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Claiming Her Mates Complete Series Collection

Page 46

by Dia Cole

  Nathan blinked. “Uh, no.”

  “The sad thing is, even when I grew up I never stopped believing it. Ridiculous, I know.” My fairy-tale castle had become Nathan’s palatial estate in the foothills and our horse-drawn carriages had become his fancy sports cars.

  Nathan shook his head and stepped closer. “It’s not ridiculous. I too longed to find my mate. I longed to find you.”

  It hurt to hold his heavy stare, but I did anyway. “I thought you were my prince, Nathan. My happy-ever-after. But then you hurt me more than anyone else ever has.” I rubbed the area over my heart. “Because of that, I no longer believe in fairy tales. But I do still believe in finding whatever happiness you can. Liam, Mason, and Gabriel make me happy.”

  “I can make you happy.” He thrust a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for robbing you of your romantic notions. I’m sorry for how badly I handled things three months ago. And most of all I’m sorry for forcing those males on you.”

  Although his expression didn’t change, jealousy and self-blame blasted through our bond. A muscle ticked below his eye. “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t compelled those fuckers to bring you to Sanctuary, you wouldn’t have mated with them.”

  “True, but then I would be dead,” I replied, tightening my robe belt.

  Nathan’s brows rose. “What?”

  “Liam saved me from a group of zombies that night.” I shuddered thinking of my close call in the club alley. “And later, when I’d found out I’d been infected, Mason cured me.” I left out the part where the doctor also saved me from freezing to death. There was no need to discuss my dumbass decision to walk up the side of the mountain during a winter storm in heels.

  “You were infected with the Z-virus?” Nathan’s voice rose a notch.

  “Unfortunately.” I rubbed the palm of my hand feeling for the phantom evidence of the cut that nearly ended my life. “Thankfully, Mason used some unorthodox methods to speed up my transition to a full Lykos.” Anticipating Nathan’s next question, I added, “It involved a transfusion of Tasha’s blood that gave me her superpowers or whatever.” I pointed at my yellow eyes.

  Nathan blinked hard. “I’d wondered how you transitioned into an Alpha. I’d assumed it was because your fa…” He broke off and cleared his throat. “I think I understand now. You claimed Liam, Mason, and Gabriel out of appreciation, because they saved your life.”

  He didn’t understand a thing. I gave him the unvarnished truth. “No. I claimed them because they were there for me when I needed them, because I wanted a family, and because I want to fuck their brains out for the rest of our lives.”

  He flinched, but I didn’t take back my words. If this was going to work we had to start being honest with each other.

  “You don’t need them.” Nathan crossed the distance between us. “I swear from now on, I will always be there for you. Mira and I will always be your family. And you can fuck me brainless for eternity.” He reached out and dragged me into his arms. “I want to go to bed inside you every night and wake up beside you every morning. I want us to raise Mira together and, if the fates bless us, have more young together. We will make the big family you always wanted.”

  I smiled into his broad chest. “That sounds nice. But my other mates will be part of the family too.”

  He pulled away, the glow in his eyes fading. “I won’t share you with those fuckers.”

  I sucked in a breath. “Even if that means losing me?”

  An expression of pain crossed his face. “You’d choose them over me and Mira?”

  A tight knot formed in my chest. “There doesn’t have to be an either-or.”

  “Damn the fates, Vana. We love each other. I was getting ready to propose to you.” He motioned to the pocket of my robe where I’d stashed his ring. “You don’t even know these other males and if you did, you’d be sickened by the atrocities they’ve committed. All three of them were loyal servants to Tasha.”

  “As were you, Ambassador Steele.” Funny how when we were dating I’d always suspected Nathan was in the mafia. Turns out his real job had been even shadier.

  I took a deep breath. “I know you don’t like this situation, but I need you to accept it. I love you, but I care about Liam, Gabriel, and Mason too. I’d like us all to be together.” In my mind’s eye I pictured us all gathered in one of Sanctuary’s huge living rooms. Mira was playing with her redheaded, blond, and dark-haired half siblings. There would be laughter and love enough to fill that colossal house.

  Nathan lowered his brow and wrinkled his nose. “No, absolutely not.”

  The finality of his tone ripped my dream to shreds. “Could we at least try it?”

  “Fuck, no.”

  So much for that idea. Gabriel is right. Nathan will never accept my other mates. I stepped away from Nathan, my eyes stinging.

  He reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking away. “Vana please don’t cry. Look at it from my point of view. What if I propositioned you with the reverse situation? What if I was standing here asking you to share me with three other females I just met?”

  My claws and teeth lengthened at the very idea of another woman touching him.

  “Do you see my point, little wolf?”

  Unfortunately, I did. But it didn’t change the fact that I’d claimed Liam, Mason, and Gabriel. Despite not knowing them long, my ties with them went soul-deep. It was impossible to describe the connection. The closest thing I could compare it to was when I’d seen a friend of mine give birth. The moment Donna had held my godchild, Gavin, in her arms there had been an instant, incredible bond there. A romantic version of that imprinting had formed between my mates and me and to even consider severing that link made it hard to breathe. “When I claimed them, it was for life.”

  “When you claimed them, you thought I didn’t love you.” He let out a pained laugh. “The word love doesn’t even cover it. I adore everything about you. Your courage. Your tender heart. Your amazing way with children. Your sharp mind. Your openness to new experiences in and out of the bedroom. The way you dance. The way you tell stories, waving your hands up in the air.” He waved his hands in front of his face.

  I gasped. “I don’t do that.”

  “You absolutely do that and I love it. I even love your snoring.”

  “What? I don’t snore.”

  He chuckled. “You do. Like a hibernating bear, but I still find you the sexiest damn thing on this planet.” He wove our fingers together. “Apparently, in my family we know right away when we’ve found our chosen.” His eyes got a faraway look. “We only love once and we love forever.” He looked down at me. “You are my chosen, Vana.”

  My stomach flipped. I loved him too. So, so much.

  “Choose me, Vana. Choose me and Mira who needs you almost as much as I do.”

  My heart ached at the mention of the little girl. If Nathan and I separated, will I ever see her again? I rubbed my chest, feeling as if I was being ripped apart. “Nathan, I—”

  He held his hand out to cup my face. “I know what I’m asking isn’t easy and it isn’t fair after what I put you through, but I swear if you choose me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  “And if I don’t choose you,” I whispered.

  Sadness clouded his eyes. “Then I’ll go through life missing the other half of my soul. I hope to the fates that isn’t your choice.”

  My throat clogged. “I-I don’t know. Nathan, this will tear me apart.”

  “I’m sorry for that, little wolf. I wish I could go back and do a lot of things differently, but then again it still might’ve led us to this moment. Make a choice—Mira and me or them.” He motioned at the door.

  I shook my head, not wanting to choose.

  He cleared his throat. “You should know once you’ve broken a bond with a mate, it can never be remade.”

  Great. So not only was this decision going to be heart-wrenching, there were no do-overs. “I-I’ll need some time t
o think.”

  A look of disappointment settled on his rugged face. “Fair enough. I’ll go see if Mira’s awake.” He gently dropped my hand and stepped away. Although I’d asked him to leave, tears welled in my eyes as I watched him walk over to the armchairs, grab his blanket, knot it around his waist, and walk to the door.

  He paused in the entryway. “I love you, little wolf.”

  “I love you too, Nathan,” I whispered.

  He gifted me with one of his heart-stopping smiles, and then he was gone.

  Ah, hell. What am I going to do?



  Havana’s mind brushed against mine like a soft caress. “Mason, can we talk?”

  I froze amid scavenging the shop at the ski lodge. The half convenience store and half ski rental had turned up a surprising array of medical supplies. Searching it had helped occupy my mind and kept me from worrying about Havana. Or more specifically, worrying about losing Havana. “Of course. Did you want me to go back to the hotel?”

  “Please.” A wave of sadness pulsed through our bond.

  I groaned. Not only did it flay me to know my mate was in distress, but my intuition told me she would not be my mate for much longer.

  Bollocks. I looked down at the box of crushed Band-Aids in my fist. I wasn’t a consummate pessimist like Gabriel, but from the moment I’d caught Havana’s sheer panic over Nathan’s fate back at Sanctuary, I’d seen the writing on the wall.

  No matter how he’d hurt her, she loved him deeply. So much that I knew she’d forgive any transgressions he’d committed. Seeing her devastation at his near death yesterday had only confirmed it. Even though I’d suspected her claiming Nathan would mean the end of us, I’d encouraged her to do it anyway.

  If confronted by the others, I could argue that as a doctor my priority was to save as many lives as possible. Nathan had fatal injuries and Havana bonding with him was his only chance for survival. In only a week, I’d observed her wield incredible power and strength. If anyone could reverse the Alpha male’s fate, it was our mate.

  But the truth was I’d done it because her happiness meant more than mine. If Nathan died in her arms, she never would have gotten over it. I would do anything to spare her that kind of despair, including setting her free.

  A deep ache spread inside my chest. I shoved the Band-Aids inside the overstuffed messenger bag I carried and made my way out of the shop. There was a rack of stuffed polar bears wearing ski jackets near the cash register. On a lark, I grabbed one and crammed it in the bag. Then I exited the shop and headed to the front door.

  As I walked around the large wood beam staircase leading to the upper levels, I could hear Nathan and Gabriel arguing.

  “Havana told me to check on the survivors.” I could hear the scowl in Gabriel’s voice.

  “And I’m telling you to stay away from them.” Nathan’s tone was calm but firm. A far cry from the snarling wolf he’d been in the hotel lobby.

  Gabriel growled. “I don’t take orders from you.”

  “You will soon,” Nathan replied. His confidence was yet another nail in the coffin. “And if you don’t want me to compel you to go hike the Himalayas, then you’ll keep your distance from the humans. Your death stares are making them uneasy.”

  Isn’t that the truth? I trudged out the door before I could hear Gabriel’s response. Let those wankers pound each other to dust, I thought with uncharacteristic darkness. I didn’t give a shit. Not when there was little doubt as to what the outcome of this “talk” with Havana would be. She’s going to unclaim me. I trampled the snow in my path with far more force than necessary.

  In the distance, the sun peeked over the snowcapped mountains. I paused, watching the darkness of night succumb to its brilliant glow. Normally, dawn was my favorite time of day bringing with it new possibilities. Not today. Today it brought only disappointment.

  As I continued my approach to the hotel, each step seemed heavier than the last. Christ, I didn’t want to lose the special connection I had with Havana. She’d reached me in a way no female had before. With a pang of certainty, I knew I’d never find another person, Lykos or human, as special as she was.

  All my life I’d had the sense I differed from everyone else and that I was missing something vital. When I found out I'd been adopted, I’d assumed the lost pieces were my biological family. That prompted me to leave my home in Britain and travel to America. I spent months investigating the origins of my birth and when I’d finally transitioned to full Lykos and made my way to Winterhaven, I expected to feel whole. I may not have found my biological mother or father, but at least I’d discovered my true species and finally understood the reasons for my feelings of singularity.

  However, that feeling of loss stayed with me. It’d been my constant companion until that fateful night a week ago when Havana claimed me. Then, it vanished, leaving me with an incredible sense of peace and belonging. I mourned losing that and losing her.

  I paused on the threshold of the hotel and sucked in a lungful of icy air. Man up, Mason. The last thing I wanted was to blubber like a baby when she ended things. Besides, what was that old Tennyson quote? Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Right. I straightened my spine and stepped through the doors.

  It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the dim light inside. The sound of a sob drew my gaze toward the reception desk. Havana was leaning against it, sobbing.

  All my self-pity went up in smoke. “Don’t cry.” I rushed to her side.

  She looked over at me, her eyes reddened. “Nathan is forcing me to choose between you guys and him.”

  No surprise there. I nodded slowly. “That’s to be expected. Alphas don’t share well.” If ever.

  She sank down to the floor and buried her face in her hands. “I-I don’t know what to do.”

  She wants me to help her decide? Bloody hell. I unslung the messenger bag, set it down on top of the desk, and slid down next to her.

  Havana scooted closer and rested her head on my shoulder.

  I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “It’s all going to turn out in the end.” It was a phrase one of my teachers at boarding school used to say. Somehow it’d always made me feel better.

  She sniffed. “I’m not so sure it will. I don’t want to lose you, Gabriel, and Liam.”

  My heart contracted painfully. “And we don’t want to lose you.” I knew I could speak for the others in this.

  “But Nathan will leave me otherwise and I can’t lose him and Mira again.” Fresh tears trickled down her cheeks.

  I sucked in a pained breath. It sounds like she’s already made her decision. Since I was expecting it, it shouldn’t have felt like a kick to the solar plexus. But it did. Not wanting her to see how hurt I was, I forced a smile. “You know that even if you unclaim us, we’ll still be part of your faction… part of your family.”

  “Really?” She brightened a little.

  “Really.” The three of us had made an oath to serve her when she’d first transitioned and just because we weren’t mated to our Alpha, didn’t mean she wasn’t still our ruler.

  Her smile faded. “I don’t think Nathan will go for that.”

  “He’s not in charge now, is he?” I reminded her.

  She lifted her head. “No.”

  “Where we come from, no one tells an Alpha female what to do.” I pitied the fool who dared tell Tasha anything she didn’t want to hear. Although I didn’t want Havana to become a ruthless killer like Tasha, she’d do well to assume some of her self-confidence and strength.

  Havana smiled through her tears. “Thank you for the reminder, hon.”

  “And you don’t have to decide right this minute. So dry those beautiful eyes.”

  “God, I’m sorry. I’m not usually so emotional. I’m not sure what’s come over me.” She wiped her eyes with the cuff of her robe.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself.” I rubbed her back. “You’ve been t
hrough some traumatic life events in a short while and you’ve come through it all swimmingly.”

  She took a deep breath. “It has been a wild ten days, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes, but we have so much to be thankful for. We have our lives and each other.” I squeezed her shoulder. “Oh, and I found a stash of those amazing cheese crackers in the gift shop next door.”

  “Really? That’s awesome news. I’m starving.” She rubbed her stomach.

  I reached up to grab the messenger bag off the desk. I must not have zipped it closed because as I was pulling it down, the contents rained down on my head.

  Cursing my clumsiness, I gathered up the medical supplies and snack-sized packages of crackers that scattered like confetti around us.

  Havana laughed and opened one of the packages that had landed in her lap. “Mmm,” she exclaimed biting down on the cracker. She chewed for a second and then made a face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She frowned. “The taste is off.”

  “Oh,” I inspected the package. “It hasn’t expired.” I pulled a cracker out and popped it into my mouth. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. They taste fantastic.” I ate two more, enjoying the cheesy crunch. “These will always remind me of that time we sat in the SUV outside the cabin. Do you remember?”

  “We polished off a whole box of those crackers,” she said with a smile. “You were so sweet to bring me all that stuff.”

  That reminded me. I looked around and found the stuffed bear lying on its side near her leg. I grabbed it and handed it to her. “Happy Christmas.”

  Her eyes widened. “It is Christmas morning, isn’t it?” She tugged at the bear’s stocking cap. “This is cute, hon. Thank you. I always loved Christmas. The decorated tree. The presents…” Her voice trailed off. She looked from the bear to the overturned Christmas tree by the front door. I could see her mind buzzing. When she turned to me, she wore a big smile. “Let’s do Christmas for the kids.”

  I blinked, a bit surprised by her change in mood. “What did you have in mind?”


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