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Alien Romance: Hot Alien (Alien Abduction Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Space Romance, Fantasy Romance) (Alien Fantasy Abduction Science Fiction Space Romance)

Page 3

by Scarlett Love

  Hailey cried out as he found her sensitive spot and he began to rub it shamelessly. If he was this good at oral sex, she could only imagine what it would feel like when he fucked her.

  “Oh God, Jerico,” she whimpered. “Harder.”

  He used his free hand to pull her hips up higher as he obeyed her wishes. She closed her eyes, tensing as every muscle in her body tightened. White burst behind her eyes and she shuddered as her orgasm crashed over her. A scream bubbled up her throat, and she howled out Jerico’s name repeatedly.

  Jerico lapped at her pussy, sucking up every ounce of her cum as he could. She floated to the ground as he laid her back on the blanket. A bit of juice was on his chine and he swiped it with his thumb and then stuck it in his mouth. “Absolutely divine,” he grinned as he stood and lowered his pants.

  Hailey’s eyes widened as she took in his full cock. She spread her legs wider and beckoned him to her with one finger. Jerico beamed as he laid himself over her and she sighed under his weight. His bare chest pressed against hers and she relished in the feel of him against her naked body.

  “I wish to make love to you,” he stated.

  Hailey’s throat went dry, and she nodded unable to form words. She reached between them and grasped his dick in her hand and guided him to her entrance. Jerico pressed the tip into her entrance and she wiggled her hips wanting to take him all in.

  He slid in inch by inch. Her pussy sucked him in, taking him in all the way to the hilt. Jerico lay still above her for a moment, locking gazes with her, and allowing her body time to adjust to his size.

  She reached her hands around him and gripped his ass with her hands as she wrapped her legs around him and rested them on his knees. Jerico pulled out of her and thrust back in.

  Hailey gasped at the friction and held his butt tighter, pulling him impossibly deeper. He rocked back and forth, and she rose up meeting him thrust for thrust. It was amazing, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. A second orgasm bubbled beneath the surface and she rolled her hips faster, grunting as the rhythm caused his dick to hit the right spot.

  Hailey got lost in the motions. Nothing mattered but her and Jerico and the incredible feeling blooming inside her. Their sweat slicked bodies glided together, and she whimpered as her climax built deep within her belly. The orgasm crashed over her and she screamed.

  She’d cum before, but never like this. Her whole body shook and tingled. Stars burst behind her eyes and she held tight as Jerico pumped into her harder. He grunted, and she opened her eyes, watching as he worked for his own release.

  She pulled him to her, and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth in tune to meet his own movements. His dick seemed to harden more and lengthen, if that were even possible, and she wrapped her arms around him. A third orgasm coiled, and she slapped his ass as she rocked against him.

  Jerico grunted, breaking the kiss as he howled her name. His cock pulsed, causing her to cum again. She held him to her as ecstasy washed over her. This moment was perfect. She didn’t want it to end. It didn’t have to. She could have a life here with Jerico. They could be together forever. She smiled as she traced circles into his lower back. His dick began to harden again, and she groaned. She could spend the rest of her life like this.

  Chapter Five

  Bells tolled loudly, rising Hailey from her deep slumber. A warm arm gripped her tighter, and she nuzzled closer to Jerico. Her body hummed euphorically. Last night—and early this morning had been fantastic.

  Desire blossomed in her belly and heat pulsed between her legs. How many times could she make love to Jerico before she didn’t want him again? The answer was simple. There was no number. She could be with him every day until her last, and that still wouldn’t be enough.

  The bells rung again, and she blinked her eyes open. Bells. Water. Oh God. She shot up and looked around the large bedroom.

  “Jerico. The bells. They’re ringing,” she blurted in one breath. Did that mean she could try to reach out to her family.

  “Get up. Get dressed hurry. We may not have much time,” Jerico explained.

  “We can get to them?” she asked ecstatically. She’d dared to hope. Maybe they could rescue her family. She’d prayed to God—to anyone that there would be a way. This was her chance.

  Hailey scurried from the bed and collected the turquoise dress she’d worn the day before and quickly slipped it back on. She slid her feet into the black moccasins and spun around pleased to see Jerico had made as much haste.

  “I don’t know how much time we will have,” he began, taking her arm and quickly escorting her to the door. They broke into a steady jog. “If the portal closes… if the water rises, we won’t be able to get back through,” he warned.

  “I know. I have to do this. I have to save them, Jerico,” she pleaded.

  “If it were my family I would feel the same. Come I will help you.” Jerico tugged her faster, and they sprinted down the corridor and out into the bright sunlight.

  She covered her eyes and blinked against the offensive light. Jerico continued their pace, seemingly unaffected by the brightness, and led her through the green gardens and out onto the cobblestone streets. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust and when they did she saw that they’d already run through part of the village.

  Her lungs burned and her thighs and calves ached from their grueling pace. She didn’t care. They had to save her family. Sweat beaded on her brow as they tore through the city. She wheezed as she fought to control her breathing. Stopping wasn’t an option. She had to plow ahead.

  Her family was depending on her. They wouldn’t let her down, and she wouldn’t fail them either. This may be the only chance she had to save them. She pushed herself harder, ran faster. Her breath came in uneven pants, but she didn’t care.

  Jerico paused as they reached the city limits. He looked to both sides of the bridge, ensuring the water was away before he squeezed her hand and they sprinted across.

  “You don’t have to come with me,” she rasped, fighting to draw air into her lungs.

  “I’m not letting you go alone, Hailey. I can withstand the heat better than you. I won’t risk something happening to you out there. I can’t,” he replied, fixing a red-eyed gaze on her.

  She trembled at the intensity in his glance. He was so open and honest. He cared for her deeply. It was obvious. She smiled and nodded. “I don’t want anything to happen to you either,” she whispered.

  “We will watch out for each other,” he compromised.

  She nodded as they leapt through the barrier. Blistering heat greeted them and she gasped as the air thickened. The breath whooshed out of her lungs and she stumbled falling on her knees.

  Jerico knelt besides her, wrapping an arm around her torso as he lifted her up. “I’ve got you,” he promised as they continued forward.

  Sweat beaded on her brow and she leaned into him glad for the support. Their pace had slowed tremendously. Her body swelled with the heat and refused to move. The soles of her shoes stuck to the hot pavement like glue, slurping with each step.

  “My car was over this way.” She pointed ahead of them. If they could make it there, and if it would start, they’d get some blessed relief from the elements for a few short minutes.

  “I can see it in the distance.” Jerico bent down, and she cried out as he lifted her into the air and sprinted ahead as if he were carrying feathers and not her body weight.

  They covered the expanse in a minute and he set her on the ground. She leaned against the red truck and screamed as the scalding surface seared her skin.

  “Are you okay?” Jerico worried.

  “I’ll be fine,” she whispered. She swiped a hand over her forehead and nodded at the vehicle. “I left the keys inside. They are on the visor.”

  It wasn’t the brightest idea, but it’d been one less thing she’d needed to carry in the heat. Not to mention, who in their right mind would be out in this weather un
less they had to be.

  The engine cranked, and she held her breath as Jerico tried to turn it over. If the truck didn’t start they would have to go on foot. It was a six-mile hike, and even if she wanted to, she didn’t know if she could make it.

  Her dress clung to her body and sweat rolled down her back in rivulets. She felt disgusting. If they stayed in this heat much longer, she would wither away to nothing.

  The engine revved to life and she let out a long breath. They were going to do this.


  Jerico glanced over at Hailey as she leaned forward in her seat. He prayed her family was alive and well. The weather outside of Atlantis was warmer than he’d expected.

  A deep crimson had bloomed over Hailey’s cheeks and sweat dribbled down the back of her neck. She appeared to be okay, but he worried for her safety. The AC was cranked as high as it would go, but it did little to help with the stifling heat in the cabin. He pressed his foot on the gas harder, eager to find her family.

  “Take the next left,” Hailey instructed. Both her knees jumped up and down as she anxiously awaited their arrival.

  He could understand her nervousness. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t have done to help his parents. Unfortunately it had been a lost cause. A freak accident. They’d died on impact and had been together. He prayed Hailey’s parents hadn’t suffered a similar fate.

  “This is it,” she said, her hand flying to the door handle.

  He’d barely pulled the truck to a stop before she leapt out of it. She ran to the front steps of the small tan trailer and flew up them. The door swung open and she disappeared inside.

  “Mom, Dad, Marc,” she called out frantically.

  Jerico followed her inside and glanced around. No one was there. Or they'd perished. It was quiet too quiet. His heart lurched in his chest as Hailey frantically called for her family. She kicked in the doors entering each room.

  “They aren’t here,” she wailed defeated as she came back into the front room.

  Jerico embraced her and held her close. Her shoulders rose and fell as strangled sobs escaped her throat.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered repeatedly as he cradled her to him. He would do anything to take away her pain. Fate was silly. Fate! Why had the bells rung. He believed in destiny wholeheartedly. The bells had rung for a reason. Hailey’s parents were alive. They just needed to find them.

  Chapter Six

  Angry and sad tears slipped down Hailey’s face. Where could her family be? Why weren’t they here? Judging by the furnace temperature of the trailer they hadn’t occupied it in a few days.

  “Is there someplace else they could’ve gone?” Jerico asked quietly.

  Hailey wracked her brain as salty tears pooled on her upper lip. Where would they have gone? If the Earth’s conditioning were worsening then power would be harder to maintain. There were several cooling stations set up in the area, but which one would they have gone to.

  She pulled away from Jerico and flew to the kitchen and let out a happy cry. A note was taped to a cupboard. She picked it up with trembling fingers as hoped surged through her.


  I hope you find this letter. We searched for you when you didn’t come home as scheduled. Your truck was there, but you were nowhere to be found. We left it and the keys in case you returned. We’re praying for you.

  The situation has intensified. The temperature has skyrocketed. It isn’t safe to be outside, let alone anywhere. There is nothing else we can do, but take refuge and wait for this to pass. We are at the mines.

  I hope to see you soon,

  Love Mom

  Hailey clutched the paper to her chest and let out a strangled cry. They were at the mines. They were alive—at least they had been whenever the letter was written.

  “I know where they are,” she explained, smiling as happy tears replaced the sad ones.

  “We must hurry,” Jerico advised, offering her his hand.

  Hailey slipped her fingers around his and they rushed back to the truck. She let out a breath. The air outside was ironically cooler than inside. Who would’ve thought that stepping out into a hundred plus degree heat would feel good.

  Jerico led her to the vehicle and opened her door before scurrying to the other side. The engine started on the first try.

  “How much time do you think we have left?” she worried.

  Jerico shook his head. “I don’t know. We must hurry.”

  Hailey gulped. If they didn’t make it back to Atlantis in time this would all be for nothing. Well, not exactly. She’d be reunited with her family, but Jerico would perish along with them. A tremor of fear went through her. He’d put himself at risk for her. Jerico could die out here.

  “I’m sure we can do this. It was open for a good part of the day last time. It has only been an hour,” Jerico soothed.

  Hailey nodded and tapped her fingers impatiently on the dash. Time was not on their side.


  Buses and large vehicles were scattered around the opening to the mines. Hailey let out a relieved sigh. They were in the right spot, she could feel it. Dread coursed through her though as she took in all the cars. How many people were here? Could she rush in and take her parents and leave everyone else to die?

  Her heart pinched at the thought. She turned to Jerico as he switched the ignition off and they exited the truck.

  “What do we do about everyone else?” she whispered as they jogged toward the mine entrance. These people were strangers, but how could she in good conscience leave them here to their deaths.

  Jerico pursed his lips and gave her a pained look. It was obvious he didn’t like the idea of leaving everyone else behind either. “The prophecy states that if they can make it to the city, then they can live among us.”

  “We can save them,” she whispered quietly. She might not be able to save the world, but if she could save a few people she would try.

  “Yes,” Jerico answered with certainty. “But we must hurry. It is a long trek back and we have no idea what kind of shape these people are in.”

  Hailey nodded he had a good point. They sprinted ahead into the depths of the cavern. It was slightly cooler—slightly. She breathed in a deep breath, her lungs functioning better as the temperature continued to drop.

  Voices echoed ahead, and she sprung forward.

  “Mom, Dad, Marc,” she called out.

  The voices rose as she drew nearer to the crowd. People glanced up, stopping what they were doing as she and Jerico approached. Jerico hung back, probably afraid he would frighten them. He was an alien for lack of a better word though his features were strikingly similar to a human. The eyes and ears would cause a stir. Right now, people needed to focus on getting somewhere safe. They could come to the startling realization she had once they reached safety.

  “Mom, Dad, Marc,” she hollered again.

  “Hailey,” her mother’s silky voice rose above the rest.

  “Mom?” She scanned the crowd of onlookers. A short red head burst through the crowd and Hailey sobbed as her mom raced to her with outstretched arms. “Mom,” she murmured as they squeezed each other tightly.

  “Oh, thank God,” her mother breathed, placing kisses to Hailey’s forehead. “I thought we’d lost you too.”

  “Hailey,” Marc called as he joined them in the hug.

  “Where’s Dad?” Hailey murmured, clasping them closer.

  Her mom pulled back and swiped at a tear. Hailey’s world crumpled and tears stung her eyes. Her father couldn’t be dead.

  Her mom grasped Hailey’s hand tightly. “He suffered a heat stroke.”

  “But he’s alive?” Hailey mumbled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Her mom nodded once and she let out a relieved sigh. They could help him. The doctors at Atlantis would be able to do something for him surely. They had to get there first.

  “I have a safe place for us to go,” she blurted.
“We got to go now. Everyone. We have to hurry.”

  “Where?” her mom questioned. “It’s not safe above ground.”

  “I know. I’ll explain everything later. Right now, I need you to trust me.” Hailey looked around at the scared, dirty faces. She could save them if they’d let her. “I can take you someplace safe, but we have to leave right now and get onboard the buses. It’s not far. If you stay down here you’ll die. If you wish to come with us meet at the mine entrance in five minutes,” she ordered.

  The crowd looked to one another as the voices roared to life once again.

  “Where’s Dad?” Hailey asked her mom.

  “This way,” her mother said, motioning her forward.

  Hailey glanced back at Jerico who quickly rushed to her side. They walked through the caverns until they found a makeshift hospital.

  Her dad lay lifelessly on a cot. The only indication he lived was the shallow rise and fall of his chest. She closed her eyes as a single tear trailed down her face. He had to be okay. Her dad would love Atlantis. He could do great things there.

  Jerico brushed past her and began unhooking the IV’s.

  “Who…” Marc trailed off.

  “Mom, Marc, this is Jerico. He’s a friend, and he’s going to take us someplace safe,” Hailey introduced.

  Her mom gasped as Jerico lifted her dad up into his arms.

  “His eyes,” she whispered.

  “I told you I’ll explain, but right now we need to go.” Hailey wrapped an arm around her mom and led the way out of the mines with Marc trailing behind them.

  A small group of fifty or so stood at the openings waiting for them. She glanced at Jerico who shrugged.

  Hailey pointed to a yellow school bus. It should hold all of them. “Everyone on the bus, and hurry,” she commanded.

  No one needed to be told twice. Hailey met Jerico’s eyes and held his gaze. They were going to save lives today. None of this would’ve been possible without him.


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