Book Read Free

Judith Stacy

Page 16

by The One Month Marriage

  Charles appeared in the doorway and nodded discreetly to Jana, signaling that the guest room had been prepared.

  “After you’re settled,” Jana said, getting to her feet, “I’ll be happy to show you around the city.”

  “Excellent,” Aunt Rosa declared, rising from the settee with a little effort.

  “We’ll spend the day together and get acquainted,” Jana said. “I know a perfect spot for luncheon. We can—”

  “I’ll go with you,” Brandon offered.

  Jana’s brows bobbed upward. “You want to go along?” she asked, hearing the surprise in her own voice.

  “Sure,” he said.

  She’d thought her offer to escort Aunt Rosa around the city today would be a favor to Brandon. He hardly had the patience for sitting in a carriage all day, rolling past sights he’d seen hundreds of times—even if their guest was a family member he surely hadn’t seen in years.

  “But what about your work?” she asked. “You mentioned your warehouse purchase at breakfast. Don’t you have to conclude the deal today?”

  He shrugged. “It can wait.”

  It can wait? Jana’s eyes widened and her jaw fell open. Brandon actually intended to put off a business transaction? Could he really be that desperate to see his aunt?

  Jana doubted it. Something else was going on. She was almost certain she saw his mind working, mulling over something.

  “I plan to take Aunt Rosa to the tearoom for luncheon,” Jana warned him.

  “That bird tearoom?” He cringed slightly. “Quail? Pheasant? Turkey?”

  “The Peacock Tea Room,” Jana said. “I know it’s not exactly one of your favorite spots, but—”

  “No, it’s fine. We’ll go there.”

  Now she knew something was up.

  But Brandon gave her no chance to ask anything further. He turned to his aunt.

  “We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready,” he said.

  “Well, then, let’s get on with it,” Aunt Rosa declared. “Charlotte? Charlotte!”

  A few minutes later, the secretary entered the sitting room. Jana explained their plans for the day and Charlotte did an admirable job of not looking relieved at hearing that Rosa would be occupied elsewhere for hours.

  “We’ll leave as soon as you’ve freshened up,” Jana said.

  “We won’t be long,” Charlotte answered as she escorted Rosa out of the sitting room.

  “You really don’t have to go, Brandon,” Jana said. “I know how important that warehouse purchase is to you.”

  He shook his head. “I want to go. I’ll place a telephone call to the office and tell Perkins that I won’t be in today. He’ll handle everything.”

  “All right. If you’re sure.”

  Brandon didn’t answer, but he did move closer, so close they nearly touched. He glanced at the doorway, then leaned down a little and lowered his voice.

  “There is something I’d like to talk to you about.”

  An odd feeling crept over Jana. She wasn’t certain if Brandon’s words brought it on—or his closeness.

  “Could we go someplace…private?” he whispered.

  His breath puffed against her ear. Jana fought off a shiver.

  “Well, all right,” she said, wondering if that was a wise idea.

  Brandon nodded and left the room, leaving her to follow. They wound through the house, past the crew already at work this morning in the parlor and his study. Most of the major construction had been completed, cutting down on the noise of the hammers and saws. Now they busied themselves with the detail work.

  When they reached the little storage room near the kitchen that Jana had designated Brandon’s new study, he motioned her inside, then followed. With the desk, chair and sidetable already wedged inside, hardly any room was left for the two of them. Brandon pulled the door closed, throwing them into near darkness. Jana gasped as he suddenly pressed his full body against hers. She leaned back, bracing her hands against the desktop. His arm circled her waist, holding her steady.

  Her heart raced at the feel of his chest snuggling against her breasts, and his leg easing between her thighs. Good gracious, what was happening?

  The overhead light snapped on, filling the room with feeble light, and Jana found herself gazing up into Brandon’s face. They hung there for a few seconds, both frozen in place.

  “Just, ah, just turning on the light,” Brandon said, keeping her in his grasp.

  Jana pulled her gaze from his face and saw that he still held on to the overhead light cord. She shifted, attempting to extricate herself from his grasp, but only succeeded in dragging her breasts across his chest and allowing his thigh to slip deeper between hers.

  His gaze dipped to her bosom, and though her dress covered her to her throat, her skin tingled as if he could see straight through the fabric.

  Brandon straightened away from her. She backed away and bumped into a wall. In the confines of the room, that left them only a foot or so apart.

  “What…what did you want to talk to me about?” Jana asked, smoothing down the skirt of her dress.

  His gaze followed her hands, sending another wave of warmth through her.

  “Since my aunt is here I thought we should address our situation,” Brandon said. “I’d prefer she didn’t learn that you and I are having difficulties.”

  Jana admonished herself for allowing her thoughts to wander. Of course Brandon wouldn’t want his aunt to know the truth of their situation, go back home to New York and spill the news to everyone in the family. Jana wasn’t anxious to be the topic of the Delaney gossip mill, either.

  She drew in a breath, trying to ignore the tingling in her breasts Brandon had caused, and turned her attention to their very real problem.

  “You’re right,” she said. “I’d rather keep this to ourselves.”

  “Then you’re agreeable to us acting as if we’re a normal married couple?” he asked, then hastened to add, “In my aunt’s presence.”

  Jana drew back a little. “What, exactly, did you have in mind?”

  He shrugged. “When I offer my arm, I’d appreciate it if you’d take it.”

  That made perfect sense. “Certainly.”

  “Allow me to assist you in and out of the carriage.”

  “That’s reasonable.”

  “I think a modest showing of affection would be appropriate,” Brandon said. “For instance, if I take your hand.”

  To demonstrate, he lifted her hand, his big warm fingers closing around hers. He leaned down a little, drawing her hand to his lips.

  “A small kiss?” he suggested, then placed his lips on the back of her hand. “Would that be all right?”

  Jana gulped. “Y-yes…”

  He kissed her softly, then turned her hand and pressed his lips against the soft underside, his tongue gliding over her palm.

  Heat surged from her hand, up her arm and over her breasts, then arrowed lower. A moan slipped through her lips.

  Brandon’s mouth worked its way across her palm, then closed over the end of her finger, his tongue and lips tugging at the tip. Jana’s knees weakened, and she pushed back against the wall to keep from falling.

  With deliberate slowness, Brandon moved from one finger to the next, working a long-forgotten magic that held Jana breathless.

  When he finally lifted his head, he said, “And would it be all right if I smelled your hair?”

  He held on to her hand, swirling his thumb against her palm. She couldn’t answer.

  “I love the smell of your hair,” Brandon whispered. “And your neck. That one spot…right below your ear…right here…”

  Emotion rose in Jana as Brandon leaned down. She shuddered when his mouth pressed against that particular spot, the one he’d just described…the one she remembered he liked so much, all those months ago. His lips moved over her flesh, then his teeth and his tongue.

  Brandon settled both hands at her waist, pulling her just a little closer. He lifted them slowly unt
il his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts. Jana leaned her head sideways, unable not to, giving him better access to her neck.

  He cupped her breasts, kneading them gently. Jana shifted, pushing them farther into his hands. His thumbs moved higher and higher, and her nipples tightened in anticipation, suddenly anxious for his touch.

  But he stopped short and lifted his head.

  “I don’t think we should do this in front of my aunt,” he said softly, his hands still on her.

  Jana just looked at him, too befuddled by his caress to make any sense out of his words.

  “Should we?” he asked again.

  The sensual fog in her brain cleared a little, leaving Jana to understand what he was saying. But before she could answer him, he started in again.

  His hands stroked her breasts. His thumbs turned in big circles, circles that grew smaller and smaller until—finally—they skimmed the crest.

  Jana gasped and pressed herself against him.

  But he backed away, his fingers remaining long enough to caress her breasts once more.

  “I think we’re in agreement on everything,” he said.

  “Wh-what?” she stammered, her body aching with unfulfilled need.

  “We’re in agreement on how to act in front of my aunt.” Brandon gave her a quick nod and opened the door. “I’ll meet you in the foyer.”

  Then he disappeared. A swirl of fresh air rushed into the room, but did little to cool Jana.

  After this, she had to spend the afternoon with Brandon—and his aunt along as chaperone?

  How would she ever manage?

  Chapter Twenty

  By the time the three of them returned home that evening, Aunt Rosa—oddly enough—seemed to be the only one with energy to spare.

  “Quite a day, yes, quite a day,” Aunt Rosa declared as they entered the house.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Jana said, managing to put some enthusiasm into her voice.

  “The West is beautiful,” she said. “I can’t wait to see California.”

  Jana didn’t bother to correct her.

  The unlikely trio had covered much of the city today by carriage, with Brandon playing the role of tour guide. He pointed out things of interest, many of them Jana herself hadn’t known about, some she remembered from the first three months of their marriage.

  After lunch at the tearoom, Aunt Rosa had wanted to visit some of the stores along Wilshire Boulevard, so they’d set out on foot. She’d fawned over nearly everything she laid eyes on, and bought gifts to send to this or that friend, or a relative Jana had never heard of.

  The woman’s bouts of senility presented themselves often, and Jana had to remind her several times that she’d already purchased the exact same gift. Aunt Rosa wandered off twice.

  The whole day left Jana exhausted.

  Brandon, surely, was worn out from staring at her breasts all day. Each time he spoke to her, every time she glanced his way, his gaze rested on her bosom. He hadn’t made eye contact with her all day. She doubted he could describe the style of hat she wore today if his life depended on it.

  When they passed the Bradbury Building that housed Brandon’s office, she half expected him to ask the driver to stop so he could run in and see how things were going. She almost wished that he would. His constant attention to her bustline reminded her over and over again of their escapade in the storage room this morning.

  The only respite Jana received all day was their brief stop at the women’s refuge. While Brandon gave his aunt a tour of the facility, Jana had interrupted Oliver Fisk’s tutoring session and, behind the closed door of the office, passed along the article and Ask Mrs. Avery column she’d written last night. Much to her relief, he’d told her that the first articles and column had run in the morning paper. She made him promise they would continue.

  “Are you ready for supper?” Jana asked as they crossed the foyer, silent hoping the woman would say no.

  “Supper in my room, I think. Charlotte!”

  “I’ll have Cook send up a tray,” Jana told her.

  “Yes, that will be fine.” Aunt Rosa drew herself up and turned to Brandon. “So, what do you recommend for tomorrow?”

  “What would you like to see?” he asked.

  “Charlotte! The ocean. And I want to see some of those orange trees one hears so much about. Charlotte! Then Hannah and I can finish up our shopping.”

  Brandon nodded. “We’ll make a day of it.”

  Jana pressed her lips together to keep from moaning. She couldn’t take another full day of Aunt Rosa—or Brandon, for that matter, and his constant attention to her breasts. Every time he looked at them, it made her wish he’d touch them.

  “Let me walk you upstairs,” Brandon offered.

  “You go ahead,” Aunt Rosa said. “I need to go over a few things with Charlotte. Charlotte!”

  Jana took the opportunity to dash up the stairs and into the sanctity of her bedchamber. She fell back against the door and heaved a sigh of relief. Quiet. Solitude. At last.

  She went into her bathroom, anxious for a long, hot soak in the tub. Abbie came in a few minutes later, helped her undress, then laid out a pale green nightgown and robe and left her in peace. Jana relaxed in the water, letting the heat draw out the ache in her feet and the tension in her neck.

  Finally, she dragged herself out of the tub, toweled off and slipped into her night clothes, ready to fall into bed. She knew Abbie would have the coverlet turned down for her.

  But when she stepped out of the dressing room, Jana’s heart lurched.

  Brandon sat at her vanity.

  No sign of Abbie.

  “What are you doing in here?” Jana demanded.

  He selected a bottle from the array on the vanity, pulled out the cork and sniffed.

  “Smells good,” he said, and sat it down again.

  He had on his suit trousers and white shirt, but had left his jacket and cravat on the chair beside her bureau. His sleeves were rolled back and his collar stood open.

  “Why are you in here?” Jana asked, walking over.

  Brandon sorted through the colorful bottles on her vanity table, picked one up and held it to the light.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  Jana pulled it from his hand. “I asked you a question,” she said.

  He gazed up at her and Jana wished she’d kept her mouth shut—and stayed in the bathroom. His line of vision skimmed her face but for an instant, then dipped predictably. She flushed, knowing what Brandon knew—that she wore nothing at all beneath her nightgown and robe.

  “Have you forgotten this morning in the storage room?” he asked, his voice low and mellow.

  She flushed again, this time feeling the heat spread to her cheeks.

  He watched her, waiting. Had he asked her that to remind her of their near tryst this morning? And was that a smug expression on his face?

  “Our agreement,” Brandon said, providing the answer she couldn’t recall, and turning back to the vanity. He selected a cobalt-blue jar and screwed off the lid, then looked up at her once more. “To behave as man and wife during my aunt’s visit. Remember?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “If you think that our agreement gives you entrance to my bed, you’re wrong.”

  “Who said anything about your bed?” he asked, sniffing the white cream in the jar.

  “Well—” She stopped, embarrassment crowding out her simmering annoyance.

  “What’s this stuff?” he asked, holding up the jar.

  “It’s a skin softener,” she told him. “And what has your aunt and our agreement got to do with you being in here?”

  “Her room is right across the hall,” Brandon said, putting down the jar. “I walked her upstairs just now. What would she have thought if she’d seen me go into my own bedchamber, instead of yours?”

  “I doubt she’d have noticed,” Jana insisted.

  “She noticed,” Brandon assured her. He lifted a green atomizer with a f
eather sticking out of the top. “What’s this?”

  “Perfume.” Jana plucked it from his hand and put it back on the vanity table. “Fine. She saw you come in here. Why haven’t you left yet?”

  Brandon raised an eyebrow. “And have her think I made love to you like a jackrabbit, then abandoned you?”

  Her cheeks flamed. “Brandon, really…”

  “It’s a reflection of your lovemaking too, Jana,” he informed her.

  Her expression soured. “Is that so?”

  “Do you want her to think you’re one of those wives who stares at the ceiling, counting backward until the deed is done?” Brandon’s eyes darkened. “Especially when you and I both know that’s not the case.”

  “You could go into your room through the connecting door,” Jana pointed out, gesturing to the door that had remained closed tight since her arrival.

  Brandon nodded. “I could do that. But once that door is opened, well, I can’t be held accountable if you barge into my room and force yourself on me.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he went on.

  “Besides,” he said. “If I go into my room, I can’t very well fumble around in the dark. And if I turn on the lamp Aunt Rosa will surely see the light beneath the door and—”

  “I honestly don’t care what your aunt thinks.” Jana flung out both arms.

  “You should. She’s a snoop. The whole family knows it. She slips around the house, spying on people. She’s worse than the servants,” he told her. “And she’s never been married. That’s why she’s so interested in the sexual encounters of other people. She doesn’t hesitate to tell everything she learns.”

  “Do you expect me to believe anyone takes her ramblings seriously?” Jana asked. “The woman doesn’t even know what state she’s in.”

  “You should believe what I tell you,” Brandon said.

  “If she returns home with stories to tell, no one in the family will know she’s referring to me,” Jana insisted. “They’ll think you’ve remarried someone named Hannah.”

  “Aunt Rosa enjoys carrying tales,” Brandon said. “You know the saying—anyone not doing it is talking about it.”


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