Sad Love

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Sad Love Page 8

by Mj Fields

  “Tessa, come on…” Lucas said.

  “It’s alright Link’s I can go, oh by the way Tessa you look nice in those scrubs, kind of hide’s the fact that you’ve grown in the past couple months,” she cackled as she walked out the door.

  Jose walked in the room, “Did I miss the party?”

  Lucas was laughing, and Tessa’s eyes filled with tears. Jose hugged her,

  “What are you doing man?” he asked Lucas.

  “Having a good time, but I guess it’s not allowed,” he sneered and pointed at Tessa.

  “No, what’s not allowed is her being in my house, and my bedroom,” she yelled at him.

  “Whose house, Tessa?” Lucas asked and walked out.

  “Hey girl, I’ll get her out of here,” he said. “You get yourself together that bitch will feed on this.”

  “Thanks Jose,” she said and walked into the bathroom.

  She got on the scales and was shocked to see she had gained twenty two pounds. She looked in the mirror and cried. She took a deep breath and showered. How could she not have noticed? How do you go from one hundred and twenty pounds to one hundred and forty two without even noticing? She grabbed her robe and got dressed. She needed to get out of there. She threw some stuff in a bag and Jose walked in helping Lucas into bed.

  Lucas laughed and smiled a sloppy drunk; I’m trying to be sexy smile, “Coming to bed baby? I got something for you.”

  “Not a chance,” she muttered, and he passed out.

  “Tessa all the girls are gone, I got them home,” Jose said. “Where are you going girl, you can’t leave like this.”

  “I can’t stay here, I’m going home. Thank you, Jose,” she hugged him.

  “Tessa just stay for awhile and calm down girl.”

  “I’ll call when I get there, Jose. I just can’t stay here. After all, it’s not my house,” she said and walked out the door.


  She walked in the farm house, and Chewy jumped on her. She pet him, and lay on the couch. Everything came crashing down. Toby had been gone a year, her baby, Tommy… Ben…. Lucas. She couldn’t stand it. She fell asleep as she softly cried.

  She woke up and went upstairs and she got into bed and fell back to sleep with Chewy on her feet.

  Her mother came upstairs. “Tessa honey, is everything alright?”

  "Yes, I just missed you guys. Can we talk in a little bit? I’m so tired.”

  Her phone chimed:

  -Tessa I just woke up, you’re not here. I feel like shit I hope everything is alright, answer your phone!..LL

  -I’m home you know my home, maybe you should call your friend Jenny and have her come over…T

  -Call me damn it!...LL

  - No. …Tessa

  -alright I’m coming there…LL

  His phone rang.

  “No, don’t come here, I don’t want to see you!” she yelled at him.

  “Tessa what happened last night?” He asked and was either a great actor or truly didn’t remember.

  “How often does she come to YOUR house?” she asked.

  “Jenny? Baby she doesn’t, well until last night. I didn’t know Miles called her, sorry alright?”

  “And I’m supposed to believe you?” she yelled.

  “Yeah it’s the fucking truth,” he yelled back. “You need to tell me what happened, because I have no idea!”

  “I came home you were in your bathroom on the floor throwing up in the toilet and she was in there laughing and having a great time with your happy ass, Lucas. I told her get out, you said she could stay. As she left she nicely pointed out how fucking fat I’ve gotten and by the way thanks for pointing that out to me asshole! Jose came and cleared out the trash, and I left. Did you catch that Lucas or do I need to slow it down, oh and when I told her to get out of our house you reminded me it was YOURS. So I’m home right now… I’m home!”

  “Tessa this is your home, too. Come home so we can talk, please,” Lucas pleaded.

  “No! God Lucas, I believed you when you promised you would never hurt me again, what did I do to deserve this?! WHAT DID I DO! Fuck it…goodbye,” she said and hung up.

  Her phone chimed

  -I’m coming to you….LL

  - You better not Lucas! I won’t be here…T

  -Where are you going baby?...LL

  -that is no longer any of your concern…T

  She walked downstairs, and her Mom was sitting at the table.

  “Tessa I know you have a lot going on right now, but we need to talk about this,” she said and pushed an envelope towards her.

  It was insurance paperwork that showed her emergency room visit New Years day. Tessa cried.

  “Mom I’m sorry,” Maggie hugged her. “I was going to tell you but not for a couple more weeks and then that happened, and I just didn’t want to go through it again.”

  “Alright honey, but don’t keep stuff this important from me again,” Maggie hugged her; “I’m so sorry honey.”

  Maggie’s phone chimed it was Lucas

  -sorry to bother you but Tessa is very upset with me. I want to know that she is alright and would like to come see her…Lucas

  -she is right here with me Lucas, she’s fine, I would give her a day or two…Maggie

  -Alright then, thank you…Lucas

  The next morning Maggie dropped her off at the airport.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked.

  “Yes. Troy thinks we’re coming, and I want to get away,” Tessa hugged her.

  “Let me know when you land,” Maggie kissed her cheek.

  Tessa checked in and she had been upgraded to first class, the airline had overbooked economy. She hated to fly, and her mom had given her medication to help calm her. She was first on the plane, sat next to the window, and put her headphones in her ears. She took a blanket, covered herself, and drifted off. The plane was beginning take off and she felt someone grab her hand gently. She turned and Lucas was sitting next to her. She took her hand away and looked at him. Her eyes filled up, and she fell back to sleep. She woke lying against his chest, he smelled amazing. She was still hurt, but he had forgiven her about Ben and she was sober when that happened. She looked up at him.

  “I’m sorry baby,” he whispered.

  “Forgiven,” she said, “But I don’t want her there ever again, and if she tries to contact you, I want to know.”

  “I love you,” he kissed her.

  “Mom gave me something to help me relax on the plane,” she explained.

  “I can tell, you still going to like me when we land?”

  “Sure, maybe, I don’t know,” she said “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Let me help you,” he smiled and whispered in her ear, “Mile high club baby?”

  “NO!” she snapped.

  They picked up the rental and Lucas drove to Troy’s. It was nice. Troy met them outside. She hugged him, and he showed them the room they would share for the next five nights, one of the roommates was out of town. She was out of her fog, and he could tell. She was very distant from him and avoiding eye contact.

  “Can we go for a walk?”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Alright” he said.”I am going to go out and hang out at the pool with your cousin,” he said and kissed her head. “Come down when you’re ready?”

  She tried on every bathing suit she had packed and they all showed her weight gain that Jenny so nicely pointed out. She threw on a tank top and shorts and walked out. Troy and Lucas sat at the table and were surrounded by girls in string bikinis. She walked back in, hoping to not be seen.

  Lucas walked into the house, “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing,” she said and headed towards their room.

  “Okay baby, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t know they were coming, and I don’t know what the hell possessed me to act that way. Our home is ours Tessa, ours. And as far as what she said to you, she’s an asshole. You’re perfect, now get your fine ass in a suit
and come hang out.”

  “Lucas you can’t get drunk anymore, please,” she said and closed her eyes.

  “Okay, not without you is that a deal?”

  “Yes,” he immediately hugged her tightly.

  He rubbed her side and she pulled away.

  “As far as all this goes I have gained twenty pounds, I am certainly not going out there in any of these bathing suits and standing next to any of them. And why didn’t you tell me I was getting fat?”

  “Tessa you’re not fat, you were pregnant, and then you ate ice cream,” he laughed, “Every night.”

  Tessa looked down.

  “We can get rid of it,” he smiled, “But it doesn’t matter, I kind of like you having an ass.”

  Lucas grabbed her bottom and gently rubbed it.

  “Yeah but the love handles, how do you really feel about them, truth,” she pulled away from him.

  “Tessa,” he was searching, reaching. “It’s part of getting older right?”

  “Yeah but not four months older,” she snapped.

  “I love you. Besides you will lose it, but that ass Tessa, I want it,” he looked at her his eyes started to glaze.

  "No thank you," she gasped.

  He grabbed her suit and took her clothes off. She looked down and tears formed in her eyes.

  “Please don’t look at me,” she covered herself.

  “Oh no you don’t, baby,” he pushed her on the bed and went down.

  He shoved her knees apart and buried his head between her legs, and licked her savagely from front to back, “Nothings changed Baby, not one fucking thing.”

  He pushed his finger inside her, curling it up and hitting her g spot as he circled her clit with his tongue and then sucked as he moaned against her.

  She was unable to move. He immediately brought her there.

  As she cried out, he sat up, sat back on his heels and pulled her down, pounding into her until he couldn’t take it anymore. He thumbed her clit until she trembled and cried out even louder this time and he joined shortly after.

  “Sorry, that was a bit quick,” he shook his head in confusion.

  “It was perfect,” she panted as she sat up.

  She went to the bathroom and walked out. He still looked confused.

  “Lucas, really?” She giggled.

  “Alright,” he shook his head.

  He hugged her. “So can we go out now?”

  “You can… I’m going shopping to find something to cover up my body.” She mumbled and dressed quickly and out of view.

  “I want to come,” he threw his shorts back on.

  “No, this is going to be bad enough as it is.” Tessa looked up and smiled, “Thank you.”

  He smirked, “Anytime Baby.”

  They walked out to the pool.

  “You guys have been in there awhile were you banging my cousin?” Troy laughed.

  “No, Troy. Your cousin was banging him,” Tessa laughed and so did Lucas, “and now I need to go shopping.”

  Tessa looked around at all the bikinis, and then looked back at Lucas.

  “You can come with me if you want to,” Tessa scowled.

  He smiled, “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  They went shopping, and she tried on suits. He liked the smaller ones that showed her new curves, and she told him she wanted a freaking wet suit.

  “How about you buy one you feel comfortable in and one of those lacey cover up and wear the blue and the black ones you have back at Troy’s for me?” he suggested.

  She shook her head and smiled, “I love you.”

  “I love you baby, and this has been torture please lets go back-- I want a do over,” he blushed.


  That night they sat at the pool and watched as a group of women did some dance exercise class. Tessa walked over to them as they packed up she talked to the woman leading the group for awhile and came back smiling.

  “What are you doing?” he asked

  “I am going to do Zumba at night with them,” she laughed.

  “Can I watch?”

  “Anytime,” she kissed him, “But eyes on me.”

  "Of course," he kissed her back.

  “You two are disturbing,” Troy laughed. “Do you really still like each other still?”

  “Why don’t you try dating someone who doesn’t throw themselves at you,” Tessa laughed at him.

  “Dating?” Troy asked.

  Lucas laughed. He understood what Troy was saying.

  “I get it man, foreign concept. I never chased anyone, and then this one well; she wasn’t into me for awhile. Easy is easily forgotten. She has never been easy.”

  “Alright then, the instructor out there hates me,” Troy laughed.”What do you say Tessa… you want to help me out?”

  Lucas laughed knowing how she would react.

  “No way, you want it, you figure it out. I’ll tell you that you may want to get rid of the harem that may help”

  The first night of Zumba Tessa had so much fun she danced her butt off. Lucas, Troy, and the other guys sat in chairs on the patio and watched.

  Tessa looked back at Lucas periodically and he just sat uncomfortably watching her with his jaw clenched and nostril flaring. She walked up the stairs wiping sweat from her head and smirked at him.

  “That is so hot,” he picked her up, kissed her hard on the mouth, and threw her in the pool and dove in after her.

  “I want to fuck you right here Baby, nail your ass against the wall,” Lucas growled in her ear as he pulled her to the opposite side of the pool.

  “Lucas,” Tessa looked around at the guys standing around the pool smiling, “We’re not alone.”

  Lucas sat on the steps and pulled her onto his lap, “Don’t make a sound and they’ll never know.”

  “I cant Lu… aw damn!”

  Lucas finger pushed up her shorts and into her, “Stay still baby,” he pushed another finger in her and curled his fingers hitting her g spot.

  “Stop, oh stop,” she started closing her eyes.

  “Keep them open and don’t you dare move baby,” his fingers continue moving in her as she held herself together.

  He watched as her eyes rolled slightly back and she reached down and pulled his throbbing rock hard cock from him pants. She pulled forward, “Move your fingers.”

  “Baby you gonna fuck me right here?”

  “You started it,” she whimpered as his fingers moved faster.

  A loud splash stopped them both, “Stay in front of me Baby, real fucking close.”

  She got out and went inside he followed very closely behind. He helped her take her wet clothes off, and he pushed her on the bed as she laughed.

  When they finished they went back outside holding hands and smiling at each other.

  Troy shook his head, “So not fair, I sent mine away and you two… so not fair.”

  “I think you guys should join us, maybe you could practice tomorrow up here while the class is going on,” she laughed.


  The next morning she had downloaded the dance songs and was out on the patio at six in the morning dancing. Troy tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Would you help me out, I want to impress her,” he smiled.

  Tessa plugged the iPod into the base and they practiced. She laughed as Troy fumbled through the steps. They were both sweating terrible, and he wouldn’t stop until he thought he knew the steps.

  Lucas walked into the dining area and saw the two roommates looking out the window.

  “Damn, I want to do that,” one laughed.

  “Me first… look at those…” the other chimed in.

  “Do what?” Lucas said as he walked up behind them and looked out the window.

  He saw Tessa and Troy dancing, and she looked amazing, laughing, and singing as she instructed Troy who was completely fumbling.

  “You were talking about the dancing, right man?” Lucas sneered.

  “Yeah the dancing,” th
ey laughed.

  Lucas went in the kitchen and got a drink of water and sat at the bar watching her. He was angry. He grabbed two bottles of water and brought them out.

  "You two look thirsty," he handed them the water. “How long have you been out here Tessa?”

  “Since six why?” she laughed as she took a drink.

  “You do realize its eight o’clock right?” Lucas asked.

  She and Troy laughed.

  “I am going to take a shower and make breakfast,” she kissed Lucas and then walked in the house.

  “Hello Tessa,” the roommates both said as she walked in the door.

  “Good morning,” she walked past them.

  Chapter 11

  They were going parasailing today. One of Troy’s roommates hooked them up with a guy he knew. Tessa was getting dressed when Lucas walked into the room.

  “Why don’t you wear the new one?” he suggested.

  “Oh,” she grabbed it out of the drawer.

  She was right he thought she looked fat in the others.

  He saw that she trying to mask her hurt feelings and immediately realized how she must have taken his recommendation.

  “Baby when I walked out this morning they were watching you. One of the idiots said that they wanted to do you and I overheard it. That’s why, no other reason, just that you’re mine, and I can’t kick his ass since we’re staying at their place.”

  “You know I’ve never been insecure about my weight and this sucks. I get it no big deal.” She hugged him. “What did you say to them?”

  “I mentioned he must be talking about dancing and not you, they agreed and laughed when I walked away. I know exactly what he was thinking, and it pisses me off.”

  “Do you know what I’m thinking?” She asked he shook his head no, “That I don’t care what anyone thinks but you.”


  They had a great time, Lucas was aware that Troy’s roommates were gawking at her. Tessa was aware that he was aware. She kept her attention completely on him the whole day. She fed him lunch sitting on his lap watched as he possessively held her hand the whole time, and enjoyed it just a little bit that he was feeling what she feels all the damn time.


  Zumba was fun, and the instructor laughed when she noticed the guys following along.

  “You tell them they owe me a drink tonight if they are going to try to take my class for free, which one is yours?” she asked.


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