Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Saving Stella [Sequel to Tying Trina] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Lou Lou Winters

  “Unfortunately, the policeman said that the patrols are moving around, up and down the freeway all the time. They aren’t stationed in one spot so they may miss them.”

  “The policeman in Sydney called back and said the number plate we gave them doesn’t exist on their database.”

  Rob drove, all of them silent, caught up in their own thoughts. Occasionally Ben would graze his thumb across the back of Hunter’s hand. He found it comforting and responded likewise.

  Twenty minutes later, the phone rang again. Ben answered, said yes a few times and then hung up. “The police said that they’ve retrieved the bullet from your car and are heading out to Billabringa now. They know we’re heading that way to find Stella, too, and warned us to wait for them. We’re not to approach the house and we have to let them deal with it.”

  “Sounds like sensible advice,” Rob said from the front, but before anyone could protest he kept talking. “Shame we won’t be taking it.”

  Ben leaned forward and clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, mate. You have no idea.”

  “I do, if anything happened to Trina…”

  “Shhh, it won’t,” Trina said, patting his knee and giving him a smile. “But I do think we need to be careful. Stella never said anything about guns, so hopefully only the other guy had one.”

  Hunter wanted to have a better idea of what they were driving into. “How big’s the town?”

  “Really small community, I think at last count there were sixty residents in the township but there’ll be more on the properties, like the jackaroos and stuff. You have to drive through the town and their place is about ten minutes out the other side. We should probably park on the main road and walk up though because it’s a private road, so they’ll see us coming.”

  Twenty minutes later they all climbed out of the car and started the trek up the main driveway to the farmhouse. This far out into the country, there were no city lights to brighten the way. With the moon behind a cloud, they were shrouded in darkness as they approached.

  They could see lights on in the house as they crept up the last stretch of drive. The scrub had been cleared in a big circle around the house in case of bushfires. They’d just have to hope Kevin wasn’t looking out the windows when they walked up. Ben whispered, “I can’t see the ute, unless it’s round the back. Maybe the guy with the gun dropped them off and left.”

  Whispering back, Hunter said, “We can only hope.”

  They huddled together and Trina asked, “How do you want to do this?”

  Rob spoke up first. “I think you should knock on the pretence of seeing Stella. When he opens the door, we’ll rush him. Hold him down, tie him up maybe. I have rope in the car. Get Stella and get out. How’s that sound?”

  With them all in agreement, Trina started for the door. Hunter caught her arm. “Just let me quickly jog around the back and make sure the ute is gone.”

  He ran a full circle of the property and returned to report no sign of the ute, so Trina headed for the door. They quickly followed and took up positions on either side as Trina knocked. Hunter looked at the other two men. They were as tense as he was, ready to pounce on whoever opened the door. Trina knocked again and they could hear footsteps approaching.

  Stella stiffened as she heard the knock on the door upstairs. Kevin sneered, “John’s back. Now you’ll see what happens when you fuck with me.”

  He headed up and out of the basement and Stella started to struggle in earnest. He’d pushed her down the cellar steps and she’d been lucky not to break anything. Now she was naked and bent over the sawhorse with the wooden edge cutting into her hips, and she needed a drink. Kevin had been circling her with threats about the fun they intended to have with her and her nausea had returned. Her head pounded and her heart was beating like a frightened rabbit’s.

  She listened closely to the sounds above her. It sounded like a scuffle going on but she daren’t scream. Kevin wanted to fill her mouth with the biggest cock gag she’d ever seen. Sure she’d suffocate, she needed to think of self-preservation, and if it was John then she needed to be quiet. He scared her more than Kevin. His eyes were dead and cold. Better the devil you know, she thought.

  Her earlier hopes of rescue had been dashed when John climbed back in the cab on the freeway. He’d told her that he’d shot one of the men that had been following. Tears had slid down her cheeks unchecked as she worried about her men. Maybe the police would get involved, but they still mightn’t find her for a few hours. If anything had happened to either Hunter or Ben, then she would never be able to forgive herself for getting them involved. She loved them both, more than she could ever remember loving anyone.

  The ropes were too tight. She knew they would be. Kevin had a nasty, sadistic streak. They were cutting off her circulation already, so there’d be no way to slip her hands out. Looking around the dingy basement, she could see Kevin’s tools on the bench. She tried to sort of shuffle-jump in that direction but the horse was made out of heavy wood and with only her toes touching the ground, the chances of moving it were zero.

  Dismayed and distressed by her predicament, tears started to fall again. With her head hanging down, she didn’t want to cry. It would be hard to breathe with her nose blocked. She wondered if Ben and Hunter had called the police or if they’d been planning on dealing with Kevin themselves.

  The door at the top of the stairs burst open and Hunter and Ben came flying down.

  “Oh, baby, baby,” Ben crooned as he skidded to a stop on his knees in front of her. He cradled her head and kissed her forehead before setting to work on the ropes around her hands.

  Hunter went straight to the tools and came back with a saw. Carefully he started to free her legs. “Where’s Kevin?” she asked.

  “Tied up, upstairs. Rob’s sitting on him with Trina.”

  Despite it all, Stella laughed. Finally the tension of the evening lifted, and overwhelming feelings of gratitude ploughed through her as she started to babble. “Thanks, thanks, oh god, thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much, thanks, thanks. He would have killed me, thank you.”

  Ben kissed her lips to stop her talking as her first hand came free. “Enough, babe. We love you and are just so happy to find you safe.”

  Hunter had her legs free in the next minute and Ben lifted her into his arms and headed for the steps. Stella snuggled into his chest and her body relaxed, feeling weak, and her limbs felt like lead. All the energy and fight drained from her, leaving her tired and shaky. Before they could start up, Rob and Trina appeared above in the doorway. Stella could see the look on Trina’s face and instantly knew something was wrong. John must have returned. Struggling out of Ben’s arms, she stood between her men as they supported her. They both looked confused until Trina started down the stairs and John, with his gun held high, came into sight.

  Rob followed her down, shaking his head. “Sorry, wasn’t much I could do with a gun pointed at Trina.”

  John sneered as Kevin appeared behind him, rubbing his wrists. “Looks like we’ll have three in the audience and two fuck holes to have fun with.”

  Shoving Rob in the back, he indicated the chairs on the other side of the room. “Get three chairs and put them in a line in front of the sawhorse.”

  When Rob didn’t move, John kicked him in the side of the knee and he went down with a cry of pain. “Fucking do it or I’ll shoot your slut’s tits off.” He grabbed Trina and pulled her closer. Trina tried to pull away but Stella could see his fingers sinking into the soft skin of her upper arm as he held her close.

  Stella couldn’t watch this anymore, all because of her. She lunged at John with a scream of anger, ready to scratch his face off, but he threw Trina in front of her instead and they crashed together in a heap on the floor. Huddling close, they held each other and waited. Stella’s muscles were coiled tight and she would take any opportunity presented to her to fight. She’d had enough.

  “Do it,” John screamed at Rob.

  Rob li
mped over and lined up the chairs.

  “Sit down, and you, too,” John said, glancing at Ben and Hunter. He bent down and pulled Trina to her feet again. Holding her close, he ran a hand over one of her breasts and she whimpered. Menacingly he said, “Sit down, you stupid fucks.” He roared when no one moved. Pointing the gun at Hunter and Ben, he motioned for them to move towards the chair.

  “And if I don’t?” Ben asked.

  “Obviously, I’ll shoot. Which tit first I wonder?” Pulling Trina to her feet, he placed the gun muzzle against the side of Trina’s breast and she started to struggle, but he held her tight.

  “Do not move!”

  All eyes shot up to the top of the stairs as a uniformed police officer slowly descended the stairs with his partner behind. “Let the girl go and put down your weapon.”

  Dropping Trina’s arm, John smiled and turned to the cops. “It’s okay, officers, I’m a policeman.”

  “Put the gun on the floor and raise your hands.” Stella froze, everyone froze, hardly daring to breathe, all eyes on John.

  Stella released her breath as John lowered the gun towards the floor, saying, “Check my pocket for my badge,” but it stuck in her throat as his gun flew up again. The deafening noise echoed in the small basement as the shot rang out. Trina’s heart stopped and she watched in slow motion as the gun went flying out of John’s hand and he clutched at his shoulder. He dropped to his knees screaming, “Motherfuckers. I’m a fucking cop, you cunts.”

  With the ringing still muffling sounds in her ears, Trina collapsed to the floor again, holding Stella close as the police officers retrieved the gun and lined all the men up. “They’re with us,” Trina said as they started to pat down Rob.

  “Yes,” Stella added. “Those three came to rescue me. It’s him you want, and him,” she said, first pointing to Kevin and then John. Considering her nakedness and obviously being the victim, the police responded quickly to restrain Kevin more securely. She could hear another officer in the background calling for backup and an ambulance.

  Trina struggled out of her jacket and wrapped it around Stella as she started to shake. As she adjusted it around her shoulders, Trina pulled her close and they sat there hugging, seeking comfort from each other. Stella hadn’t realised she’d started to cry again. Tears dripped off her chin as the police moved around, ordering everyone to keep their hands in sight and remain still. As more officers filed into the basement, Stella and Trina were escorted upstairs and allowed to sit quietly in the kitchen while the boys went through everything with the police. It would be their turn shortly. Stella would have to say what happened with Kevin. She’d have to relive it again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Determined not to let Kevin ruin any more of her life, Stella carried on as if nothing had happened. Occasionally she woke at night, gasping for air, fear drenching her system, only to feel the warm bodies of her men on either side of her. She’d settle back to sleep quickly, comforted by their loving support.

  The police had searched the entire town and found the women in stocks that Stella had mentioned to them. Unfortunately, very few women in the town would speak out about the abuse for fear of retribution. Stella understood how trapped they felt and pledged to do as much as she could to help those who needed it within the town.

  John still needed to be in hospital, but apparently he would be going straight into custody when he was released. He’d raised his gun at police, the women in stocks had named him, and countless other undisclosed things had been found in his house, not to mention her abduction and shooting out the boys’ car tire. The police had assured her he would be going to jail.

  Kevin had been denied bail and was currently awaiting trial. He would be going to court to face multiple charges in a couple of months. Trina had decked out her handbag with pepper spray and they were taking self-defence classes together at their local community centre. Trina had encouraged her friend Belinda to attend as well and Stella had hit it off with her immediately. They were planning a barbeque to introduce all the men.

  A couple of women made contact with her about a week after her kidnapping and she was helping them set up lives independently from their husbands in Sydney. They faced the same challenges as she did when she arrived on Trina’s doorstep and needed all the support they could get.

  Trudging through the rain, Stella finally made it to the boys’ front door and used her key to let herself in. “Hello,” she called out, trying not to drip on the carpets. Her bus blew something about four stops short of the boys’ front door, so she’d decided to walk instead of wait.

  Ben stuck his head out of the kitchen. “Oh, babe, you’re all wet. Why didn’t you call? What happened?”

  Stella smiled. “I’m going to have a shower. The bus broke down. I walked the last bit.”

  Ben came over and kissed her forehead. Stella fell apart with a massive sob. Kindness always knocked down her barriers and his innocent, caring affection was her undoing. Ben circled her with his arms and pulled her into a hug. “Baby, baby, what’s wrong?”

  “They made me redundant. First in, first out. I have to find another job.”

  Ben gave her a squeeze and, despite her bad news, he laughed and patted her on the butt. “Don’t worry about that now. We have a surprise for you. Go and have your shower and come back down, okay?”

  Stella became a bit cross at his unusual lack of empathy and said sarcastically, “I just lost my job. I don’t think I’m in the mood for the sort of surprises you guys give me.”

  Ben clutched his chest above his heart. “Ouch.” Laughing, he pulled her back into his arms. “Seriously, please, you know we’ll always look after you, and it’s not that sort of surprise.” Pulling back and looking at her, he lifted his eyebrows and said, “It might be marginally better, so hurry up and have your shower.”

  Feeling considerably better, Stella headed downstairs and into the kitchen where her handsome men were preparing dinner. They turned as she entered and smiled conspiratorially at each other. Hunter kissed her cheek and took her hand. “Come on upstairs, we want to show you something.”

  At the top of the stairs, instead of turning left down the hall to the bedroom they usually used, both men turned right and stopped in front of the huge double doors leading to the biggest master bedroom she’d ever seen in real life. Dramatically, they each took a door handle and threw the doors open. Last time Stella had been shown this room, everything had been draped in dust covers and the whole thing needed a good air.

  Now the room emanated warmth in divine shades of orange and blue. The walls were freshly painted, though the room didn’t smell like paint anymore. In the corner stood a beautiful antique dressing table with a huge mirror and elaborately embroidered stool. On the far side, the massive walk-in wardrobe stood open with new shelving and hanging space. From what she could see through the other open door, the huge en suite had been decked out as well. “Wow, you guys have done a great job. Have you changed your minds? Are you going to sell this place after all?”

  Leading her over to the day bed under the window, they sat on the end of it with her. Hunter cleared his throat and Ben looked at his hands. Stella wondered what the hell was going on. Hunter stood and faced her. “We want to know if you’d like to move in with us. We did up this room so that the three of us could share it.”

  All the blood rushed from Stella’s head. She thought she might faint. “Live here with you guys,” she whispered.

  They both nodded and Ben took her hand. “Come on, Stell, you know we love you heaps and you’re here all the time anyway. Please.”

  Stella remained speechless. This was a dream come true. She loved them both more than she would ever have imagined loving anyone. They were her Prince Charmings and her fairy tale had come true. All she could do was nod her head. Eventually she said, “We’ll have to work out rent and stuff, plus I still need to find a new job.” She would not bludge off them. She would not give up her newfound independence so easily.

  Ben whooped and jumped on the bed and Stella looked around startled. Hunter grinned from ear to ear. “So that’s a yes then, is it?” he asked quietly.

  Stella’s tummy flip-flopped at the idea of living with these two. Big, strong, good looking, kind, generous, she could go on and on. And they wanted to share their lives with her. They loved her. And she loved them very much. “Yes. I’d love to.” Grinning herself, she thought her chest might burst with happiness.

  “Okay,” Hunter said, “with that settled, we’ll move you on the weekend.”

  “Next, we’re looking for a P.A.” Stella stared at Hunter blankly. She knew that. She already helped them with all their paperwork and phone calls when she had time. They were absolutely snowed under with all the conveyance paperwork involved in buying and selling houses. Stella herself had written the ad for the P.A. to go in the local paper. She initially wondered how they’d been so successful with their unorganised ways, but after seeing a few of the properties they’d done up, she knew they were gifted, just not in keeping up with paperwork.

  Ben dropped down beside her. “Will you do it? You do heaps of it now anyway. You may as well get paid for it.”

  Stella lifted her hands to her cheeks, overwhelmed yet again at their generosity and kindness. “It wouldn’t be too much would it? All living and working together.”

  “No, we’re on building sights most of the days, and you’ll be out and about with all your jobs.” Ben didn’t seem to be able to wipe the smile off his face and Stella found it infectious.

  Grinning, she said, “Thank you so much. I would love to live with you guys and I would love to be your P.A.”

  Hunter tilted his head towards the bathroom. “Time to christen all the rooms in the main suite, I think.”

  Stella laughed as both men soaped her body, running gentle fingers over her sensitive skin as the four showerheads sprayed them with warm water from all directions. They tweaked her nipples, making her gasp. It sent spikes of desire through her body. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the warm, steamy air as she lost herself in her arousal. The fingers stroking her slid lower and cupped her arse, slipping between her cheeks to press on her ring.


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