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The Watchers (Twisted Sisters #1)

Page 17

by Lacy LeRoch

  The look on Lacy’s face thrills me. She’s forgetting about the past and only thinking about us. Rubbing my thumbs over her nipples, I cause her gasp in pleasure. God, I could get used to this. It never happened this way in our shared dreams.

  “Beautiful, so beautiful,” I groan, leaning down and sucking her nipple into my mouth and feasting on her perfect nipples. Lacy is having a hard time staying still. She wiggles and thrashes on the bed underneath me in pleasure. I push down on her shoulders and keep her pinned to the bed while I lavish her.

  She reaches up and slides her fingers over the hard planes of my body. Those fingers of hers feel incredible as they travel along the ridges of my back, over the ripples of my stomach, and up over my broad chest. Using her index finger to touch the lines of my bonding mark, she traces every line with the tip of her finger. The spot is sensitive to the touch. I push my chest close to her fingers and she leans forward and places a soft kiss to the top of the winged marking.

  “I love this, Bev,” she groans.

  I don’t want to dampen the mood by telling her that I actually have two bonding marks. I have been meaning to go and see Philli and ask his advice about it. But something keeps coming up.

  I trace my fingers along the curve of Lacy’s thigh. She gasps when my hands stop high up on her hips. Moving slowly, I keep my eyes focused on her then lean forward and kiss her forehead, distracting her from the path my fingers start to take. I push my luck and dip my fingers down against her heat. She’s playing cat and mouse with my touch. She moves each time I touched her, either to keep me away, or give me greater access.

  Not able to help myself anymore, I press my fingers inside her making her scream out in pleasure. I lower my head and start kissing her, absorbing her cries. Lacy moves her hips off the bed, moving in time with my fingers as they play. Fuck, I need to be in her. Pulling my fingers out fast, I replace them with my cock. I know it wasn’t the best plan I’ve ever had, but I didn’t want to give her a chance to change her mind.

  God, she’s so tight, almost too tight.

  Lacy reaches up and grabs hold of my shoulders digging her nails in with a grasp. I freeze too scared to move, knowing I must be causing her some discomfort. I’m not exactly small down there, and she’s so tight. Her wetness has a death grip on my cock, so I can only imagine how it would feel for her.

  “Don’t you dare stop, Bev,” she whispers, shifting her hips slightly.

  “I won’t, beautiful, I won’t,” I groan back.

  I start moving in and out of her heat, filling her up. The friction between us is hot. She feels so fucking amazing, so incredible. Lacy starts moving with me as if some force has possessed her. She shifts higher arching her back and grabs hold of my ass, pulling me closer to her. Her inner walls tighten around me, and I realize she’s close. I run my hand down the side of her stomach. Using my thumb to rub her clit with slow circular movements. Her breathing becomes deep and steady, her eyes dilate to a sexy hazed over-look. I increase the pressure of my thumb and start pumping into her hard and fast.

  I feel Lacy tighten around my cock as she finds her release, digging her nails into my shoulders as she screams out in pleasure. “Oh my God, Bevan.”

  Lacy calling out my name sets me off to find my own release. I love the feel of her tightening around me for a second time, as I fill her up with my hot seed. Pulling her into a deep passionate kiss after I’ve come down from my sexual bliss, I roll off Lacy, lying behind her and pulling her into a spooning position. I feel drugged and unable to keep my eyes open.

  “I love you, Lace.”

  Lacy groans and snuggles deep into the pillow. She might not have said it back, but I can handle that. My Lacy did good tonight and I do believe I’ve earnt her trust this very night.

  Chapter Twelve

  After Bevan and I woke from our post orgasmic nap, we’d come downstairs to get something to eat. We curled up together on the sofa to watch some television. It was nice to be able to spend some time with him, and just enjoy each other’s company.

  I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we had sex for the first time. Just thinking about it makes me blush, it was everything I could’ve imagined and more. I start to think about how good it felt to have his mouth on my breasts, and when he slid in and out of my slick heat. Blushing profusely, I need to get myself together. Grabbing the remote, I flick the channels in an attempt to try and find something to watch when I hear a loud bang. Spinning around, I hear Bevan’s pain filled yell.

  “Bevan, what’s wrong?” I jump from the sofa and run toward him.

  He lays curled up in a tight ball on the ground. Bevan’s been having unusual visions since we left the cottage. He’s been on edge, and not his usual calm self. The only time I’ve seen him remotely relax was when we made love.

  He keeps telling me we should have brought Lucy with us. We got into the biggest fight with Mom over it. She was quite insensitive, she said that Bevan and I need to “make it happen” as she put it. Mom thought it would be better for Lucy to stay at the lake house. Bevan didn’t like it, he said that something was wrong. If I was a jealous girl, that might have played on me. But I know that Bevan is just trying to look out for Lucy’s well-being.

  “Bevan, tell me what is it you see?” I run a soothing hand down his back, trying anything I can to comfort him.

  “Your father…” Bevan pants, gasping for air, “…we need to get to him. Right now, Lace.”

  Bevan turns his head, still in the vision, his pupils nothing but white orbs and his skin is slick with sweat.

  “What are you talking about? What’s going on? You’re scaring me,” I stammer.

  “Lace, I love you, and your normally smart mouth, you know that. But right now, I need you to do as you are told. Help me up,” Bevan commands.

  I know better than to disobey Bevan when he gets this way. So I stand up and reach my hand out to help him up. He clasps my hands in his and stands, spreading his brown wings out wide. He lifts me up and into his arms.

  “Because your Phoenix isn’t at the surface, this is going to hurt. I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped,” he warns.

  “If what you say is true and my father is in danger, you need to get us there right now. I don’t care how you have to do it,” I tell him trying to sound confident.

  I have the most uneasy feeling something big is going to happen, for Bevan to worry as much as he is. He’s taking me flying through space and time, knowing that it will hurt. It must be serious.

  “Let’s go. Hold tight. Ready?”

  Before I get a chance to respond, Bevan grabs hold of me tight and runs for the door, blasting it off the hinges. Once outside in the yard, he takes off running again in large strides. With one large sweep of his wings, we’re airborne. The pull on my body is unbelievable, it feels like every bone in my body is going to snap from the pressure. I want to scream so badly, but I know it will put Bevan’s concentration off. I need his focus on the flight and getting us there safely. The pain rushing through my limbs, is growing too much for me to bear. I wrap my arms around Bevan’s neck and hold on for grim death. His arms come around me, holding onto me as tightly as he can. I place my head on his chest and try to concentrate on the beat of his heart, hoping that it will help distract me from the excruciating pain.

  “Close your eyes, little one, I will try to put you to sleep,” Bevan says, through the rush of the wind loud in my eyes.

  Before long we are at the cottage, I’m not sure how long it took to get here, but I’m glad that Bevan put me to sleep for most of it. Just those first few minutes hurt like a bitch. As he gets close to the ground, my ears pop from the sudden drop in altitude.

  “Sorry about that, Lace, but I had no time to take it slow.” Bevan lands on the ground with a thud, and he starts scanning the area. Instinctively, he spreads his legs, stabilizing his own stance, and he lowers me to the ground, holding onto my shoulders for a few seconds just to make sure I can stand on my own t
wo feet.

  “That’s okay, Bev, it couldn’t be helped. Now, let’s go see what’s going on?” I tell him.

  Bevan holds my face in his hands, lowers his head and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. Oh hell no, if he thinks I don’t know what he’s going to do he can think again.

  “No Bev, you will not.”

  If he thinks for one minute, I’m going to allow him to put me back to sleep he can think again. It isn’t going to happen.

  Don’t they think for one minute that I’m sick of sleeping all the time? My anger is starting to boil to the point of no return. My hands shake and I’m pretty sure that if I were to look in a mirror, my cheeks would be flushed with anger.

  “No Bev, I’m telling you right now if you put me to sleep, I will not finish our mating ceremony.”

  The smile drops from Bevan’s face, and if we weren’t in such a serious situation, I’d be laughing my butt off.

  “B-but, you can’t mean that.”

  Now it’s my turn to control the situation, so I place my hands on my hips looking up at him. He needs to see that I’m dead serious.

  “Bevan James Tyrel, if my father is in—”

  Before I get a chance to finish what I was going to say, a loud crash breaks the silence of the dusk evening. I take off running toward the door.

  “Dad… Lucy,” I scream out, barging open the front door with my shoulder.

  I run inside checking every room as I go. My heart stops beating and my stomach drops to the floor at the sight before me. The living room is in complete disarray. Shattered glass covers the floor, it crackles under my feet as I run around the room looking for Dad and Lucy. The main windows have been smashed, all the pictures that were hung so proudly around the house are ripped, broken and hanging crookedly from their hooks. I’m not able to make out what the pictures once were, they’re that damaged.

  What the hell happened here?

  I jump out of my skin, screaming when Bevan reaches his hand out grabbing my shoulder. My heart pounds rapidly in my chest as I turn to face him.

  “You need to stay here, Lace,” Bevan says in a shaky voice as he retrieves his weapons from under his cloak. His holds his broadsword in his left hand, his family crested dagger in his right. Every Watcher has a different job and skill. Bevan is a soldier, not just by training, but in the soul as well. Sounds corny, but it’s true. Bevan was bred to fight and he has no control over his destiny. It was decided for him long before he was born, and it runs in his bloodline that he would be a warrior.

  Mom strides out from her bedroom, wiping her hands on her jeans. Is that blood? I look up at Bevan and notice that his nostrils are flared. Narrowing his eyes at Mom, he reaches out and shoves me behind his back. Then he stretches his wings out as far as the hallway will allow, blocking me effectively. I try to sidestep out from behind him, but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear the animalistic growl he lets echo around the room.

  What in the world? Normally, I love being surrounded by his wings, but not right now. Why is he hiding me from Mom? And why is he being so hostile toward her?

  “Bev, move out of my way. It’s just Mom. What in the world has gotten into you?” I try to sidestep and push on his back to get him to move.

  What the fuck?

  “Move the fuck out of my way, Bevan, you don’t own me. That’s just my mother. You know her. Have you lost your mind?” I snarl, angrily.

  Bevan doesn’t answer with words, but instead he lets out a vicious growl. He won’t answer me. I’m yelling his name, over and over, wanting him to pay attention to me. Then I hear something that will haunt me to the day I die.

  “Oh, Bevie, baby… now-now. I know you could sense this coming. I don’t want her,” Mom spits, pointing at me.

  “You can keep her, but I did have fun with—”

  Mom lets loose a manacle laugh. She reaches around and opens the door behind her. I don’t understand why she’s opening the door to her bedroom.

  “Go on, have a look. Mommy said so.” Mom drags out the word Mommy and starts laughing. “Go on little bitch, do as you’re told. Or does Mommy have to punish you?”

  From this angle, I can’t see anything but the brown of Bevan’s wings.

  “Don’t look, love,” Bevan pleads with me, keeping me covered and protected by his wings.

  I duck and weave to get a better view of what’s going on. The metallic smell that hits my nose makes me want to gag, and with that a feeling of dread and anger hit me all at once. Wait a minute, what am I missing? Since when did Mom become so hostile toward me?

  “Mom?” I question, ducking under Bevan’s wings. I move faster than he can reach for me. “Mom, is everything all right? Are you okay? What’s going on? Is everything okay, Mom? You’re a different person right now. I don’t know what’s happened, or why you are doing this, but we can get you some help,” I ramble incoherently.

  Mom looks at me smirking and runs a hand through her blonde hair, which I now notice has streaks of blood running through it, as she points into the room behind her. I turn my head toward the door and take a step forward. Bevan grabs my arm, halting me from being able to move. His hazel eyes beg me not to go any further, but I don’t know what he’s begging for. Nothing makes any sense except for a look of sympathy that briefly crosses his face.

  “Bevan, what’s going on?”

  Now I’m starting to get extremely pissed off. I don’t know if they all drank from the same fountain of crazy, but I don’t want anything to do with it.

  “No, my love. Don’t,” Bevan pleads, as I turn to look into the bedroom.

  The pain I hear in his voice brings me to a sudden stop. Pain shoots down the side of my face, as something knocks me hard into the wall. My cheek is being squashed and my lip has been split from the pressure of the blow. Stars burst behind my eyelids. I try to turn my head to the side, but I can’t. Whatever it is that holds my face pinned against the wall, is strong.

  Bevan. Oh my God where is he?

  “Bevan,” I call out, my voice muffled against the wall.

  I dart my eyes to the side in search of him. I want to scream, shout and commit murder when I see Mom with her hands wrapped around the tips of Bevan’s wings as she tries to rip them off his back.

  I need to move, I need to get to Bevan, to protect him the way I know he would with me. That’s when I see it, a male with a gray tinge to his skin, twice the size of Bevan and built like a tank. He strides out of Dad’s room with his right hand raised.

  Oh, how I love magic.

  The man looks like a Watcher with the same wings and cloak, if it weren't for the color of his skin and his size, I would think he was one. Oh yeah, that just sets the mood, when you have an enormous gray Hulk striding toward you. I frantically try to turn my head to gain Bevan’s attention.

  I can no longer see him where he once was. The sound of flesh hitting flesh is audible in the air. Bangs, cracking, and smashing sounds join in soon after.

  I need to get to Bevan.

  I need to help him.

  I start thrashing around like a fish out of water, maybe I can break the spell by movement.

  “Dad… Lucy… where are you?” I scream at the top of my lungs.

  A sense of foreboding and terror overtakes my body, and I can’t help but think today is going to end up going miserably.

  “Don’t move, the Mistress promised you to me,” the gray Hulk whispers close into my ear.

  I hear Bevan groan and Mom scream.

  Bevan growls, “You fucking touch her, traitor, and I will make you wish you never did. I will kill you. Trust m— oof.”

  The sound of Mom’s maniacal laughter fills the air. “Oh Bevan, did that hurt?” I hear something smash, before she continues, “I do believe it’s story time. Who do you think planned the attack last time? The bitch needed to be brought down a peg, I made sure those boys did it for her.”

  My blood turns cold at my step mother’s words. Oh my God is it true that she was the
one who set it all up… for me to be raped and Lucy beaten?

  What have I ever done to her?

  Why would anyone do that to their child?

  I don’t understand any of this. I just want to crawl into a ball, and go to sleep and pretend this isn’t happening. Just to start this day all over again. It’s no wonder I’m as messed up as I am. Who could blame me with a family like mine?

  “Take her to see her father. Oh, and make sure she gets nice and close. I’m pretty sure Daddy dearest will love to see you, Lacy.” Mom laughs.

  If I could just get myself free, I’d beat the living crap out of her, then slit her throat with my own hand. The way she laughs at everything is driving me insane.

  I wish I knew she was a mental case before now.

  “Sarah, don’t do this, please,” Bevan begs my mother.

  “Such a mighty Watcher knocked down to his knees by a woman. It’s a shame, Bevan. I always did like you. But yet here you are, begging for Lacy’s safety.”

  Bevan comes into view as the creature grabs hold of my hair and spins me around to face my mother. Her face is splattered with blood, and her hair is a wild mess. Her dress is torn and hangs from one shoulder. She looks like she’s been through the wars. Mom sits on top of Bevan, proud as punch. Her hazel eyes have completely turned red, and her skin takes on an orange hue.

  Holy crap, she’s a Phoenix. Who would have guessed?

  I try running over toward Bevan, but my hair is still in the male’s hard grip. I turn using the length of my hair as leverage and launch myself at him. Jumping up, I grab hold of the male’s shoulders putting all my weight into it and shove him hard. He stumbles backward into my parents’ room.

  “Shit,” I curse, wrapping my legs around his waist to stop myself from falling.

  Clenching my hands into fists, I raise them and hit him in the face, over and over. He laughs, swinging his arm back and he swats me as if I’m a pesky fly. I fly across the room and land at the foot of the bed with a hard thud. Dazed and confused, I try to get back on my feet tripping on something on the floor and stumble backward.


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