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Sad Love

Page 22

by Mj Fields

  It was blazing, and Tessa was panicking. She grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran inside. The fire was at the back near the kitchen but spreading fast. Tessa grabbed curtains and tried to smother it. She used the extinguishers, but it wasn’t working. She turned to run out and was overcome by smoke. She covered her mouth and tried to figure out where she was. She dropped to the floor to try to get beneath the smoke. She heard her father’s voice and Phoebe screaming and moved towards them. She knew she was near the door. She felt a sharp pain as she was she struck on the back of the head.

  Tessa woke up in the ambulance, and she tried to pull the oxygen mask off.

  “Leave it on, Miss Ross,” she heard someone say, as she fell back to sleep.

  She woke up, and her parents and Phoebe were standing in the ER exam room.

  “What happened? Did we leave something plugged in?” Tessa asked.

  "No," John said, “They aren’t actually sure, but it’s looking like a bunch of kids started a fire behind camp. There were beer cans and a couple of our tables were used as fire wood.”

  “Thank God it wasn’t us,” she started to cry. “Why would someone do that?”

  “I don’t think it was on purpose,” Maggie rubbed her hair, “You should rest honey, you took a pretty bad blow on the back of your head.”

  Tessa felt the lump.

  “Wow that hurts,” she said. “Does Alex know?”

  “Yes, he’s on his way,” Phoebe said.

  "It's not necessary," looked at Phoebe.

  “He called Lucas too,” Phoebe quietly spoke.

  “Oh great” she said, “This is just what Lucas needs.”

  Tessa woke up to Lucas’s head on her hand. She reached over to touch his head, and her arms and hand were bandaged

  “Ouch,” she cringed and he jumped up.

  "Hey Lucas," she said and smiled.

  “What the hell were you thinking,” he said, “You could have been killed!”

  “Nice to see you, too,” her tears started flowing down her cheek.

  “Damn it, sorry Tessa but you can’t do shit like that,” he kissed her cheek.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “Yeah you’re great, you have stitches in your head, a concussion and burns on your arm. What would have happened if your dad didn’t drag you out of there, or if Phoebe wasn’t there last night Tessa?” he asked furiously. “I’ll tell you what-- you would have been dead.”

  Lucas’s eyes burned, and he put his head down.

  “I’m sorry Lucas,” she whispered.


  They walked in the house, and he made her lay down.

  “I need to make some phone calls.”

  “Who are you calling?”

  “My coach I am going to stay with you for a couple weeks,” he said, “Because you can’t be trusted.”

  “No,” she said getting up, “You’re not. You need to be ready in a month, Lucas”

  “Lay down,” he said sternly.

  “Hang up,” she fired back.

  He walked over and sat down, and she sat on his lap.

  “I’m going to be fine; my whole family is extremely close by. Besides it’s not like there will be any hunting festivities.”

  “That really breaks your heart, doesn’t it baby?” he pulled her hair away from her face.

  “Of course, I hate hunting, but they love it, and I love them.”

  “I think I have a solution. I’m just not sure how you will feel about it,” he laughed.

  “Let’s hear it.”


  Deer camp was moved to the garage, one of the three bays became a processing center, and there would be cots in the other two. There was already a bathroom in the garage, so it was perfect.

  Her family would be arriving in a couple hours to set everything up. Alex was extremely happy that it was all coming together.

  “You need a nap?” he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

  She laughed when he tucked her in and had to look at anywhere but the bed or her.


  “You need to get laid? She asked.

  “That’s crude,” Lucas’s his eyes lit up.

  “But true,” she laughed, “You have to be nice.”

  "I know.”

  He took his shirt off and stepped out of his pants. He lifted her shirt and kissed her breast. She closed her eyes and reached down to pull his boxers down.

  She laughed, “It’s like an oven mitt”

  “Shhh,” he kissed her and pulled down her pants and underwear.

  They lay down and he caressed her. One of her breasts with one hand and the other in his mouth, his hand traveled down. She arched her back and breathed rapidly as she moaned. He looked up at her, and she smiled.

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  He kissed down her belly and slid his arm underneath one of her legs and kissed her stomach. He lifted her legs, and she stiffened.

  “Does that hurt,” he asked gently putting her down and moving up beside her.

  “Yeah but it’ll be worth it.”

  “No, we can stop.”

  She sat up and moved down his body and took him in her mouth.

  “Tessa stop,” he said, and she shook her head no and continued.

  He sat up, “Damn it Tessa, stop!”


  He stood up and led her into the bathroom and showed her her back.

  “Look at this,” he snapped.

  Her entire back was black and blue.

  “Okay so I got hurt.”

  He gently kissed her back, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Yes you are. It’s a bruise, there is nothing you’re going to be able to do,” she hugged him, “Well one thing.”

  She leaned over the sink, shook her butt and smiled back at him. He looked at her and grinned.

  “You are so…” he started, and he looked at the bruise and shook his head disapprovingly.

  “Ready to have you gently make love to your future wife,” she said softly. She turned off the light, “Now you can’t see it, please Lucas.”

  “I can stay two days?”

  “Are you bargaining with me?”

  “Uh huh,” he said and he ran his fingers lightly over her.

  “Yes,” she moaned softly.


  They got out of the shower and heard Maggie yell up

  "Be down in a minute, Mom," Tessa got dressed and ran to the top of the stairs and looked down.

  "You’re to be resting Tessa," she said and watched Lucas walk down in shorts and a sweatshirt, “Lucas is she resting?”

  “She needs to take her pain Meds,” he avoided answering directly.

  “That’s not what I asked,” Maggie said crossly.

  “Mom, I took a shower I’ll rest now.”

  Maggie walked out, and Tessa laughed when Lucas handed her the pill and water.

  “It’s not funny, she scares me,” he cringed and walked away.

  Tessa took her pills and laid on the couch. Shortly after, she fell asleep. When she woke her family was all sitting around eating dinner. She sat back and watched them and Lucas right in the middle of them laughing at their silly stories. He looked over and saw her smiling; he walked over and kissed her.

  “You hungry?”

  “Yeah,” she said and he pulled her up.


  The next day her mother came over to help her change the bandage.

  “This needs to be done every day,” she said. “Lucas watched to learn how.”

  When he saw her arm and hand he got up and walked out the door.

  “Apparently, he isn’t going to be very helpful,” Tessa giggled.

  Maggie pulled the rest of the bandage off, and Tessa cried out in pain. Lucas walked back in.

  “You better not pull that shit every again,” he voice was pained as he walked quickly past her.

  Maggie looked at Tessa, and Tessa tried not to laugh.

��He’s right Tessa, you could have died, and you almost did.”

  "Okay," she whispered. “Mom, do you think this is going to scar?”

  “Probably Tessa.”

  She was upset, “Great.”

  Tessa stood up and walked out the door, “Fuck!”

  Lucas walked back downstairs, “Maggie is she okay?”

  “No, she’s upset because she may have scarring on her arm.”

  “Is it going to be bad?”

  “I don’t know, but even a little bit, will upset her,” Maggie sighed.

  “Yeah I think she already is,” he looked at her standing on the deck.

  He walked out and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “It disgusts you.”

  “It’s kind of nasty,” he kissed her neck; “It’ll get better.”

  “What if it doesn’t?”

  “Then you wear long sleeve shirts all the time,” he laughed.

  "It's really not all that funny.”

  “You could bring MJ’s glove back in style,” he said with a smile in his voice.

  “Still not funny, Lucas.”

  “It kind of is. Hey you could get matching tattoos with Adam,” he laughed.

  “You’re an ass. What if it grosses you out, like it did earlier?”

  “If that happened to me would it gross you out?”

  “No,” she said softly.

  “Okay then, stop pouting, you’re alive. For that I’m grateful. If you ever pull something like that, I will personally kick your ass.”

  “Not just a spanking?”

  “And she’s back,” he announced raising his arms to the sky.

  He turned her around and kissed her.

  Maggie walked out on the deck, “She needs rest. Rest will help her body heal. Call me if you need anything.”


  Tessa got online and sent out a message saying that she would need a week off due to an injury.

  “A week Tessa? Are you serious?” he yelled.

  “I have an appointment in the morning, you can go with me. If he says I have to be out longer I will,” she said not looking at him.

  She got on facebook and checked out Adrianna’s page so that he could see his sisters. They were decked out in Jets gear he smiled,

  “My little cheerleaders, hmm. I think you should have an outfit like that. You have a couple messages," he said and clicked on them.

  One was from Jessie from a week ago,

  -Hey girl I hope you’re not upset with me about the other night, I was trying to piss Miguel off. Your boy was very behaved. I HATE STRIP CLUBS, but after a couple of drinks I tend to act badly, Talk to you soon. Jessie

  “What’s that all about?”

  He sat back and took a deep breath.

  “Well Jessie was pissed at Miguel for going out the other night, so she found out where he was and conned the bouncer in to letting her dance. Miguel was pissed,” Lucas laughed.

  “So she stripped?”

  “Yeah, she did.”

  “Oh,” she sat back.

  “You’re mad?”

  “You knew I would be. That’s why you didn’t tell me,” she looked at him and shook her disapprovingly head. “I’m going to bed.”

  She took her pill and went upstairs.

  He followed her up, “Tessa, it was no big deal.”

  “You saw a girl that we hang out with naked.”

  "Doesn't mean anything she really isn’t all that good looking.”

  “That doesn’t matter…you forget I have met some of your ex’s!”

  “Tessa don’t be silly, I have you,” he tried to kissed her and she pulled back.

  “So would you be pissed if I did that?”

  “Yes!” he laughed.

  “Than stay out of situations like that please,” she lay down and fell asleep.

  She woke up before him and showered when she got out he stood up.

  “You couldn’t wait for me?”

  “Sorry, it's hard to keep this dry,” she raised her arm.

  “So you’re not mad?”

  “No,” she said quietly and walked into the closet.

  She grabbed her clothes and threw them on.

  “Are you still going to take me or should I call my Mom?”

  He shook his head, “Tessa I said I was taking you, let’s not go down this dark path again.”


  Tessa walked down the stairs and he went to shower.

  She was eating cereal, “Do you want some?”

  “That nasty stuff no thank you,” he laughed.

  “I’m sorry.”

  "Don't be, I can cook," he sat down next to her. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to take the pills before we go. I don’t want to drool on the doctor.”


  She was told as long as she took it easy she could go back to school and teach her class. Her head was healing, and she was given a cream for her arm.

  “Can I travel?”

  “You should give it week Tessa, come back next week and if everything is still healing I will release you, got it?” he asked.


  Tessa walked in the house, “Are you leaving?”

  “No, I’m going to stay awhile do you want your pill?”

  “I can get it.”

  “Can you just stop being pissed off at me?” he yelled.

  “Lucas I’m not mad at you, but you keep acting like I should be which concerns me. By the way… I don’t feel well, and you are yelling at me,” she said calmly. She kissed him, “I’m going to fall asleep soon so if you want to leave you can, but don’t leave thinking I am mad at you because I don’t want to be freaking out all week, its bad enough I can’t go with you.”

  “I’ll leave tonight; I didn’t sleep all that well last night.”

  They walked upstairs. She grabbed a sweatshirt and threw it on and climbed in bed. He took his shirt and pants off and got in. She smiled at him and wrapped herself around him. He rubbed her back lightly until she fell asleep. She was restless, and he woke her up.

  “Bad dream?”

  "Yes," she looked at him sadly.

  “What Tessa?”

  “I don’t remember,” she said and kissed him. “I want you.”

  “You got me, baby,” he said and lifted her shirt off.

  She climbed on him, and he sat up and kissed her as she moved slowly. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as she moved slowly up and down. He sat back and looked at her.

  “You’re perfect,” he moaned.

  She turned around so that he wouldn’t see her start to cry.

  “Nice baby,” he said caressing her breasts from behind as she continued to move.

  He gently pushed her forward and she was on all fours, and he moved quickly in and out until she screamed his name and he followed.

  She got up, and he pulled her to him and kissed her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  What the hell was that? She thought, she had a dream that he was with someone else. She was sure it was because she was upset about the whole strip club thing. She walked downstairs, and he was warming up lunch.

  “We have a few friends hanging in the trees outside,” he warned her.

  “Gross,” she replied.

  He laughed and she took a picture of him standing in their kitchen making lunch and laughing.

  “What was that for?”

  “So I can look at it all week,” she hugged him.

  “Speaking of, I need a new book which means we need to go shopping” he smiled. “When you’re feeling better.”


  -if you guys aren’t busy can we get together sometime this week?...Tessa

  “So thank you Ladies for coming to Doe Camp, I have something I want us all to do,” Tessa started.

  “Tessa I need to tell you guys something first,” Jade started pacing.

  “Alright, spill it girl.”

  "I'm pregnant
, freaking pregnant!”

  “Holy cow again?” Phoebe asked.

  “Yes five months, I went to the doctors today, and I had no idea because I’m still breastfeeding,” she began to cry, “I should’ve known.”

  Tessa and Phoebe hugged her.

  “What did Ryan say? I’m sure he is happy” Tessa wiped her tears.

  “I haven’t told him yet,” Jade cringed.

  Tessa smiled, “Perfect, we can make a book. A hot sexy pregnant book, for you. A virgin seduction book for you to give Alex the night before your wedding and a dirty slut one for me to give to Lucas, just because!” they all laughed.

  They planned to get together the next night. She was busy trying to find things to wear and her phone chimed.

  -hey baby are you busy?...LL

  -No are you?...LT

  Her phone rang.

  “How are you?” Lucas asked.

  “I’m good,” Tessa said, and he could hear the smile in her voice.

  “You sound good.”

  “Jade and Phoebe came over, we had fun.”

  “I’m glad, I got to watch Beauty and the Beast --twice,” he laughed. “So what are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “They are coming back, you know to baby sit me,” she said “And yours?”

  “Miguel wants me to stay with them for a couple nights, it’s closer to the field,” he explained.

  “Oh okay, is that what you want?”

  “It’s not going to weird you out, is it?”

  “Is she going to be pole dancing?”

  “I would hardly think so,” he laughed.

  “Well I’m okay with it then.”

  “How are our plans coming?”

  “I’d love to discuss them with you next time I see you.”

  “I can’t wait. Anything I can do from here?”

  “You can start on a guest list for your friends and family, that would be helpful,” she said.

  “Okay I will.”


  “I do,” he laughed.


  The girls came over, and Tessa had gone shopping.

  “You’re not supposed to drive,” Phoebe scolded.

  “I didn’t take my pill, so I am perfectly fine to drive. You ready, Phoebe?”

  “No way! I’m not going first,” she said.

  “I will then chicken butt. My deal is no direct face shots, just my body and not of my boo- boo’s,” she grabbed the Jets cheerleading outfit she bought.

  "Cute," Jade laughed.

  Tessa took off the shirt and had a matching green bra, “Go Tessa.”


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