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Sad Love

Page 16

by Mj Fields

  “How’s it going, baby?” he asked.

  “Good, we can all leave early if you can move that fine ass of yours,” she winked at him.

  “I don’t know,” he shook his head from side to side.

  “Please,” they all begged.

  She played a song that he remembered from Florida and he did great, “You owe me big baby,” he yelled, and they all laughed, “And I mean big!”

  At the end of the song, Lucas grabbed her and swung her around.

  They all clapped, and he bowed.

  She went and showered and he sat waiting for her.

  She smiled at him and laughed as she walked out, “I love you.”

  “If it wasn’t obvious before that little show, I think you know I love you as well,” Lucas grabbed her hand. “What do you want to do?”

  “Go to our hotel,” she smiled, “I’m exhausted.”

  “Can we do dinner first?”


  “Good, Dad and Audrianna are bringing the girls in to the city,” he smiled.

  They ate dinner and went to central park, Lucas played on the playground with the girls, and she watched him, smiling.

  “How are things?” Audrianna asked.


  “I’m glad I want you to know I adore you, Tessa.”

  “Well, I feel the same,” Tessa smiled at her.

  “Tessa,” Landon said, “Can I talk to you for a moment?”


  They walked down the path and grabbed ice cream for the girls.

  “I want to apologize for what I said at the shower. My wife kindly pointed out that if one of our girls were dating Lucas, I would probably have killed him by now.”

  She wondered where he was going with this and felt a little defensive. “Lucas is a good person, he is kind, he has a big heart, and he works hard at everything he does.”

  “I agree Tessa, but what I said to you was wrong, it isn’t your responsibility, it was mine,” he said softly. “So I’m apologizing for my behavior”

  “Well, I accept your apology,” she smiled. “We’re going to have to deal with one another for a very long time, so can we just put that past us?”

  "Of course and thank you," he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  They said goodbye to the princesses and they hugged Tessa.

  "I love you," she said to them.

  They giggled “We love you, too.”

  They went back to the hotel and rode the elevator up to the twelfth floor. She walked into their suit, and smiled.

  “You look tired, baby,” Lucas kissed her head.

  “I am. Are you?” she asked sort of hoping he would say yes.

  “No, not at all, I napped while you were at your class,” his eyes raked over her, “I’m wide awake.”

  “I guess so,” she smiled. “I should probably pay up.”

  She unbuttoned his jeans, and they dropped to the floor she pulled his boxers down and pushed him on the bed so that he sat at the edge. She took him in her mouth, and he pulled her curls back so that he could watch her.

  “Damn Tessa don’t stop baby, but that’s not what you’re going to owe me,” he chuckled.

  She continued and decided she was going to wear him out so that she didn’t have to do whatever it was he had going on in his dirty little mind. She moved slowly and went faster and when she felt him tense up she would slow down. By the time she finished her mouth hurt.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  She walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She came out, and he laid her on the bed and slowly undressed her and went down. He went slowly as well she knew he was trying to wear her down to but she didn’t care she was in heaven on earth.

  “Lucas I want you inside of me,” she begged.

  He moved his tongue faster and lightly bit. She yelled out his name and finally the light pulses turned into fire and she felt her body explode. She closed her eyes and smiled and rolled over. He pulled her to the foot of the bed and he slowly rubbed her back down to her butt. He reached under her and pulled her up to her knees. He bent her over and caressed her.

  “Lucas, please I don’t want that,” she said as he rubbed his finger over her.

  “Shhh,” he whispered in her ear.

  He kissed down her back and finally he placed himself inside her, and she moaned loudly.

  “Is this alright baby,” his fingers dug into her hips

  “Yes,” she moaned and laughed.

  “Are you laughing at me?” he asked moving faster.

  “No, at me,” she moaned.

  “You should trust me,” he was trying his best to hold back.

  “Sorry …oh Lucas,” she whimpered.

  “I would never hurt you baby,” he moved faster and harder, “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  They finished together, and she collapsed on the bed.

  “I can’t believe you thought I would without you agreeing to it,” he laughed.

  “Well the way you’ve been obsessing over it, I was a bit worried,” she laughed.

  He smiled and laughed, “I’ve enjoyed making you squirm.”

  Tessa smacked him and rolled over off the bed and went to the bathroom.

  Her phone rang, and he grabbed it out of her bag.

  “Hello…Yes is this Maggie...she did great…oh,’ll take about four hours to get there, we’ll leave now…yes I’ll drive carefully..Alright..No it’s not a problem at all she is going to want to be there. We’ll see you soon”

  She stood in the bathroom door and looked concerned. He stood up and smiled.

  “Your sister is in labor, we need to go. Can I jump in the shower for a couple minutes?”

  “Yes but please...” she started

  He kissed her “I’ll hurry; it’s probably going to be a long night you want to jump in with me? I promise I won’t touch you.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” she said quietly walking passed him and looking down at his naked lower half.

  He laughed, and she joined him in the shower.

  “Can you do it fast” she asked leaning against his chest.

  He laughed “Probably not.”

  “Well can you at least try?” she asked and stomped her foot splashing water.

  He laughed, “No, get out.”

  She smiled at him, “That’s twice.”

  “I am doing this for you.”

  She laughed, “I’m just joking.”

  “Good because I would much rather do you then go sit in a hospital all night,” he laughed as they threw their things in the bags.


  They walked into the hospital and rode to the third floor, they walked by the waiting room, and Kendall stopped them.

  “She’s almost ready.”

  Five minutes later Maggie walked out an announced the birth of Sydney Marie eight pounds eleven ounces twenty three inches long.

  Tessa cried and hugged her Mom.

  “I want to see her,” she laughed.

  "Two at a time.”

  Tessa and Alex went in first.

  “Congratulations.” Tessa hugged Molly.

  Molly was already nursing.

  ”She’s beautiful look at that hair! Hi Sydney—I’m Aunt Tessa and this guy here is Uncle Alex, but he doesn’t want to see your Mommy’s boobies,” Molly laughed, “We are going to be best of friends.”

  After everyone went in, Lucas went to meet her. He of course ran down to the gift store and bought flowers, a big stuffed bunny, and a card.


  They walked in the house, and he looked at Tessa.

  “She looks like you,” Lucas smiled softly.

  She hugged him and cried.

  “Tessa, please be okay”

  “I am, she’s perfect I’m so happy for Molly and Cory,” she said. “I think I’m just tired”

  “I know you are” he kissed her head. “Someday Tessa, when we’re older, we’re going to have one just like he

  She laughed, “I know, are you alright?”

  He shook his head, “I am, it’s getting easier, what you said about Tommy. Having him and ours and the other one…” he laughed, “Holy shit… his lap must be full.”

  They both laughed and walked upstairs and took comforted in each other the way they always did.

  Chapter 17

  The next few weeks went by, and everything was great. Tessa had booked four classes; each had twenty women per class. She was happy and making enough money that she could quit her other job. She did stop working every other Saturday, but hadn’t quit completely yet. She was saving money for a rainy day.

  Lucas was amazing. He was doing well in school, and on the football field-- he shined. Tessa attends every game, and he looked to her every touchdown. Each touchdown he throws or makes he gets a treat, so he smiles at her after every one of them.

  “You ready to pay up?” he asked as they walked in the house after is game.

  She smiled at him, “I always do.”

  “No, I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about our New York City deal,” he smiled.

  “Okay,” she said “Do tell.”

  Tessa opened the refrigerator and grabbed the chicken and veggie pack she had marinating. He grabbed the tongs and a plate.

  "Monday you’re coming to my practice and putting on a class," he smiled.

  She laughed, “Really? You want all those boys watching me shake my, or as you said, your ass all over?”

  “I’ll be there. You trying to talk me out of this?” he laughed.

  “Nope” she laughed. “Not at all, but you haven’t even been to a class.”

  Tessa put the food on the grill.

  “You going to help me out, teach me a couple dances?”

  “Sure” she smiled, “Do you want to now?”

  “I want to now,” he laughed.

  “Try to keep up,” she laughed and threw her shirt on the ground. “Do you think you can?”

  Tessa turned around and took her pants off and ran inside and grabbed shorts for both of them. She plugged the iPod in and threw his shorts at him.

  “I would prefer you stay like that,” he laughed.

  They danced, and he did his best to keep up. She laughed the whole time, and he did too.

  “Lucas, we need a shower,” she wrinkled her nose up and took the food off the grill.

  She ran upstairs throwing her clothes as she took them off. He chuckled and ran behind her.

  Monday she emailed Adam and told him she could not make her lesson as she had to teach a class. She showed up at the training center a few minutes early, and Lucas met her.

  “You ready?” Lucas smiled.

  “I’m very ready are you?”

  She set up her playlist and went in to change. She came out in black baggy long shorts and the very tight tank top, the one she had won at the class in NYC. She wore a bandana over her head. Everyone was ready, and when she walked out, she smiled.

  She introduced herself and explained the dance workout, including, samba, meringue, some martial arts and even belly dancing. She told them it was hot in Columbia and would definitely be main stream someday soon. She explained that it was alright if they couldn’t keep up many of them laughed, and she smirked and shook her head.

  She started with a warm up, and Lucas stood directly behind her. After three songs she took a water break. She looked around and more than half the team was standing against the wall.

  “Your boys are a bunch of pussies,” she whispered to Lucas as she walked back to the front.

  “Baby your mic’s on,” he laughed.

  She closed her eyes and snickered.

  “Good, alright skirts off little girls, it’s time to step it up,” she took her long shorts off, and she had on spandex shorts.

  She looked back at Lucas and his eyes wide, and she smirked. He didn’t know these next few songs, and they were much faster, more hips moving, lots of pelvic thrusts, booty shaking, and a lot of jumping. After three songs, she took a drink and looked around. Three left standing, Lucas, Jose, and Mark.

  She started the next song, and they all got up and gave it another shot. This song was the most risqué. She turned and faced them, and most of them had stopped and just stood watching Lucas was undoubtedly annoyed by their reaction. She cocked her eyebrow and then winked at him. The next song started, and thirty seconds into it he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

  “You asked for this, hot stuff,” she laughed.

  “Yeah and now I’m going to take it home and take it out on you in…” he stopped talking when he heard his voice over the speakers.

  “Your microphone is on baby,” he chuckled she laughed and took it off.

  “Jose” she yelled, “Could you grab my stuff?”

  “Sure thing Tessa,” Jose laughed.

  “You’re in so much trouble,” he said as he put her in the SUV.

  “I drove Lucas, I’ll follow you home.”

  “No, we can come back.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “I don’t think mad is the word,” he said, “But I think you should leave those dances out.”

  “I’m going to drive and meet you at home.”

  She didn’t give him a chance to respond. She jumped in the Jeep. She pulled in behind him, and he unlocked the door and watched her walk up and she looked nervous. He fought not to smile. She walked up to him and looked down and hugged him, and they walked inside.

  She swallowed hard and said, “Do you want me to fix dinner?”

  “Nope,” he led her upstairs.

  He started the shower, and they got in he pushed her against the wall and kissed her she laughed.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he raised his eyebrow.

  He turned her around and kissed her back. He grabbed the body soap and washed her body, and she went to touch him.

  “Oh no-- hands off baby.”

  She smiled and washed her hair. He kissed her all over except those places that she really wanted him to. They got out of the shower, and he lightly dried her off. He led her to the bed and went into the closet and came out with the bag. He grabbed her arms and tied them to the head board.

  “Lucas I don’t want all those things, I want you,” she said softly.

  “But this is alright isn’t it?” he asked as he tightened the silky fabric that held her arms up.

  "As long as you're nice," she said nervously.

  “Oh I will be,” he kissed her body for what felt like forever.

  He sat back and looked at her and grabbed himself. “You want this, baby?”

  “Yes Lucas, I want you.”

  He grabbed her feet and kissed all the way up her leg, and she moved her hips towards him and he avoided her.

  “Please Lucas,” she begged.

  He continued to tease her body for a long time and she was getting angry, and he knew it. He smiled and knelt on the bed and lifted her legs over his shoulder and moved towards her she had never wanted him more and he knew it. He started to push into her, and she screamed out. He set back and smiled.

  “You’re an ass Lucas!”

  He got up and grabbed a drink and looked at her helplessly lying there full of anger and desire.

  “You look so hot,” he said resuming the position he had left and moved quickly into her.

  It only took a couple minutes, and her body blew up. He smiled and continued for a long time until she and he climaxed together. He untied her hands and smiled.

  “You’re mean,” she said breathlessly as she smiled up at him.

  “That’s what it felt like tonight, watching you.”

  She tried to get up and she started laughing. “I’m quite sure it didn’t feel exactly like this. I can’t even move.”


  “Happy Birthday, Lucas,” she kissed him.

  “Happy New Years, Baby,” he kissed her back.

  Tessa was the designated
driver for Lucas and a few of his friends, as he was twenty one. The guys tried to get her to take them to a strip club.

  “Are you crazy?” she laughed.

  “You only turn twenty one once baby.”

  “You have a better chance of seeing God,” she walked away.

  It had been a year since her pregnancy failed. They both acknowledged it and it had gotten easier.

  Tessa received a message from Ben that day.

  -Tess, I was thinking about you today. I hope everything is going well. I’m in England and loving it here. School is great, and I finally think I know what I want to be when I grow up, lol. I have met someone who seems normal, I hope to introduce you to her this summer I may need your stamp of approval. I missed seeing you all at camp. Tell Lucas I said hello…Ben

  -BEN!!! I miss your face! I am so glad you’re happy. I don’t know anyone more deserving and I can’t wait to meet her, I can’t wait to see you. LOTS and LOTS of hugs, Your friend Tessa

  Wow she thought and felt an emptiness in her stomach. She really was happy for him and meant every bit of what she had said---but wow.

  Everywhere they went people recognized SU’s star quarterback. He was a local hero. He said he didn’t like it, but she could tell otherwise. She was happy that things were going so well for him.

  Tessa had to grovel after she missed two lessons with Adam, but she worked hard and proved she wanted it. She was doing well and really loved playing. She practiced every day. She was going to start on Thursday nights with voice lessons.

  Together they had done so well. She couldn’t believe it had been five months without issue. They had both grown up so much. She wasn’t bored of him at all, and he seemed happier than ever.

  Monday nights when she was at piano lessons he would hang out with the guys at a local pub. She would drop them off and pick them up every week.

  “Hey Baby,” he said when she walked in.

  She kissed him and sat down. The bartender sat a glass of tea in front of her, and she thanked her. Monday was wing and football night, and about every two weeks they stayed and ate as they watched the game until half time. Tessa played darts with some of the guys and had a couple advantages. The first she was sober, and the next was she had shot bow since she was seven.

  “Lucas I’m finally going to start voice lessons on Thursday at seven pm. Is that alright?” she asked.


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