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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

Page 38

by Dia Cole

  I pointed at the kitchen island. “Get on the counter,” I ordered in my best imitation of Gabriel’s gruffness.

  Her eyes widened.

  She wasn’t used to me being domineering, but I’d seen the way she’d responded to Gabriel. There was no question she liked a sexually assertive male and since it was my job to give her everything she wanted… I repeated the order.

  “Yes, Doctor.” Giving me a sultry look, she sauntered to the kitchen island. “Are you going to give me a full examination?”

  “You’ll find out. Get up there,” I said, staying in character.

  Careful to avoid the pots and pans hanging from a rack overhead, she hopped up on the island. “Ah,” she exclaimed.

  Dropping the act, I rushed over. “What’s wrong?”

  “I sat on this,” she held up the knife I’d used to cut the stems off the strawberries.

  “Are you hurt?” I peered under her thigh.

  “I’m fine,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh.” I laid my palm down on the granite countertop. The slab was freezing. Well, this won't work. “We can go somewhere else.”

  “No, this is perfect.” Pushing aside the small mound of strawberry stems, she lay down across the island. “Is this how you want me?”

  “Yes,” I croaked. She was the most beautiful female I’d ever seen. Remembering my role, I cleared my throat and said, “Now spread your legs.”

  She complied, baring her rosy pink folds to my hungry gaze.

  My penis throbbed to the point of pain. Bloody hell, I would not last long once sheathed inside her. Better make the foreplay good so she doesn’t notice my brevity. I shook the can of whipped cream and coated her left nipple in the white fluff.

  She let out a tiny hiss when the cold cream hit her skin, then caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Christ. I loved it when she did that. Bringing my attention back to her breasts, I leaned over and lapped the sweet cream from her peak.

  She moaned. I repeated the action with her right nipple enjoying the way she arched off the counter.

  Feeling her mounting excitement and desire through our bond, I sprayed a trail of cream down her abdomen until I got to the apex of her thighs. There I emptied the can.

  “Mason, what are you—”

  I shut her up by sucking up the cream on her stomach.

  “Oh, my! That feels…”

  “Amazing,” I finished for her with a grin.


  “What?” I jerked my head up and smacked it on the back of a frying pan. The rest of the hanging pots and pans clanged together.

  She giggled. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” I said batting away the cookware. “You’re supposed to be writhing in mindless bliss.”

  “Like this.” She wiggled around.

  “Oh, that’s it. You'll get it now.” Moving away from the blasted pots, I dragged her to the edge of the island where I hooked her legs over my shoulders. Then I buried my head between her thighs.

  “Mason!” she shrieked.

  “Ah, bloody hell, you taste good.” Her musky sweet taste was like ambrosia.

  Her moans of ecstasy rang in my ears as I licked her clean.

  She thrashed against my lips, begging me to bring her to orgasm.

  “Not so fast.” I thrust my tongue deep inside her.

  She shuddered in response. “Oh, God!”

  “No, just Mason,” I said cheekily.

  She whacked my head with the side of her hand. “Make me come!” She didn’t use the Alpha power in her voice, but I was compelled just the same.

  Knowing exactly what she needed, I slid two fingers inside and found her G-spot.

  “Yes!” she cried, tossing her head back and forth.

  Through our bond, I felt her pleasure winding tighter and tighter until she quivered like a bow. When I knew she couldn’t climb any higher, I thrust my fingers inside one more time and suckled hard on her clit.

  She shrieked, her entire body seizing. Through our bond, I felt her orgasm crashing into her, obliterating her. So caught up in her emotions, I nearly came in my pants.

  No. Inside her. Desperate for release. I ripped open my fly. Then I leaned over the counter and thrust into her with one swift stroke. Her soaking wet heat clamped around my shaft, blinding me with pleasure.

  She gave a welcoming moan and locked her ankles around my back.

  Daft female. As if I had any intention of ever leaving. Gritting my teeth, I punched my hips trying desperately to take her slowly and make it last.

  Undoing all my plans, Havana arched against me and took me deep…so bloody deep. My control snapped.

  Feeling more animal than man, I gripped her hips and held her in place. Then I was surging into her hard and fast.

  She urged me on with passionate cries. “Yes, Mason! Harder. Faster.”

  I gave her everything I had until I couldn’t hold back anymore. Then I reached between our bodies and found her clit.

  She convulsed with a wild, lusty cry.

  As her inner muscles clamped down on my cock, I came so intensely I let out a howl that shook the pots and pans above us. Then I collapsed over her. “Have I told you how much I love you?” I said through gulping breaths.

  She wrapped her arms around me. “Mason, I lo—”

  A loud gasp interrupted her.

  Tina stood in the kitchen doorway, a shocked look on her windburned face.



  Tina’s jaw dropped. “You’re boning the hot doctor too?”

  I felt my face heat as I pushed Mason off me, jumped up, and snatched my dress off the bar stool where I’d left it. She must think I’m a total slut. First she found me getting it on with two guys in a cabin and then she walks in on me with yet another man. For a hot minute shame pulsed through me, then I caught her eyeing the muscular perfection of Mason’s chest and abs.

  Tina moistened her lips, drawing my gaze to her naturally full lips. The young woman was stunning with luminous hazel eyes and a riot of tight blond curls framing her heart-shaped face. Also, without her puffy ski jacket, she had a model-thin build.

  Normally, I wasn’t the jealous type but the longer she stared at my mate, the angrier I became. He’s mine. A fierce wave of possessiveness roared through me. A low growl rumbled from my throat. My fingernails lengthened into sharp claws that slashed the dress I was trying to put on.

  Tina’s gaze snapped to my face. Whatever she saw in my eyes made her take a step back. She cleared her throat. “I…uh...I’m sorry. That was rude.”

  “What are you doing up here?” I asked in a sharp voice. Turning to Mason I said, “Didn’t you tell her to stay downstairs?”

  He nodded.

  Tina swallowed hard. “I…uh…just wanted to know if you had a spare phone charger? My cell phone is dead.” She held up a black phone. “I wanted to check in with my mom.”

  My irrational anger evaporated as I took in the sheen of tears in her large eyes. “There isn’t any cell service. Believe me, I’ve tried.” For the millionth time my thoughts turned to Nathan, Mira, Donna, Max, and Syd. How I hoped against hope they were all alive.

  Her shoulders slumped. “I figured as much. I hope she’s okay. The last time I talked to my mom she’d just gotten her canine flu vaccine and wasn’t feeling well.”

  I looked over at Mason who was pulling on his pants. “Doesn’t the shot turn people into zombies?”

  The doctor gave a slight nod. “Best not share that with her right now. I think she’s had enough trauma lately.” He yanked his polo shirt over his head.

  I secured the belt of my dress and gave the other woman what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “We can still look for a charging cable. There’s bound to be one around here somewhere.”

  “I’d really appreciate that. I hate to ask for more when you’ve already been so kind to take me and the kids in.”

  I padded across the tile floor and rested my han
d on her shoulder. “We’re happy to have you here.”

  She beamed up at me. Even barefoot, I towered over her. Although it seemed crazy, I could swear I’d grown taller in the past week. It wasn’t too obvious when I was with my supersize mates, but standing next to Tina, I felt like a freaking giant.

  The girl’s eyes brightened. “This place is unreal. I can’t believe you still have working electricity. The café lost power the third night.”

  The reminder of the ski resort had me glancing back at the clock on the wall. The guys had been gone an hour. My stomach knotted and churned. They should have been back by now. As I watched the second hand tick across the clock face, a sense of dread grew in the pit of my stomach. My head spun and I lost my balance.

  Tina grabbed hold of my arm to keep me from falling. “Are you okay?”

  Mason rushed over. “What’s wrong?”

  I fought to speak through the feeling of impending doom. “Gabriel and Liam…”

  “Are those the guys from the cabin?” Tina asked.

  Mason nodded. “Yes, they took a helicopter to do a flyover of Sunridge and the ski resort.”

  Fear choked me as I rushed back to the counter and grabbed the radio. Pressing the talk button I called out, “Liam! Gabriel!”

  There was nothing but static.

  “Liam!” I tried to reach him through our bond.

  There was no response.

  The sense that time was running out for my mates intensified. I gave up with a sob. “Mason, they’re in trouble, I just know it. If we don’t do something…” I couldn’t form the words.

  Mason wrapped his arms around me. “They’ll be okay.”

  “Stop saying that!” I pushed him away.

  He flew into one of the refrigerators.

  “Ouch.” He turned to inspect the large dent his body had made in the stainless steel door.

  Tears burned my eyes. “I’m so sorry, Mason. I keep forgetting my strength.” I ran to him and hurled myself into his arms.

  Mason rubbed my back. “It’s okay. I know you’re worried. I’m worried too.” He looked over at Tina who was watching us with a look of shock on her face.

  Tina’s eyes glazed over and her surprised expression faded.

  Damn it. I hated that I’d triggered Gabriel’s compulsion. I’ll have to be more mindful of how my actions look to humans.

  I took a deep breath and let it out. “We need to figure out where Liam and Gabriel are. Do you think they landed?” I couldn’t think of any other reason it’d take them this long to get back.

  “They might have,” Mason said, looking pensive. “Perhaps they were looking for Nathan and his daughter.”

  I blinked at the doctor in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  Mason pursed his lips and shook his head. “Nathan and Mira were staying at the ski resort until the storm cleared. I thought you knew that.”

  All the air seemed to leave the room. I struggled to inhale. “No. I didn't know that.” What the hell? All this time they were on the other side of the mountain?

  “If they were staying at the resort, they’re dead. Everyone there is dead,” Tina said in a hushed voice.

  Dead? My knees buckled as a feeling of vertigo came over me.

  Mason steadied me before I could fall and gave Tina a hard look. “You’re not helping.”

  Sorry,” Tina replied, looking apologetic.

  Nathan and Mira are dead? A wild riot of emotions hit me. Confusion. Disbelief. Grief. Memories of happy times we’d spent together flashed in my mind. Playing hide-and-seek with Mira. The feeling of her small arms around my waist and her wet kisses on my cheek. Searing hot nights with Nathan tied to his four-poster bed. The deep rumble in his voice when he told me he loved me. Oh, God! It felt as if my rib cage was strangling my heart.

  “Take a deep breath,” Mason said into my ear. “Good. Now let it out.”

  Once I’d dragged some oxygen into my lungs, my head stopped spinning and the world sharpened into focus. I straightened my shoulders. “We don’t know Nathan and Mira are dead.” In fact, I felt somewhere in my gut that they were very much alive. “We need to go search for them and we need to help Gabriel and Liam.”

  “I don’t know if we can. The roads are impassable. Our only option would be hiking down the mountain.”

  Tina shook her head. “I wouldn’t advise that. With all the recent snowfall, there’s the potential for avalanches.”

  There had to be a way of getting down there. “Maybe there’s another helicopter in the hangar.” Hell, if Tasha had one aircraft, maybe she had another.

  Mason shook his head. “I wouldn’t know how to fly it if there was. Can you pilot it?”

  No. Crap. “Tina, do you know how to fly?”

  The young woman shook her head.

  A feeling of helpless gripped me. I couldn’t just sit here while the people I cared for might be fighting for their lives. “How did you and the kids get here?”

  Tina rubbed her hands anxiously. “We took the Midway aerial tram from Snowbird Run to Black Diamond Peak. Then we walked until we saw the mountain road and took it the rest of the way to that cabin of yours.”

  “How are the trams running without power?” Mason asked her.

  “They’re solar powered,” she answered. “But trust me, you don’t want to get anywhere near them. Biters are all over the tram terminals. We lost Josie there.” Her expression tightened as if she was relieving the horror of her experience.

  I only cared about one thing. “Do the trams go to the resort?”

  She nodded, her face pale. “Yes, but it’d be suicide—”

  “I’m going.”

  Mason frowned. “No. You stay here. I’ll go help them.”

  No way was I going to let him go down there alone. I was bigger and stronger than him in wolf form anyway. “We’ll both go. If it’s as bad as Tina says, Liam and Gabriel will need all the help they can get.” And so will Nathan and Mira.

  Mason opened his mouth as if to argue.

  I arched a brow. “Don’t make me compel you.”

  Mason shut his mouth looking slightly aggravated.

  “Compel?” Tina’s gaze ping-ponged back and forth between me and Mason.

  We didn’t have time for her questions. We needed to rescue my mates along with Mira. And Nathan…

  An image of my ex’s rugged face wormed its way into my mind. My heart stuttered before finding its rhythm again.

  Sensing my thoughts through our bond, Mason searched my face with his beautiful blue eyes. “You still have feelings for Nathan.” His tone was resigned not accusatory.

  Tina’s brows knitted together. “Feelings for who?”

  I waved my hand. “Never mind that. How far is the resort from the base tram station?”

  She chewed her lower lip. “Not far. The lodge is probably only forty yards from the terminal. It’s just past the ticket kiosks. Super easy to get to.”

  I had a hunch it wouldn’t be that easy. “How do we get inside?”

  “Um…” She rubbed her hands together anxiously. “There are stairs and an elevator that goes up to the admin offices on the second floor, and the grill on the third floor. There’s also a back door that goes into the ski rental and repair shop on the first floor, but the managers keep it locked. Oh, and you can also get in from the skywalk.”

  “Skywalk?” I echoed.

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s the walkway that connects the top floor of the ski lodge to the hotel.”

  Two buildings. Crap. We’d probably have to search both places. “All right then.” I turned to look at Mason. “Are you up for this?”

  He nodded slowly. I could tell he was searching for some way to talk me out of it. He wouldn’t be able to.

  My mind was made up. We would rescue my mates along with Mira and her father. And after everyone was safe, I would give Nathan hell. Then, after I ripped the bastard a new one, I’d decide whether I’d feed him to the zombies. “Let’s go now.”

  “Y-you can’t go out there like that,” Tina sputtered. “You both need snow gear, and weapons, and—”

  “Tina, look at me,” I interrupted, infusing my voice with power. I hated using mind control, but there wasn’t time for her questions.

  She stopped talking and stared at me.

  “Once we leave, you’ll go downstairs and wait for us to get back. If we don’t return by morning, you and the kids can have the run of the place, okay?”

  “Okay,” she repeated in a monotone voice.

  Good. “Now tell us again how to get to the tram.”



  There were only three things I feared—Tasha, losing Havana, and heights.

  As Gabe angled the helicopter forward, I gripped the sides of my seat and closed my eyes. Fuck. Why did I agree to this? Lykos belong on the ground. Not squashed into a tiny cockpit like a sardine in a can.

  The entire fuselage vibrated along with the spinning blade above our heads. The whop whop whop sound bore into my skull like a flock of frenzied woodpeckers.

  Havana’s voice came through the radio in my hand. “Liam, are you okay?” Her anxious tone had me snapping my eyes open.

  Gabe gave me a chastising look. “She’s picking up on your fear through the bond, brother.” He snatched the radio out of my hand and said, “Liam is fine, princess. We’ve barely gotten off the ground. Now remember, we’re flying out of range so we’ll lose contact for a little while.”

  “Okay,” she said in a breathless voice. “Just be careful up there.”

  I grabbed the radio from Gabe. “We will, beautiful. You tell Doc to keep my lunch warm.”

  I waited for her response, but there was only the crackle of static. Disappointed, I set the radio down.

  Gabe shook his head.


  His dark eyes narrowed. “You need to get your shit together and stop acting like a cowardly pup.”

  What the fuck? “Call me a coward again,” I snarled. Despite Gabe being the Head Enforcer of Winterhaven, my body count was easily double his. Maybe he needed to be reminded of that fact. I clenched my hands into fists.


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