Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Lou Lou Winters

  Her stomach dropped away as she looked inside. Her breath caught in her throat, and panic seized her heart. Kevin’s arm shot out and grabbed the hair on the top of her head. He hauled her into the ute’s backseat.

  Stella’s arms flung out as she tried to prevent him pulling her in and her fingers closed around the door frame. Moving back along the seat as he pulled her in, Kevin loosened his grip slightly and Stella threw herself back and landed on her butt on the footpath.

  Frantically looking around, she panted through her fear and scrambled back across the footpath. Kevin climbed out of the car. “Fucking bitch. Don’t make me come and get you. Get in the fucking car or I’ll thrash the living shit out of you all the way home.”

  Silently Stella prayed, “Please, please, let the boys arrive. Please, please, please.” Glancing desperately up and down the street, she wondered where the fuck everyone was. The sun shone, the weather was perfect for a stroll. Where the hell were all the dog walkers?

  Stella kicked out as Kevin lunged for her ankle. “Leave me alone.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. “John, give us a hand, get her in the ute before someone comes.”

  Stella used this split second to jump up and run. Taking off like a sprinter, adrenaline surged through her veins. She could not get dragged into the ute. She might not survive. Kevin lashed out and grabbed her collar. “Don’t worry, mate, I got her.” His other fist came up and slammed into the side of her head, stunning her, making the world spin.

  With all the fight literally knocked out of her, she didn’t struggle as they loaded her into the backseat and pushed her across to slump against the far door. As her head cleared, Stella kept it hanging. She did not want to look at Kevin or hear what he had to say. She had to get away or she was as good as dead. He’d never let her out of the house again.

  The ute sped off and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying. Now was not the time to be an emotional mess. She needed her wits about her. At the first set of traffic lights, she would pull up the lock next to the windowsill, rip the door open, and dive out.

  She knew John. He’d proven himself to be a cold, heartless bastard time and time again when it came to metering out discipline to the local women of the community. He was also the only police officer in the town.

  Kevin picked up her hand with both of his. He wrapped one hand around her wrist and the other squeezed her fingers until she gasped. “Why’d you leave, Stella?”

  Huh? What the fuck? Was that a serious question? Trying to pull her hand back she finally lifted her head and stared into his cold, ferret eyes. “Honestly? Why the fuck do you think?”

  Stella screamed as he bent her fingers back. “Sorry, sorry, Kev. I didn’t mean to be a smart arse, sorry.” She whimpered.

  “You will be sorry. What’d ya think, I wouldn’t find ya? Stupid bitch, I pulled the phone records. You spoke to Trina a couple of days before you left.”

  Fuck, how unlucky was that? Who’d have thought Kevin had the brains to do that. She hadn’t even been planning to leave when she spoke to Trina. Leaving had been a spur of the moment decision. Green, green, green, all the lights were green, fuck. With Kevin’s vicelike grip around her wrist, she’d never get away anyway.

  “You fucking damaged me, you cunt. John says that’s assault. Ain’t that right, mate?”

  John nodded. “You’re in big trouble, Stella. There’ll be consequences.”

  Stella didn’t say anything. She didn’t have any hope for reprieve. They wouldn’t listen to her anyway. John would allow Kevin to do whatever he considered necessary to discipline her and make sure something like this never happened again.

  “How do ya think I feel, Stella? You fucking showed me up in front of the whole town.”

  Yes, Stella thought, that was her main concern.

  Kevin released her hand, “You hurt me, bitch. I loved you so fucking much. I give you a roof over your head and grocery money. You don’t even fucking work, you lazy slut. You should be so grateful to me and this is how I’m treated. Fuck, Stella, I’m gonna have to make sure you remember how fucking lucky you are.”

  John spoke up at this point and added his two cents’ worth. “There are two women in the stocks at the moment. You gonna make her go in with ’em?”

  “Nah, mate, I’ll keep her locked up downstairs.”

  “Shame, I’d love a ride.”

  Grinning, Kevin nodded. “I know, mate, but I’ll give her another chance to please me before I turn her over to you lot. I owe our marriage the chance to work first.”

  Stella could not believe the bullshit she was listening to. “Owe the marriage a chance to work,” what the fuck?

  “Sure, mate? You’re too good to her after the way she treated you.”

  Kevin turned back to her. Stella wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he was thinking but didn’t have a choice as Kevin shared. “See, another reason for you to thank me. I just saved you from being a bike to every man in town.”

  She couldn’t ask. She didn’t want to know what he was talking about.

  “See, John keeps ’em locked up in stocks.” He chuckled at this point and Stella thought she might throw up as her stomach roiled. “You know, their heads and hands through the wood and cunts open for the world to use.”

  Turning her face to the window, Stella couldn’t answer. With bile rising in her throat and hope slipping away, she wondered if Trina could do anything. What could she do? Did this count as kidnapping? She’d worry when Stella didn’t come home. Would the boys call her mobile? Oh, her bag was on the pavement. A tear slipped down her cheek as she realised she didn’t even have her mobile.

  Stella started to shake as shock settled in and it wasn’t until Kevin pinched her thigh meanly that she realised he was talking to her again.

  “Are you listening, bitch? I’m gonna tie you over the sawhorse in the basement for a week and fuck you, then thrash you, then fuck you, then thrash you. ’Bout fucking time we stretched that arse of yours, too. Something mighty big, ha, like my dick is gonna slam into that hole. Do you get it, bitch? You won’t be running away from that. I’m gonna make up for lost time. What d’you think of that?”

  Stella swallowed a gag. He meant every word, she knew for sure. Thank God there would be no way he could find out that she’d already tried anal. He would go ballistic if he suspected she’d been with another man in any way. He would abuse her for a full week and longer if he enjoyed himself. The only thing she could do was not add fuel to the fire. Self-preservation became her priority again.

  He pinched her thigh and screamed in her face, “I asked you a fucking question.”

  What was she supposed to say, brilliant, sounds great?

  “You won’t find any of your stuff at home. I got rid of it all. You won’t need anything. John has helped me out.” He grinned into the rearview mirror and nodded towards John.

  “My pleasure, mate. I hate to see a good woman go astray. They all need guidance at some time.”

  “Too right, mate.” Kevin turned back to Stella. “He’s given me a set of cuffs and I picked up a long chain from the hardware in Aranool. We’ll put the cuffs around your ankle, connected to the chain I’ve bolted to the floor in the kitchen. You’ll be able to reach every room but not leave. You’ll never leave me again.”

  Losing interest in her for a while, Kevin discussed town business with John and Stella tuned out. Her mind frantically tried to think of a way to escape. The tinted ute windows meant she couldn’t signal anyone outside but she still held out hope for a red light.

  About ten minutes later, her moment came and she braced herself to rip up the lock and dive out. Before they’d come to a complete stop she grabbed for the lock, but it wouldn’t move. Desperately she pulled and pushed at it while John laughed at her. He snatched her hand and bent her fingers back. “Stupid bitch, it’s a police ute. The locks don’t work in the back.”

  Stella nursed her smarting fingers as John glared at her in the mir
ror, while addressing Kevin, “Fuck, mate, she’s still trying to run. You’ve gotta break this one for her own good. Make her submit, mate, it’s the only way. I’ll come round and give you some pointers if you want. You know my subs, if any of ’em tried anything like this… Fuck I’d go to work on ’em. ”

  Chapter Eleven

  Hunter picked up his phone as Ben jumped out, grabbed Stella’s bag and they took off in pursuit of the ute that’d picked her up. His heart raced as he tried to keep up. The driver of the ute didn’t seem too concerned with the speed limit.

  Ben dialled as fast as he could, flicking the phone to speaker. “Hello.”

  “Trina? It’s Hunter and Ben. Listen, we just saw some guy pull Stella into a car.”

  “What d’you mean?” Trina sounded confused.

  “We came down the road as a guy grabbed her by the collar and shoved her into a ute.”

  “Did you get a look at him? Was he tall and weedy, dark hair?”

  “Sounds like the same guy. Is it Kevin?”

  “I can’t think of who else it’d be. He’ll kill her.” Trina’s voice cracked as she said the last, and Hunter’s stomach knotted.

  “We’re following them but if we lose them, do you have the address?”

  “Yes. I’m going to call the police.”

  “We’ll keep following. Hang on and I’ll give you the number plate of the ute.”

  “Have you tried her mobile? Maybe she’ll answer,” Trina asked hopefully.

  “We picked her bag up off the street.” Ben rummaged through it and held up her mobile. “And her mobile’s in it. The number plate is UWU.978.”

  “All right, I’ll call you back after I speak to the police and give you the address. Bye.”

  “Bye.” Ben hung up and Hunter focused on the ute in front.

  Ben turned in his seat. “What are we gonna do? We can’t lose Stella.”

  “Keep following. We’ll get her when they stop.” Hunter tried to sound calmer than he felt.

  “There has to be at least two of them ’cause he got in the back with her and someone else drove.”

  “We’ll wait till Trina calls back and then decide. Maybe the police will intercept them or something.”

  Anxious and angry, they sat in silence for five minutes. Hunter slowed his breathing and tried to think things through. Stella had said that she’d lived about three hours out of Sydney but he couldn’t remember where. “Ben, do you remember what town she’d said she came from?”

  “No, I’d never even heard of it.”

  “Okay, I guess we keep driving and wait for Trina.”

  Ben didn’t say anything, which indicated he didn’t like the situation any better than Hunter.

  “We’ll get her, mate, don’t worry.”

  The phone rang, and Ben snatched it up and put it on speaker again.


  “Hi, the police said that they would check it out. They’re going to call the cop in Billabringa and get him to go out and check the property. Make sure Stella is okay. They’re going to call me back.”

  Hunter couldn’t comprehend what Trina was saying. “What do you mean if she is okay?”

  “Yeah, I know. They said that most of these cases turn out to be mistakes and that the people aren’t being kidnapped. Can you guys keep following? I know it’s a big ask but I’m going to get Rob and come out there, too.”

  “This isn’t a mistake. She left her handbag on the sidewalk. She was pushed into the ute.”

  “I know.” Trina sounded sad. “I’ve got to go and ring Rob to come pick me up. It’s the Hatsald Farm in Billabringa. We’ll be about forty minutes behind you. Call me when you get there if you’ve lost them and I’ll tell you how to get to the farm.”

  “No worries. Speak to you soon, keep us updated and see you there.”

  “Thank you, guys, so much. I know you haven’t known us very long… but thank you.”

  Speaking with heartfelt emotion, Ben said, “Don’t worry, Trina. I think we love her as much as you.”

  Hunter glanced at him and smiled. So true, so true.

  Half an hour later, both boys were snappy and irritated. The first set of lights the ute stopped at turned green almost immediately. Finally, the next set of lights ahead was just turning red and they planned on jumping out and running up to the ute. They’d pull Stella out of the backseat and as quick as that, the drama would be over.

  They pulled up behind the ute and, throwing open their doors, they ran. Pure adrenaline surged through Hunter as he banged on the rear tray and grabbed the handle of the back door. He nearly wrenched his arm out of the socket, but it was locked.

  He heard Stella scream as he slammed his fist into the window, roaring with rage as the ute pulled away. He watched Ben try and grab the tray, probably hoping to swing himself into the back, but it took off too fast.

  Quickly returning to their car, they kept the ute in sight with great difficulty. The driver knew they were following and often tried to lose them by turning or changing lanes. In the end, he took the most direct route to the freeway and took off at top speeds.

  After that, time slipped by as the sun sank below the horizon and the lights from houses they passed became sparser. With the speed they were travelling, Hunter hoped they’d be pulled over and Stella could scream. Wishful thinking he knew, but he’d clutch at any straw.

  Studying the vehicle ahead, Ben asked, “What’s his game? He knows we’re following. What’s he think is going to happen when we get to wherever?”

  “I know. Ring Trina and see if she’s heard anything from the police.” Hunter didn’t know what to say. Ben was right. Why would they let them follow?

  Ben dialled and put the phone on speaker again. “Hi, guys, we’re on the road, where are you?”

  Ben answered, “On the M2 heading west, just past the Emu Plains turnoff. Did you hear back from the police?”

  “Yeah. Only a minute ago. They can’t reach the copper who looks after the town. It’s a one man band out there. So they’re going to keep trying.”

  Enraged, Hunter’s temper flared. “Is that it? Is that all they can do? Why the hell didn’t they try and intercept them before they left Sydney?”

  Trina sighed. “I think it’s because they think it’s a misunderstanding or something.”

  “Hey,” Hunter exclaimed. “They’re slowing down. Hang on, Trina, stay on the line.”

  The ute slowed and pulled into the shoulder and Hunter pulled his car to a stop about five car spaces behind. Ben reached for his door handle but Hunter had a funny feeling in his gut. Something wasn’t right. Why would they stop after all this time? “Wait.”

  Ben glanced at him, obviously confused. Hunter said, “Something’s not right.”

  The front door of the cab opened and a man climbed out. He strode purposefully towards them. Even though the headlights shone directly at him, the shadow from his baseball cap obscured his face. He stopped at the back end of the ute in clear sight and raised a pistol. Pointing it directly at the driver’s side front window, he yelled, “Fuck off.”

  Hunter stopped breathing and threw the car into reverse. Pulling Ben down, he dived below the dash. They were no good to Stella dead. Hunter quickly peeked through the top of the steering wheel, feeling confident that the headlights would pretty much blind the man as to what was happening in their car.

  He watched the crazy loon with the gun take two steps to the side and shoot at their front tire. Ben yelped and Hunter thought he might have a heart attack. What the fuck was that? As he slammed his foot onto the accelerator, the guy turned to the ute, climbed back in and drove off.

  Hunter stopped the car immediately and just sat there. Several minutes of heavy breathing and silence ensued as Ben and Hunter held hands over the console and absorbed what the fuck had just happened. Quietly, Ben said, “You know, I’ve never seen a gun in real life that wasn’t carried by a policeman and, even then, only in a holster, never pulled out.”
r />   “Nah, me, too.” Hunter could hear something, like a radio turned down low. He glanced around and focused on the phone, still in Ben’s hand. Trina!

  “Trina, Ben, put it back on speaker. You must’ve knocked it off.”

  Ben touched the phone and Trina came through loud and clear, “…was that? Hello, what was that noise? What happened, are you there? Hello.”

  “Trina,” Hunter said, “That fuck just shot our tire out.”

  “Who did, what, Kevin shot your tire?”

  “No, Kevin’s in the back with Stella. The driver got out, pointed a gun at us and then shot out our front tire.”

  “Fuck.” They could hear the shock in her voice.

  “Are you guys coming the same way, down the M2? Can you pick us up?”

  Trina still sounded dazed. “Yeah, will do. I’ll give you the details of the police guy I was talking to. You can ring and tell them while you wait for us.”

  Chapter Twelve

  As soon as Hunter and Ben settled in the backseat of Rob’s black four-wheel drive, Trina asked, “What did the police say, exactly?”

  “That they would send someone out but that it would take them at least an hour to get there and they’ll continue trying to reach the cop in town.”

  “Huh? What about the bullet in your car? Doesn’t that prove anything? I mean, they were pretty quick to respond to that,” Trina asked in a voice full of disbelief. “Shouldn’t they be doing more?”

  Trina was right. The police had turned up really quickly after their call to the station. A traffic cop positioned a few miles down the road responded and they’d explained everything to him. He’d had to wait for backup before he could do anything with their car. “Yeah, the constable called for a team to come out and check the car and then he radioed up ahead to alert the other two patrols to be on the lookout for them. If they pass any of the units on the highway, they’ll be pulled over.”

  “Well there’s a good chance of that happening. Usually the police are everywhere along this road,” Trina said, sounding a little relieved.


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