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The Unexpected: An Mpreg Romance

Page 1

by Louise Bourgeois



  They barely wait for the water to warm up before they step in.

  Alex pushes Neal against the wall of the bathroom in their luxurious hotel suite in Paris. It was shaping up to be their best vacation yet. He presses his lips to Neal’s- softly, at first, but then more urgently.

  Neal puts one arm around Alex’s neck and pulls him further into the kiss. He opens his mouth and pushes his tongue forward. He grinds his hips against Alex’s. The water makes it difficult to garner any real friction, but he still enjoys the sensations of his cock rubbing against Alex’s. He hooks one leg around both of Alex’s and pulls him a little closer.

  Alex breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against Neal’s. He frowns.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I wish Desmond was here.” Alex runs a hand along his collarbone.

  Neal laughs. He leans forward and kisses the tip of Alex’s nose.

  “So do I.” He senses that hasn’t eased Alex’s mood. “Look, if you don’t want to…”

  “I do.”


  Alex doesn’t hesitate before complying. He runs his hands down Neal’s sides and eventually rests them on his lower back. He pulls Neal in close and holds him tightly. The soft moans he receives in return make the pain completely worth it.

  Neal kisses his way along Alex’s jaw. He nibbles at Alex’s earlobe, before whispering:

  “I want more.”

  Alex’s eyes flutter shut, for a second, and a low groan escapes his lips. He tries to turn around, but Neal won’t let him move.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Don’t you think we need something to make this a little more comfortable?”

  Neal rolls his eyes.

  “We’re in a shower- improvise.”

  Alex glances around, at the various bottles and his expression is unimpressed, to say the least.

  Neal notices and shakes his head.

  “So, don’t bother.”


  Neal shrugs.

  Alex nods. He can’t help but be a little nervous though.

  “All right. Turn around.”

  “No way. I like watching you far too much.”

  “Oh, I bet you do.” Alex smirks.

  They kiss, again. It’s gentle- a reassurance that everything is going to be fine.

  Alex loosens his grip on Neal.

  Neal turns around, slowly.

  Alex leans in and kisses Neal’s cheek, just next to his ear.

  “Are you sure about this? We haven’t done this in a while and-”

  “Yes, but if you don’t fuck me soon, I might have to change my mind.”

  Alex feels his cock twitch in anticipation. He bites down, with only slight force, on Neal’s shoulder.

  “For that, I might just have to take my time.”

  Neal whimpers, slightly.

  Alex just grins.

  Neal shuffles forward. He puts one arm on the wall and rests his forehead against his forearm. He glances back at Alex and grins. He thrusts back, slightly.

  Alex knows what’s happening. His arms dart out to grab Neal’s hips before he can move that much further. He winces as a bolt of pain, from the sudden movement, shoots through his shoulder. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath.

  “I’m not that brave,” he mutters.

  “So, you really will take your time?”

  “You mind?”

  “I don’t care how long it takes you to get there as long as you do.”

  Alex presses himself as close as he can to Neal.

  Neal moans softly. He arches his back slightly and pushes against Alex.

  Alex runs his hands up Neal’s sides and across his chest. He rests one hand in the middle of Neal’s stomach and rubs gentle circles with his thumb. He leans his chin on the back of Neal’s shoulder and whispers gently into Neal’s ear.

  “I want you.”

  Alex kisses Neal’s cheek.

  Alex puts his hands on Neal’s hips, again, and leaves them there for just a second. Then, he slowly brushes his hands down the back of Neal’s thighs. He brings his hands back up, along the front of Neal’s thighs. He puts his hands back on Neal’s hips and stretches his fingers out. He rests his forehead against the back of Neal’s head.

  Alex places one kiss on the back of Neal’s head. For a second, he considers kissing his way down the rest of Neal’s body, but decides against it- it would take far too long, when he has the promise of so much more. He moves one hand in slightly and presses down with the heel of his palm. Almost there. He doesn’t even realize that he’s said that out loud until he hears Neal let out a relived sigh.”

  “So good already. I just want more.”

  Neal lets out a groan of frustration- that is not exactly what he meant. He’s about to tell Alex how annoyed he is, but then Alex is kissing him and he forgets everything apart from Alex’s mouth against his. He’s about to move around, to get better access to the kiss, but then Alex stops him.

  “No. You stay right where you are.”

  Neal huffs, slightly, and pouts as he shifts his head back around to lean his forehead against his forearm.

  “Sorry,” Alex mutters and kisses Neal’s cheek, lightly, “but if you moved, it wouldn’t be quite so easy for me to do this.”

  There’s no movement for a while. Well, there’s no movement for all of three seconds, but that’s enough to make Neal impatient. He’s about to demand a damn good explanation or tell Alex to hurry the fuck up before he leaves. He literally gets as far as opening his mouth, but then Alex does move.

  Alex hesitates, just for a second. He’s not regretting this, it’s just that… No- thinking is bad. This is good. He wants this. He wants Neal. Right now. He moves like he’s on auto-pilot. He licks along Neal’s jaw, uses the distraction to reach out and grab Neal’s cock.

  Neal gasps loudly. He bites down on his lower lip.

  Alex tightens his fist and moves it up and down slowly.


  “Mmm.” Alex bites, lightly, on Neal’s ear. “That is the idea.”

  “God, yes.”

  “So, we’re not…”

  “Do it!” Neal reaches behind him to grab at Alex’s leg- the first part of him that he reaches. He digs his fingers in.

  Alex chuckles, softly. He tightens his fist around Neal’s cock, for a second, but then pulls away.

  Neal whines, audibly.

  “Shh, baby- it’ll get even better. I promise.”

  Neal makes some kind of barely intelligible happy sound.

  The noise goes straight to Alex’s cock. He takes a deep breath- can’t get too excited. Not yet. He drags his fingernails over Neal’s hip- there’ll be marks there tomorrow. He moves his head slightly and places a series of light kisses along Neal’s neck. He moves his hand down slightly and massages the top of Neal’s thigh. He steps back, just a fraction.

  Neal moans at the loss of contact, but his annoyance doesn’t last long.

  Alex slides his hand up over Neal’s ass. His touch is light at first, but then becomes even more intense.

  Neal bites down on his lower lip, but by the time Alex’s touch has migrated into a squeeze, he can’t help himself and Alex’s name comes tumbling from his lips.

  “I love how you say my name,” Alex whispers into Neal’s ear.

  “Carry on and I’ll say it again.”

  And, God, does Alex want that- the way Neal says his name is… perfect. He moves his hand in. Almost there and… He wants this- he really wants this- but that doesn’t mean he’s not nervous. His other hand is digging into Neal’s side. He shive
rs- a combination of nerves and apprehension. He looks down- his hand is shaking and…


  Neal wants it like this and, in that very second, Alex wants nothing more than to make Neal happy. He looks at his hand- no more shaking. He allows himself a small smile, before turning his attention very much back to Neal.

  Neal shudders at the sensation of Alex’s finger trailing down his spine. He sighs, when he feels Alex’s finger on his lower back because surely that means it’s nearly over. That’s how it happens, isn’t it? So close to greatness and then just over. Never any satisfaction, but…

  “Oh, God.”

  “You like that?”

  “Stop talking.”

  Alex kisses the top of Neal’s head. He rubs all over Neal’s stomach and chest as he pushes his finger further down Neal’s back. Then, his finger isn’t on Neal’s back anymore- it’s lower, much lower. He brushes his finger lightly over the tender area around Neal’s entrance. He pushes his finger inside.

  Neal’s eyes fly open and he gasps loudly, when he feels Alex’s finger inside him.

  “Did I…”

  “Don’t stop!”

  Alex feels himself grow harder at that utterance that’s somewhere between a moan and a plea. He rests his forehead against Neal’s head and breathes out heavily. He pushes his finger in deeper.

  There’s a sharp intake of breath from Neal. He arches his back.

  Alex pulls Neal towards him and holds him there, for a second. For a minute, he slowly, torturously, moves his finger in and out of Neal. Then, he hears, just barely, Neal chanting ‘more’ and he can’t ignore that. He adds a second finger.

  Neal bites on his lower lip, possibly a little too harshly because he thinks he can taste blood, but then he realizes that he doesn’t actually care. He thinks, just then, that he’d love to be facing the other way, to see exactly what Alex is doing to him, to look into Alex’s eyes, but how this is right now is amazing and he doesn’t want it to stop.

  Alex moves his fingers, twists his wrist, tries his best to make sure Neal is prepared. He keeps having to tell himself to slow down because if he goes too quickly, then he might hurt Neal and he doesn’t want to do that. It’s… some minutes later, when he considers pushing a third finger into Neal, but quickly dismisses that thought- there’s been enough. He removes his fingers.

  Neal whines, but he’s quickly silenced.

  Alex shifts over, just a fraction, and uses one hand to guide himself to exactly the right spot. He puts his hands on Neal’s hips and then gently presses himself inside.

  Neal’s mouth opens- a silent gasp.

  They stay like that for a minute. Everything’s quiet and just makes sense.

  Then, Alex starts to move. He thrusts slowly in and out just a couple of times before he realizes something and stops. He runs one hand along Neal’s. He guides Neal’s hand over to his cock. He thinks he mutters something about how he likes the sounds Neal makes when he touches himself and how he’d love to hear those sounds now. He’s not sure though- it could just as easily be a series of moans.

  Neal gets the picture though. He grasps his cock and moans at the sudden contact. He tightens his fist and starts moving it up and down. His movements are stilted, at first, but he soon finds a rhythm. He doesn’t realize, until a moment later, that the rhythm of his strokes matches that of Alex thrusting into him. It makes him smile, just a little.

  Alex has tried to move slowly. It’s not because he’s nervous. It’s because that second that he’s completely inside of Neal feels so… perfect isn’t even a good enough word, but it’s the only one he can think of. So, yes, he tried to go slow, but he just couldn’t hold back so now he’s moving faster. His hands are back on Neal’s hips so that he can pull Neal towards him and hit that spot that makes Neal cry out.

  Neal pushes himself back, forcing Alex in deeper. He only does that a few times, before he runs out of energy.

  Alex can feel Neal tighten around him and knows that Neal won’t last much longer. He knows he won’t last much longer, either. He thrusts in a few more times- hard, fast, rough and… and…. He has no idea who comes first. In that moment, he knows nothing more than that blissful feeling of release. He moves back, just a fraction. He’s shaking slightly, but he notices that Neal is swaying almost dangerously so he acts quickly. He reaches out, puts an arm around Neal’s waist and holds him close.


  Neal nods. He smiles and leans his head back on Alex’s shoulder. He stays there, for a minute, to catch his breath and regain his senses. He turns his head, slightly, and kisses Alex’s neck.

  “That was…” Neal pushes himself back and turns around to look at Alex. “It was…”

  Alex smiles- he gets it.

  Neal puts his arms around Alex’s neck and leans in to kiss Alex’s lips.

  Alex smiles into the kiss. He rests his hands on Neal’s hips. He pulls back, after a minute.

  “I think I can see a little baby in your stomach,” Alex jokes, poking Neal’s belly.

  Neal grins.


  When Desmond gets to Neal’s house, he’s surprised to find Alex already there.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Alex rolls his eyes.

  Desmond shakes his head and steps into the house. He presses a soft kiss to Alex’s lips before turning around and hanging his jacket on a hook by the door.

  “So, how’s Neal?”

  “Not so good.” Alex pushes the door shut. “He’s not crying anymore, but he’s barely said three words to me since I’ve been here.”

  Desmond frowns a little when he turns around to look at Alex.

  “So he hasn’t told you what’s wrong?”

  Alex shakes his head.

  Desmond’s frown deepens.

  Alex takes hold of Desmond’s hand.

  “I’m sure we’ll get through to him.”

  “I hope so,” Desmond mutters.

  Alex smiles softly and leads Desmond through to the living room. He points over to where Neal is sat, curled up, in the middle of the couch.

  “Hey.” Desmond walks over and sits down next to Neal. He reaches out and puts a hand on Neal’s shoulder.

  Neal jumps a little when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to the side and frowns a little when he sees Desmond.

  “You came too? You didn’t have to do that.” Neal shakes his head.

  “Of course I did.” Desmond smiles lightly. “Franc called me and said you were crying all the time. He’s worried about you and now I am too.”

  “That’s what Alex said too.”

  “That’s because I’m worried about you, too.” Alex walks over and sits down on the other side of Neal. “Crying all the time is not good, Neal, especially when you don’t talk to us about it. You haven’t talked to Franc either and you tell Franc everything.”

  “I don’t wanna talk about it,” Neal mutters.

  “But you’re hurting, Neal, and we don’t want to see you like that.”

  “I still don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Neal, please.”

  Neal lifts his head and glances between Desmond and Alex. He chews nervously on his lower lip for a minute or so before speaking.

  “I’m pregnant.”


  Alex’s eyes widen and he just stares at Neal.

  Desmond puts a hand to his mouth. He takes a few deeps breaths before speaking.

  “Neal, how… Did you…”

  “I didn’t know I could… I didn’t know this was possible. For me, I mean. This wasn’t on purpose.” Neal quickly glances between Desmond and Alex, in fear.

  “It’s okay, Neal.” Desmond takes hold of Neal’s hand. “Don’t worry about that. When… Uh… So when did you find out?”

  “Um… I think maybe one week ago. I was getting sick for a while and Franc say: ‘Go to the doctor, I even take you’, but I go on my own and they say this.”

“Wow, that’s… Wow.” Desmond opens and closes his mouth several times before speaking again. “So how long…”

  “Not sure really.” Neal shrugs lightly. “They say maybe two months or a bit less.”

  “So… since Paris?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “This is big.” Desmond leans back against the couch.

  “Actually, they say the baby will be very small now.”

  Desmond looks over at Neal and can’t help but laugh softly. He raises Neal’s hand to his mouth and presses a kiss to the back of Neal’s hand.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I couldn’t figure out the good words to use.”

  “So this is why you’ve been crying all the time?”

  “I’m so scared, of everything.” Neal’s bottom lip starts to quiver.

  “Hey.” Desmond sits forward and pulls Neal into a hug. “Don’t worry about it. We’re going to be okay. This is big and complicated and confusing and scary, but we’re going to be okay. We’ll work everything out, I promise.”

  Neal sniffles a little and shifts closer towards Desmond.

  Desmond smiles softly and concentrates on soothing Neal for a few minutes, before looking across at Alex.

  “Alex?” Desmond frowns a little when he doesn’t get a response. He waves his hand in front of Alex’s face. “You in there?”

  Alex shakes his head and snaps himself out of his daze.

  “Uh… What was… What just happened?”


  “Oh.” Alex frowns slightly and tilts his head to the side. “Where?”

  “In here.” Neal puts a hand on top of his stomach. He smiles for a moment before shifting around so that he can look at Alex. “Are you okay? With this, I mean.”

  “I just… I didn’t expect this. Ever.” Alex frowns heavily and shakes his head.

  “I didn’t expect it either, but I think it is good.” Neal frowns a little and glances back at Desmond. “You promised me that it would be okay.”

  Desmond smiles and nods. He presses a kiss to Neal’s forehead.

  “It will be okay.”

  Neal grins at Desmond for a second before turning back to Alex.

  “See- it’ll be okay. We’ll be okay and I think this is good.” Neal thinks carefully for a minute. “This is scary, but I really think it’s good. I think I’m happy for this.” He chews nervously on his lower lip. “Are you happy?”


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