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So Much Better

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by Marie Rochelle

  So Much Better


  Phaze Books

  An Imprint of Mundania Press LLC

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Marie Rochelle

  All the Fixin’

  My Deepest Love: Zack


  Caught 2: Ajana’s Return

  Loving True

  Taken By Storm

  A Taste of Love: Richard

  Taken by Storm

  Closer to You: Lee

  Crossing the Railroad

  Lucky Charms


  So Much Better

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  So Much Better © 2010 by Marie Rochelle

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Phaze Production

  Phaze Books

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

  To order additional copies of this book, contact:

  Cover art © 2010 Debi Lewis

  eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-987-7

  First Edition – March 2010

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.


  This story is for all of my fans

  who fell in love with Richie.



  Chapter One

  Keri Walker finished making the coffee while she waited for her boss to arrive at work. This was the third time this week he’d been late and it would probably continue for the rest of the month because so much had happened to Richie.

  Richie hadn’t been the same since his fiancé Kristy died in a car wreck driving back from her bachelorette party over six months earlier. Keri remembered vividly the night Richie got the call. They’d been working late on a couple of new clients when the phone rang. She would never forget the devastated look on his face. His usually brilliant blue eyes had gone dark and all of the color drained from his handsome face. It was as if all the life was sucked right out of him

  The police had determined that Kristy was reaching for her cell phone in her purse when she lost control of her car, hit a slick spot in the road and was thrown from the vehicle about a hundred feet. She was so badly injured that the police officers wouldn’t even let Richie see the body.

  Richie was so distraught over the loss he wasn’t able to be the best man at his best friend Nick Lavery’s wedding. She felt so bad for him because she saw the happiness Kristy had brought into his life. She was his soul mate and nothing else mattered in the world but making Kristy’s every wish come true and vice versa.

  It pained Keri even more that Richie would never see her as possible dating material. She knew that Richie was trying to date again because he had gone out with a couple of women recently. She had secretly been in love with her handsome boss for over two years now, but he was too blind to ever notice her as a woman. She knew she was living in a dream world thinking Richie might wake up one day and fall in love with her, but she held out hope that he could see her the way she envisioned.

  He was the kind of guy that never thought about mixing business with pleasure no matter how much she wished for it. However, she was going to find a way to be with him. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind, Richie was the man for her and all she had to do was make him see it too.

  “This is the second time this week I’ve caught you daydreaming in front of the coffee pot. Does it have some kind of magical powers? Or is there a man in your life I should know about? I want to make sure he’s good enough for you.”

  Keri jumped at the unexpected sound of Richie’s deep voice with its hint of an Irish accent that she adored so much. Most people didn’t hear it because he’d lived here so long, but at the right times it was there.

  “No, I don’t have a boyfriend. You know that Richie,” she answered turning to face him.

  Keri tried not to faint at the delicious sight Richie made. He wore all black, his thick red hair pulled back into a ponytail that hung to his shoulder blades. He had planned on cutting it shortly after Kristy’s sudden death, but Keri had talked him out of it. Thank God! She adored his long hair and would hate to see it gone.

  “Why don’t you have a man? You’re a cute girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you as long as he understood I came first. I can’t have him stealing away my best assistant.”

  Keri tried not to let her feelings be hurt by Richie’s comment, but they were. She loved him so much and he still only saw her as his capable and trustworthy sidekick.

  “I’ll keep that it mind when I find someone,” Keri said. “You look nice today. What’s the special occasion?” She’d looked over his calendar earlier and he didn’t have anything scheduled, so it must be something she wasn’t aware of.

  “I have a meeting today with Deborah Lee about getting a loan so we can expand the business. I want to hire at least two more people so I won’t be doing so much of the work. I’m beginning to see how working all of these extra hours aren’t good for me. I need to get a life. I’ve known it for a while, but it’s just so hard to think about it without Kristy to share it with.”

  “Richie, you are the most in demand financial planner in town now with the way the economy has been recently. I told you to hire another person six months ago. Isn’t your brother planning on moving here? Can’t you get him to help you out for a while? He does have the same degree as you do. I think he would be a nice addition.”

  Moving closer to her, Richie reached above her head and grabbed his favorite black coffee mug, the one he swore brought him good luck every time he drank out of it. She didn’t really believe it, but she wasn’t about to tell Richie that. She would let him believe in it if it made him happy.

  “Excuse me,” Richie apologized when his chest brushed against her back. The hint of his cologne stirred her senses making her panties instantly damp. Shit! She had to get herself under control.

  “That’s okay,” she replied, hoping her voice sounded stronger than she thought. “So, are you going to answer my question? What about Tate? I truly think he could be a wonderful asset to the business.” Keri secretly thought Richie was too hard on his little brother. Tate did love to goof off sometimes, but he always got his work done and it was flawless.

  “No, I couldn’t handle Tate working for me again. Those few months he was here last summer were enough to make me know better. He’s too unpredictable. I need someone I can count on to show up every day.” Moving away from her, Richie poured coffee into his mug along with one sugar and two creams. “That’s why I like you so much. I know you will never disappoint me by not being here on time and doing your job perfectly.”

  Keri blew off
Richie’s compliment because it was the same thing he told her all of the time. She wondered what he would do if she actually wasn’t little miss perfect anymore. “Is there anything else we need to discuss before I leave for my meeting? You know how much Deborah hates for anyone to be late for a conference with her.”

  Deborah…Keri tried not to roll her eyes at that name. Did Richie not see how Deborah had been trying to find ways to get him into her bed since Kristy died? The woman had no shame at all.

  “Yes, the event planner called about the St. Patrick’s Day event. She wants to know if you are still thinking about having it as a masquerade ball with the charity auction. I was trying to explain it to her, but I’m pretty sure Taylor would rather talk to you instead of me.”

  Resting his back against the counter, Richie took a sip of his coffee. “You’re probably right about that. Taylor has been after me since Kristy died. She doesn’t understand I’m not looking for another committed relationship with anyone at the moment. My fiancée hasn’t been dead a year yet. Sure, I’ve taken a couple of women out to dinner, but that was only because Nick set me up with them. They were okay, but nothing I was looking for in a woman.”

  Keri knew this was her chance to find out what Richie was searching for. The couple of women who had gone in and out of his office had seemed to last no more than two weeks at the most. Something was going on and she wanted to know what they were doing wrong, so she wouldn’t fall into the same quick sand when it came to winning Richie’s heart.

  “So, what are you looking for?” She determined the direct approach would be the best bet for her when it came to her outspoken boss.

  “Keri, I don’t have time to get into it now. Anyway, you have your own life. I want you to stop trying to help me with mine. I swear that I’m doing a lot better now. Nick is almost as bad as you and poor Tasha isn’t far behind the two of you. I promise you that I will know when I meet the right woman again.” Richie took another sip of his coffee before placing it on the counter next to him. “I’ll go and see Taylor after Deborah to make sure she has everything correct for the St. Patrick’s Day charity.”

  “Richie, you know that you can talk to me just like you do Nick. We’re more than co-workers. I’ve always considered us pretty close and that’s what friends do. They confide in each other when they’re having problems.”

  She already knew Richie was done talking to her, but she had to give it one last shot. This was the longest he had talked to her in days. She enjoyed it immensely when on those rare occasions he did open up and let her get a peek behind the private façade he kept up at work with his clients.

  “Maybe later but now,” he answered after a few minutes, “can you have those financial reports done for my two new clients on my desk before you leave for lunch? I want to look at them first thing when I get back from my meetings.”

  “Sure, they’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Thank you.” Richie smiled at her slightly then left her alone in the small kitchen.

  Right at that moment, Keri vowed to bring back the fun-loving Richie that she had fallen in love with. Hurrying to the door, she caught sight of Richie’s back as he walked into his office across from her desk and closed the door.

  “I’m going to help you. It doesn’t matter if you want it or not,” she whispered.

  Chapter Two

  Richie sat at the table staring at Taylor wondering if she understood that he knew she was flirting with him. She’d started from the moment he got to the restaurant and despite subtle hints on his part she was still coming on to him. He considered it desperate and wasn’t in the least turned on by it.

  She’d never respected his relationship with Kristy when she was alive and it hadn’t changed since her death. Some women had no morals and Taylor was definitely in that category in his opinion. He didn’t know what else to do to show her he wasn’t interested in a personal relationship with her. A business relationship was fine and he wasn’t about to cross that line with her.

  “I’m so glad that you were able to take time out of your day and finally meet with me. I could tell Keri was getting tired of all of my questions. She’s a good girl, but I think she’s a little overprotective when it comes to you. Keri is very capable, but she isn’t the person I called to talk to; nevertheless, I have to admit her loyalty to you is amazing.

  “I wish that I had an employee like her on my payroll. For the longest time, I thought she was in love with you even while you were engaged to Kristy. She would give you this look, like you were the most important person in her life, but I guess my first impression was wrong about her.”

  Taylor’s comment took him off guard. How could she think Keri was in love with him? She had been nothing but a good friend and outstanding employee. Keri was the only woman he didn’t have to worry about trying to seduce him into her bed. Hell, if his first impression was right, Keri might still even be a virgin which was a rarity with a twenty-nine year old woman.

  “Taylor, we aren’t here to discuss my personal life or Keri. I only have a few minutes and then I need to get back to the office.”

  A perfectly groomed eyebrow arched over light brown eyes as Taylor glared at him from her side of the table. “Fine,” she huffed. “Let’s get down to business so I can go back to my office too. You want to have a St. Patrick’s Day charity ball but set in a masquerade ball theme? I’m a little confused.”

  Running his hand across the back of his neck, Richie tried to calm himself down so he wouldn’t lose his cool. “I think it’s pretty easy to understand. I want to have a charity ball on St. Patrick’s Day, the main event being an auction of volunteer participants. Everyone will be wearing masks and the guests will bid on the contestants. All of the proceeds will go to the children’s homeless shelter in town.”

  The charity event was an annual thing, but this was the first time he’d decided to have it on St. Patrick’s Day. He was hoping people would be in more of a giving mood with a little green ale in them.

  “Are you going to be one of the hunky guys up there for all of the single women in town to spend their hard earned money on?” Taylor eyed him like she wanted to take a bite out of him at any minute.

  “Of course, I am. It wouldn’t be fair of me to ask my friends and co-workers to participate in something I wasn’t a part of myself. This is my first year doing it, but I think it will be something different for me to do and it’s for the community. I can handle dinner for one night with a woman. It’s not like I’m totally against the idea of finding a new woman, but I don’t think this charity will find me the new love of my life.”

  Richie had thought long and hard about not doing it because he wasn’t up to making idle conversation for two hours, but the children’s shelter needed the money badly. He was a huge supporter of things for the community and this was his first step in setting up a big forum for his charity participation.

  “Well, aren’t you the nicest man I’ve come across in a very long time? I might have to make an appearance at this event just to see you up on that stage and, who knows, I might even bid on you.” Standing up, Taylor grabbed her purse off the back of the chair. “I’ll call you in a couple of days. Maybe we can talk more over dinner if you’re free this Friday. I can cook you something at my home. Do you even remember the last time you had a good home cooked meal?”

  Richie couldn’t believe this! Taylor wasn’t listening to a word he was telling her. When was she going to wise up and realize he wasn’t interested in her on a personal level? One rule he never broke was mixing business with pleasure. Things usually got really sticky if there was a bad breakup and he needed Taylor’s business skills more than he craved her warm body in his bed.

  “I think it would be for the best if we meet again over lunch. It works better for my schedule. I have a lot going on right now and I don’t want to agree to something I wouldn’t be able to keep my promise about and end up disappointing you in the end.”

  Taylor gave him a long hard loo
k then spun away from him. She had only walked a couple of feet before she came back to their table. “Kristy is gone. How much longer are you going to mourn her? You can’t go into the grave with her. It’s past time that you started living your life again.” After she had hurled these insulting words, Taylor stormed away but this time she didn’t come back.

  Long after his lunch companion’s dramatic exit, Richie was still seated at the table thinking about the accusations she had flung at him. He disagreed with her one hundred percent. He wasn’t trying to get into the grave with Kristy, but she had been the love of his life for so many years. How could he just forget about her like she was never a part of his heart and soul? No, he wasn’t ready to date again and when he was Taylor sure in the hell wouldn’t be the woman he’d pick to make a part of his life.

  He needed a woman with a soul and heart. Taylor was lacking both of them. He wasn’t sure if she was ever blessed with either one in the first place because she acted so detached and unsympathetic all of the time.

  No, if he ever decided to date anyone again in the near future, it would be someone like Keri who was sweet, understanding and giving. And her rocking body didn’t hurt either.

  What the fuck!

  Richie slammed the brakes down on his wandering thoughts about Keri. She was his employee and best friend. He shouldn’t be thinking about her in any other way than as his assistant. He needed to get laid to burn off some of this excess energy that had built up since Kristy’s death. He was used to having an active sex life and going without it for six months was slowly killing him.

  He missed a soft, warm body next to his at night. A cold empty bed wasn’t his idea of a good time at all. Keri’s smooth creamy body was the kind of figure any man would love waking up to in the middle of the night. Her curves would make most models envious.


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