Book Read Free

Sad Love

Page 14

by Mj Fields

She looked at him, “Yes.”

  His eyes lit up and relief swept across his face. He picked her up and hugged her.

  “Lucas, people are watching.”

  “Let them,” he said and kissed her cheek.

  He walked her to the Jeep. She drove to the store and bought some things for dinner. She thought this would be a good break. She would miss him, and he would miss her. Maybe that’s what they needed.

  She got out of the shower and dressed a tank top and shorts. She cranked up some music and cooked. She had an hour or an hour and a half before he would be there. She popped the cork on a bottle of wine left over from New Years Eve, Lucas’s birthday, and she had two glasses. She felt relaxed and good.

  Tessa jumped when he wrapped him arms around her, and he turned her towards him.

  “You’re early,” she laughed.

  He saw the wine, “Have you been drinking?”

  “Just a little, but I’m not drunk,” she smiled. “Would you like a glass? It was from your birthday.”

  He shook his head yes, and she poured each of them each a glass.

  “To forever,” he smiled they clinked glasses and Tessa slammed hers.

  He laughed, “Aren’t you supposed to sip wine?”

  “It tastes nasty.”

  “Then why are you drinking it?”

  “To relax a little,” she smiled and giggled, “I’ve had a very stressful few weeks.”

  “Tessa you’re drunk,” his lips twisted up.

  She shook her head no.

  “Can I kiss you?” she smiled shyly and shook her head yes.

  He kissed her as he ran his hand down her back, and she moved her hips slightly.

  “May I touch you?” he asked softly as he lightly bit her ear.

  She kissed him, and rubbed low on his back, she felt him against her, and she whimpered. She took his hand, and put it on her stomach. She reached behind him and pulled his shirt over his head and opened her mouth as she looked at him, she bit her lip and looked up at his eyes. Her body needed his touch, her heart needed him more. He pulled her shirt off and took her in his mouth and she moaned loudly. She undid his pants, and they dropped to the ground. She pulled down his boxer briefs, and felt him pressing against her, she wiggled her hips as he pulled her shorts down and she stepped out of them. She reached around his neck and wrapped her legs around him he pushed into her, and their hips met each others in perfect rhythm. She moaned and arched her back he looked at her and kissed her breasts lightly. He was lost in the moment and was almost ready, he pulled away from her, and she looked confused.

  “Let’s go upstairs.”

  They lay in bed, and his hands explored her body.

  “Please Lucas,” she begged.

  “Just a minute, baby,” he whispered as he kissed her.

  She rolled to her side and wrapped her leg around him and brought him to her. They moved slowly as he kissed her neck and her face. When he felt her body start to tense he moved faster and rolled onto her she gasped loudly and sank her nails into his shoulders and they finished together.

  He rolled over pulling her against him, “I love you baby.”

  “You too,” she kissed him.

  She used the bathroom and heard the timer. She grabbed a towel and ran down and grabbed her clothes. She dressed, and he came down showered. They ate dinner at the Island. She did the dishes, and he helped.

  “Do you want to go out tonight?”

  “Not really,” she said. “I’m a bit tired.”

  He looked at her, “I don’t want to sleep.”

  “You can go out if you want to,” she said as walked in the living room.

  “Tessa I don’t want to go anywhere without you, I’m not going to see you for a week,” he sat next to her.

  “Give me a few minutes,” she said and went upstairs to shower.

  She came out of the bathroom, and he was in bed, he smiled at her. “Let’s just stay here. You can sleep, but I’m going to wake you up several times tonight. I’ve missed you.”


  Tessa got in bed. They didn’t sleep.


  Sunday she drove Lucas and Jose to the airport. She was going to miss him and he seemed worried about leaving her.

  “I can’t wait until Friday,” she whispered in his ear, “I already miss you.”

  “Good,” he looked relieved and smiled, “You better rest up while I’m gone.”

  She smiled and he hugged her.

  “Have a good time,” she kissed him.

  “I’m going to be getting my ass kicked all week baby, I wish you could come too. I wish you would stop working and just be with me all the time.”

  She laughed, “I love you.”

  “Tessa would you ever consider quitting your job?” he asked. “I can take care of us.”

  “Can we have this conversation later?”

  His flight was called.

  “Sure,” he kissed her and walked through the tunnel.

  She drove to the farm. No one was home. She walked in and immediately felt safe and happy all at once. She changed her clothes and ran down back with Chewy. She sat by the water and watched him play. She missed it here, and she missed her dog. She sat until her furry little friend had his fill of playing in the water. They walked back to the house.

  Her phone chimed

  -We just landed I will text you when we get to the stadium…LL

  -Glad your safe! Call me before bed…LT


  Kendall was home and reading a book.

  "Hello," Tessa hugged her.

  “Tessa, you’re here,”

  “I am until Friday,”

  “Are you really?”

  “Yep, Lucas is training with the Brown’s this week, and there is no place I’d rather be,” she smiled, “What are you reading?”

  “The new Vampire series. I’m on book two of four. You should read the first, it’s beautiful,” Kendall smiled.

  “Vampires aren’t my thing,” she laughed.

  “Oh no, you would love this, it’s not all I WANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD stuff. It’s about love and… just read some of it,” Kendall laughed.

  Kendall grabbed the first book off the bookshelf and handed it to her.

  “I would rather go do something,” Tessa rolled her eyes.

  “Read a few pages, please,” Kendall begged.

  Tessa and Kendall sat and read for two hours. Maggie walked in and laughed, “She has got you reading that?”

  “SHHH” they both said in unison. Maggie laughed.

  Her phone chimed it was him

  -Hey baby I’m here and it’s amazing. We took a tour and are going out to dinner. What’re you up to?...LL

  -I’m at home reading a book…LT

  -I thought you were going to the farm…LL

  -Yes, I’m here now…LT

  -What are you reading?...LL

  -The new Vampire series, its Kendall’s fault-- I already love it!!!...LT

  -You like to read? Since when?...LL

  -Since kindergarten, silly boy…LT

  -Oh, learn something new every day…LL

  -There are four books in the series so I should be pretty busy this week, lol…LT

  -Well good, I miss you baby…LL

  -I miss you, but right now Edward is calling me back to this book…LT


  -Edward is the main character, lol…LT

  -GOOD! I was getting worried…LL

  -You don’t have to Lucas, not ever, I Love you, have fun at dinner… call me when you can…LT

  -Thanks Tessa, I love you…LL

  At five o’clock they stopped reading and looked at each other all Doe eyed and laughed.

  “We better get ready,” Tessa set the book down.


  They had a good time with the kids. Tessa helped Kendall with the third and fourth grade class. They went for ice cream after and then to the hot tub with their books. It was eleven o’cl
ock when they went to bed.

  Tessa answered her phone.

  “Hey, baby,” Lucas yawned.

  “Hi, how was dinner?”

  “Wild, we went to a bar downtown, I don’t know how they do it,” he laughed.

  “Well, they didn’t work all summer,” Tessa yawned.

  “I guess not.”

  “And I’m sure they have people who take care of everything else.”

  “So do I. I have you,” he said sweetly.

  “Yes you do,” she had a smile in her voice.

  “How was your night?”

  “Fun. Kendall and I have a group, and they’re so much fun to watch they get excited to learn and memorize verses,” she heard him yawn, and she laughed. “Am I boring you?”

  “Sorry, no I’m just tired. I’m glad you had a good time,” he said.

  “What time do you have to be up?” she asked.

  “Eight,” he said quietly.

  “Are you falling to sleep on me?”

  "I wish," he said with a smile in his voice.

  “Me too, I will let you go to sleep, I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby,” he said and hung up.

  She looked over and saw Kendall still reading.

  Tessa threw a pillow at Kendall and laughed, “You are bad!”

  “You won’t think so when you want this book, and believe me your going to want it, holy Jacob,” she said and laughed.

  “Seriously, poor Edward,” she said and they both laughed.

  Kendall woke up, and Tessa had her book.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kendall laughed, “I hope you didn’t lose my place.”

  “I can’t believe he left her,” Tessa had tears in her eyes. “He loved her.”

  “Oh wow, Tessa. Not trying to spoil it for you, but there are four books,” she laughed. “Now give it back and give me an hour.”

  Her phone rang, and she answered it.

  “Tessa are you crying?” he asked.

  “It’s the book,” she said. “He left her”

  “Tessa it’s a book,” he laughed.

  “I know, and Kendall better hurry up and finish so I can have the second one back,” she said and glared at her.

  “How long are they?” he asked

  “About five hundred pages,” she laughed.

  “And you're done?”

  "Yes," she said quietly.

  “Wow, that’s crazy you know?”

  “Shut up,” she laughed.

  “Alright, good morning baby.”

  “Good morning.”

  “I have to go Jose and Miles are waiting I’ll call you later, alright?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you” Tessa whispered back and hung up the phone.

  Tessa spent the next few days reading and helping with hay. She went to work and drove back to the farm. She enjoyed her time with her family and the two hours on the road three days didn’t matter. She missed Lucas, and it actually felt good. She shopped with Phoebe and helped her get ready to move back into her new dorm. She spent time with baby Luke and Jade. She and Cassidy went out to dinner after VBS. Tessa enjoyed the time with her family.

  Friday she woke up and opened the third book she didn’t want to start it but couldn’t help herself.

  “You’re not taking that with you,” Kendall laughed when she saw her lying in bed reading.

  “I know grrr…”

  Tessa handed Kendall the book and went downstairs to help her Mom make breakfast.

  “It’s been nice having you home, Tessa.”

  “It’s been great being here.”

  She spent the morning with her parents and watched Jake out the window as he drove the tractor by and smiled and waved. He was growing up so fast. She smiled and waved back.

  “Hey Mom, do you think Kendall and Jake can come stay with me next week like Friday through Monday?”

  “I think they’d like that,” Maggie smiled.

  “I think I would, too,” John said, and he wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her.

  Tessa laughed. She was so happy that they were back together.

  "I love you guys.”

  “And we love you, Tessa,” Maggie said.


  Tessa walked into the town house, she looked around and smiled. It certainly was more modern than the house she loved so much, but it was cold. Plants, she thought. I need plants. She left and got some groceries and plants and mulch. She even had to buy a shovel.

  She worked all afternoon on her little yard and she was happy when she was done, sore but happy. She had planted decorative blue grass and orange mums in three medium size beds. In the large one, she planted white daisies, yellow roses and a lilac tree. It probably wasn’t her smartest move planting the daisies and the roses so close to fall, but she loved the way it looked.

  She had went back to the home improvement store again and bought some hanging solar lights both orange and blue strands and some stake ones as well. She went to the lawn and garden section and bought a small wrought iron table and four chairs and a table top propane grill all on sale. She set it all up and smiled. At least it’s under the same starry sky as home, she thought and smiled. She looked down it was five o’clock and she was a mess, Lucas would be home in two hours-- she needed to shower and get to the airport. She jumped in the shower and shaved everywhere. She scrubbed her very dirty nails and couldn’t believe what a mess they were. Her hair was done, and she put on a little bit of makeup.

  Tessa waited for their flight to land anxiously. She saw Lucas and Jose walking and talking to some girls. He looked up and scanned the room until he saw her, he smiled and walked quickly to her and picked her up and spun her around and kissed her.

  “Hello baby. You look amazing,” Lucas kissed her again.

  “I missed you,” she said quietly and kissed his cheek.

  He took her hand, and Jose and the three girls walked up.

  “This is Tessa,” he introducing them.

  “Hi,” Tessa smiled.

  “Hello, we have been filling your fiancé’ in about the books your reading. These two don’t get it,” she laughed and so did Tessa.

  “Nice meeting you all,” Lucas said staring at Tessa.

  She smiled, he squeezed her hand, and they left,

  “Thank God for carry on’s… I can’t wait to get you home,” Lucas whispered and kissed her again.


  They walked in, and he grabbed her, “I’ve missed you.”

  “Can I show you something?” she smiled.

  “Yes, please do,” he said his eyes moving over her.

  She led him out to the deck and asked, “Do you like it?”

  “Did you do this?” he asked and laughed as he looked around. “All of it?”

  “Of course, look the smaller ones have your school colors and the big one out there is full of yellow roses, white daisies and a lilac tree,” she smiled.

  “It’s awesome Tessa; I can’t believe you did all this. I thought you were back at the farm all week,” he said still looking he took her hand and walked out to see them.

  “I was home, I did this today,” she whispered and walked towards the porch and plugged in the stringed lights, they had a power back up.

  He smiled and looked at her, “Wow this is awesome, it’s like we aren’t even in the middle of the city, like home. You miss it don’t you?”

  “I do, and you?” she asked.

  “I do a little,” he admitted.

  “Well in three more years’ maybe,” she said and smiled.

  He looked at her and grinned.


  “You, Tessa,” he laughed, “You make me happy.”

  “I love you. Do you want dinner? We have a grill now. Well… part of a grill,” she laughed.

  “I want dinner, but I want you first” he took her hand, and they walked inside.

  He smiled as she lifted h
is shirt over her head.

  “Ouch! What happened?” she said looking at the bruise on his rib.

  “I played with the big boys this week,” he laughed.

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” she kissed it, he flinched, “Lucas you’re hurt, you need to see a doctor.”

  “Tessa there is only a couple things I need to see right now,” he smiled as he lifted her shirt.

  “I’m serious; you could have a broken rib.”

  “Not right now,” he unclasped he bra and took her breast in his mouth.

  “Oh God Lucas, we need to go,” she moaned as he sat on the bed leading her down with his mouth.

  “Can we wait?” he asked and pulled her shorts down and lightly rubbed her below.

  She moaned, and he took his off.

  "Please," he said and laid down, pulling her on top of him.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, “But promise”

  “Yes,” he pulled down her panties. “Nice baby,” he said as he saw she had shaved, "really nice.” he rolled her over to her back.

  He moved down.

  “Oh Lucas” she purred.

  He stayed there for a long time using his tongue and fingers as he licked and sucked and nibbled on her. She screamed out his name and exploded and tightened her legs around him.

  “Damn, Baby,” he said and she looked at the pain in his eyes.

  “Let's go," she sat up.

  “Hell no,” he laughed and pulled her towards him.

  “I’m not finished,” he rolled her over on top of him she smiled.

  "Okay I will go easy.”

  “No, again,” his eyes filled with desire.

  She sat on him and smiled. He held her hands high above her with one hand, and she did all the work as he watched her move. He used his other hand to stimulate her, and she exploded again. She was loud, and he loved it. He flipped her over and stood up. He pulled her legs up so she was half lying in the bed facing down and he wrapped her legs behind him. He slowly moved into her and she moaned loudly.

  “One more time, baby,” he moved hard and fast into her until he yelled out her name and they blew up together.

  “Wow Lucas,” she said as he lowered her legs to the ground.

  She lay bent over the bed, and he rubbed her backside. He grabbed it with both hands and kissed it hard. He took his finger and ran it from front to back and stalled for a bit.


  “I know,” he kissed butt and let out a deep breath.


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