Sad Love

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Sad Love Page 9

by Mj Fields

  “The one who looks like if I don’t get over there he may explode, and my cousin Troy is the tall one in the black shorts, he’s a little into you, .” They laughed. “So much that I had to teach him some moves, two hours worth this morning so he could impress you, but don’t tell him I told you.”

  “Well I think you should bring him along, next time,” she laughed.

  They exchanged numbers.

  “I will text you in an hour meet me out?” she asked.

  “Sounds good,” Tessa walked towards the house.

  “That was hot; I wonder if they would like each other?” Pier asked Mitchell.

  “I wonder if you would like my fucking fist in your face,” Lucas said and as she walked up the stairs.

  “Hey Lucas, I need a shower, and I heard you say my favorite word,” She jumped on his back. “Take me please.”

  He didn’t move. She reached her arm around and rubbed his belly and lightly bit his ear.

  “Now,” she said softly in his ear.

  “Not fucking cool assholes,” Troy snapped to his roommates, “They’re my guests, cut the shit.”

  “Hey, Troy you need to take a shower, the three of us are going out in about an hour,” she yelled over her shoulder.

  “Where are we going, baby?” Lucas said as he took his clothes off and started the shower.

  “Carmen wants us to meet her for drinks,” she said quickly taking her clothes off and getting in.

  They kissed, and he showed her some moves of his own in the shower. Moves that continued when they left the shower. He was chewing on her neck, when he picked her up and headed for bed.

  "You're a maniac," she laughed. “And I like it!”


  They walked in, and Troy shook his head and Tessa laughed. Lucas looked around, and there were not many females at the bar. Good, he thought. She won’t have a chance to get mad at me.

  “You boy’s have been taking my class for free, huh?” Carmen said as she walked up to them.

  “You owe me drinks, and then you can show me your moves,” Carmen looked at Troy.

  Tessa had never seen him blush, Troy was clearly uncomfortable

  Troy asked her what she was drinking and ordered a round. They followed her to her table and sat. Troy couldn’t even look at her. He handed Lucas and Tessa a drink.

  “Cheers,” Tessa said, and she drank. “Wow, what is this?”

  “It’s a margarita baby… tequila, slow down,” Lucas laughed and kissed her.

  A familiar song came on, and Tessa grabbed Carmen’s hand, and they went to the dance floor.

  “Get me another one of those Lucas, I like them” she laughed as she and Carmen ran to the dance floor.

  They danced and shook their asses off.

  “I don’t like it here, look at all of these guys checking them out,” Lucas said.

  Troy laughed, “They aren’t checking them out man-- this is a gay bar.”

  “Are you serious?” he gasped.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked. Lucas shook his head no.”It’s actually a cool place to take a date, no one else is going to hit on them, and usually the hot chicks hang out here when they want to have fun. They don’t have to worry about getting hit on.”

  Carmen grabbed Troy’s hand, “Let me see what you’ve learned.”

  “You may want to wait until one of your dance tunes comes on, or I may hurt myself or someone else,” he laughed.

  Tessa was at the DJ booth she walked back to the guys, and she grabbed the drink. She slammed it.

  “Tessa,” Lucas scolded, and she took his and did the same and stuck her tongue out at him.

  She heard the song she had requested, and the four of went out and danced. Troy nailed it, and Lucas was too distracted by Tessa.

  “No hands, hot stuff,” Tessa laughed pushing his hands from her ass. “I want another drink!

  Tessa jumped on him, and his hands started to wonder again.

  “Let’s do it right here,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Tessa baby… don’t say that,” he moaned.


  “You’re bad.”

  “I want to be real bad,” she jumped down and stood with her back to him and bent down.

  He stood frozen, and she turned around.

  “Not here baby," he rubbed his hand down her back and closed his eyes.

  Lucas grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back of the bar. He looked around quickly surveying the area. He pulled her into the empty girl’s bathroom and locked the door.

  “You wanna fuck me here, Baby?”

  Lucas’s eyes were dark and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he looked her up and down slowly. Tessa’s jaw dropped and she shook her head yes.

  “Hands on the wall, Baby,” he turned her quickly so she faced the wall and lifted her skirt, “Fucking underwear,” he growled and he tore them off of her.

  Tessa didn’t have time to say a word; his hand was between her legs spreading her. His finger rubbed her clit as another rammed into her and she gasped loudly. He watched as Tessa pushed herself back into him and forward. She was wet and moaning, he gripped her ass tightly. She pushed into his hand harder and whimpered. His free hand grabbed her hip and pushed her forwards slightly and then pulled her back hard, “That’s it baby just like that, fuck my fingers—harder....”

  “More…you—I want you…please,” she cried out.

  Lucas unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, “Hard and fast Baby?” his fingers thrust in and out of her mimicking his words

  “PLEASE…” Tessa yelled out.

  He pushed harshly into her and she creamed out, “Yes.”

  He felt her knees begin to buckle as she came loudly. He grabbed her around the waist steadying her with one hand and pulling at her nipples with the other until he filled her.

  He turned her around facing him, grabbing the back of her head he pulled her against him as his mouth covered hers and his tongue licked taste of lime from hers. He pulled back still trying to catch his breath, “I think I like drunk Tessa,” his lips twisted up slightly.

  Tessa was still panting and she laughed as she leaned against the wall, “I think drunk Tessa likes you.”

  “You gotta mess in there baby, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life,” his smile broadened.

  Tessa smiled and walked into the empty stall.

  Tessa and Lucas walked out of the bathroom hand in hand smiling at each other. She looked towards the bar and saw Miles dancing with his tutor, oh no, she thought. Their eyes met, and he gasped. She looked away. Lucas went to get them a drink, he asked the bar tender to make hers without tequila, he saw Miles at the end of the bar and walked over to him.

  “Hey Miles what’s up?”

  “I’m sure she has already told you,” he said pointing to Tessa.

  “Told me what?” he asked as Tessa approached them.

  She looked at him and shook her head no. Lucas noticed the exchange.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing, I was waiting for my drink,” she said and kissed him.

  “Whatever Tessa,” Lucas hissed and started to walk away.

  “Links wait,” Miles said.

  “What,” he snapped.

  “Dude I’m here with a friend, my tutor,” he looked down.

  “Sorry, but I really don’t know what this has to do with Tessa.”

  “Links this is Tony, he’s my boyfriend,” Miles said, “Tony this is Lucas Links.”

  They shook hands.

  “Does Jenny know?” he asked.

  “Yes, and apparently Tessa here figured it out,” Miles said.

  “Did you know?” he asked.

  “Um kind of,” she said and looked down.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Not my story to tell.”

  “Thank you, Tessa,” Miles hugged her.

  “You can thank me by keeping that whore away from my fiancée’,” she

  “I can’t control her, Tessa” he said “She, and I have had an agreement since high school. She gets the perks of dating me and I get her faking the girlfriend thing. As soon as I can, I’ll come out, but I’m good at one thing, and it’s one of the few things I love.”

  “Are you taking her with you?”

  “I’m not sure-- she seems to want to stay here” he said and looked down.

  “For Lucas?”

  “I don’t know why, Tessa,” Miles said.

  “Well I do,” she stormed away.

  Miles walked up to her, “Dance with me?”

  They danced and talked.

  “She’s a hot head Tessa, the harder you push, the harder she’s going to come after him. I wish I could do something about it, but I really don’t know what to do.”

  Someone with a camera came in and was taking photos.

  “Shit,” he said.

  “Oh fuck …please don’t walk away,” he kissed her hard on the lips.

  She pulled away and looked for Lucas, he was storming over.

  “Come on Tessa, she’s not a toy,” he said to Miles and punched him in the face.

  Miles punched him back,

  Lucas laughed, “Is that all you got?”

  Lucas grabbed him, and they were on the ground. Tessa tried to pull Lucas off of him. Troy ran over and grabbed him, and Carmen grabbed her. They pulled them out the front door past the camera crew. Lucas said nothing to her, he was fuming. He stormed toward the curb and waited next to Troy.

  They took a cab back to Troy’s.

  Lucas stormed into the house and Tessa grabbed him.

  “You know I didn’t...” she started, and he kissed her and pulled away.

  “He didn’t stick his tongue in your mouth, did he?”

  “No,” she said “I’m so sorry.”

  He laughed, “Tessa you did nothing wrong.”

  “I know I just...” he kissed her. “I am going to get you an ice pack.”

  “What’s this?” Carmon asked looking at the ON CALL list on Troy’s refrigerator.

  It was full of girl’s names and numbers.

  “It’s nothing,” Troy pulled it down.

  “You’re not a doctor,” Carmon said.

  “I know,” he said as she grabbed the list out of his hand.

  “What are the stars for?”

  “It’s not important,” he said.

  “Then rip it up,” she said and then started speaking Spanish and walking out the door.

  “It’s nothing,” Troy said and picked her up over his shoulder and threw the list in the fire pit.

  “It better not be,” she said.

  He kissed her she kissed him back. “Can you stay?”

  “Are you kidding me?” she asked laughing. “You can call me a cab.”

  “Okay, can I see you again?”

  “I’m NOT a girl that goes on some list, do you understand?” she said poking him in the chest.

  He shook his head yes.

  "I will see you at class tomorrow night.”

  “Of course, and you can teach me,” Troy kissed her again.


  Troy knocked on the bedroom door and walked in.

  "Hey you two,” Troy grumbled as he covered them.

  They were sprawled out on the bed sleeping. Tessa jumped up and grabbed a blanket.

  “My head,” Tessa cried out.

  “What’s up?” Lucas asked squinting.

  “You two are front page news here in Ft. Lauderdale,” Troy tossed the paper at them. “Good God… get dressed and come out.”

  Tessa read out loud as Lucas went to the bathroom.

  “Syracuse University Bad Boy, after a night of dancing at the Rooster club Links, SU’s back up QB punches star quarterback, Miles in the face, apparently over a girl who sources says lives with Links.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me?” Lucas said after he spit tooth paste in the sink.

  “Miles long time girlfriend, and SU senior, has no comment at this time. Links and his girlfriend were seen leaving the club in a taxi.” Tessa read on. “They were unavailable for comment.”

  "This is just great.”

  “You should see the picture of you in here: you look hot,” she laughed.

  He walked out and grabbed the paper and lay beside her.

  “Look at you, his lips on yours,” he hissed

  “Let’s be realistic here shall we, I can assure you he would probably have liked them here instead” she said and pulled the covers over her head.

  He laughed, “Do you know how hot you are?”

  “Mm hmm,” she mumbled.

  He laughed, “Do you remember what you offered up at the club last night?”

  She shook her head no, and he patted her butt. She bit down, and his eyes widened.

  “I’ll take this any day,” he laid back.

  Troy walked in, “You guys coming out? Oh— damn it!” he said slamming the door.

  Lucas laughed, “We really need to start locking doors.”


  “Seriously I burned my list last night, and now I have to have two nymphomaniacs in the house,” Troy said when they came into the dining room.

  Pierre walked in “Nice.”

  “You’re pushing it pal,” Lucas growled.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you, check out the front page,” Troy tossed it to him.

  “Wow you play for SU?” he asked Lucas. He shook his head. “Nice any chance I could score some tickets?”

  Tessa laughed, and Lucas looked at her, “You should try to stop pissing him off, that might help your cause.”

  “Probably not,” Lucas laughed as he hugged Tessa.

  “I’m going to cook breakfast hot stuff,” Tessa stood and smacked Lucas’s ass as she walked by.

  “You cooking for me too?” Pierre asked

  “Probably not,” she looked at him like he was an idiot and he was.

  Lucas smiled.

  “You want breakfast in bed, Lucas?” she winked.


  Lucas and Tessa went for a run on the beach. There were photographers snapping shots of them. She laughed and jumped on his back

  “The paparazzi are after us,” she whispered and laughed.

  “Pretend you don’t see them,” he ran into the water.

  He kissed her, and she kissed him dramatically. They got out of the water and laughing.

  He dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him, and she smiled and knelt down and hugged him.

  “Way cooler story to tell our future children, and now everyone will know,” he laughed and they stood up.

  They walked off the beach hand in hand.

  They were immediately surrounded by photographers and reporters.

  “Who do you choose?” they asked Tessa.

  “The better quarterback of course,” she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

  “How long have you known each other?” they asked.

  “Just met yesterday,” Lucas smiled.

  “What’s her name?” they asked.

  “It will be Mrs. Links soon enough,” he smiled.

  “What’s her name?” Another asked insistently.

  “That’s none of your business, excuse us please,” he said and tried to get through them, and they didn’t move.

  “You might want to move or I’ll bust my way through,” he said, and they didn’t listen he pulled her into him and pushed through.

  There was a patrol car a few feet a way.

  “Excuse me officer can you help us out?”

  “Sure-- they are a pain in the ass,” the officer said and stopped the reporters.

  He bent down “hop on baby.”

  Lucas ran the opposite way of Troy’s when he felt comfortable they made their way back. They laughed as they walked in the door.

  He had four messages one from Miles, one from Jose, one from the head coach and one from Jenny.

  “We have one night left
here, could you save that for later?” She asked.

  “Actually we have two, and you and I are heading to the Keys. Perfect timing, huh?” he smiled.

  “When did you decide this?”

  “Are you mad?” he asked shocked.

  “No,” she said and raised her voice.

  He laughed, “Yes you are, why?”

  She laughed, “I don’t know? Do you want to have sex?”

  They both laughed.

  “What? I think I just figured you out Tessa,” he laughed.

  “Really, do you want to clue me in?”

  “You don’t really like sex that much you just use it to either fill in boredom, or to mask an emotion, or to..” she kissed him, and he pulled back.

  “Change the subject” he laughed and stood up.

  “I think we should talk today Tessa,” he laughed.

  "You just blew me off," she stood up. “Does Troy know we are leaving? Or did you just want to leave because the idiot boys in the house are making you uncomfortable? Oh, oh my Lucas, I think I just figured you out."

  He shook his head and walked in the bathroom.

  ”Maybe you should have just taken me up on my offer so neither of us would be embarrassed right now.”

  He walked out and threw her on the bed hard. She gasped. He kissed her, and she tried to push him off. He held her hands above her head and stopped kissing her so they could both breathe.

  “You okay?” her eyes widened and she shook her head yes.

  He pulled her up and flipped her over, kissing her neck until he was at her butt; he lightly bit it and worked his way lower. He pulled her hips up so that she was on her knees. He felt her and knew she was ready. He came up behind her with his head between her legs as she looked down at him he devoured her.

  Holy shit, she thought.

  She started to moan and felt herself on the edge.

  "Stay," he stood on the bed and pushed himself into her mouth briefly.

  He jumped off the bed and gently pushed her down, and she was on all fours again. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and teasingly moved slowly into her not allowing her all of him.

  She was breathing hard. “Lucas.”

  “What baby.”

  “Please,” she cried softly.

  “Stay there," he moved to the top of the bed.

  He looked angry as he stoked himself.

  “You want this baby?” he asked she shook her head yes and started to move up the bed.


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