Book Read Free

Roses Are Red

Page 1

by Jasmine Hill

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Roses are Red

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-017-3

  ©Copyright Jasmine Hill 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright April 2014

  Edited by Faith Bicknell-Brown

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.


  Jasmine Hill

  It is never too late to find love…

  Forty-five-year-old Lucy Whiticker is an attractive and successful interior designer. Divorced with two adult children, she has almost given up hope of finding that perfect someone—that is, until she meets handsome and charismatic Rhett Hunter. But Lucy believes that, at twenty-eight, Rhett is too young for her.

  When Rhett Hunter meets Lucy, the attraction is immediate. She’s sexy, confident and intelligent, and he determines he must have her. He knows that Lucy has an issue with their age difference, but he sets out to prove her wrong. Inviting her to the Valentine’s Ball is the best place to start.

  The past collides with the present, however, when previous relationships interfere with Rhett’s plans. Rhett will have to use all his charm and persuasion to convince Lucy that they are meant to be together.


  To my husband.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  The Weather Channel: The Weather Channel Companies, Blackstone Group & Bain Capital.

  Dom Perignon: Moёt & Chandon.

  Molives: Molives Company.

  Armani: Giorgio Armani S.p.A

  Moët et Chandon: Moët et Chandon.

  iPod: Apple, Inc.

  Gone with the Wind: Margaret Mitchell

  Chapter One

  Lucy Whiticker studied her reflection critically. At forty-five she had to work hard to maintain her lithe figure. The advancing years and the birth of two children meant that her workout routine was an arduous and daily occurrence. She couldn’t defy gravity, but she could work damn hard in order to keep it at bay for as long as possible.

  Now, studying her naked form in the full-length mirror, she mentally thanked her personal trainer. Her long legs were still supple and relatively dimple free. Her stomach was slightly rounded but remained firm, and hundreds of triceps bench dips per week meant that she hadn’t yet developed the dreaded arm sag. Her breasts, though not as perky as they used to be, were not too bad. She supposed it was their size that helped. She had never been big breasted, a detail that had irritated her when she was younger but helped at forty-five. In her opinion, the less amount of skin one boasted, the better. Her ash-blonde hair was cut in a chic bob that feathered softly around her face and highlighted her hazel green eyes. She had good, olive skin and a few laugh lines around her mouth and eyes but nothing too serious. All things considered, she thought she still looked pretty good.

  Why then, she wondered, was it so difficult to meet a nice, single man? She knew many of them were already taken. Most men in her age bracket were married, which made things difficult for single women, but surely there were divorcees or even bachelors waiting to meet that perfect someone. Of course it hadn’t been difficult for her ex-husband to find someone. The only problem was that he’d found his new woman whilst Lucy was still married to him. Why did it seem to be so much easier for men to find a partner?

  Because women don’t mind older men, but men don’t want older women, her subconscious sneered at her.

  She huffed out a disgusted breath at her reflection before turning to study the contents of her wardrobe. She was meeting with a new client later that morning and wanted to give a good impression.

  She finally decided on a charcoal pencil skirt and a grey silk blouse, which she paired with suede pumps. She had always loved lingerie and spent far too much on silky, lacy underwear confections, but she figured it was a fairly harmless vice and it made her feel good about herself. Also, she enjoyed knowing that what she wore underneath her relatively conventional business attire was sexy and sensual. She delved through her lingerie drawer and selected a black lace bra and panty set, then a pair of suspender panty hose with matching garter belt.

  When she was dressed, she spent a half hour applying her makeup and quickly styled her hair. She was ready.

  * * * *

  Rhett Hunter sat at a table in the Oasis restaurant waiting for the interior designer who would be redecorating his father’s law offices. He sipped on a glass of red wine that he had debated ordering, but considering it was eleven thirty a.m., he thought he could get away with it. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop and checked his watch. Ms Whiticker should be arriving any minute. As he looked up, his eyes locked on the form of a woman entering the restaurant.

  He watched as she stopped to speak to the maître d’ then looked in his direction. He studied her as she started walking towards his table. His gaze zeroed in on her breasts and he could tell by the soft swell outlined by her blouse that they would fit in his palms perfectly. She had a small waist and hips that flared gently. Her pencil skirt ended just above her knees and displayed toned calves ending in slim ankles.

  She was a knockout! As she drew closer, he noticed that she was older than he had first thought, but rather than diminishing his lust, it only enhanced it. The maturity and confidence she exuded was sexy and powerful and he found himself having to readjust his suit pants under the table.

  When she reached him, he stood and extended his hand in greeting. She took it firmly in hers and gave him a stunning smile that transformed her face, lighting her up from within and making his breath stutter.

  “Lovely to meet you, Mr Hunter,” she greeted him warmly. Her voice was soft and breathy and hardened his cock instantly.

  “The pleasure is all mine and please, call me Rhett.” He took his seat quickly, glad of the long tablecloth that concealed his lap.

  “Then please call me Lucy,” she said in her husky voice. She settled her handbag and briefcase on the floor next to her seat. “
Rhett?” she asked with an arched brow.

  “My mother is a romantic and a fan of Gone with the Wind.” He grimaced.

  “I think that it’s a lovely name.”

  It was his turn to raise an eyebrow. “Lovely?” he questioned in amusement.

  She flushed. “I like the name.”

  He decided not to embarrass her further and remained silent while they studied the menu.

  After giving their order to the hovering waiter, she stooped to retrieve something from her briefcase.

  “I can’t tell you how excited I am about redecorating your offices. Your father has, of course, seen my portfolio, but I brought it along today in case you wished to view my work.” She slid a professional-looking folder across the table.

  Rhett opened to the first page and started to flick through. Lucy definitely has a great sense of style and she has experience in decorating for businesses and private residences. Yes, he could see why his father liked her. Her methods appeared to be both eclectic and traditional, and she would perform an excellent job providing the updated look their office needed. At any rate, his father had already hired her, so this meeting was just to iron out schedules and details, and settle on a start date.

  “I like your style. I’m looking forward to seeing you in action.”

  “Thank you. I have discussed basic design and colour palette with Robert. Do you have anything you wish to add?”

  “No. My father knows what he wants and I respect his opinion in such matters. I am a partner, but these types of issues have always been my father’s purview,” he responded with a grin.

  He watched as she flicked her tongue out to moisten her full bottom lip. He had the sudden urge to dive over the table, take that lip into his mouth and suck on it. He groaned inwardly and tried desperately to rein in his lust-filled thoughts. Fuck, he wanted her. He knew it was unprofessional but tell that to his cock, the one part of his anatomy that tended to think for itself.

  He cleared his throat and readjusted himself, stretching his long legs out under the table. He shot a surreptitious look at her left hand and noticed that she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. At least she wasn’t officially attached, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t seeing anyone.

  The waiter arrived with their meals and filled their glasses.

  Rhett watched Lucy take a delicate bite of her fish.

  “Hmm,” she moaned in satisfaction. “The fish is divine.”

  Fuck! If she moaned like that over food, what would she do when she was writhing under him and he was making her come? He shook his head to rid himself of his thoughts and cut into his steak. He needed to distract himself. This woman was working her way under his skin and he had only just met her. What would she do to him when she was working in their offices, when he had to see her every day?

  Over lunch, Lucy outlined her ideas and showed Rhett some colour swatches and sketches. He nodded and made all the right encouraging sounds. He liked her ideas, but he wasn’t the type of guy who was interested in decorating. He had agreed to this meeting to help out his father, who was tied up in court all day.

  “Well, Lucy. I like your ideas, a lot. Do you think you could swing by our offices later this evening? You can have another look at the space.”

  She smiled brightly, and they agreed to meet at eight p.m.

  Rhett knew that most, if not all, of the staff should be finished for the day and they would be afforded some solitude. He told himself that he wanted privacy so they wouldn’t be disturbed, but deep down he recognised that he wanted to get her alone for less honourable reasons.

  Chapter Two

  Lucy parked her car then checked her makeup in the mirror. She thought she looked quite good considering she had put in a full day of work. Her palms were clammy and her stomach was fluttering, making her slightly queasy. She told herself that her nerves were owing to the new job, but she knew that it was really the prospect of seeing Rhett again. God, he was one hot piece of male. When she had spotted him for the first time, waiting at their table earlier that day, her knees had gone weak and her tummy had performed somersaults. He’d reminded her of Channing Tatum and she had barely managed to keep her composure as she’d walked towards him.

  She thought about her first impression of Rhett. He had dark blond hair that was a little too long and curled around his collar. His eyes were dark emerald green and he had a strong, chiselled jaw. When he’d stood to greet her, the sight of his powerful physique and the way his dress shirt stretched over his muscular shoulders and broad chest had made her mouth go dry. He had the body of a sex god and he obviously worked out—a lot! She’d taken a quick peek at his tailored dress pants and hadn’t missed the definite bulge at his crotch, and the way his slacks had hung on his lean hips had been almost sinful. As she’d drawn closer to him, she couldn’t help but notice the look of pure lust that was smouldering in his eyes, eyes that seemed to be undressing her as she walked towards him, making her heart rate stutter and her sex grow damp. Then, when she had held out her hand in greeting and he’d given her that panty-dropping smile, she’d almost swooned.

  Through her research on the law firm, she’d learned that Rhett Hunter was twenty-eight and well on his way to becoming one of the most highly sought after commercial lawyers in Sydney. He had made in excess of five million dollars last year, but not just through his lawyerly pursuits. Apparently, Rhett Hunter was quite a whiz at predicting the stock market and invested in high-risk, high-return options. She recognised that he was too young for her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fantasise about him. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t be affected by such raw and powerful masculinity?

  Shaking herself out of her reverie, she climbed out of the car and locked it before heading into the offices of Hunter & Associates.

  As Lucy entered the building, the resounding quiet was a little disturbing. There was no general business melee and each office she passed was deserted. She made her way down the plushly carpeted hallway until she came to a large corner suite where light shone from within. She knocked on the door and a deep, masculine voice invited her to enter.

  Rhett sat at a large desk, jotting notes onto a legal pad. He looked up when she entered, and she caught her breath. If possible, he looked even better than he had at lunch. His hair was sexily mussed and he gifted her with his awesome, panty-dropping smile before standing to greet her.

  “Come,” he invited, motioning her in the direction of a lounge suite. “Would you like something to drink?” He turned towards a bar fridge and extracted a bottle of semillon sauvignon blanc.

  “Please.” She took a moment to look around his office.

  It was very masculine. A bookshelf full of legal tomes took up an entire wall. A mahogany desk sat under the window, through which the vast expanse of the city was framed. The lounge suite was upholstered in dark brown leather. A matching chair was to the side and a mahogany coffee table was positioned in front.

  Rhett handed her a glass of wine before taking the seat to her right.

  “Cheers,” he said, raising his glass to her and taking a sip.

  Lucy took a drink of her wine, then placed the glass on the coffee table and crossed her legs. She fished in her briefcase for her decorating information and put the folder on the seat next to her, ready to discuss her ideas further.

  Rhett studied Lucy over the rim of his glass. She was gorgeous. She reached for her folder and opened it, studying the images inside and glancing around his office. Her tongue crept out of her beautifully plump mouth, and she licked her bottom lip in concentration. When she recrossed her right leg over her left, he caught a glimpse of a garter belt as her skirt rode up her thigh. The sight of that racy piece of lace sent a scorching heat straight through him. Fuck, she wore suspenders. How fucking hot. There was something extremely erotic and enticing about the fact that she wore sexy lingerie under her business attire. She was like a present that he wanted to unwrap, desperate to get to the satin and lace underneath.
br />   Suddenly the air in his office grew heavy. He reached up and undid the top button of his collar and loosened his tie. He decided then and there that he had to have her. He hadn’t missed her obvious interest in him over lunch, and unless his radar was off, he was pretty certain that she found him attractive too.

  She stood and walked over to his desk, running her hand over the woodgrain before studying the window behind it.

  Rhett made his way slowly towards her. He knew he was playing with fire. His father would be furious if he fucked things up with Lucy Whiticker. He understood that Robert Hunter wanted this decorator above all others, and if he, Rhett, scared her off by coming on to her, Robert would never let him hear the end of it. But he had to try. He knew that he wouldn’t sleep. He expected that her image would haunt his dreams and fantasies and he would torture himself with imagining how she tasted, how she would look when she orgasmed and what her body would feel like beneath his.

  He drew level with her and pressed his front against her back before he leant down to whisper in her ear, “I’m jealous of the way you are caressing my desk right now.”

  Chapter Three

  Lucy jumped at the unexpected contact. Rhett’s body was definitely as hard as it looked. His powerful solidity enveloped her and his warmth flooded through her when he pressed his chest to her back.


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