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Breathless Surrender

Page 2

by Tory Richards

  He continued to torture her nipple, his hand slowly gliding to her pussy. A thin triangle of lace covered her mound and it was soaked. He curled his hand around the fragile lace and with a violent jerk he tore it from her body. Before she had time to react, he slipped a finger inside her, finding more proof of her desire.

  “Oh!” she gasped, trying to close her thighs to his invasion while at the same time arching into the finger buried deep inside her. “Not right…”

  Reid pulled back slightly to meet her eyes and then lowered his gaze to her mouth where he watched her teeth sink into her bottom lip. “I’m glad it’s you.” He barely heard her whispered words.

  Why? Will it make what I’m about to do to her any easier to endure? Damn, I need to get on with it. Before common decency takes control and I blow the whole damn thing. Angry at his thoughts, he slipped another finger inside her.

  She whimpered, yet surprisingly kissed Reid back when he joined his mouth to hers. With one hand manipulating her pussy, he let go of her wrists and curled the other around her breast, caressing her roughly. The fire in his blood demanded he screw her, and when her small hands began to travel over his body it only fueled the beast in him. He removed his fingers to replace them with his cock. She stiffened slightly. She must have sensed what he was about to do.

  He continued to kiss her, their tongues battling. Her hands were moving over the scars covering his back, going lower each time until she reached his boxers. He couldn’t wait for her to take the initiative, though something told Reid that she wouldn’t even if they had more time. He reached between their bodies, freed his cock and with a violent thrust, buried himself deep inside her wet body.

  Her nails raked his back, her hips arched to accept him, he swallowed her cry. She was so small and tight, slick and warm with desire. Her body sheathed his hungry cock like it was made for him. Every thrust threatened to end it for Reid and he purposely held back. It felt too damn good, and it would probably be a long time before he felt anything half as good again. His hands went to her hips, she turned her head to gasp for breath and Reid used the pause in their kiss to take a breast in his mouth. Each time he entered her body with a downward thrust over her clit, making sure he pleasured her. Her rapid pants began to escalate, warning him she was about to come.

  Crying softly, she bit down on her bottom lip. Her nails scraped along his flesh again. Her climax fed his hunger. Wanting to ride the wave with her, Reid let himself go, unleashed his burning desire, and before long he was filling Alexis’ body with his release. Their bodies worked against each other, their movements out of control as the violence of their orgasms caught them both by surprise. The room was filled with the sounds of their labored breathing, their bodies were covered with a sheen of moisture. Gradually the convulsions slowed and Reid collapsed against her.

  He’d gone off like a rocket. As if he hadn’t screwed anyone in a long time. The force of his climax surprised him. He needed a minute to gain control, knowing at that moment that he was vulnerable. If anyone made a move against him he wouldn’t stand a chance. He was wiped out, and by a little slip of a woman. Realizing he might be crushing her, he lifted the top half of his body. She was breathing deeply, her lips swollen by his kisses. At that moment Reid was mesmerized by the sheen in her lovely blue eyes, the color in her flushed cheeks.

  He wondered what was going through her mind. Her calm acceptance at what had just happened surprised him. Their gazes clung. Without being obvious, he reached for his jeans on the floor and felt for the pocket that held the small syringe. Slipping it out, he brought it up toward Alexis’ hip. “I’m sorry, Alexis.” Something prompted him to kiss her as he stabbed the needle into her flesh. She stiffened, but only for a second. And when she relaxed completely beneath him, Reid knew the drug had worked and she was out cold.

  Chapter Two


  The sound permeated the thick fog surrounding Alexis’ brain, but wasn’t strong enough to make her open her eyes. She was in bed, with no recollection of how she’d gotten there. But memory slowly began to creep in, clearing away the cobwebs of a deep and dreamless sleep.

  She’d been snatched off the street as she’d made her way home from visiting her mom. It had just turned dark, and she remembered scoffing at her mom’s concern about getting a cab. Why should she, when she’d walked home in the dark many times before? She shuddered, recalling the awful feeling of helplessness and fear when she was forced into the back of a van and tied up.

  She could still smell the foul breath of the man who’d put the gag into her mouth. And as long as she lived she’d never forget his evil laugh. When a rag had been placed over her eyes she’d been almost thankful. Some part of her believed that if they didn’t want her to see them then they weren’t going to kill her. Somehow the unknown seemed safe to her.

  They’d taken her to some kind of abandoned warehouse. She could tell it was located by the waterside because she could hear seagulls. And boaters sounded their horns whenever the drawbridge opened to let them pass. It had been while they were taking her clothes off that real terror set in. She remembered hurtful hands moving over her, ripping off her blouse and then peeling off her shorts. Her sneakers followed and she heard the thump as they hit the floor. She bit down on her lip to keep from begging them not to hurt her. But she was screaming inside and trembling uncontrollably outside.

  Why they’d left on her bra and thong she didn’t know, but she was thankful for the small consideration. Someone took her bound hands and raised them above her head. She felt something cold slide between her wrists. The next thing she was aware of was being lifted by the wrists until her feet were barely touching the floor. A rough hand removed the clip from her hair, releasing it to fall down her back. When she felt the same hand begin to caress it, she panicked and twisted wildly in an effort to escape. She was rewarded with a laugh and rough squeeze to her naked bottom.

  Then there was silence. Alexis had no way of knowing how long she’d been hanging there—long enough for it to start becoming painful—when a door opened and she sensed someone entering the room. Unable to see or speak, she breathed deeply, afraid the man with the foul breath had returned. The scent that filled her lungs hadn’t been unpleasant though. In fact, it was mildly stimulating, a combination of soap and musk. She didn’t know if it was a man or woman until he touched her.

  Realizing it was her hot neighbor, Mike, would have calmed her if it hadn’t been for the bizarre circumstances. She’d been eyeing him and aching to get into his pants since he moved into the apartment next door. Hope that he would ask her for a date began to dim as time went on, and Alexis had been forced to make do with her nightly erotic fantasies and a well-used dildo with his name on it. The look in his eyes suggested he was very interested, but apparently something kept him from acting on it.

  The second Mike had taken off her blindfold and she’d glanced into his dark, sensuous eyes, she’d felt an unbelievably strong connection. She couldn’t explain it, only knowing that as frightened as she was, she wasn’t frightened of him. Even when he said he was going to fuck her. Intense arousal had soon replaced her fear, and she’d forgotten how she’d come to be there. All that mattered once Mike began kissing and touching her intimately was having his cock inside her and the release that would end months of wanting him. A bizarre reaction under the circumstances, but one Alexis hadn’t questioned.

  Alexis soon realized the heavy tapping that had woken her was rain hitting the windows. By the sound of it there was a severe storm out there. Opening her eyes to the gloom of the room she surprised to find that it wasn’t her bedroom. Her eyes rounded in surprise and she sat up, glancing around the spacious room with confusion. Masculine was the word that came to mind as she took in the decor.

  Where am I?

  She could hear her heart pounding as she yanked back the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. Her second surprise came when she glanced down and saw the man’s shirt she was w
earing. She plucked the material away from her breasts and looked down. She was completely naked underneath. She got to her feet and grabbed the bedpost to steady her herself. A mirror drew her gaze. She looked positively wild!

  Alexis took several breaths to calm her nerves before slowly making her way to the door. She had no idea what she was going to find on the other side, or whom. Opening the door gradually, she peered into the large room beyond. Everything but for the pelting rain and an occasional clap of thunder seemed quiet. No radio or TV on that she could tell.

  The room was bright. Something pulled her gaze toward a huge window. Judging by the scene outside, she must be somewhere in the mountains. Her next thought was she had to get out of there. She turned, coming up against a rock-solid body.

  ”Going somewhere?”

  Alexis glanced up into Mike’s eyes, which were dancing with amusement. Anger, confusion and fear over her situation got the best of her. She started to back away from him. “Yes, home.”

  He advanced on her. “I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that.”

  “Why not? Aren’t you done with me? I don’t know what’s going on around here but—” Alexis bumped into the corner of a table and she skirted around it, not taking her eyes off Mike. “Why are you doing this?”

  He advanced on her slowly. “Believe it or not, I’m keeping you alive.”

  “Ha! By kidnapping me? By removing my clothes and…and—” Alexis couldn’t find the words to describe their hot and heavy sex scene. She couldn’t cry rape when she’d welcomed and enjoyed every second of it. She averted her eyes when his gaze dropped down her body, bringing a wet response to her nether regions. “Just who are you?” she demanded.

  “Special Agent Reid Masters, at your service, ma’am. I’m with the FBI.”

  Alexis hesitated. Reid?

  “Mike Dunstin is my undercover name. I’m sorry you’ve been caught in the middle of this.”

  She wanted to believe him but she didn’t. Not after his obvious involvement in her abduction. An idea for a chance to escape took shape and she wasn’t going to let it pass. In spite of her intense attraction to him, self-preservation was stronger. “Prove it.”

  When he turned, Alexis didn’t waste any time making her move. She’d already noticed a door at the end of a short hallway, the glass window in the top half revealing it led outside and to freedom. Realizing she needed to be quick, she sprinted to the door and pulled it open. She didn’t let the pouring rain stop her from running outside. And she was drenched within seconds. Her mistake was in halting to decide which way to go. There were no other houses around and the road, if you could call it that, was nothing but mud. They were surrounded by trees.

  “Oh no you don’t.” She felt a hand in her hair and she was jerked back against Mike…Reid…whoever…and inside before she could let out a scream. He slammed the door and locked it, easily holding her.

  Alexis began to struggle, frustration getting the best of her. “Damn you, Mike, let me go!”

  “You little witch. I told you, my name’s Reid and I’m with the FBI.” His hands were everywhere in an effort to subdue her. “I’m trying to protect you!”

  Alexis found herself pushed against the wall, and Mike-Reid followed her there with his body. He leaned into her and she was acutely aware of the powerful muscles in the thighs pinning hers, the strength of his hard chest crushing her breasts and his cock hardening. She moaned as a flashback of their earlier encounter surfaced.

  “How, by keeping me a prisoner?” Alexis arched against him with the intention of throwing him off. She was becoming aroused at an alarming rate, but there was no way she was going to show this man she wanted to fuck him. Okay. Reid. If he was with the FBI, let him figure it out for himself. But she couldn’t stop herself from thrusting against him again, or prevent a moan of pleasure escaping. He groaned and thrust back.

  Things stilled and it got quiet between them. They were too close. And the air around them was charged with a sexual energy that was palpable. Alexis slowly looked up at him. The desire etched on hiss handsome features was explosive and raw. He leaned the top half of his body away from her and dropped his smoldering gaze to her heaving breasts. Alexis glanced down. His white shirt was plastered against her, her taut brown nipples clearly visible. She caught her breath when he moved his hands to her waist, then slowly up her body until he was cupping her breasts.

  Their gazes met and clung. Alexis knew the smoky desire in Reid’s eyes mirrored her own. When his thumbs raked over her nipples, she closed her eyes and sighed blissfully. Desire flooded her pussy when he pushed his fully aroused shaft between her slightly spread thighs and rode her clit. She clamped her teeth down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out. Then, without warning, Reid’s hands grabbed the front of her shirt.

  Alexis’ eyes flew open when she felt cool air on her breasts. She watched Reid pull his tee shirt over his head and drop it to the floor. In the next instant he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he walked to the sofa. He sank down, arranged Alexis on his lap and proceeded to lick at her breasts and nipples, growling with obvious pleasure. She arched more fully into him, moving her hands to his sculpted shoulders, exploring the smooth muscles down to powerful biceps that flexed beneath her caresses.

  She didn’t want this. Yet she’d never wanted anything more. She opened his fly and Reid arched his hips when she reached for his swollen cock. His low groan encouraged her and Alexis didn’t think twice about running the head back and forth over her engorged clit. She cried out and quivered violently. He buried his hands into her wet hair and slammed his mouth down on hers.

  They came together like untamed animals. Star-crossed lovers who hadn’t seen each other for centuries and wanted, needed to make up for lost time. Or who knew it would be their last time together. Nothing else mattered but devouring each other, appeasing a need too strong to ignore or question. Words were unnecessary.

  They twisted against each other, their tongues explored and tasted the secrets of each other’s mouths. Reid moved back and forth from Alexis’ mouth to her breasts and neck. Alexis wanted Reid’s blood-engorged cock inside her and lifted her hips to impale herself on the pulsing shaft. But Reid moved faster.

  “Not yet, little cat.” He gripped her thighs, twisted her and Alexis found herself lifted and then forced down on the sofa. Reid braced her thighs apart and moved between them before she knew what he was about. A cry of ecstasy passed through her lips when he put his mouth against her mound and buried his tongue inside her pussy. She fell back against the cushions, sure that she’d died and gone to heaven.

  “Ohmygod,” she gasped, moving her hips against his tongue. The stubble on his chin added further stimulation. And Reid made sure to brush his chin against her open folds. “Oh…!” Alexis felt the telltale signs and knew she was about to come, hard and fast. She opened her mouth to warn Reid, but all she could do was pant and give in to something stronger than her control.

  Her body convulsed and bowed but there was nowhere for Alexis to go. Reid kept a firm grip on her and continued to tongue-fuck her even after she climaxed. He seemed determined to lap up every bit and didn’t climb up her body until he was satisfied.

  “You taste just like sugar in the raw.” Reid breathed the words against her parted lips. “Sweet and potent.” Breathless, Alexis was blissed-out and could do nothing but accept his rough, wet kiss.

  The warm, salty taste of her essence was more of a turn-on than Alexis thought possible. She sucked on Reid’s tongue, moaned deeply and spread her thighs wider when she felt his erect cock at her threshold. She reached between their bodies with the thought to guide him inside but found her writs encircled within Reid’s strong grip.

  “Take me now!”

  His rough chuckle held little humor. “I’ll seek my pleasure in my own way.” Her eyes widened with surprise when she found herself flipped around so that she was lying facedown upon the couch. His arm moved be
tween her and the sofa and the next thing Alexis knew she was pulled into a kneeling position.

  As she waited, hungry for his cock, Alexis felt Reid moving behind her. “What are you doing?”

  His tone was filled with humor. “Slipping on protection.”

  Oh. Neither of them mentioned that he hadn’t used anything in the warehouse.

  “Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Alexis?” As he spoke his hands caressed her bottom.

  She sucked in her breath at the vision and anticipation his question produced. It had crossed her mind, but for some reason she’d never wanted to explore it. With Reid, Alexis’ excitement soared. He had a big cock. Would she be able to take it? She tensed when she felt the head of his shaft brush over the tiny opening of her anus.

  Reid’s soft laugh wasn’t unkind. “Easy, little cat.” She felt his mouth at the back of her shoulders where he kissed her gently. “Someday, when you’re ready. But not today.”

  Someday, when I’m ready? His comment sent a thrill through Alexis. Just as she relaxed, he thrust forward and buried his cock to the hilt. She felt the head of his shaft against her cervix. He held himself still, as though struggling to hold on to his control. His breathing was heavy. Smiling to herself, she clenched her muscles, trying to force the issue. His groan made her laugh softly. He retaliated by taking the lobe of her ear in his mouth.

  Alexis arched back with pleasure. Reid’s hands moved to her swaying breasts. He began to caress them, moving his hips at the same time. At first he went slowly, drawing his cock out to the tip before sliding back in leisurely. Gradually he picked up speed until Alexis knew he was nearing a climax. The faster he moved, the harder his cock pounded into her. His balls slapping against her ass added to the intensity.

  Their mutual sounds of pleasure filled the room, drowning out the storm outside. A grunt from Reid, then a shudder, warned Alexis he was coming. He grabbed her by the hips and ground his cock inside her, holding her tight until he was spent.


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