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Beyond Touched

Page 32

by Ashley Logan

  “Intimate delivery?” he suggests, a smile in his voice.

  Giggling a little, I gather my strength and make an effort to lift myself enough to see his face. Our skin separates with a sticky suction sound and I look down at us. “I’m not sure how hygienic intimate delivery would be.”

  “It’s perfectly sanitary,” Damon argues in all seriousness, making me laugh again.

  “Who told you that? Your mom?”

  “She’s a wise woman.”

  Shaking my head, I lean down to kiss him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Very much,” he whispers back, touching his lips to mine again before pushing his head back into the pillows to get a better look at my face. “I feel like I should warn you about something,” he says quietly as his eyes wander leisurely over my features.

  Tensing a little, I raise an eyebrow.

  “Is this another confession? Should I worry?”

  Shrugging beneath me, he smiles as he strokes my cheek. “I just wanted you to know that I’m going to ask you to marry me one day. You should prepare yourself for that.”

  When I eventually start blinking again, I curl back up on his chest, listening to his heart. Frowning, I lift myself back up to see his face. “You don’t want to ask me today?” I ask, but can’t keep my face straight for long.

  His belly shakes me as he laughs too, and his arms fold over my back as he pulls me to his lips. “Alexa Carrington, you are definitely the girl for me.”


  Thanks for reading BEYOND TOUCHED!

  I hope you enjoyed reading about Damon, Alexa and the rest of the Beyond crew. If you want to hear about new releases, you can sign up for my newsletter or follow my Amazon author page.

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  If you’d like to read Kat and Lennox's story, it’ll be out before the end of July - keep reading for the first chapter, or order now and enjoy the full story when it comes out.

  Also keep an eye out for Bruno and Damon's friend Bradley Jenkins! His story: Jenkins and the Naughty Nurse is due for release in August 2018!


  The Story of Katarina James and Lennox Green

  Buffalo can be beautiful when it snows. The cracks in the street become invisible along with any other imperfections, hidden until plowed and melted. Tree nudity is celebrated with hundreds of tiny lights and bright Christmas cheer decorates my walk down the block. The sun isn’t yet strong enough to announce the break of day and at a balmy 23°F, my fingers feel about five minutes from frostbite. Picking up the pace as my boots crunch through the icy crust of last night’s snow, I hustle towards the well-lit and already well-shoveled entrance to Green’s Produce, coveting the warmth from the cellphone pressed to my ear under my hat.

  “Is it really that bad?” I ask, ducking through the door to the spirited jingle of the bell.

  A wave of warmth hits me and my body reacts instantly. Muscles once tensed in defense against the cold, begin to relax and I sigh with relief. Wiggling my fingers back to life, I smile hello to Kimber Green, the owner’s daughter. Waving back with a pen in her hand, the young tween perched at the counter continues writing something in a school workbook whilst munching on toast.

  In my ear, my younger brother Tim launches into the all too familiar rant about living in a house full of girls, and how he doesn’t understand the logistics of pre-hormonal treachery betwixt frenemies, and when exactly am I coming home again.

  Swinging my big shoulder bag to the floor, I try not to laugh. “I’ve got another day of work before I can leave the city, but if you want, you can come pick me up tomorrow. Can the current problem wait until then?”

  “I wish. The party is tonight, Kat. Roslyn’s invited, Liana’s not, there’s some sort of ‘cool crowd’ scenario and Li’s crushed - not to mention Ros is being a right brat about it. I’ve been dealing with the tension all week, and the fallout of last week’s cafeteria incident. I can’t handle much more. It’s your turn.”

  Sighing, I pull off my hat and my other mitten, tossing them onto my bag. “Okay. Put Li on first.” Still scrunching my fingers to encourage blood flow, I run them through my long hair, only to get them wet from the hitchhiking snowflakes that are now melting in my dull auburn locks.

  “Kat?” Liana sniffs, already playing the victim. Softly, Kat, softly.

  “Hey Li-Li. Tim-bones tells me you’re upset you didn’t get an invitation to Sarah Matheson’s birthday party.”

  Sniff. “She did it on purpose!”

  “Well if you think she’s the awful kind of person who would do that, why do you even want to go?”

  “Because everyone else is!”

  “Everyone?” Rolling my eyes, I scan the bananas looking for one with just a touch of green.

  “Everyone who’s anyone,” Li replies with a huff. “And I actually don’t want to go, it’s just that Ros was invited and she’s been rubbing it in my face all week. Sarah’s trying to turn her against me, and it’s working! This morning she made fun of my hair, even though she wore hers like this yesterday!”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I take a deep breath. “Okay Li. Listen up. I love you, but you guys are driving Tim crazy; and probably Jem too. Here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to focus on the fact that you don’t actually like Sarah Matheson enough to celebrate her birth. I am going to speak with Ros, so go find her and put her on the phone.”

  Shivering as an escapee snowflake trickles under my scarf, I throw my hair behind me, and pull the cozy wool closer to my skin. Holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder, I detach the banana I want from its bunch. Looking around at the other fruit and vegetable displays, I mentally re-check my shopping lists for the Christmas break with my family, tonight’s dinner for me and my roommates, and Nina’s requests for the club.

  Scanning the low aisles, I come to a sudden stop when my gaze hits the solid form of Mr. Green himself. My eyes rise slowly to his and the familiar heat begins to flame in my cheeks, endangering any stubborn snowflakes that have so far refused to melt. How long has he been looking at me like that? Was he here when I came in? I return his welcoming smile, sure that mine doesn’t heat a room the way his does.


  “Hello indeed,” I whisper, not sure if my ogling of Lennox Green should be accompanied by such a rapidly pounding heart, but it makes sense with all of the very graphic and steamy images running through my head. Would it hurt him in those scenarios if I tugged his beard to pull him closer?


  Frowning, I remember I’m holding a phone to my ear. Feeling my whole face flush from the realization that I am being completely inappropriate, I turn away. “Ros?”

  “Uh, yeah. Li said you wanted to talk to me.”

  Crashing back into guardian mode, I nod. “I do want to talk to you. What’s this I hear about you giving your sister a hard time? You better not be using Li to impress some stuck-up little snot-queen like Sarah Matheson, or I will be seriously re-thinking your privileges, Roslyn James.”

  Grunting some sort of despicable response, Ros sighs. “I knew you’d take her side.”

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side.”

  “Just because we’re twins, we don’t have to do everything together.”

  Taking a steadying breath, I rise above the pre-pubescent drama. “Ros, I know you and your twin are separate people with separate interests and lives. I don’t have a problem with you going to the party, if that’s what you want. What I do have a problem with, is you being completely vile to your sister. We have one rule, Roslyn. Family first. It’s that simple. Liana doesn’t even want to go to the party, so stop being all high and mighty as if you’re the guest of honor and give her a break. Got it?”

  The begrudging response of ‘Fiiiine’ does wonders to instill confidence

  “I’m serious Ros. If I hear from Tim that you’ve been at it again, you won’t be going to the party either.”

  “What? That’s not fair!”

  “It’s perfectly fair.”

  “I hate it when you guys try and boss me around! You’re not my Mom.”

  Ungritting my teeth, I plaster a smile on my face in the hope that it will carry in my voice. “No, I’m not your mother, but I’m the closest thing you’ve got. We’re all in this together, so quit behaving like a brat and be the amazing sister I know you are.”


  “I mean it. When Li slipped on the ice last year and broke her leg, who was it that got her back home before she froze? You love her and she loves you, so forget about the rest of the drama okay?”

  A resigned sigh sounds in my ear. “Okay, Kat. When are you coming home?”

  “I think Tim is going to pick me up tomorrow. You can talk to him about what time, and whether you guys are coming too. Get him to text me the details. Are we good here?”

  “Yeah. We’re good. Seeya tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Have a great day, Ros. Love you guys.”

  “Love you too.”

  Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I set down the banana and rub my hands together to get my fingers nimble again. Picking up my bag again, I turn back to the counter to see Kimber watching the opening to the back area. The heavy plastic strips that hang above it are just settling back into place from her father having gone through them. Turning back, Kimber shakes her head until she sees that I’m off the phone.

  “Hey Kat,” she says in the easy way she always does. “You’re in early. Pretty cold out huh?”

  “Yeah,” I agree, opening up my bag. “Would have stayed in bed if I didn’t have so much to do. Last day of school for you?”

  “Mmhmm,” she mumbles, chewing. Toast with peanut butter and slices of banana, I note. Jem loves that too.

  “What have they got you doing for homework if it’s the last day before the break?”

  Brushing crumbs from her face, and then from her workbook, Kimber looks up. “It’s not much. I just didn’t do it last night, because Dad took me and Uncle Linc ice-skating. We just have to choose a holiday theme and write a short poem.”

  “A holiday theme?”

  “You know... peace, joy, that kind of thing.”

  “I see. Which did you choose?” I ask, trying to peek at her writing as she covers it up.


  “Does it have to rhyme?”

  “Mine does,” she informs me. “I’m working on a limerick.”

  “I always liked limericks the best. They just seem funny, even when they’re not.”

  “Mine is.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. I’ve got something for you,” I say, digging in my bag for the carefully bundled package. “It’s not much. Just a thank you for all the hard work you guys do. We really appreciate it, and so do the homeless that your dad helps to feed by topping up our orders each time,” I explain, taking out the cellophane wrapped box and setting it on the counter in front of her. “Is your dad coming back in a minute? I have a few orders to make.”

  “He’ll be right out,” she says absently, squinting at the package as she tilts it sideways. “Cookies and...?”

  “Woolen hats,” I reply with a smile as she starts to break into it. “The blue one is for you. I chose the yarn specially; to match your beautiful eyes.”

  “This is awesome,” she says in a high-pitched excited tone. “Wait. You made these?” she asks, pulling out the three hats and lining them up on the check-out counter.

  “It’s kind of a hobby. And I don’t buy gifts at Christmas, so... yeah. Your Dad and Lincoln will have to fight over the other two.”

  Pulling her hat on, Kimber holds up her hands in a model-like pose. “How do I look?”


  Kimber returns my smile with a grin and I hold up my chosen banana. “Mind if I eat now, pay later.”

  “On the house,” she says, waving me off as she bites into an oatmeal cookie. “Mmm. So good. I bet this is what love tastes like.”

  Giggling, I shake my head. “That’s exactly what Scarlett says! I’ll give you the recipe and you can make your own.”

  Peeling my banana, I take a bite and we eat in companionable silence. Soon Lennox walks through from the back area carrying several boxes of produce that make his muscles bulge enough for their outlines to be seen through his shirt. His tie is in stark contrast to his rolled up sleeves and tattooed arms, and his beard, and his hair. Dark and wavy it always looks perfectly styled - short at the sides and left long on top to be swished back - not slicked down with grease or any other noticeable product, but seeming to stay put by some other architecturally sound method - genetically perfect hair structure is my guess. Probably tall enough and broad enough that he needs to negotiate certain doorways with care, the whole effect of his presence is mouth-watering. Not everyone could carry this kind of half wild, half conformist appearance, but he pulls it off.

  My ever-loving stars, does he pull it off.

  Doing a double take as he walks by, he stops. At first he seems surprised to see us both eating next to the register. His watchful eyes take in Kimber’s half eaten toast, the cellophane and box of homemade cookies, what’s left of the cookie in Kimber’s hand, and her guilty grin as she quickly shoves the rest of the cookie in her mouth. Raising one eyebrow, he says nothing, but Kimber picks up her toast again and gives him another smile.

  Then those big brown eyes of his land on me. My eyes are dark brown like coffee, but his are much lighter; more like a rich toffee, and their warmer tones are only emphasized by his long dark lashes. No man should have eyelashes that long. I’d say they’re a waste, but they definitely add to his appeal.

  Why am I just staring at him? I should say something. Anything. Hi Lennox, hope you have a nice Christmas and I’ll see you in the New Year. I hope you like the cookies, and although I’ll pretend I don’t care which hat you choose, I hope you pick the gray one, because I made it with you in mind.

  Nope! Not that. Remaining mute is safest, though almost impossible for me in his fine presence. Must keep mouth busy by other means - shove food in it, quick.

  Lennox’s eyes drop to my mouth as I fill it with banana. Taking on a dark quality, his gaze lingers there. What the hell is my mouth doing? Just bite the damn banana and take it out! This is lewd behavior and there is an impressionable minor, right there!

  Kimber says something, but I can’t hear her over the lusty pounding in my ears. Turning in her direction, I try to focus as I chew. She’s looking at Lennox as she speaks, so I’ve blissfully dodged a bullet. Finishing my banana in one more bite, I put the skin into the scraps bin they keep to the side of the counter.

  Get yourself under control Kat. Make the orders and leave without breaking anything.

  For some reason, whenever I’m in this store, I become a complete klutz. You’d never know that I can be graceful and that I actually dance for a living. I mean, I do other things too, but the bulk of my income comes from dancing in the club down the block.

  Risking a glance at Kimber and Lennox, I find them both looking at me expectantly, as if they’ve asked a question. Shocked that I’ve missed it completely, I turn to face them properly. My elbow knocks a festive basket of green and red apples off the counter, toppling them to the floor. Dropping down immediately, I chase them as they scatter in every direction.

  Cursing myself under my breath, I scramble beneath a display only to hit my head on it on my way back out. Clutching the back of my head as I kneel on the linoleum, I swear out loud.

  A real swear.

  The kind that only comes out if I’ve been thrown off-kilter enough to forget about keeping my language clean. The kind with an F in it. Slapping my hand over my mouth I look back to my audience at the counter as my burning cheeks soar to new temperature heights.

  “I’m so sorry. I don
’t know what’s wrong with me. I shouldn’t be allowed in. I shouldn’t be allowed in public, really.” Lennox is several steps closer than he was, and after he and Kimber exchange a quick glance, they both continue to watch me with amusement.

  The bell over the door jingles, as if it too is laughing at me. A pair of long legs come to a stop in front of me.

  “Morning Katarina.” Lincoln greets me with a grin. “Destroying the store early today, I see.”

  Sighing, I sink back onto my heels and hide my face. “Good morning Linc. Help yourself to some cookies. They’re on the counter. Merry Christmas.”

  “Cookies? Awesome. Thanks Kat,” he says, moving away to investigate.

  Lennox silently drops to a knee beside me, collecting several apples back into the basket and holding out his hand to help me up. Staring at it a moment, I look to his face. His expression still holds some quiet amusement, but there’s also a touch of concern.

  “How’s your gourd?”

  “Probably more of a beetroot,” I reply quietly, touching my flaming cheeks lightly in confirmation before taking his hand and standing up. “I really am sorry for my behavior, and for damaging your produce. I’ll pay for the apples.”

  “No need. They’ll make good pie,” he says, handing me the basket and scooping up the last of the apples from the floor to top it up.

  “Thank you for the thoughtful gifts,” he adds as he takes the now full basket back to the counter, addressing Kimber as she reaches for it. “Finish your poem, Sprout. Linc will bag these for Kat.”

  Turning back to me, Lennox approaches again slowly. “Anything else I can do for you Katarina?”

  So many things. Could you maybe just start by running your hands through my hair and pulling my lips to yours? That always looks so hot in the movies. I’d like it if you did that to me. You could follow it up with just about anything else. You look as if you know how to please a woman.

  Why is he looking at me like that? Is he blushing? Great. Dork of the week award goes to... Katarina James for her apparent transparency in all things lusty.


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