesterday together.”

  “I wish you had called us,” Katie-Anne murmured. “We would have wanted to be there.”

  Shane’s stomach dropped. He’d known they would feel hurt that he hadn’t asked them to join him, but he’d still chosen to leave them in the dark. “Little one,” Shane whispered. He extricated himself from Landon’s embrace and joined her on the bench, lifting her into his lap. Landon dropped down beside them with a thump. “I couldn’t have you two involved if I wanted to surprise you. And I did want to surprise you. I had this image of a grand gesture to prove to you both that I had moved past the demons and that I was ready to fly freely with you. I didn’t want to mess it up.”

  “I didn’t need a grand gesture,” Katie-Anne told him. “You know that.”

  “But I did,” Landon said with a self-deprecating laugh. “It might be absurd, but I needed more than words. Saying something and doing something are often very different things.”

  “Yes, they are,” Shane agreed.

  “I know something you can both do for me, and you won’t have to say a word,” Katie-Anne said with a bawdy wink. Standing up without another word, she sauntered away.

  * * * *

  Katie-Anne strutted away from Shane and Landon, leaving them dumbfounded on the bench. Without glancing back, she made her way through the ornate halls of the courthouse in search of an unlocked door. She swayed her hips with as much dramatic flair as she had in her. “You coming, boys?” she called out.

  As her men scrambled out of their seats, the screech of wooden legs skidding across marble flooring echoed around them, and she winced. Two sets of footsteps immediately followed behind the racket, sounding loud in the silent aftermath.

  Katie-Anne sped up. Weaving to the left and then the right, she started turning handles and checking doors for one that was unlocked. She didn’t have any luck with the first three, so she ducked down a side hallway. Trying another four doors, she still had no luck, but on the fifth, the door opened right up.

  Sighing, Katie-Anne pranced inside like she owned the place. As soon as she flipped on the light, she froze. Oh double dog horseshit. She’d just stumbled into one of the judge’s chambers. Swinging back around, she prepared to fly right back out, but it didn’t happen.

  Shane and Landon prowled into the room, not looking away from her. She wasn’t even sure that the library-like office with extravagant furniture showed up on their radar. They stalked her, and she backed up. Throwing her hands up, she shook her head. “Not here,” she squeaked. “We have to go.”

  Neither man acknowledged her words. They continued her way, pushing her back and back until her ass hit the massive desk. Her minor collision caused a not-so-minor reaction. The entire desk drifted across the floor, bumping and grating as it moved. Papers flew in every direction, and the pen holder toppled over, spilling the pens helter-skelter on the desk.

  “They...they,” Katie-Anne sputtered, “they have cameras in here. Um, we can get arrested. This is a judge’s chambers for God’s sake!”

  “I don’t give a damn,” Shane muttered without breaking stride. “How about you, Landon?”

  At his side, Landon murmured, “Nope.”

  “I–I–I don’t like exhibitionism,” she lied boldly. “I c–c–can’t let people see me naked. I–it just can’t happen.”

  “You chose the venue, little one,” Shane informed her with a sinful smile that had her juices deluging her pussy and running down the inside of her thighs. “Deal with it.”

  The temperature rose in the room, and she felt compelled to rip her own damn clothes off. But she held on to that last bit of sanity, keeping her dignity around her like a shield.

  Landon reached her first. He didn’t give her preliminaries, and he gave her no warning. He merely reached around her and grabbed her ass cheeks then hefted her right off the ground. Sitting her on the papers lying atop the desk, he lowered her down until her back hit the hard top. “No one has to see you naked, kitten. We’ll just leave your clothes on. It isn’t like this is going to take long. We all need each other too badly.”

  With that statement of intent, Landon captured her lips with his own. He kissed her mindlessly, making her forget the stack of papers underneath her and the pens pressing painfully into her back. All of the complaints she’d made earlier and her fears of being caught disintegrated.

  Landon kissed her passionately. The carnal onslaught of his mouth on hers caused her heart to race, beating out of control. Her cunt throbbed, pounding to the rhythm of her pulse, and more moisture inundated her.

  The sound of belts being unbuckled then zippers being lowered drifted into her ears, evoking a second spike in her heart rate. The clink of buckles settling and the rustle of fabric left her pussy frantic for the cocks being released from the cages they had been in.

  Landon’s intense kiss ratcheted up. There was no fight in his mouth and hers, only a powerful sense of emotion. The lust charging through her ate that up with as much voracity as if he’d been declaring war on her body.

  Big, masculine hands slid beneath the bottom portion of her dress. They wandered teasingly up the outer side of each leg, leaving the fabric mostly in place. Landon’s hands met the bare side of her hips, and he groaned into her mouth, obviously approving of her lack of underwear. He tightened his hands against her flesh, holding her captive, then yanked her to the edge of the desk.

  Landon’s lips never left hers as he poised himself over her, pressing his naked cock to her agonized cunt. He penetrated her swiftly, and she screamed, “Landon,” into his mouth.

  Sinking his dick all the way inside her pussy in one glide, Landon ripped his mouth from hers. “Quiet,” he growled then groaned loudly. “Fuck me.”

  It took her a second to catch up to what had just happened. When Shane’s carnal face appeared over Landon’s shoulder, she knew. “All right,” Shane murmured. “I can do that.” Then he did. He fuc
ked Landon, and Landon fucked Katie-Anne. They worked together in perfect accord.

  Landon’s monstrous cock shoved its way inside Katie-Anne’s much smaller hole repeatedly, one plunge melding into another, the full feeling inciting uncontrollable writhing from her. Katie-Anne’s body fought against his dick, rebelling from such a massive invasion. Yet her body yielded to his strength, surrendered to his demands.

  Each of Landon’s forceful thrusts drove her higher, pushing her toward the sun. She felt her wings spreading, ready to fly. All she needed was one tiny push, and she was free.

  Watching Shane over Landon’s shoulder, Katie-Anne saw the barbaric wildness etched into the lines of his face. He sweated, the moisture running in rivulets down his temples and jawline then dripping onto the shoulder of Landon’s button-up shirt. Curling his lip back, Shane bared his teeth and growled, “Make her come.”

  Oh, yes, Landon. Make me come.

  Landon rammed his unyielding cock into her painfully aroused pussy then abraded her clitoris with his pubic bone, the intense friction too much for her overstimulated body to handle. She convulsed brutally as her orgasm rushed over her.

  Soaring, she cried out, but Landon covered her mouth with his hand, muffling the noise she’d made. “Quiet,” he barked again.

  Landon closed his eyes and grunted as Shane continued to pound into him. Each uncivilized slam of his cock into Landon, drove Landon’s shaft further into her, sending him to a deep place no man had reached before.

  Raw lust arose, and she needed air. She needed to scream. She needed something.

  Biting into Landon’s palm, she silently demanded that he release her lips. As soon as he pulled his hand back, she let loose a keening cry and came again, the orgasm swifter but no less devastating. Her eyes rolled back in her head, reality disappearing and fantasy settling in.

  Completely sated, she sighed and relaxed her body, giving the men a chance to ride each other as she enjoyed the show. Shane continued pounding Landon, his groans overriding Landon’s grunts.

  Within seconds, Landon jerked, his face the epitome of a savage—all harsh angles, all strained lines. His untamed eyes cut into her skin as his cum bathed her cunt and warmed her from head to toe. Only a second behind him, Shane came, grunting as his whole body seized.

  Like human dominos, Shane and Landon fell forward, one on top of the other, mashing all three of their bodies together in an exhausted pile of hot, sweaty skin. Their panting pervaded the sex-scented air as each person attempted to reign in their breathing so they could indulge in the beautiful afterglow.

  Several silent seconds ticked by before anyone spoke, and God knows, they didn’t move. Finally, Katie-Anne sighed. “You two were right,” she said in wonder. “Saying and doing are very different things. I’m starting to think this grand gesture business might not be so bad, after all.”

  Chapter 29

  The following Saturday night, Katie-Anne found herself back in Lou’s Café—once again. Lately, she had wound up here more often than not for her daily chocolate milkshake. The smell of greasy burgers searing on the grill and french fries cooking in the deep fryer had grown to be a pleasant scent. It was one she found she craved often, and that wasn’t the only thing she couldn’t get enough of.

  The step back in time she experienced whenever she walked through the front door was addicting. It was inspiring. The black checkered floors and feel-good music made her want to do the hand jive in a poodle skirt and a cute pair of saddle shoes. Or, at the very least, it made her want to run home, throw on her sweats, and watch Grease on the Plasma television with her men. They would grumble adorably, but she would persuade them with her womanly ways. Then they would make out on the couch like teenagers before wandering into their bedroom and…

  “Someone looks like the cat that got the cream,” Jaycee said unexpectedly as she approached the table, her cheeky remark disrupting Katie-Anne’s naughty train of thought.

  Surprised, Katie-Anne jumped, her hand whacking right into the side of the nearly full stainless steel mixing cup the waitress, Nikki, had set down on the table a few moments ago. The frigid bite of the ice-cold metal startled her, and she yanked her hand back abruptly. Only, in the process, she ended up bumping into the milkshake glass sitting next to it and knocking the whole damn thing over. As luck would have it, the glass fell in the direction of the stainless steel cup which, in turn, flipped it over too.

  As Katie-Anne watched in complete and utter horror, her supersized milkshake went all over the place—the table, the floor, the seats, and even on her. “My milkshake,” she exclaimed. “That is sacrilege!”

  “Sounds like someone needs to stop with the milkshakes,” Leila sneered from across the room, “before they get fat and addicted. Oh, wait, the ugly heifer already is.”

  Ignoring Leila, Katie-Anne scrambled around to clean up the mess before she ended up wearing any more of it than she already was. She jerked out a giant wad of napkins from the chrome holder next to her, but, before she even had time to start wiping up the disastrous mess around her, Shannon strolled up with Ella hot on her heels.

  “Damn, that takes talent, my friend,” Shannon said, her smart aleck tone running all through Katie-Anne. “Have you been taking lessons from our resident klutz? That is so something Jaycee would do.”

  Katie-Anne glanced up at Shannon and sent her a look with all the irritation she felt inside and prayed that her friend got her message before she was forced to do something drastic to her. Don’t push me, Shan. Not until I get a replacement milkshake.

  When her friend grinned but said nothing, Katie-Anne returned her attention to the mess. She mopped up the cold, sticky drink the best she could with the napkins she had. It was harder than she’d anticipated, and Sarah ended up coming to her rescue when she appeared out of nowhere with a couple of wash rags and a bowl of water. With all five of the women working as a team, it didn’t take long to get everything cleaned up.

  When they were done, Ella dropped into the seat across from Katie-Anne then scooted all the way to the wall, allowing plenty of room for Sarah to sit next to her. “Well, that was a great way to start off our super-secret, highly-classified conversation,” she stated with a sly smile. “From what I hear, we’re going to get a juicy bit of gossip from you tonight.”

  Rolling her eyes at her blunt friend, Katie-Anne nodded. “Yes, you are.”

  Jaycee lowered herself into the booth, sliding her body over until she bumped into Katie-Anne. “Is it big?” she asked, sounding seriously suggestive.

  Behind her, Shannon sat down, squishing the three of them together as snug as three bugs in a rug. She leaned around Jaycee and winked overtly at Katie-Anne. “Oh. Is it really big?” she inquired.

  “Or is it really, really, really big?” Ella asked, continuing in the bawdy line of teasing. “I hope so because I am a firm believer in two things,”—she stopped talking long enough to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively—“the bigger, the better, and the more, the merrier.”

  “Mother of the man in the pickle suit,” Sarah said sharply, her sweet voice sounding stilted and off in some indescribable way. Dropping her purse onto the bench seat, she sank down into the cushion and scooted toward Ella. However, she didn’t get too close before she stopped suddenly, leaving a wide gap between the two women. “You did not just say that.”

  Ella turned a giant grin on Sarah and replied, “Sweet, innocent Sarah. I did just say that. And, if you would like, I can keep on going. And going and going…”

  “No,” Sarah cut in hastily when Ella trailed off. “I think I’ll pass.”

  “Aw, come on,” Ella cajoled. “You know you want me to keep going. We haven’t perverted you yet, and I think it is about time to get started. Maybe, easing you in is the best way to do it.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened, her face paling drastically. An invisible wall seemed to drop down and form around her. Moving away from them—physically and emotionally—she murmured, “I am going to go put some m
oney in the jukebox,” as she escaped the booth then vanished into thin air.

  “Whoa,” Jaycee said. “What just happened here?”

  “I don’t know,” Shannon replied, glancing over her shoulder at Sarah then turning back to them. “But, for some reason, I really don’t like it.”

  “Me either,” Ella added, “especially since she just lied through her pretty teeth.” Picking up something next to her, she waved Sarah’s purse around before letting it fall back down with a soft thump. She peered over Katie-Anne’s shoulder, openly studying Sarah at the jukebox. “Her pants are not made to have pockets and neither is that blouse. So, unless our little Sarah keeps cash in her panties, bra, or socks, she has no money to put in the jukebox.”

  Interesting. Being the nosy bitches they were, Jaycee, Shannon, and Katie-Anne spied on Sarah from their various positions at the table. It’s a damn good thing we’re not training to be spies. We’d be caught and tortured in no time flat. On the end, Shannon had the empty napkin holder from earlier in her hand and was using the chrome surface to capture Sarah’s reflections over her shoulder. Meanwhile, next to her, Jaycee had awkwardly rotated her body around and gotten to her knees. Perching her elbows on the back of the booth, she braced her chin on her hands and shamelessly gawked at Sarah.

  Attempting to be a little more discrete, but failing miserably, Katie-Anne used the mirror app on her iPhone to watch Sarah over her shoulder. Eyeballing the younger woman, she noticed something very off. With all the commotion when the girls had arrived, she hadn’t seen what Sarah was wearing. But, boy oh boy, she did now. “When did she start wearing those clothes?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ella answered, seeming aghast and slightly appalled. “Since we didn’t ride together, I haven’t had a chance to talk to her. She told me yesterday that she had a date with Gavin tonight, and he liked when she dressed up for him.”


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