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Wet: A Brother’s Best Friend Romance

Page 23

by Aria Ford

  I fixed us sausage and eggs for breakfast and drank a couple of cups of coffee, since anxiety had started to take over. I felt great when I woke up from last night, thinking about the amazing sex and what this could mean, but I was a little wary. I had not been into a woman for a long time, and there was much more to this than just her and I.

  There was Brandon.

  He went to dress in something that he could move in, sounding excited to go. I wore some workout shorts and a loose T-shirt with shoes that I could move in, since I was under the impression that I was going to be involved. We left the house, and I headed to the older part of town to the YMCA. It was an older building but important enough to the city that it was kept up and I looked at it as I parked. We probably didn’t come here enough.

  I walked inside, noting that the courts were in the back of the building. We walked through the various sections, and I pushed the door open to see Mandy playing a casual game with a guy around her age. She was dressed in the same style outfit from when we worked out together. Her laughter made me smile as she slammed the ball into the other court. I might not know the sport inside and out, but she looked like she knew what she was doing.

  She looked like she loved playing tennis.

  There were five other kids with parents watching the game, and a glance at the clock told me that we were a few minutes early. Brandon looked them over while I held onto his shoulder protectively. “I think you’re going to have a great time here.” I was talking to him but staring at Mandy, who glanced up at me with a soft smile on her face. I saw the way her eyes lit up when she saw me and warmth spread over my skin.

  Her and the guy stopped the game and walked over to us, introducing themselves. Mandy was perky and outgoing as she focused on each kid and the parents with them. Once she got to me while Kyle was busy with another child, she leaned down to look into Brandon’s face.

  “Hey, Brandon. I work with your dad. It’s great to meet you.”

  He shook her outstretched hand and smiled as she looked up at me. “Hi, Mandy.”

  “He said that you really like tennis?” she asked as he nodded firmly at her. “We’re going to have a great time.”

  She stood and gave me another long look before she joined Kyle and went over the basics of the class. They would work with the kids and parents on some of the main skills and promised a good time.

  I watched as the kids went out, leaning against the wall to watch as they taught them the proper way to hit the ball. The two instructors took turns with the kids, and while the guy was nice, I could see that Mandy loved children. I couldn’t take my eyes from her as she moved and laughed, lighting up the entire court.

  Once they were done, the parents were encouraged to tap the ball back and forth with their kids. It was fun, and I found myself enjoying the time with Brandon, even as I stole glances at Mandy to see her smiling at us. The day seemed to pass quickly, and I waited for her after she told us that she’d walk us to the car.

  Mandy pulled her hair into a messy bun before walking over and looking at us both. “What did you think, Brandon?”

  “That was so much fun. I can’t wait until next week!” She and I exchanged a glance, and she smiled as she looked back down at him.

  “I’m glad. I want everyone to love tennis as much as I do,” Mandy told him as we turned and made our way through the building. Even sweaty from her day, Mandy was stunning. I looked down at her hand, longing to reach out and grab it as she kept talking to Brandon about school and his interests.

  That turned me on even more. She was so kind to him, and even though I knew she was aware of my presence the way I was hers, she didn’t shove him aside. She got to know him, and I could see by the way he looked at her at the car that he liked Mandy.

  I unlocked the door, and Brandon got in as I looked at Mandy. “So my brother has tickets to the local baseball game tomorrow, and I need a date. Want to join us?”

  Her face lit up, and her cheeks turned pink as she glanced at the car. “Is Brandon going?”

  “I haven’t discussed it with him yet, but probably. It’ll be a good time.” I smiled at her.

  “That sounds great. What time does it start?” Mandy asked, and my stomach relaxed.

  “I can pick you up at one. How does that sound?” I asked as she nodded with excitement in her eyes. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

  “I have to have dinner with my parents. Every Saturday night, like I have no life. They want to hear all about the new job.” Mandy grimaced for a moment. “Sorry. I don’t hate it there. I just hate the questions and the pressure.”

  “I understand,” I assured her, seeing how much they affected her. “Try to have a good time. I can talk after if you want. I think that I’ll just be hanging out with Brandon. We usually go to dinner and maybe a movie on the weekend, unless he’s wiped out from today.” I stepped a little closer to her, watching her eyes widen. “You were great out there. With all the kids, but especially Brandon. He really likes you.”

  “I like him too. He looks so much like you, Stephen. He’s a mini you.” She looked up at me and licked her lips. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Stephen.”

  “Yeah, you will. Have a good night.” I wanted to kiss her, but this wasn’t the time or place. I had to build up to that. I reluctantly stepped away to go around to my side of the car. I watched her walk back toward the building, remembering how it felt to have her juicy ass pressed to me while she was crying out my name. I was in so much fucking trouble.



  I stopped by the apartment to shower before dinner. My mom was the kind of woman to always look perfectly put together. The same could be said of my older sister, Kate. She was five years older and completed medical school recently and was working as a surgeon in one of the area’s largest hospitals. She had a fiancé as well, and they were going to get married in six months and likely have a bunch of perfect children.

  I braided my hair into a plait over my shoulder and looked at the jeans and conservative green button-up shirt that I chose to wear. It was loose and gauzy and covered everything up the way a girl should dress. Mom never saw the things I chose for work or anything other than dinner, and they weren’t even that bad. She just thought I should dress my age.

  What did that even mean?

  I slipped on some sandals and headed to the car. It was delivered early this morning, fixed up until the next time something decided to give out. I knew that I could consider the idea of something new down the line, but I’d been through so much with my Callie. I started the engine and made my way to their house on the edge of town. Dad retired from his shop a few years ago and wanted something a bit more private, since Mom only worked three days a week at a doctor’s office.

  I pulled into the long driveway and sighed, wondering how this was going to go. I got out and went to knock on the door which was opened by my mother on the phone as she waved me inside. I smiled and passed her, walking into the comfortable to see my dad watching a game. “Hi, Daddy.” I dropped my purse onto the worn brown sectional and sat down, checking out the score of the baseball game. I smiled, thinking about the game tomorrow.

  “How’s that new job?” he asked as Mom walked in, going on about Kate and how they both had to work and miss dinner. She perched on the edge of a chair and looked me over, her disappointment obvious in her eyes that matched Kate’s.

  “It’s good. The place is great, and the staff is really nice. I am still learning, of course, but I think I’ll do okay.” I smiled at him, pretending not to notice her.

  “Do you think they’ll keep you on?” Her voice was cool and curious, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

  “I am still on probation. It’s just been a week, Mom. Martin is a great boss, though. I am sure he’d help me over going through the entire hiring process again.” That was what I hoped, anyway.

  “Just do your best,” her tone was condescending, and anger burned in my ches
t. I wasn’t in the mood for this after last night and today. Everything seemed to be falling into place for me, even though it wasn’t medical school. “I suppose it is a decent salary but is there room to grow? Your other jobs didn’t offer that.”

  “There is, Mom. I am assistant to the finance department, and it’s a big company. They’re doing great,” I said with a sour tone as Dad looked between Mom and I. “Jesus. Do I have to go to goddamn medical school for you to be impressed by anything I do?”

  “Mandy!” She chided me as I slumped back against the couch. “Kate did a wonderful service to herself by going to med school. Think of her future!”

  “I am not her. I never will be here. I have a job that I like, and I volunteer with kids. That is who I am,” I barked at her as Mom sighed and stood.

  “I am going to finish dinner.” Her tone was haughty, and I stared at Dad as he shrugged helplessly.

  “You know I don’t put your sister on a pedestal. That’s all your mom,” he said softly, not wanting to start anything more. He did have to live here after all. “I am proud of you, kiddo.”

  I know that he was and I tried to relax before we headed into the dining room to eat. I was going to give this another go.

  I took my seat in between my parents and sipped a glass of water. I wished it was a shot of liquor, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  Mom had fixed a roast chicken with vegetables and fresh rolls. That was one of my favorite meals, but my stomach was in knots over everything. My mother talked about work, and I realized that she wanted to sound like something she wasn’t so much of the time. Overly important. They were middle class, and that was fine.

  Kate came back up, and Mom started to talk about her wedding plans. They were planning on a late summer wedding at a local resort on a lake. She could not stop gushing about it. I knew that Mom would be excited to help plan a wedding, but she sounded too into the little details that wouldn’t matter even the day after the ceremony.

  Dad seemed to want to steer the conversation away from the wedding, and I gave him a small, grateful smile as he asked what my plans were for the rest of the weekend. I assumed that he was nervous about the cost of everything and sick to death of the subject.

  “I was invited to a baseball game tomorrow. The local team,” I offered as he smiled. Dad loved all sports and I knew he’d be into the idea.

  “Who are you going with?” Mom asked me as I wondered what to say.

  “I met a guy at the office, and he invited me.” I saw the distaste on her face and sighed. “He’s a good guy. I taught his son at tennis camp today.”

  “Son? Is he married, Mandy?” Mom asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “No, Mom. He’s a single parent and a great one at that. I like them both a lot.” I knew that we were headed toward another fight and Dad wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  “How long have you been seeing him?” he asked me as I looked at him. I saw the worry in his face and smiled.

  “It is pretty new.” I shrugged. “I haven’t dated in a while, and he’s nice, so why not? You never know where it might go.” I tried to sound casual, but the tension was thick in the air. “I don’t care that he has a son.”

  “It can be a very messy situation, Mandy. I think it would be easier to start a family of your own, like your sister. Start fresh,” she suggested as I dropped my fork onto the plate.

  “Enough with Kate. Let me live my own life.” I told her as she dropped her napkin and left the table, muttering something about not wanting to watch me make a huge mistake. I helped Dad clean up and took some food home in a container after hugging him goodbye.

  “I’ll try to talk to her,” he promised me as I nodded and walked to my car. What a fucking disaster that was.

  I drove to my apartment, feeling a big letdown from tonight. I always went over there thinking that this would be the time that Mom saw me for who I was, rather than comparing me to my sister. I loved Kate because she was my big sister but we were different people.

  She was much more prim and proper than I was. I’d always been curious and far more athletic than she was, but we both made something of ourselves. Kate was always focused on a future that she chose as a kid. She was happy, but I’d hate being a doctor. I didn’t even love numbers, but I was good at it when a gorgeous man did not distract me.

  I walked into my apartment and put the food in the fridge. I thought back to the night before and how much I’d wanted to see Stephen again. I didn’t run around sleeping with men on the first date all the time, but something about him had me breaking my rules.

  Did I regret it?

  Hell, no. I felt good giving into that raw need that he made me feel. I felt good giving myself to him and feeling so amazing every time that I came. Multiple orgasms were not a part of my life prior to last night. I’d sleep with him again tomorrow night if I had the chance, and I blushed as I wondered what he’d taste like.

  I’d always been so shy about things like that in the past, but I knew that I wanted the experience of tasting him. He was the kind of guy that turned me on without even trying, and I was going to enjoy him for as long as I could.

  I was tired of being a good girl all the time. I wanted to breathe a little, and I planned to. Consequences be damned.



  I woke up Sunday on my own, not needing any alarm. I talked to Brandon last night about the game, and he didn’t want to go. Mike and Danielle invited him to the local eat and play place for lunch, and I knew that was to offer me some personal space.

  I insisted on making some waffles for breakfast for us, inviting the couple to make a plate once they got over. I liked to have some normalcy in Brandon’s life when I could, and breakfast was one of the traditions as well as dinner if I could swing it.

  It was much harder than breakfast, given the fact that I stayed late sometimes.

  I played some of his favorite video game with him after breakfast and before he was to go to the restaurant. I headed to my room to change into some shorts and a T-shirt that boasted the name of the team, something I’d gotten at a previous game. I added a ball cap in a dark blue ball cap to my head and headed down to get my keys to pick Mandy up. Brandon barely told me goodbye. He was so excited about their plans, and I grinned behind the wheel of my car. I was glad that he had people like Mike and Danielle in his life.

  I drove to Mandy’s apartment and tapped on the door, smiling when her and another girl appeared at the door.

  “Hi, Stephen. You remember Vanessa?” Mandy said as I nodded and looked at the blonde. We shook hands again, and she sized me up with shrewd eyes, something that was much more noticeable this time. We made some small talk as Mandy ran back to her bedroom to get a red hat, pulling it over her ponytail.

  She looked beautiful, and I resisted the urge to kiss her as she gathered her purse and threw a jacket over her arm. Vanessa told her that she’d be late at the theater tonight as she hugged her, and they shared a knowing look.

  I knew that girls talked. They had to discuss things with someone, and these two were best friends for a long time. I looked at Mandy as we left the apartment, knowing that she’d be tasteful about what she said about us. I didn’t mind if she told Vanessa that I was the best fuck of her life at all. I just didn’t want everyone she knew discussing that.

  Lacy was like that. She bragged to all her friends about the hot guy she was sleeping with, and then suddenly a baby was involved. The fact surprised me she made it a year with us, since it was obvious to me that she wasn’t happy with a baby.

  It was Mandy who stopped us by the car and cupped my face as she stared into my eyes. She leaned up to kiss me, and I slipped an arm around her waist to hold her against me as her lips parted. The kiss was passionate but brief as Mandy pulled away with a flustered smile.

  “I hope you didn’t mind that. I’ve been thinking about you all day long."

  “Me too.” I smiled at her and moved to unlock the door, letti
ng her get settled before I closed it. I suddenly wanted the game to be over so we could be alone again but I told my body to calm down. We were going to have a great day today with my family. I knew that both Kevin and Terry feel better about how things worked out, given how happy Mandy made him. I didn’t want them to weight themselves down with guilt over Lacy. It was nobody’s fault but hers for walking away, and I didn’t blame anybody else. I just did what I had to do and moved on.

  I headed into the city to get to the field, parking in the main lot and sending my brother a text to ask if he’d arrived. He was still on the way, and I smiled at Mandy.

  “They’re headed in with the tickets, but we can have a drink at the bar over here. They’ll be here in a few minutes.” I offered her my hand, and she grinned as she took it, leaning up to kiss me again. We made our way to the bar that was just in front of the stadium. I ordered a beer while she asked for a hard cider. “How was dinner?”

  “Oh, at my parents’?” Mandy frowned. “It was shit. My mom has been comparing me to my sister for years, and since Kate became a surgeon, she’s was so much worse. I feel like I’m not enough for her. The night ended with her running to her room and just saying goodbye to Dad.” She brightened as she sipped her drink. “Did Brandon say anything about the camp?”

  “He liked it a lot and loved you. He talked a lot about the camp and can’t wait for next weekend. His absence today has nothing to do with you at all.” I laughed. “He loves his nanny and her boyfriend, who invited him out for the day. I think that she’s trying to push me to have a life.”

  “Ah. How long has she been watching Brandon?” Mandy asked.

  “Since day one. I had to find someone fast and talked to friends and looked at every platform that had nannies. Luckily, Kevin knew someone that knew Danielle, and I interviewed her. I knew right away that she was perfect and gave her a pay increase after the first two weeks. Danielle saved my life because I was suddenly on my own with this baby.” I shook my head. “Kevin’s wife is the one that introduced me to Lacy. She thought we’d have fun and hit it off. After she left, I knew that they felt like utter shit and finding Danielle helped things.” I stared into her face, finding myself incredibly attracted to her. She was too much woman for me, and I was a lucky bastard just to be sitting across from her. My cock twitched at her tight jeans and fitted white T-shirt. Fuck, she looks good. “I think they’ll be even happier when I settle down.”


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