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The Lawman (Montana Men Book 1)

Page 6

by Vanessa Vale

  "I expect to meet half the town, however tomorrow is soon enough. Tomorrow I will have to share you. I want to be safely inside before anyone sees us."


  As anticipated, the first knock came at ten the next morning. And, as anticipated, it was Myrna Flanders and her mother. They were both dressed in their Sunday finest, the older woman holding a pie.

  "We came with a gift of congratulations." The woman smiled, although her tone was brittle. There was no doubt she was disappointed that I'd not only married Ellie, but that it remained a surprise until it was a fait accompli.

  "Hello, Mrs. Flanders. Miss Myrna. That pie looks delicious," I offered congenially, holding my arm out for them to enter.

  "Peach," she added.

  Ellie came out of the bedroom. She was meticulously dressed now, but I knew beneath her pretty clothes she wore a large size ass plug and no drawers. I placed the pie on the table and scratched my face in the attempt to hide the smile, remembering how I'd spanked and taken Ellie on it just the other night. I made quick introductions, worried that Ellie might be overwhelmed by the two ladies. They were quite a force to be reckoned with. But I was in error in my thoughts.

  My wife smiled graciously at both women, offered them seats and had me heating water for tea and cutting slices of pie before I could come up with a retort about the tasks being ladies work. I couldn't leave Ellie alone with the duo, at least not with their first visit, so remaining occupied and out of direct scrutiny was perhaps a wise request on my wife's part. I was coming to find she was quite intelligent.

  "Ryder has mentioned you along with other members of the town quite fondly. I'm so pleased to know I've got both of you as fast friends."

  Since I faced away from them, I rolled my eyes at how smoothly she was maneuvering the ladies. A quick glance over my shoulder at Myrna Flanders had me knowing that becoming fast friends was not something she would consider.

  "We were all so surprised when we heard yesterday, not only about the shooting, but of your marriage."

  "Baxter had become desperate and acted irrationally," I offered, handing plates with pie to each woman.

  "To think he killed that stage driver," Mrs. Flanders said, accepting a fork.

  "Some people are rotten to the core, ma'am," I added. Ellie's erect posture became even stiffer at my words. Did she consider herself rotten? Did she think what we did together made her bad? From her passionate responses, I doubted the idea.

  "Tell us about yourself, Eleanor. How you met Ryder." Myrna had chosen to use my given name, which foretold a familiarity with me that did not exist. As Ellie had not met Myrna before, she did not know this.

  Ellie cleared her throat, smiled at me as I handed her her plate. "I was born and raised in Minneapolis. My parents were killed only a year past."

  "Oh dear, I am sorry to hear such sad news," Mrs. Flanders offered.

  "Thank you. Ryder and I had been corresponding since we first met the year prior when he came to town. News travels slowly over such distance and he made his intentions known. By the time he arranged for my travel, many months had passed. But now...."

  She let the end linger, to let the ladies complete the sentence on their own. They could imagine whatever they wished, for the ending was the same. We were married.

  Myrna pursed her lips and I could see anger simmering. I moved to sit on the arm of Ellie's chair, placing a hand upon her shoulder. Both women recognized the proprietary gesture for what it was.

  Myrna stood first, placed her plate with untouched pie upon the table. Her mother followed suit. I stood, as was proper. "Mother, I forgot that I was to meet with Mrs. Tanner about the fabric for my winter dresses."

  Ellie stood and led them to the door. "Such a shame you have to go. The dress you are wearing is quite fetching. I look forward to seeing what you have made for the winter. I admit, August Point might be even colder than Minneapolis and will look to you for fashion advice."

  I nodded my head as the ladies departed and we both exhaled pent up breaths as I closed the door behind them. "Are there other women in town?" Ellie asked, running a hand over her hair.

  I frowned at her odd question. "Yes, of course."

  "Good, because I doubt we will become fast friends."

  "You lied." I grinned as I said the words.

  "You served pie." She grinned back.

  "I did a good deed. What you did makes you a bad girl."

  Her full lips parted and she stared at me. The seconds ticked by as I watched her thoughts flit across her face. Finally, after licking her lips, she spoke. "Yes, I was a bad girl."

  My cock turned rock hard. Uncomfortably so, at the way Ellie recognized the play behind my words. "You'll need to be punished." My voice was dark and gravelly.

  "I'm sorry, Ryder." She glanced down, contrite, although she was a terrible actress.

  "You'll be sorry soon enough. Take off your dress." My voice held the bite of command as I placed my hands on my hips.

  She paused for the briefest of moments, took in my stance, my serious demeanor, then complied. The dark green material set her hair to advantage, as if her tresses were on fire. I spoke again only when her dress circled her feet. "You're not wearing your drawers. That's being a good girl. I won't have to punish you as severely now."

  She wore a simple white corset that lifted her ample breasts to creamy mounds, the pink edge of one nipple peeking out. Nothing else. The red curls at the apex of her thighs were so erotic that I was as randy as a teenager.

  "Bend over the table. You're familiar with the position."

  This time, without a real punishment looming, she did as I bid without concern.

  I leaned over her, pressing my body against hers, whispered in her ear. "Is your pussy sore, baby?" I ran one finger gently down her slit. Her body bucked against me.

  I'd taken her hard several times without reprieve after taking her virginity and her flesh there was swollen and well used.

  "No," she replied breathily, her head turned to the side.

  I could see the falsity in her eyes. "Now you're really lying."

  "All right, perhaps a little. I don't have much comparison."

  I growled at the thought of some other man's hands upon her as I stood back up. "I was only going to give you five for play, but you've earned five more. I'm big, Ellie, and I'm not gentle. I might be rough with you, but I'll never hurt you. If you're sore, you tell me."

  "Yes, Ryder."

  "Good, now count them out." She did, but by the last one her breathing was erratic, and she was crying out at the discomfort. Her ass was red where my hand had struck, the dark edge of the plug sticking out, and her pussy was swollen, as I'd felt before, and dripping wet. The sight had my balls tightening, my cock throbbing with the need to fill her. But not now, not when her little pussy needed to heal. I had other plans for her.

  Helping her stand, I turned her to face me, held her up as she got her bearings. "You'll suck my cock and take my seed."

  She glanced down my body and saw the bulge of my cock against the front of my pants. Her eyes widened in very pretty surprise. "Um...I don't know how."

  I ran a finger back and forth over her full bottom lip, anticipating the feel of it around my cock. "Don't worry, baby. I'll teach you." Pushing on her shoulders in tacit direction, she slowly dropped to her knees, and then glanced up at me through her auburn lashes. The sight had me desperate to come. Fortunately for her, I wouldn't last long this first time. "Take out my cock."

  Tentative fingers undid the placket of my pants and took me in hand. I hissed out a breath and my hips involuntarily jerked into her touch. "Lick the head like a candy sucker."

  She did, her eyes holding mine, watching for approval. The tentative little licks, like a cat and a bowl of cream had my eyes drooping, my fists clenching, my balls tightening. I could feel my cum starting to boil. "Good," I bit out. "Now take me all the way into your mouth."

  "But you're so big," she pouted.

nbsp; "Baby, compliments aren't needed. You've already got me by the balls."

  Her brow furrowed, not familiar with my terminology, but when she took me as deep as she could into her hot, tight, little mouth, my eyes fell shut. My hands moved to tangle in her hair, lost. I wouldn't--couldn't--last. She was too good.

  "I'm going to come. My seed's going to fill your mouth, baby. Get ready."

  I nudged my hips very slightly, afraid to push in too deep, and rubbed my release right onto her tongue. Pulse after pulse of my seed shot into her mouth and I heard a little gasp of surprise as it did.

  I exhaled harshly once the climax subsided and pulled back. Glancing down, I gave her a lopsided, almost drugged smile. Even in her innocence, she could suck cock. A trickle of cum dripped from the corner of her mouth. Crouching down so we were eye to eye, I rubbed my thumb over it and pushed the tip into her mouth. "Lick." She complied, her tongue darting over the tip. "Swallow." Again, she did as I said. "Good girl."

  "Time for some of that pie," I murmured, standing and helping Ellie to her feet.

  She reached down to pick up her dress.

  "Oh, no. I want my pie with you just like that."

  She arched a red brow in confusion.

  "It's peach pie. I'm going to lay you down on the table, spread you wide and eat your pussy and confirm you taste just like real peaches."


  We made it to church with only minutes to spare. Ryder pulled me up short just outside of the open doors, the soft lilt of a piano floating out.

  I glanced up at him, a little breathless by our brisk pace.

  "Nervous?" he asked.

  "No." He just looked at me with that patient stare of his. "All right, maybe a little."

  He smiled and leaned down so he could whisper in my ear. "Are you wet for me, baby?"

  I felt my cheeks flush. My husband had stopped me before we left, pressing me up against the front door to lift my skirt and confirm I wasn't wearing any drawers. Then he proceeded to give me a sound fucking as my back pressed into the hard surface, my ankles wrapped securely about his waist. He'd even inserted a larger plug in my ass.

  "How could I not be? Your seed is dripping down my thighs."

  A lazy, satisfied smile spread across his face. "I'm going to remember the look on your face when you came throughout the service and the party after. The way your head was thrown back, mouth open. I'm going to hear that little throaty cry of pleasure and smile. People are going to think I'm being neighborly, but really, it's husbandly satisfaction."

  I looked up at him, pleased.

  "Now you." He ran a finger down my nape. "You're going to feel my seed on your pussy and thighs and remember you belong to me."

  "The plug in my ass will certainly ensure that," I whispered.

  He grinned broadly.

  I should have been perturbed by his possessiveness, but I wasn't. Not in the least. Quite the contrary, in fact. I loved knowing that we had secrets, something intimate that tied us together in a way far different than a marriage license.

  With that, he took my hand and led me into the church. He hadn't been exaggerating when he told me over breakfast everyone would be at church; small towns thrived on any news. The sheriff's surprise marriage would be fodder for months to come.

  As we were late and the service didn't call for idle chitchat, I had an hour's reprieve, content sitting beside Ryder, my body pressed into his side. Afterward, when I was pulled by a few married women in the direction of a community room to help with a potluck wedding celebration, I had to fend for myself. Ryder might receive a few congratulatory shoulder slaps from the menfolk, but not much else. The ladies, however, especially with Myrna and Mrs. Flanders in the mix, were going to be ruthless.

  "I'm Ann Murphy. You met my husband the other day." The woman was tiny, only coming up to my shoulder and a sack of feed might have weighed more. Dark hair was pulled up into a simple bun, but her features were delicate. She was quite pretty, especially since I could see her smile reached her eyes. She held a basket in her hand, a checkered cloth covering the contents within. Murphy...Murphy.

  "Oh! Is he all right?" He was the man Baxter held at gunpoint.

  Her porcelain skin became even paler at my question. "Thankfully, he is quite well. I understand it was a dangerous situation, but he assured me that he'd been safe." It was possible she was fishing for a story other than the one her husband provided. If the man wished her to only have partial truths to protect her, I was not one to say otherwise.

  "Yes. Unfortunately, we only met briefly."

  She began to walk into the community room, a large space that must be used for a variety of activities. Today, it was for a potluck celebration for our wedding. I followed, the room filled with about ten women working on placing food, plates and cups on a long row of tables. They were busy, yet chatting comfortably with each other. The men, well, they were outside, waiting for the call that it was time to eat.

  "Then we must change that. You and Mr. Graves should come to dinner. Perhaps later this week?" After placing her basket in an empty place, she tossed back the cloth to uncover biscuits. My mouth watered at the delicious spread. She glanced up at me awaiting my answer.

  "Yes, I will speak with Ryder, but I'm sure that would be just fine."

  She smiled broadly. "Let me introduce you to some others. I assume," she put her fingers up by her lips, "that you have already met the Flanders'."

  I glanced around the room, spotting the duo pouring water into cups on the far side of the room. "Yes. Yes I have."

  "Then we can start instead with Vivian, Laura and Mary."

  She called out to the ladies and we were quickly surrounded, answering questions about how I'd met Ryder and the details of our secret romance. I stuck to the story we'd shared thus far, and the way the women welcomed me, there did not seem to be any animosity from any of them at snatching the proverbial golden goose of bachelors. Of course, all three were married, one even large with an expectant child.

  I eyed Myrna from across the room; she was watching me closely, with pursed lips and a sour expression. The town was too small for there not to be a time when a confrontation with the woman would occur. There was no question it would be soon, although I doubted at a church lunch.

  The men must have been called, for they came in through a back door like a herd of elephants - heavy footed and loud-- to form a line for food. I saw Ryder immediately and my breath caught at the sight of him. He was so handsome in his white shirt and leather vest. The pin on his chest provided an additional air of command that he exuded naturally. His gaze searched the room before landing on me. The corner of his mouth ticked up, and I flushed, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Squeezing my thighs together, I felt the stickiness between, the plug filling me deeply, and a longing surged through me.

  Ann pulled me from my carnal thoughts by handing me a plate and steering me into the line, smirking at me. I smiled shyly realizing I'd been caught out. "When I first heard the sheriff was married to a woman who lived so far away, I had niggling doubts. But the way the two of you look at each other, I can see that it's a love match." She gave my arm a quick squeeze and went to join her husband.

  She left me standing there, absorbing her words. Love match? I'd only known the man for three days! Was it possible to fall in love in such a short time? I glanced at Ryder, talking to another man, working their way down the long tables of food, filling their plates with the abundance. His whiskers were dark on his ruddy cheeks, coming in so quickly after shaving just this morning. I remembered the feel of them against my tender skin; the side of my breast, between my thighs. My fingers itched to run through his silky hair, loving how I could tug on it when he licking my pussy. And those big hands! The list of things he could do with those was quite long; from firing a gun to protecting me from a murderer to pushing me over the brink of pleasure.

  I might not love him - it was a new endeavor for me - but I certainly was on my way there. The questi
on was, did he love me? I imagined his feelings quite similar; it was too early to love. I needed him to feel it, however, because when he discovered the truth about me, when he learned I'd crossed the line and joined the likes of Baxter, I hoped that any love he felt would at least keep me from the gallows.


  "I'm not eager to leave you, but duty calls."

  Ryder leaned over me, I still abed. He'd woken me with a soft kiss to the forehead only to find him dressed for the day.

  He wore different clothes, but the same leather vest and star. His hair was damp and neat, although a lock fell over his forehead. Reaching up, I brushed it back, only for it to fall into place again.

  "Why didn't you wake me?"

  He smiled. "I enjoy looking at you. Besides, you were too peaceful to disturb and after last night, you needed your rest."

  I had no doubt he could see the flush on my cheeks. After church, Ryder had been occupied with a disagreement between two ranchers over a fence line and had been gone until sunset. I'd spent the day as a good wife should, unpacking my things and preparing the evening meal. After the supper dishes had been put away, Ryder had made up for lost time, pulling the ass plug free, then fucking my pussy not once, not twice, but three times during the night. I again felt sore in places I didn't know existed. A good sore that only Ryder could bring about.

  "I have to tend to Robert Dray this morning, then go out to the Todd ranch to discover if his cattle has been rustled or they just wandered off."

  "As long as no one is pointing a gun at you, I'll be fine."

  He ran a finger over my cheek, over my bare shoulder. "You care."

  My gaze lifted to his. He seemed pleased by his voiced thought, that he hoped I had feelings for him. "Of course, I do. Having you shot is going to do me no good."

  He heard the playfulness in my tone. "Oh, and why's that?"

  "Because I have plans for this fine body of yours, Mr. Graves." I ran my hand down the expanse of his chest and over the hard muscles of his abdomen.

  "Really, Mrs. Graves? What kind of plans?"


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