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The Billionaire's Family Jewels: Flesh and Stone

Page 4

by Spice Pendleton

  “What an ass,” he murmured, still fucking me with his softening cock in the obvious attempt to milk every last drop of his hot jizz inside me. “So tight.”

  I grinned and pushed against him.

  He chuckled and slapped a butt cheek, and then heaving a sigh, gave my ass one last thrust before pulling his cock out. “What a fuck.”

  A moment later, I heard his zipper, reminding me he’d kept his pants on the entire time. As I lifted myself off the desk, he reached around to pinch my pussy before moving away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go,” he said, his tone suddenly brisk, distant, and business like. “I’ll send a security guard to escort you. It’s been quite the pleasurable evening, Miss Gia Darke.”

  I froze.

  Miss Gia Darke? He…knew my true identity? My eyes widened. So, that phone call…the one when he’d been driving his cock down my throat…he’d found out then. He could’ve stopped after that. So…what was he up to? Suddenly wary, I turned, the move causing his semen to drip out of me and down my legs. I blinked, trying my best not to get turned on again. Focus, Gia. Focus.

  I glanced up, but he was already moving away, crossing his office in long, powerful strides and buttoning his shirt along the way. With one powerful jerk, he opened the door.

  And then he was gone.

  I stayed where I was a moment, unsure, but the door had no sooner clicked shut then it opened once again. This time, a different security guard stood there, a young man with brown hair and smiling brown eyes.

  Gasping, I dove for my clothes and quickly scrambled into them, keenly aware of the security guard’s apparent enjoyment in watching me dress.

  “Ready, ma’am?” he asked as I pulled my leggings over my hips.

  “For what?” I asked, filled with apprehension. If Nathan knew I was Gia Darke, he knew I’d been after the opal this night, an offense someone in his position wouldn’t forgive—no matter just how tight my asshole had been for him.

  But then, the security guard surprised me with “Mr. Carr has asked I see you safely to your car. There’s been a lot of activity out there tonight.”

  I paused and blinked. To my…car? I followed the security guard, disbelievingly at first. He talked the entire trip back, chattering about an upcoming charity event as we headed down the elevators, out of the building, and to where I’d parked my car. I hardly listened. My thoughts spun in circles. Was Nathan simply letting me go? Why? He knew who I was. I had more than one warrant out for my arrest. Was he really going to let me just waltz out of there after breaking into his safe? Really? I half expected a last-minute arrest attempt the entire way from the office to my car.

  But when I’d finally turned on my engine and watched the security guard stroll away, leaving me alone in my car, I could no longer deny it.

  The billionaire had really let me go.

  I just sat there in the driver’s seat, astonished. Just what was he up to? An exciting night of pleasure? Or the first step in a game? And if so, what kind of a game?

  Oh, he’d fucked my mouth and my ass, but as kind of a branding more than anything else. He obviously wasn’t after a relationship. That was fine with me. I wasn’t, either. Yeah, he’d taken his pleasure exactly how he’d wanted, but he’d made sure I’d had mine, and I hadn’t felt this satisfied in…well, forever?

  Backing my car out of the parking spot, I turned my wheels home, shaking my head in amazement all the while.

  After experiencing Nathan Carr’s cock, I wasn’t sure I’d find satisfaction with any other ever again.

  A Hard Case

  I stretched, reveling in luxurious softness of my satin sheets along with the warm sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. Oh, yeaaaaah. I felt sore in all the right places. The deep sexual need for a romp in bed had been replaced with a deep sexual need to romp with Nathan again. I closed my eyes and relived the highlights of my incredibly sensual encounter.

  Right in the middle of replaying the last scene, my cell phone rang. I answered it with an irritated “Yeah?”

  “Hey, Gia, it’s Paul,” my cousin greeted me in a commiserating tone. “No worries on the fail last night. I told you that he’s a tough nut to crack—a really hard case.”

  I smiled a private smile. Hard. If Paul only knew just how hard.

  “Maybe you’ll get closer to that opal next time,” he continued.

  One could only hope, though after having the famed Osiris Opal in my vagina, I wasn’t sure how much closer I could honestly get. “Yeah, hope so,” I said with a wistful sigh.

  “Ah, great!” Paul’s voice brightened. “That means you’re on for the charity ball, then? Great! I’ll sign you right up—”

  I perked up. “Wait, what? Charity ball?” The security guard had mentioned it as well. “Is Nathan going?”

  There was a slight, but distinctly noticeable pause. “Uh, yeah, Carr is showcasing the opal at the charity event. It’s why he took it out of hiding.”

  Carr. Right. After having his dick in my ass, it was only natural that I’d think of him on a first name basis.

  “Come on in and we’ll get you set up,” Paul said and then as an afterthought, he added, “Hey, don’t worry about last night. At least, you stopped the Valenzi from getting it, eh?”

  “Right,” I said. “I’ll be there in a flash.”

  * * *

  An hour later, I leaned against Paul’s desk, sipping my ice-cold Frappuccino and tapping my foot to the beat of Sting’s Every Breath You Take blaring loudly from my phone.

  Paul scowled at me for the fifth time. “It’s hard to concentrate with all that racket,” he grumbled.

  I grinned and obligingly dialed it down a fraction. “Can’t say that classic qualifies as racket,” I retorted, giving him a chummy punch on the shoulder.

  He looked at me from under his eyebrows. “What happened to you last night?” he asked. “You’re in such high spirits. Surely…” He frowned and then spat, “You didn’t get back with Jason, did you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Puhleeease.” I huffed. Really? Jason?

  “Well, that’s a relief then,” Paul said, rummaging through the papers on his desk and then his fingers flew over the keyboard. “Looks like we’ve got a great lead. Hang on, I’ll just print this out.”

  As he leaned back, waiting for the printer to do its thing, I began drumming my fingers on his desk.

  “You’re not acting normal, Gia,” my cousin mumbled, clearly concerned.

  “Can’t a girl be in a great mood?” I teased.

  It was his turn to roll his eyes. As the printout inched its way out of the printer, he nodded at his computer monitor. “So, we got our hands on Carr’s flight plan. His private jet isn’t going straight to New York for the charity event. He’s making a stop in Chicago. About three hours. And his bodyguard detail isn’t leaving the airport.”

  “How did you find that out?” I asked, impressed.

  Paul smiled. “This is why you have me running the place, Gia.” He pointed a stubby finger at the monitor and continued, “I’ve got you a ticket to New York with a layover in Chicago. You’ll try there, first. There’s only one private lounge in that airport capable of serving a billionaire of Carr’s caliber. You know, dealing with the security detail and such. He’s gonna be there, and doubtless, he’s gonna have that opal with him. Why is he going there? I dunno. But who cares as long as you can get your hands on the thing.”

  Hands? Hands weren’t near as fun, but somehow, I didn’t think Paul would understand.

  “If that doesn’t work, you’ve got a second chance at the charity event. A ball. It’s a private affair, but I got you a ticket.” He pulled his desk drawer open and pulling out a manila folder, snatched the printout from the printer and shoved both of them across his desk at me. “Whatever happens, Gia, we can’t let the Valenzi get it.”

  “Don’t worry,” I promised, stuffing the papers into my oversized purse. “They won’t get near it.”

  Another Angl

  I strolled through Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport at a leisurely place, pulling my wheeled Gucci Bengal Supreme carryon behind me. I’d arrived early, traveling from Arizona as a Ms. Deidre Hall, and I’d dressed to attract. Sporting a skin-tight red dress with matching spike heels, I’d topped off the outfit with sunglasses, the brightest red lipstick, and a platinum blonde wig. After all, I needed street cred to bolster my socialite, department store heiress claim, and flamboyant, look-at-me clothing was a good start. I planned on flashing a few hundred dollar bills as tips as well. Yeah, it was a secret, billionaire’s lounge, but after the fake articles Paul had planted about me on the internet, combined with my attitude, I figured I could breeze right inside.

  I clicked my heels over to the unmarked door at the end of the terminal and waved Paul’s hacked card key over the sensor. Paul had never failed me yet. The light on the gray sensor pad blinked a slow red before flipping green, and the polished wood doors swung open. Bingo. Smiling, I stepped into a muted gray lobby, replete with crisply dressed security guards and a curved, granite reception desk with three perky brunettes behind it, flashing me brilliant smiles.

  It didn’t take long. That’s the beauty of high-tech. If you have an expert on your side, it’s a piece of cake to go where you shouldn’t. In less than a minute, I found myself escorted into the billionaire’s oasis of comfort, far away from the rat race of the airport just a few doors away.

  I saw the ceiling first, a dome of glass affording a magnificent view of the blue sky and its puffy white clouds. A large open space lounge spread out before me. Soft, leather couches curved in various clusters, hidden by groups of potted plants and dividers fashioned from blocks of granite with plexiglass water walls embedded inside them. Private doors lined the walls on either side of the lounge, leading into private VIP havens.

  Moving to a dense cluster of plants, I settled back against the soft leather couch with a yawn. I had a few hours to scout the place before Nathan arrived.


  My pussy zinged just thinking about his name. I glanced at my phone. Yeah, I could afford a few minutes to relax before getting down to work. Grinning, I crossed my legs and lay my head back on the couch, enjoying the sunlight on my face as I watched the white clouds drift lazily overhead. I grinned. They all looked like cocks to me today. Big. Small. Curvy. Fat. Monstrous. I sighed and closing my eyes, prepared to relive my encounter with Nathan’s cock yet again when I heard the soft murmur of voices near the club entrance.

  Curious, I leaned forward and squinted through the leaves.

  I sat bolt upright.

  There was no mistaking that tall, powerful, broad-shouldered frame.

  Nathan Carr had arrived—several hours early.

  The handsome billionaire strode across the lounge at a brisk pace, heading straight to a door on the left side of the lounge. His suit embraced his lean frame to perfection, drawing my attention to his thighs and making me drool. I couldn’t see his entire face from where I sat, but I caught the outline of his sexy jaw. And then, he was gone, disappearing through the door with two men at his heels, one of them carrying a black briefcase.

  The sight of a briefcase reminded me just why I was there. Damn. The opal. “Back to business,” I muttered under my breath.

  Well, Nathan’s early arrival had just thrown me a curveball. Before leaving Arizona, I’d studied the architect’s layout of the lounge. Only two suites provided the additional security someone like Nathan would need on this particular trip. My original plan of arriving early and playing the role of a staff member to gain my desired access wouldn’t work now. I sighed. Well, I’d have to—

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” a man’s voice broke into my thoughts.

  Surprised, I glanced up into the face of a middle-aged, bald man with chestnut brown eyes, olive skin and dressed in the lounge staff’s burgundy uniform.

  “Your presence is requested,” he said. “By a Mr. Nathan Carr.”

  I blinked, surprised. How the hell? With my body hidden behind the potted plants the entire freaking time, he couldn’t have seen anything more than my legs from the knees down—and that was at most. But aloud, I answered with a bored “Certainly.”

  Rising to my feet, I reached for my Gucci carryon, but the staff member smoothly captured the handle with a bow. “Allow me,” he offered. Then turning smartly on his heel, he set off for the door I’d seen Nathan vanish behind.

  I followed, my mind racing. Soooooo…just what did Nathan know? How and when had he known of my presence? But then, in the middle of my panic, the answer cut through my thoughts, cool and crystal clear. I snorted. Ah, it was simple.

  Nathan hadn’t recognized me at all. He’d just seen a pair of legs that he might want to dive between and had invited them in for further evaluation.

  I rolled my eyes. Well, his move certainly played into my hands. Once I got past that second level of security, I’d ask for the nearest bathroom and then slip away, track down the opal, and finish the job before anyone knew I was even missing. Booyah. But even as I grinned, part of me felt a tug of disappointment. If I succeeded, it’d mean I wouldn’t see Nathan again. For the first time in my career, I wondered if failing was all that bad.

  As we entered the VIP doors, I set my plan in motion. “Excuse me. Where might I find a restroom?” I queried politely.

  The staff member paused and smiled. “Just take the—”

  “I’ll be happy to show her myself,” Nathan’s butter smooth voice cut in from behind. “This way, Gia.”

  I jerked and whirled, shocked to find the blond billionaire behind me. He stood there, one foot propped against the wall in the classic movie star, cool-cat pose of loose tie, unbuttoned shirt exposing his freaking ripped chest, and hands casually jammed in his pockets. And his crotch? Yeah, I looked. My mouth dropped open. Already, his pants strained around a swelling erection, and I sure couldn’t miss the hunger in his half-hooded eyes.

  Nathan’s chiseled lips cracked into a smile as he hefted himself up from the wall and commandeered my arm. “Allow me, if you will?”

  He led me down a corridor and into a private, spacious room with cream wall-to-wall carpet. A plush leather S-shaped couch stood in the center, next to a glass coffee table set with a crystal vase of pink roses. A huge LED TV covered one wall.

  I’d no sooner stepped inside than Nathan spun on his heel and catching me up in his arms, carried me back against the wall.

  “How did you know it was me?” I gasped as he pressed his bulging crotch against my hip.

  He laughed and pulling my red dress up, pried his hand between my legs to slip two large fingers under my black lace thong and drive them straight up into my pussy. “I always recognize what I fuck,” he growled. “I’d know those legs anywhere.” He nipped the top of my ear.

  That ear nip and finger combination robbed me of words, nearly sending me into an orgasm at the same time. I shuddered and moaned, pushing my breasts against him, my nipples straining against my bra. My pussy tingled as he rammed his fingers in and out of me for a few blissful strokes and then pulling them out, he stepped back and unzipped his trousers.

  I knew what to do. I couldn’t wait. As his cock sprang free, I dropped to my knees, and looking up at him from over the top of my sunglasses, opened my mouth to take his swollen cock between my cherry-red, lipstick-adorned lips.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he grunted, leaning into me and bracing his palms on the wall over my head.

  I smiled and took him in deeper, as with one hand, I draped my long, platinum strands around his shaft and grabbed his balls with the other, again, admiring their size. Small wonder he had such a huge sexual appetite. He tried pushing his dick down my throat, impatient to fuck, but I was in the mood to tease. I pulled my lips back. Big mistake. He saw it as an opportunity to establish dominance—and did. It fucking turned me on. The instant my mouth slid the wrong way, he stepped into me, and with his crotch pushed my head back against the wall, deep
throating me at the same time. I’d always liked my sex a little rough and this guy was a perfect match, walking the same slightly rough line. He pinned me there under his hard shaft, savoring the deep tightness of my throat for a few seconds before pulling out, enough to let me to catch my breath. Then he drove his shaft back down again, dropping a thumb to trace my cherry-red lips circling the base of his dick. I looked up at him and smiled, well as best I could, anyway, with that girth taking up my mouth.

  As he pulled back, I caught his dick in my hands, forming a tight cocoon to sheath it. He responded by pushing through my fingers in aggressive, strong strokes, trying to enter my mouth again, the lust on his face making me wet and ready. I watched him through lowered lashes. He was so fucking sexy. The way he threw his head back, his mouth opening a little as grunted with each thrust really made me wet. After a minute, he began to push into me. Hard. Fast. I could sense him struggling to retain control. He wasn’t going to last long, that was clear. Not with the speed and depth at which he pumped. I’d no sooner thought it then, mere seconds later, a loud groan erupted from his mouth and with one final thrust, he came. He filled my mouth this time with his hot, sticky load, spurt after spurt, and just like the last time, at such quantities I couldn’t swallow it all.

  Someone knocked on the door, but he ignored it, focusing solely on emptying himself into me. When he’d finished at last, he slowly pulled his softening member out of my mouth and traced my cherry-red lips with his thumb.

  “That mouth and ass of yours is why I’m such bad shape today, baby,” he said, grabbing his shaft by the base to outline my lips with the tip.

  The person knocked on the door again, this time much louder.

  Swearing under his breath, Nathan stepped back and stuffed his cock back into his pants. It took a few attempts. The thing didn’t go back willingly.


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