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An Exceptional Twist

Page 4

by Kimi Flores

  “Dipshit,” Stefen mumbled under his breath.

  “Excuse me?” Leah pulled away, eyeing him.

  “Not you.” Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her close again. “I was talking about the jackass undressing you with his eyes.”

  Her eyes widened, surprised.

  “You didn’t notice him, did you?” There’s no way she didn’t see him checking out her every curve.

  She smoothed her dress down, snaking her arm around him as she admitted, “I don’t usually pay attention to other guys when I’m on a date.” Then her shit eating grin broke free.

  This is going to be a long night.

  They strolled through the elaborately decorated lobby of the Spanish colonial resort. He took it all in as he went, loving the feel of Leah’s arm wrapped around him.

  Leaning in, she whispered, “Let’s grab a cart to the restaurant. This property is just under eighty-acres, so it’s nice to hitch a ride when you can.”

  She led him to the golf cart, her floral perfume overwhelming his senses. Once on board, the driver zipped around the miniature road so quickly, Stefen wondered how they would get back to the lobby.

  As they pulled in front of the restaurant, Leah hopped off and ran ahead of him. The hostess looked up when Leah provided her name. He wasn’t used to his dates taking the lead. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he tried to squash the uncomfortable feeling and remain a gentleman.

  They were seated on the outdoor oceanfront terrace. He took a breath of the salty air. This is my kind of place.

  Perusing her menu, Leah made a silly face while concentrating on what food to order. “What sounds good to you? We can get a couple of tapas to share or have our own dishes.” Nonchalantly placing her index finger on her mouth, she swiped back and forth.

  “What?” he asked. He couldn’t’ remember what she said, he’d been concentrating so hard on her lips. Oh yeah. He remembered. “Your choice.”

  Usually, he did the ordering. The best cut of steak for him, salad for the lady, and the finest wine the restaurant had to offer. None of his dates ever minded. However, Leah’s excitement was palpable as she browsed the menu, and he wanted her to pick whatever was putting that sparkle in her eyes.

  “Abby and I normally share a couple of plates.” That finger continued to slide across her mouth.

  The fantasies of what he wanted to do to that finger and those lips, were making things a bit uncomfortable for him. Discreetly adjusting himself, he closed his menu, wrapping his hand around hers to still the distracting movement. “At this point, I'll agree to whatever you want.”

  Catching her eyes, he offered his most sinful grin, and he heard her breath catch. Yeah, she definitely picked up on what I was talking about.

  She cleared her throat again, redirecting their conversation back to the food. “I’ll order a few different types of tapas, then.”

  He had to give it to her. Leah was fantastic at switching subjects.

  The waiter approached with a huge grin, disregarding Stefen completely. Why do these jackwads think it’s okay to flirt with her in front of me?

  Leah smiled sweetly up at him as she placed her hand on his. What the hell? “Hola, Antonio.”

  She knows him by name? He tried not to glare at the waiter—he didn’t need spit in his food—but he couldn’t help the jealousy spiking his pulse.

  She was grinning at the guy like they’d grown up together. “We’d like Ensalada Tropical, Aceituna con Limón, Chorizos a la Plancha, Cameron con Patatas al Alioli, and Pechuga de la Pollo Madrilena. Gracias.” They shared a parting smile before Antonio strode away.

  You have got to be shitting me.

  Stefen tried to hide his annoyance, so he fisted his hands in his lap where she couldn’t see. “Friend of yours?”

  Leah creased her forehead, looking confused.

  Raising his eyebrows, he reminded her of what she’d just said in the lobby. “I thought you don’t pay attention to other guys when you’re on a date.”

  She didn’t even try to hold in her laugh. “Abby and I used to come here on special occasions. We got to know Antonio pretty well.”

  “What the hell does that mean? Pretty well.”

  Shit, I’m losing my cool in front of her.

  Patting his hand, Leah gave him a condescending look. “Stefen, relax. He’s gay.”

  “No way! He totally ignored me.” All gay men love me.

  “Wow, that’s a bit arrogant, don’t you think? Just because he’s gay, doesn’t mean he’s going to drool over every man he comes across. Antonio’s in a committed relationship and respects his partner.” Turning her head, she added under her breath, “Something you know nothing about.”

  He wasn’t even going to waste his time calling her out on that comment because she was right, and he really didn’t care.

  Whatever. He grunted and switched topics. “That sounded like a lot of food.” He looked around at the other patrons. “Do you have a whole family of waiters that are going to come eat with us?”

  A know-it-all smirk crossed her face, and she rolled her eyes. “No. Tapas are very small dishes.” She circled her thumbs and forefingers, indicating how small. “I’m surprised you’ve never had them before.”

  His eyes sparked. “I ate tapas when I was in Spain. I know what size they are, it just sounded like you were ordering a lot of food.” He smoothed a hand down his shirt. “What was that other one with lemon?”

  “Olives. It's one of my favorites and super delish.” A genuine smile replaced her know-it-all attitude. This girl certainly lit up when it came to her food.

  “I look forward to trying it, then.”

  After a little conversation, the food arrived. She wasn’t exaggerating— these tapas were small. So small, he wasn’t sure he could stretch the plate into two bites. Hungry, he decided to eat more of the bread and roasted red pepper garlic mayonnaise the waiter brought earlier.

  “Their food is sooo good.” Leah moaned softly while devouring a piece of chicken. She licked the sauce from her lips, throwing his mind into another round of fantasies.

  He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Uh,'s delicious.” He cleared his throat, eyes widening. If she doesn’t stop that damn licking soon, I’m going to lick her lips for her. Intentionally looking out at the view, he said, “So tell me about your flower shop.”

  She wiped her mouth, using a cloth napkin for the left over sauce.

  Son of a bitch. She needed to stop that. Stop it all.

  She set the napkin down, completely oblivious. “I always knew that I wanted to own a flower shop and of course mine is the best in town.” Her proud smile was endearing. “I love flowers and the joy they bring people. They can brighten some of the saddest moments. I know it sounds corny but, when I'm arranging flowers, I feel like an artist. Like I’m able to affect people emotionally. I have a couple of very talented girls working for me, too.” She smiled, eyes bright and full of joy as she described not only her occupation, but her passion.

  Finished with dinner, they decided against dessert. When the check came, each grabbed for the slip at the same time, but Stefen snatched it up a millisecond before her.

  Leah reached for it in his hand. “I invited you. My treat.”

  Their fingers touched. He felt her shiver, and he grinned. “I don't think so. I never let a woman pay. It's not in my nature.”

  Resigning, she pulled her hand away, offering a thankful smile. “Well, that's very chivalrous of you. I’m not used to anyone paying for me.” She gazed out at the ocean. The sun had already set, but the waves could be heard crashing quietly against the sand.

  Stefen wondered what kind of pricks she’d been dating if they’d let her contribute to the bill.

  Once the tab was settled, they headed to the club where the fast tempo of Latin dance music could be heard. The moment they entered, all eyes were on them. Or rather, all eyes were on her, and she acted as though she hadn’t noticed.

  Couches lined the walls, while tall circular tables with bar stools filled the center of the room. An oblong-shaped bar with an intriguing mosaic tile design was located at the end of the room as well as a rather large dance floor. This place is packed.

  Stefen held onto her elbow and led her through the sea of people to get to the bar. “What would you like to drink?” he yelled into her ear over the loud music.

  Leah’s eyes lit up as she took in the atmosphere. “I'd love a White Russian.”

  Stefen ordered, paid for the drinks, and directed them to the only open table he could see. Before he could get his ass on the tall chair, Leah tugged on his arm.

  “I love this song. Can we dance?” She had a pouty look on her face. Not like a child’s. It was the pout of a beautiful seductress. No matter how she tried to play the part, this was no innocent.

  “Sure.” He placed a light hand on her hip. “Let's go.”

  Before they even hit the dance floor, she started swaying her hips, taking small quick steps from side to side as she matched the rhythm of the melody. She looked like an exotic, untouchable fantasy. Stefen tried to keep up, but it was near impossible to follow her flawless moves.

  Jolts of energy ran through his entire body as she unexpectedly dug her fingers into his hips.

  “Like this,” she guided him, holding firmly as she moved her hands and his hips up and down to the beat of the music. Turning around, she backed into him, shaking her ass and rocking her hips. Her arms raised above her head while she wiggled her shoulders.

  Son of a bitch. She was intoxicating.

  He hoped she didn’t back up too far and discover just how much he was enjoying her dance moves. Leah ran her hands under her hair and pulled it up, exposing one of his favorite parts on a woman’s body. Her neck. The skin running down her neckline and shoulders glistened with sweat as she continued to move her body.

  Drinking her in, he decided there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to make her his. At least, for one night. That was all he wanted. One fantastic night.

  Between the effects of the strobe lights, her sweaty body, floral scent, and visions of what he’d like to do to her, Stefen was ready to pick her up caveman-style and get the hell out of here. When Leah turned around, she gave him a look that suggested she was up for the same thing.

  Stefen leaned in to finally kiss her sensual lips when they were interrupted by a guy who thought he was Rico Suave, curly long black hair, opened button-up shirt, and all.

  Who the hell let this guy in?

  “You wanna dance with me next, beautiful?”

  Seriously, Asshole?

  Stefen wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her into his side. “She has a dance partner. Fuck off.”

  This son of a bitch has some serious balls.

  Her back stiffened against him, and she threw her head over her shoulder. “That was very primitive of you.” She spoke just loud enough for him to hear over the music as the asshat strolled away, tail between his legs.

  He apologized as she turned to face him. “I—I—I'm sorry. Did you want to dance with him?” He fisted his hands by his side, aggravated that, not only was this woman making him stutter, but also because he was losing control.

  “I never said that it bothered me.” She shrugged, running her hands over his shoulders while she pressed her chest into him. “I was merely pointing it out. I'm here with you.” She rewarded him with a very sexy smile.

  Leah turned her back and continued to swirl her hips, and his tension eased. Damn right, you’re here with me. But his relief was short-lived when he lifted his head and noticed that all eyes were still on her. Even the women’s.

  Typically, when he went out with other women, the only looks they got were from other jealous females. Tonight, he felt completely invisible. That’s a first.

  Irked, he yelled over the loud music, “Why don't we sit down and finish our drinks? I know you have to get back early.”

  Still on a high from dancing, she missed his irritation. “Okay, that sounds good.” She was breathless and glistening from the sweat she’d worked up.

  Stefen scanned the room as they pushed through the crowd, narrowing his eyes as his gaze caught on the guy who'd asked Leah to dance. Rico turned his head to avoid eye contact.

  How the hell did he have the balls to ask her to dance and none to fight me for her? What a pansy ass.

  Observing the way people were noticing that sexy ass dress she was wearing, Stefen took the opportunity to check her out from behind again. He had to get them to the table quicker. He yanked the seat out a bit rougher than he intended.

  She eyed him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I'm just a little tired,” he lied.

  Pointing to her glass, she said, “I don't have to finish this. We can go.”

  Dammit. He was going to be that guy—the one that forced them leave because he was throwing a jealous tantrum, but he couldn’t stay here any longer. “If you don't mind.”

  She stood, and he squeezed her hip as they headed out. The only noise as they walked back to the lobby was the clicking of her heels on the clay tiled floor.

  Outside, he raked his hands through his hair in frustration. No carts in sight. Well, at least she knew how to get back. As they started back, he noticed the chill. Although it was summertime, the cool ocean air had a slight bite to it.

  Leah rubbed her hands up and down her arms for warmth as they made their way up the windy cement path toward the lobby.

  Maybe I can salvage the night, after all. “Are you cold?”

  “A little. I forgot my shawl at home.”

  “Come over her.” He pulled his lapel open, inviting her to join him.

  She smiled and came closer as he wrapped his jacket around her bare shoulders. Initially, he thought about just giving her the coat, but now he had permission to hold her close.

  Once they reached the entrance, Stefen handed his ticket to a different valet than the jackass earlier. Leah stretched her arms around him, inside his jacket, melting into his body.

  This felt good. Too damn good. He was noticing his emotions were starting to get wrapped around her.

  Remember the goal here. If you can’t, then you better walk away right now.

  Smiling, Leah peered up, and her face fell. “Something’s wrong. Didn't you have fun tonight?”

  He waved his hand in the air, gesturing around them while pulling away. “Sure. It was great. It was more the crowd that I didn't care for.”

  Leah’s eyes widened. “Really? I thought it was fine.”

  “It was. Just not my scene.” He glanced around, anxious to find out where the damn car was. These guys were too slow and didn't deserve the tip he was going to give them just to impress her.

  “I’m sorry.” Leah’s glanced down. “I thought you would have a good time here tonight. It’s one of my favorite places.” Her voice was small, regret washing across her features.

  He placed his thumb gently under her chin and lifted it, trying to convince her. “I did have a good time. With you.”

  She tried to turn away, but he held her in his grasp. “Leah, it wasn’t you. Trust me, okay?” Once she nodded, he dropped his hand, watching their car approaching.

  Finally. The valet got out, tossed him the keys, and he handed the kid a tip.

  Most of the ride back was spent in silence. Everything was warring inside him. He wanted her, but without strings. Could he have that? His need was becoming overpowering, though, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to let her go tonight without touching her, kissing her…

  A few blocks before they reached her place, Leah opened her mouth to say something and then closed it.

  What was she going to say? He wanted her to open up to him. Now he cursed his shitty attitude.

  Unable to help himself, he asked, “What’s on your mind?”

  She twisted her hands nervously in her lap. “How do you feel about doing something a little touristy but fun that includes brunc
h and wine?”

  A chance to spend more time with her? That got his attention. “I'm all ears.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief, and he could feel the awkward tension dissipating.

  She smiled. “There's a company out here that guides wine tasting tours to a few local vineyards in Santa Ynez. The first winery provides an early brunch.” Studying his reaction, she continued, “I’m free next Saturday, and I thought you might be interested in going…unless you have other plans,” she tacked on at the end.

  He smiled reassuringly at her. “Nope. No plans. That sounds great.”

  “Great.” Her smile widened and her hands settled in her lap. “I’ll take care of the details. I found it online today.” She caught herself, “Um, I mean, I'll make the reservations tomorrow when I get into the shop.”

  So she wanted to spend more time with him. She wants me. “Now I have something to look forward to.” Cocking an eyebrow at her, he added, “Do me a favor though?”

  “What?” Seemingly innocent eyes looked up at him, but again, he knew better.

  “As stunning as you look right now, please have mercy on a guy and cover up next time. You know, so I don’t have to beat the assholes down.” He winked to let her know he was joking. Sort of.

  A small giggle escaped her. “Oh, I see.”

  “See what?” He frowned.

  “You’re jealous.” She gazed out the windshield with a smirk.

  The hell? He was not jealous. He didn’t do jealous. Not his thing.

  Narrowing his eyes, he clenched his teeth, white-knuckling the steering wheel. This girl was messing with his head. Not only was she tying him up in knots, now she was calling him on his feelings, too.


  Leah is going to be the death of me. But what a fantastic way to go.

  When they pulled up in her driveway, Stefen left the car running while going to open her door.

  What a gentleman. At least there’d be no awkward expectations about how their night would end.

  She caught him eyeing her legs as he helped her out. The cool night air blew across her heated skin as she flushed under his appraisal. She shivered lightly, wrapping her arms around her body. Not from the temperature, but protection against the way he made her feel. His mood swings drove her crazy. She didn’t need more anguish in her life.


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