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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

Page 5

by Lacy LeRoch

  I can’t believe I am yelling at a bird.

  My outburst causes the two eagles on the outside to stop and stare at the green eyed eagle who sits on the hood, with his chest puffed out and eyes narrowed. He looks serious, deadly and malicious even.

  “What the…? No… no, this can’t be right. There’s no way.” The green eyed eagle stares between Dad and me.

  “Not so cocky now, are you?” I gloat.

  He doesn’t look so full of himself now. In a sadist kind of way, that almost makes me grin like a fool. The middle eagle looks to the one on his right.

  “She wasn’t talking to me, was she?”

  The eagle on the left with the brown eyes nods then looks over at me and nods in my direction. What is it with these birds and the nodding, or with the fact that they are still waiting on the hood of the car? We aren’t stuck in medieval times. In all this fuss, I hadn’t noticed that Dad had stopped laughing. I was so focused on the new hood ornaments, I didn’t pay attention to Dad or Lacy. I really am completely out of order here.

  “Daddy, can you please tell me what’s going on?”

  “Not now,” he huffs.

  He went from laughing like a hyena, to straight up cold as ice. Dad is sitting stock still and is staring at the eagle in the middle. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that they were communicating somehow. Dad’s facial features change, he then runs a hand down his face grunting out a few muted cuss words.

  Dad turns his head back over to look down at Lacy, grabbing her head gently and starts the low chant all over again, as if nothing ever happened. I take a deep breath and decide that it’s now or never, I need to find out as much as I can.

  “Daddy, I’m sorry for my language, I truly am. I know it sounds weird, but I could hear.” I make finger quotes then point to the eagle in the middle. “Him… he was in my head. Don’t ask me how I know this, but it’s him. Am I going crazy?”

  Dad stops chanting, looks over at me and shakes his head slightly. He then looks between the eagles and me on the hood. He shakes his head with more force this time

  “Lu, you aren’t going crazy…” he sighs, continuing, “…his name is Rafe, and he really doesn’t like it when you call him little.” Dad chuckles at that last bit.

  The eagle that Dad referred to as Rafe shakes his head, narrows his eyes, then hops off the hood of the Hummer and comes closer to me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he’s sizing me up.

  “Daddy, are they our new pets?” I ask, getting a little excited.

  Dad chuckles and looks over to the birds smirking. “No, Luce. They aren’t our new pets.”

  I look back over at Dad trying to forget about the wonderful hum that starts to flow through my body. For all that is mighty, not again. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that again… just yet.

  “Now is not the time. We need to think about Lace right now, okay? I promise I will explain everything later.”

  Great, perfect way to twist that knife into my back a little more and make me feel like a selfish bitch.

  “Wow Markus, does this mean she’s mine? She can’t be my Lyian can she? Oh, flipping fantastic, I’ve been alive for hundreds of years, only to never have found my Lyian. Now that I have, she’s a babe, a girl and that’s not the worst of it. Oh no, that isn’t the worst of it, she’s your daughter. Fan-flipping-tastic.”

  Oh great, now the voice is complaining. Way to twist that knife a little more. “Rack off little…” I emphasize the word little and roll my eyes, “…Birdie, don’t want to hear it.”

  I look to Rafe then back to my father, huffing, and puffing in frustration. With that Rafe starts squawking and making a huge noise. I think I just made him mad. Go me, this is so much fun. I won’t put up with his crap. I’m a strong independent woman.

  I look down at my sister on the seat. God, I feel like such a bitch, this whole time I was focused on myself instead of on her. Some sister I turned out to be. Once again I’ve let her down and managed to think about nobody but myself. I feel deflated, completely and utterly broken. I promised her that I would never, ever, put myself first again. What have I managed to do? I put myself first again today, with the walk in the woods, then this banter and play with the eagle.

  A feeling of grief and anguish washes me, it’s so powerful that it almost drops me to my knees. I’ve never come so close to a breakdown before. I lean over and kiss Lacy on her temple.

  “Lace, please come back to me. I’m so sorry for letting you down,” I whisper in her ear.

  I hear the sound of chanting start up again. My fingers begin to pulse. I lean my lips against Lacy’s forehead and kiss her again.

  “Please Lacy, I need you. My life is nothing without you by my side.”

  The pulse that flows through my fingers travels up into my arms, into my shoulders and neck. It startles me when it pulses through my lips. I feel it flowing from me into Lacy and back again. I want to test my theory, so I move my lips away from Lacy and try again. I try a second time, only this time the feeling is more intense, and I pull away and stare at her forehead. There’s a small burn mark where my lips were.

  What in the world? Why is there a burn mark the same shape and size of my lips on her? I can’t do anything right today. I managed to hurt her, again. Maybe I should just leave, I’m doing more harm than good.

  “Daddy, what did I do?” I screech and stare at my father in disbelief.

  Dad looks down at the mark on Lacy’s forehead and scrunches his nose, deep in thought. He places a hand on my shoulder gently. “It’s okay, that’s a good thing.”

  How can he say that it’s a good thing? I just hurt my sister and he’s telling me it’s good. I just wish this nightmare would end already.

  “I’m sorry, Lacy, I’m a failure. I just keep letting you down,” I lean down and whisper in her ear.

  I want to cry and my chest is tight from holding the emotions inside. I’m stubborn if nothing else, I will not break down in front of anyone. But I know in my heart, that this day will haunt me until the end of my life. Lacy has done nothing but support me, she’s always been the one to hold me when I cry. And this is the second time that I’ve let her down. It makes me feel horrible that this is the second time she’s needed me and I haven’t been there for her.

  “I know you can hear me little one, stop that line of thinking right this minute,” Rafe soothes softly.

  Surprisingly, instead of making fun or being mad at me, it gives me some form of comfort. I glance at Rafe and smile tightly at him.

  “You will have nothing but confidence with me Lyian. And if you do not obey me, I will punish you.”

  “I would like to see you try, after all, you’re a bird,” I huff back at him.

  “I am a shifter, this is one of my forms. I’m very much a male, and cannot wait to show you as such.”

  My body shivers involuntarily sending goose bumps traveling over my body. All of a sudden the chanting stops. Dad turns his head toward the eagles and says something in a strange dialect. He then pushes me toward the car door.

  “Let’s try something different, Lu. Step out of the car, let’s go lay her out on the grass,” Dad tells me, as he reaches over and opens the door, pushing it open.

  I don’t know what to expect, so I stare at Dad hoping to be able to read something in his expression. Dad raises an eyebrow and tilts his head toward the door. Right, he wants me to get out.

  I realize he isn’t trying to play me, and that whatever he wants to try must be for the good of Lace, and not to make me feel better about myself. I nod, turn in my seat and get out of the car. I stand to the side of the vehicle and wait for him to follow with Lacy.

  Dad reaches down, slips an arm under the back of her legs. He brings his other hand under her neck and pulls her close to his chest, leaning down he kisses the red mark that was left by my lips.

  He shimmies out of the car and carries her over to a shady spot on the ground and I turn around lean into the front
window of the car.

  “Mom, are you coming?” Mom stares past me lost in thought. I raise my voice and try again. “Mom!”

  She turns to face me, her expression blank and void of all feeling. She shakes her head and mutters under her breath, “This cannot be happening. This wasn’t meant to happen. They aren’t going to be happy with me.”

  I don’t have time to work out what she’s going on about. I shake my head and step back from the car. “Never mind, Mom,” I mutter, even though at this point in time I have no idea if I’m talking to her or myself.

  Mom is taking this a lot harder than I thought she would. Granted that the day has turned out to be one hell of a puzzle. But something is very wrong with the way she is reacting, I see the anger she tries to hide and the way she clenches her fists at her side.

  I turn away from her and make my way over to Dad. He’s found a beautiful shady area for us, not very far away from the car. If I turn around, I can still see the car, but we are far enough away to hide us from the view of the main road. We’re surrounded by a big willow tree. I step behind the thick cover of leaves it provides and a feeling of peace, love and respect flows through me.

  I love the willow. I would go as far to say that it’s my tree. Whenever I’m in a time of need, or just need to feel connected to the earth, I find a willow tree nearby and sit underneath it. It gives me a sense of power, freedom and peace. These are the feelings I crave the most. I don’t get to experience them anywhere else. I’m heartless and cold to everyone but Lacy. Dad lays Lace down in the grass and turns to me.

  “Lu, I need you to do that again,” he says.

  “Do what again, Dad? I don’t understand what you want from me.”

  “I need you to think about how much love you have for your sister, okay? Like you did in the car. I need you to do exactly that.”

  Yeah, I can do exactly that. I can feel completely useless and like l failed. A deep growling echoes in my head.

  “I warned you, little one. If you are mine, I demand you obey me. No more self-doubt or I will take you over my knee and punish you.”

  I close my eyes and the vision of Rafe doing exactly that fills my mind.

  “Oh, you like that,” Rafe muses. “I will keep that in mind.”

  Dad, who’s unaware of Rafe speaking to me continues, “Please trust me, Lu, I would never lead you wrong.”

  I’m so confused with everything that’s going on. Dad raises his hand and points to the eagles. “I need you all in Watcher form.”

  What the…?

  “What do you mean… Watcher?” I ask dumbfounded.

  “I told you I was a man, little one,” Rafe comments smugly, in my mind.

  Dad smirks and looks down at Lacy, who’s lying flat on the grass, arms spread wide and her legs together in a crucifix pose. I hear the crinkle of leaves as heavy feet step on them, behind me and spin around. Dear heavens above, I think I need to sit down before I fall down. If this is what a Watcher is, I think I need to have them around more.

  Standing behind me, are three of the largest, hottest men I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

  “You better only be looking at me, little one,” Rafe growls in my mind.

  How does he expect me to only look at him when I have no idea which one he is? I can’t see anything to give away their appearance, they wear black cloaks and hoods low, covering most of their face. Shadows cover their facial features, hiding everything from me.

  I wish I could see, for reasons I can’t begin to explain, or more to the point, don’t want to get into explaining. I just wish I was able to see the biggest guy of them all, as I have the strongest urge of ownership toward him. I feel as though I belong to him, and him to me.

  I want this man with everything in my body and wish I could explain that feeling, but I just can’t. It isn’t logical to fall for someone you don’t even know, I wouldn’t say love, never love, but there’s a strong physical reaction to him.

  “It is the bond, little one. Just go with it.” Rafe chuckles.

  I’m starting to get used to him being in my head. The smallest male, if I could even call him that. He’s just as tall, just not as solid. He walks over and stands on Lacy’s right side. He looks at Dad and something passes between the both of them. When Dad lowers his head in a quick bow toward the other male, he kneels down at Lacy’s side, lowers his head and places a quick kiss to her temple. His hood slips from his head slightly when he glances up and I get a quick look at his face before he quickly reaches up and pulls the hood back into place. He doesn’t look back up after that.

  Interesting, very interesting. I wonder if they aren’t allowed to show their faces, or if they’re just doing it because they don’t know me.

  “It’s a little of each. Our laws state we aren’t allowed to show our face to any female in this realm,” Rafe’s deep voice rumbles in my head.

  Does he know I’ve seen the markings on his face? They mean something, I know they do. Why else would he cover them? Today has brought about to many questions. As the old saying goes, ‘If I Could Turn Back Time,’ or was that a song? God, I can’t remember anything today.

  “Did anyone ever tell you, you think too much? His name is, Bevan.”

  Bevan remains at Lacy’s side and doesn’t move. Dad isn’t bothered by this at all. Which only serves to confuse me more. Dad flips out anytime a male comes anywhere near us, and it’s like today he doesn’t have a care in the world. Why isn’t Dad worried about the guy kissing on Lace? None of this makes any sense. My mind can’t keep up with what’s real and what I’m imagining.

  The biggest male, which I’m guessing is Rafe steps up behind me. He’s so close that I feel the heat from his body along my back. If I turn around, I’ll be able to see him.

  I hear the laugh rumbling in my mind, before I hear his voice, “Little one, you can’t see me yet. And yes, I am, Rafe.”

  I growl at his flippancy, I turn around ready to defy him anyway, only to have my father’s voice stop me.

  “Lu, I asked you to try again. We will deal with the whole Rafe thing later. I promise.”

  Right, I need to get back on track. Damn Rafe, distracting me.

  “Me, distracting you.” He chuckles.

  I tune him out and nod my agreement to Dad. Kneeling down on the opposite side of Bevan, Rafe steps up so close behind me that his legs push against my back. I’m not going to be able to move a single inch.

  “Rafe,” my father questions, concerned. “Control, my brother. I know the pull. God, do I know the pull. But answer me honestly…” Dad pauses briefly before he continues, “…do you need to step out?”

  What is all this talk about a pull? And why is my father calling him brother? And why is control needed? What is it that I’m missing?

  Think, Lucy think.

  Rafe places his hand on my shoulder, leans down and whispers into my ear, “Try again, little one, know I will give you all the strength you need. Lean on me for support.”

  Oh my goodness, talk about melting voices, the voice that echoed in my head was nothing compared to this voice in real life.

  My body has turned traitorous on me and I have no control. I lean back into Rafe needing to be close. I tentatively rest my shoulders against his hips. A quick glance is exchanged between Rafe and Dad. They both nod to each other and the next thing I know he’s kneeling behind me. Fitting our bodies close together, his breath heavy on my neck. His arms snake around my waist and hold me even closer.

  Rafe turns his head and whispers in my ear, “Start again, little one,” Rafe whispers, kissing my ear. “Tell your sister everything that comes to your heart,” he whispers again. “I have you all the way, lean on me. Let me take care of you.”

  Why do I feel safe being in his arms? The feather light kisses he gives me, feel fabulous. I don’t want him to stop. I know I shouldn’t be thinking this way because I don’t know him. I think what helps keep the situation under control is the fact that my father is here, and Lacy
is knocked out cold.

  I must admit I am glad that it all happened, I’m in the arms of a Greek god. Well, even if I can’t see him, his lips on my skin are enough to make me get wet.

  Snap out of it Lucy. Right, step up.

  I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I take a moment to enjoy the feeling of safety that I get from being in Rafe’s arms. I allow all the love and respect I have for my sister to flow through my body. Like earlier in the woods, I find myself falling back into my meditation training. I slow my breathing and take deep, steady breaths clearing my mind and think of her.

  I lean down and whisper in Lacy’s ear, “Sissy, I know you can hear me. I need you. I love you more than life itself. Come back to me, please. I can’t live without you by my side. You’re the beat of my heart, the pulse in my veins. I cannot and will not go on without you. If you don’t come back to me, I will find a way to join you where you are.”

  I feel the vibration start to pound in my veins like it did in the car. My back vibrates, that wasn’t me. Did Rafe just growl at me?

  “You will not leave me now, little one. I have only just found you. It’ll be over my dead body, that you will follow your sister to Devilice. If you leave, you leave with me and as mine. Do you understand? You belong to me. Mine!”

  Oh hell, he growls again. This time long and loud. The next thing I know, a cold breeze brushes over my back where Rafe was just leaning. He’s being pulled away from me by one of the other hooded males.

  “Keep going, little sister. Let me take my brother for a breather, okay?”

  I raise my head and open my eyes to the unfamiliar voice. The sounds come from the man who was standing alone on the other side of Lacy’s sleep prone body.

  The scene before me takes me by surprise. Oh my Lord, may the devil take my soul. Rafe is being held back by both of the other men, and my father is helping them. Why are they doing that to Rafe? Uncontrollable anger, like I’ve never felt before, starts to build within me. I feel the pulse I had for my sister turning into something more, something stronger. My veins feel as though they have lava following through them.


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