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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

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by Lacy LeRoch

  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—what the hell is going on here? I’ve never known animals to behave this way. This has to be the strangest dream… ever.

  I suddenly fall backward, landing hard on my backside. Ouch!

  This is a clear example of a classic, Lacy move. Me and my clumsiness strike again. I managed to trip and fall on a submerged log, landing flat on my back, knocking the wind out of my lungs. Great, just fucking great. I lay down on the ground, trying to catch my breath. Closing my eyes, I count to ten, breathing in and out as deeply as I can manage.

  Opening my eyes and glancing down at my feet, I try to find the culprit of my fall. Only I find the steroid fed eagle from earlier, sitting at my feet with his head tilted to the side. I gingerly try to sit up, blood rushes to my head and I moan in pain. The eagle squawks, spreads his wings out wide and walks toward me. My eyelids grow heavy, and I have trouble focusing on the bird. Then out of nowhere as if something flicked off a light switch, everything goes black.

  Chapter Two

  “Lacy,” I murmur, gently nudging her shoulder.

  Lacy has fallen asleep with her head on my lap. She’s been falling into a deep sleep like this on a regular basis lately.

  I raise my voice and try again. “Lacy, wake up.”

  Still no response. She scares me when she gets this way. I learned a while ago, that when she goes to sleep, I need to shake her gently, or wake her on a regular basis, to keep her from falling into these deep zone-outs. I give her red hair a tight pull and hope for the best, still nothing. I’m bordering on panic.

  “Lacy, you dipshit. Wake up!” I scream at the top of my lungs and pull her ponytail with a hard yank.

  Dad spins around in the passenger seat. “Lucy May, what the devil is goin’ on back there?” he scolds.

  Oh, bugger. I forgot where I was. Cursing in front of my parents is not the smartest thing to do if I want to stay in the land of the living.

  “Sorry Daddy, but Lacy won’t wake… again.”

  Dad looks at me panicked, undoes his belt and turns to face Mom. “Pull the car over, Sarah, right fucking now!” he demands.

  My mouth flies open, I’ve never heard my father speak to my mother that way before. This situation must be a lot more serious than I first thought. I start feeling guilty about all the times I’ve hidden this from Dad. There have been so many instances when Lacy has slipped into this deep trance and I haven’t mentioned it. I have just dealt with it myself.

  Mom swerves the car over the curve, slamming the breaks on hard. I wrap my arm around Lacy’s waist. Using my other hand, I reach over and cup hold of her head in my hand, protecting her from flying forward in the seat.

  “Dad?” I question, once the car’s come to a stop. I can’t ask what else I want to know. He won’t answer me, he never does. Dad more than anyone doesn’t like it when we can’t raise Lacy from her sleep. I never thought it was such a big deal because I was happy she was actually resting for once. We went through a stage where she didn’t sleep at all.

  It’s why at nineteen both Lacy and I still live at home with Mom and Dad, instead of living on campus with our friends. Dad’s overprotective, and everyone notices, but never comments. He likes to blame Lacy’s sleeping, but I have a feeling there’s more to it than that.

  Dad climbs into the back seat next to Lacy. He takes hold of her head and spins her on the seat so she’s now resting on his lap. I brace myself for his next words. They never change and cut just as deep every time.

  “Lucy, step out of the car now.”

  There it is, I wish he’d just hand me the knife to stick in my own chest instead. She’s my twin, my best friend, my life. I hate the way he forces us apart like this. I think in my own sort of twisted way, maybe this is why I don’t tell them about the other times. Why do I need to be kept away? It’s not as if I haven’t seen this before. It makes me so mad when he does this.

  “Of course, Daddy.” I lace my voice with as much sarcasm I can muster. “Your every wish is, of course, obeyed at all costs.”

  I bow my head in his direction, not knowing why I even bother half the time. He doesn’t look up as I open the door and step out and slam the car door as hard as I can behind me. When will Dad realize, I need Lacy as much as she needs me? I would tell everyone that my sister is the air in my lungs, the beat of my heart, and the sight of my eyes.

  I can’t be apart from her. It isn’t good for her or me. Whenever we’re physically apart, I feel like I can’t breathe. Never have I been able to work out why that happens, I just know that it does. We are able to be apart for small periods of time, but nothing more than an hour. For some reason, we complete each other. And in all honesty, I don’t think it has anything to do with the twin bond. Lacy has done some research and found out other twins cannot do the things we can. I suppose that makes us special.

  I don’t walk to far away in my haste from the car. As much as I want to storm off in a huff, I can’t. I might be needed.

  I’m standing close enough that I can hear the low chant that Dad sings to her. He does this every time it happens. Usually, it helps her come out of these deep sleeps pretty quickly.

  Dad believes there’s a chant for everything. Growing up he taught Lacy and I a few. He said that they were the most important ones he could pass down to us. That when the time came, he would teach us all of them. Dad’s a bit of a weird egg to crack, he doesn’t believe the same way others do.

  I just wish I knew what was causing her to trip out this way. Lucy wasn’t born this way; it’s only been over the last two years that she has developed it. She will fall asleep at the most inconvenient times. I’ve seen Lacy dancing her behind off, only to fall down and be dead to the world asleep.

  I won’t let her drive. Good God, could you imagine that? She’d be driving one minute and knocked out cold the next in a ditch somewhere. I shudder at the random thought.

  Dad’s voice drops to a deep octave. His words increase in speed, blending together in a mash of beautiful tones. I’ve had people ask me in what language Dad is chanting, but whenever I ask he just tells me not to worry about it.

  My dad changes in a time of crises, becoming this softer, more understanding male chanting in the car. He has strong beliefs that he isn’t afraid to shove down Lacy and my throats. Some of the rules are just plain strange, but we follow them anyway.

  I really shouldn’t be complaining, because we’re parked at a beautiful spot off the main highway. I’m itching to start exploring the surrounding area. Yes, I get excited about the little things but hey, ‘When in Rome’ as they say.

  Sometimes it can take a while for Lacy to snap out of these deep slumbers. There never really is a time frame. Lacy has come out of them in a few minutes, other times it’s been a few hours. She’s the lucky one, she can escape Dad and the outside world while I’m stuck here being, well… me.

  Spinning around, I face the woods. The place is so still and calm. No wind, no breeze. Everything has come to a complete standstill. It’s as though, Mother Nature herself is holding her breath waiting on the outcome. Beautiful, absolutely amazing. I look up at the sky and moan. Not a cloud in sight. Turning my head, I look over toward the trees. Small birds dive and chirp chasing each other. You know that feeling you get when your skin twitches and tingles, and you feel like you have one hundred ants or bugs crawling all over you? That’s how I feel, I just have the feeling that something isn’t right. I don’t like it when I get these feelings. Nine times out of ten they come true. Tears prick at the back of my eyes when my mind casts back to the last time I had this overwhelming feeling.

  “Lucy, sweetheart. Why don’t you go for a walk? It could be a while yet. Lacy isn’t showing any signs that this is going to be a fast one. And besides, you know your father doesn’t like you to witness what’s going on?” my mother says pulling my mind out of my toxic thoughts.

  Hmm, that does sound like a perfect idea. Besides, it’s better than standing around
here doing nothing at all. But in my heart and soul, I’m torn. I don’t want to leave Lace. It doesn’t feel right. It’s a double edged sword as they say. I’m gonna get caught by the blade whichever way I turn.

  “Mom what about, Lace?” I ask, my voice trembling. “You know I don’t want to leave her. More to the point, you know I can’t leave her.”

  I keep my gaze focused on hers. I’m watching for signs of nerves. Unlike Dad, she isn’t able to hide her emotions from me. If she gives off any sign of distress, I won’t be leaving the side of the car.

  She stands leaning against the car, her long legs crossed at the ankles. I envy her, she’s tall and beautiful. Her long blonde hair pulled tightly into a ponytail at the back of her head.

  And in true Mom—Sarah style, she’s wearing blue denim jeans and a white T-shirt. Mom isn’t known for her fashion sense. Lacy and I are always trying to give her pointers on what to wear and how to do her makeup, but she never really listens. It’s kind of cool that my mom is so down to earth and one with nature. Maybe that’s more the reason her and Dad work so well together.

  Mom smiles tightly at me, then looks over her shoulder into the car. Dad glances up and nods at Mom. Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.

  “It’s okay, my sweet girl. Wouldn’t you like to explore without your father breathing down your neck?” She winks, tilts her head toward Dad and smiles.

  Hmm… it really is tempting. I feel a little offended that they want me out of their way and away from Lacy. On an ordinary day, Dad would never allow me or Lace to go out the front door alone. Now, they’re offering for me to go for a wander on my own, and in the woods no less. This could really be fun.

  “Okay Mom, I have my phone, and I promise I won’t go far.”

  Mom looks me up and down, then moves toward the back of the car. She climbs into the backseat without saying another word. I glance over at my sleeping sister and whisper the prayer that my father has drummed into me my whole life.

  “Goddess Lyian, strong and true. May you watch over my kin, who are strong and true. Bless and love those in care. Until I join you on Devilice Island.” I blow a kiss into the wind and bow my head in respect.

  I love the outdoors and can never get enough. I’m an active person by nature, so being out in the wild and having a chance to walk around, is complete euphoria to me. I reach my hand up into the inside of my bra, pulling my phone out of its hiding spot. Clicking on the camera app, I start taking random photos of everything in sight.

  I’m glad Lacy didn’t notice were I had my phone, she’s always going off at me about keeping my cell phone in my bra. The first time she saw it there, she went on and on about it for hours. About an article on breast cancer, she’s read being caused by phones being placed in there. But when you’re wearing a summer dress, you don’t have many options left.

  Click. Click. Click.

  I lose myself in the beauty, clicking every second. Taking pictures of the wildflowers and the chirping birds sitting in their nests. I wish I would have thought to get my professional camera out of the car. That was the one thing I made sure to pack, and don’t go anywhere without it. But hey, no time to dwell on that now.

  In the distance, I hear the tranquil rumble of water flowing over rocks. There must be rapids downstream. I’m going to have to see if Lacy wants to come back sometime and go for a hike with me. I laugh at the mental image of Lacy walking around out here. She’d be screaming with every noise, and be complaining about the bugs or dirt. I walk to the sound of the running water, pausing when I hear a scurrying in the bushes.

  “Oh my God, come back here.” I chuckle, chasing a squirrel down the windy path.

  I’m dodging branches and fallen logs as I try to keep up with it. It jumps over a moss-covered rock and leaps onto a branch, disappearing into the thick coverage of the tree.

  “Oh, come on, I just wanted one picture,” I pant out, leaning against the neighboring tree, trying to catch my breath.

  Damn, I’m not as fit as I used to be. I think I need to lay off all those extra sweets I’ve been having, and get back into my fitness regime.

  A small scattering of leaves falls down over my head and shoulders. I reach my hand up and pull the green leaves out of my hair. A school girl giggle starts to bubble its way up in my throat, threatening to burst forward. The heat of the sun on my skin makes me giddy for no reason. Except for the childlike feeling of happiness at the sight of the falling leaves.

  I dance and spin around, giggling at the downpour of leaves which continues to fall, it reminds me of a summer rain. I spin around in a circle and lift my arms up into the sky, twisting, bending and jumping in an attempt to reach the brightest ones. They fall around me, giving me the sense of freedom, peace and longing. I hear what sounds like a snicker, snapping me out of the leaf shower trance.

  Tilting my head in the direction of the noise, there’s a bald eagle, hopping from one foot to the other on the branch above my head. Ah, so this little bugger was the cause of my leafy shower. The eagle is so caught up with bouncing, that he doesn’t notice me looking. As if sensing my eyes on him, he stops moving and stands still. He looks down at me with narrowed eyes and tilts his head left then right. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he was trying to work me out.

  This is one weird looking eagle. His irises aren’t yellow but an emerald green, and his wing span would easily be double of what is considered to be normal. The eagle bows with a quick jerk of his head and lifts his head toward the sky.

  Two eagles fly in at his flank, as I stand there shocked. I didn’t think they normally socialized this way. I could be wrong, but it seems as though the first eagle is a leader in some form. The two newcomers, land on the ground in front of the first one, they bow their heads and wait.

  I’ve never seen eagles, or any birds for that matter, act like this. I need to take a picture, just to have that proof. I might have to do some research when I get back to the cottage. I thought that all eagles were treated the same within their roles. But the two newcomers are treating the first one almost like royalty.

  It’s not as if there will be anything else for me to do once we get to the cottage. What am I saying? I can ask the book nerd Lacy to do it all for me. I could palm it off as some sort of challenge. She won’t be able to resist if I put it to her like that. Yes, that’s definitely what I’m going to do. I enjoy finding interesting facts out, I just lack the attention span to do it myself.

  I bring the phone up in my hand and aim it at the three eagles. Just as I’m lining them up on the screen to take the picture, they fly away toward the car. I can’t explain why that bothers me so much, but it does. I don’t want them anywhere near the car. Dad needs to focus on Lacy and not be distracted by them. I can’t even begin to express how Mom would react if she saw them anywhere near her. I’m pretty sure she’d scream and make a huge scene. Dad will have to stop, what he’s doing just to calm her down. Oh yeah, that really wouldn’t help at all.

  I need to either scare the birds off, or at the very least, make it so they aren’t noticed by Mom. Don’t ask me how I’m going to do that, because I haven’t thought that far ahead.

  Taking off on a jog, I follow the path back toward the car. I duck and weave under low branches, and jump over logs and rocks in an effort to beat them back. I make my way around the bend in the path, and see that one of the eagles has perched itself dead smack in my way.

  Not expecting the bird to be standing on the path, I stumble and misplace my footing and fall over a rock on the path. I feel myself falling forward at a rapid speed. Thinking fast, I put my hands out in front of me in an attempt to soften the landing and fall on my hands and knees with a loud thud.

  “God, fucking damn,” I curse. I gingerly rise to my feet and start looking my body over for damage. My knee is scratched and is beginning to sting. There are a few cuts and grazes. But, I suppose that’s to be expected when you take a tumble as hard and clumsily as I did.

  The eagl
e steps forward, staring at my scratched up knees. His bright green eyes narrow, as he watches a small trickle of blood run down my leg. The pain disappears the moment I notice the concern in the depth of those eyes.

  I could get lost for hours staring into them. There’s more to this animal than meets the eye, you can tell he’s wise, caring and lethal. He looks like he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  I’ve cracked it… I’ve seriously cracked it. I can’t believe I’m sitting here describing a bird as if it’s a human being. I have officially lost my mind.

  Here I am in the woods with scraped hands and knees, my sister is in one of her trances and we don’t know how long it’s going to take for her to come out of it, and I’m standing here getting lost in green eyes that belong to a bird. That’s it, call the men in white coats to come and get me. I always thought Lacy was the one who was cray-cray, but no, it’s all me. Just wait till she hears about this. Actually, come to think about it, I don’t even know if I want to tell her. I take a tentative step forward not wanting to scare the bird off.

  “Please don’t move birdie, let me take a picture of you. Please, just one? It would make me so happy,” I beg. “You really are stupid, Lucy,” I groan under my breath.

  The eagle takes a couple of steps toward me, spreads his wings, it almost looks like he’s smirking at me. My eyes widen in shock. Lacy would get a real kick out of seeing this. I move tentatively and take two steps toward the beautiful bird. He stands in the middle of the path with his wings spread out like he’s waiting for me to take the picture. If I didn't see this with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it for one minute.

  “You are truly beautiful, please don’t move.” I’m whispering to a goddamn eagle thinking he can understand a thing that I’m saying. Who would have thought that a bald eagle could be so amazing with bright green eyes? I wonder if it’s male?

  He barks a squawk, startling me, I jump backward and throw my hands up in surrender. He squawks fast and furiously, stomping his feet and shaking his head. If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that he just told me off.


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