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An Exceptional Twist

Page 6

by Kimi Flores

  “Can we help?” An innocent smile covered the little girl’s face.

  Seriously, how does Caleb ever tell this little girl no?

  She picked up a colorful brochure, feeling Stefen directly behind her as they read through it. Why does he keep doing that? Gulping, she stepped aside and held the pamphlet up so they could both see it. With a foot of distance.

  Thirty-five dollars was the smallest donation option. I can do that.

  “Sure we can, sweetie.” She fished a pen from her purse and squatted down to show her the pictures on the glossy paper. With her elbow on her thigh and her chin resting on her palm, Leah gave Madison a choice. “Which one do you want to help?”

  “Oh, can it be a starfish? I love starfish.” Beaming, the little girl swung from side to side.

  Nodding, Leah agreed, “Starfish it is.”

  Scribbling the information down, Leah stood and led Madison to the information desk, while Stefen followed. She handed the brochure to an employee seated at the computer. He couldn’t be more than seventeen.

  “We’d like to help a fish,” Leah told him, propping her arms on the counter.

  “Yes, a starfish,” Madison squealed.

  Leah laughed, repeating, “A starfish, please.” She looked down at Madison, ruffling her cute brunette head, again thinking how great it would be one day to have a little Madison of her own.

  “Are these together?” The assistant inquired.

  Leah looked up. “Hmm?”

  The cashier held up two brochures. Both filled in. One in her handwriting…and one in Stefen’s?

  Son of a… Why couldn’t he let her have this one moment?

  “No,” she said crisply. “They’re separate.” She glowered at Stefen from her periphery.

  Handing their credit cards over at the same time, the guy behind the counter held one up in each hand. “Okay, which card is for the thirty-five dollars and which is for the thousand dollars?”

  Leah choked. “A what?”

  The young guy stalled, his face contorting awkwardly. “Well…”

  Leah turned wide eyes on Stefen. “Don’t you think that’s a bit ridiculous?”

  Shrugging his shoulders a little too innocently, he answered, “Hey, starfish have to eat, too.”

  Feeling a tugging on her dress, Leah looked down and saw the sad look on Madison’s face. “Why are you mad, Auntie Leah?”

  She leaned down to get closer to the little girl’s face. Smoothing Madison’s hair away from her eyes, Leah spoke softly, “I’m not mad. I just think that Uncle Stefen is too giving sometimes.”

  Madison tilted her head to the side, seeming confused, “But Daddy says we should give.”

  Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Leah gave in. “You’re right. Uncle Stefen can donate whatever he wants.” Raising her chin, she thought, I won’t let his generosity make me feel irrelevant.

  Standing up, with her back to Stefen, Leah quietly replied, “The blue one is for the thirty-five.” She tried to sound as confident as she could, but she was suddenly fighting back tears, feeling insignificant.

  The assistant perked up. “With the larger donation, you get to have your picture taken. Would you like to do it as a family?”

  Leah’s nostrils flared. It couldn’t have been a pretty picture, but she was beyond caring. “We are not a family,” she barked, all eyes suddenly on her. Reel it in, girlfriend. “I mean,” she forced a calmer tone, “I think since Madison is the supporter here, she should have her picture taken.”

  Yes. That’s a great idea. Leah plastered a fake smile on her face, giving Stefen a full dose of her anger.

  Stefen cleared his throat, pulling at the neckline of his t-shirt a little. “I like that idea,” he said nervously, ushering Madison toward the green screen. “Come over here, squirt. I saw a diver’s outfit you can put on.”

  Madison clapped her hands excitedly. “A diver? I get to be a diver?”

  Leah softened, feeling deflated. “You’re gonna be a cute little diver.” Shaking it off, she helped Madison dress up in the flippers, mask, and vest.

  Stefen and Leah each took a picture with their cell phones as the employee snapped one with a professional camera.

  Being on their honeymoon, Leah wasn't sure if Abby would check her phone, but she sent the picture anyway. Madison was in the middle of stripping the gear off when Leah felt Stefen’s fingertips lightly caress the back of her arm.

  “Hey, you ready to leave?” he whispered. “I’m getting hungry.”

  His simple touch set her skin on fire, causing her to forget how upset she’d been with him. Keeping her focus on Madison, she answered, “Sure.”

  His cell phone beeped and he stepped away.

  Probably another woman.

  Fiddling with her own phone, she wondered why it bothered her. Sneaking a peek, she saw him furiously tapping away on his screen, then he took a deep breath and returned.

  He narrowed his eyes, running his hand behind his neck. “I take it that you sent a picture to Abby, too?”

  She frowned. “Was I not supposed to?”

  “Caleb is riding my ass now. Warn me before we do that again, please.” He slipped his cell phone into his other back pocket.

  Did she miss something? “Why is Caleb mad that we sent him pictures?”

  “He knows that I have to get some work done. Can we just leave now?” He snapped.

  That doesn’t sound like Caleb at all.

  Madison jumped up and down. “Are we going to swim and eat lunch?”

  Stefen grinned like his anger was an afterthought. Oh, this little one had him wrapped around her finger. Me too.

  “Sure.” He hugged Madison to his thigh. “Why don't we go home, order a pizza, then go swimming? Does that work for you?” He glanced at Leah, smiling as if he hadn’t just had a shit-fit

  “Sure.” She shrugged, as they made their way back to his car, still confused about what just happened

  “I also got some of those premade salads yesterday,” Stefen said lightly. Was he trying to make her forget how he just acted?

  “Great.” She wasn't a big pizza fan, but she was too hungry to complain. A salad sounded good, though.

  “Yuck, salads are kina as-gusting, Uncle Stefen.”

  Leah broke out in a fit of laughter. She would never get tired of Madison’s words, but wondered how this little girl was going to survive with her new vegetarian mom. “You don't like vegetables, honey?”

  “I do, but not with all that goop on it.” She shivered in ‘as-gust’.

  “How about one without goop?” Leah snickered.

  “Maybe.” Madison held onto their hands again as they headed back to the car.

  Leah’s phone beeped on the way.

  ABBY: Still with Stefen?

  Leah almost growled out loud. What’s the big deal and why do they care?

  LEAH: We both wanted to see her today.

  ABBY: OK. Be safe. Xoxo. See you soon

  LEAH: Be safe?

  ABBY: Watch your heart, please.

  Leah bit her lip. Trying…but after today, it’s becoming a lot harder. She was even finding herself forgiving his tantrum a little too quickly.

  LEAH: Will do. Can’t wait to hear all about your honeymoon ;)

  ABBY: ;)

  Stefen felt like his stomach was going to explode. The salad Leah served him was fantastic, but he probably should’ve stopped at one plate after eating so much pizza. Madison swam while he lay on the lounge chair, rubbing his belly.

  He looked up as Leah walked out of the house, lifting her sundress, to reveal the swimsuit she wore underneath. His pulse picked up as desire coursed through him.

  “Do you mind if I sit here?” She glimpsed down at the lounge chair next to Stefen’s.

  It suddenly seemed too far away for his liking. “Actually, I do.”

  “You do?” she asked, confused.

  Stefen smirked, standing up to drag the reclining chair alongside his own. “Much
better.” He raised his eyes, and she flushed, absently running her fingers through the length of her ponytail.

  Leah was nothing like the make-up covered, fake everything, swimsuit models he was used to. Her fresh face and natural body were even more enticing. He still didn’t understand his feelings, but without a doubt, he wanted something more from her.

  Wait, what?

  She timidly walked over and sat in the soft cushioned lounge chair just inches away, and he silently cursed himself. Now it would be even more difficult to keep his hands to himself.

  Bashfully, she bit the inside of her check. “What? Do I have something on my face?” She swiped the back of her palm against her chin.

  “I can’t help myself. You’re just…” Lost for words, he couldn’t stop staring. He loved the way her chest rose up and down in response to his scrutiny.

  I want you.

  “Just, what?” she prompted.


  If it hadn’t been for Madison swimming up to them, he might have forgotten she was there all together. “Come swim with me.”

  With one final glance at Leah, he turned to Madison and rubbed his stomach. “In a minute. I’m full.”

  She glared at them. “How come old people always say that kina stuffs?”

  Leah burst out laughing, and Stefen looked at her, faking hurt. “Hey! Who are you calling old?” Jumping up, he ripped off his shirt, ran to the side of the pool, did a perfect dive, and dolphin swam up to her. Madison giggled loudly, trying to escape him, but he caught her.

  “Uncle Stefen,” she squealed, “you scared me and almost made me go potty.”

  He let out a deep belly laugh. “Why do you think I call you squirt? You’ve peed on me since you were a baby.”

  Madison frowned. “That’s not funny.”

  He wiped the water off of his face and hoped it didn’t include any of the pee she may have leaked. Feeling eyes on him, Stefen glanced over at Leah whose mouth was wide open.

  “What?” He paddled over to her and held on to the edge of the pool.

  She placed her hand on her chest, seemingly impressed. “Where did you learn how to swim like that?”

  He beamed. “Water polo and swim team, all through high school and college. Caleb and I were both state champions.” Hanging on to the side of the pool, he shamelessly gawked at her long muscular legs.

  She bit her lip, tucking her legs under her. “Wow, I had no idea. We didn't have a water polo team at my high school, but we did have a swim team. I went to a couple of meets. That takes serious skill.”

  “We loved competing, especially against each other. We were pretty even with winning, though. Did you do any sports?”

  Shaking her head, she answered, “No. I'm not really into sports.”

  “You have incredible muscle tone in your legs. What do you do to stay in shape?”

  She turned crimson. “I’m a dancer, and I do yoga. I also run on the beach whenever I can.”

  Damn, I love watching her squirm. The sun was setting behind her, and he had to close one eye, squinting to see her.

  He motioned her toward the pool. “Join us. Madison’s warmed up the water.”

  They both laughed, but he turned to make sure Madison hadn’t heard him. Thankfully, she was off in the corner, trying to do handstands.

  But when her head popped up, she called out, “Come in, Auntie Leah.”

  “Well, since you asked so nicely, Madison, I'll be right in.” Leah strolled over to the stairs and slowly entered, dipping her feet in while she watched Madison swim. His pulse spiked, watching her body slowly disappear in the water. She really was amazing to watch.

  “Uncle Stefen,” Madison yelled, “why don't you marry Auntie Leah and make a baby for me to play with?”

  Leah's head darted up, locking eyes with him, then they both looked at Madison.

  Clearing his throat, he said, “Auntie Leah and I are just friends.” He hated saying that. Friendship was the last thing he wanted from her.

  Madison looked at him again with those sweet brown eyes. “Daddy says husbands and wives are best friends. You can get married, then she can be your bestest friend forever.”

  Shit, what am I supposed to say now?

  Thank goodness Leah chimed in. “Madison, sometimes men and women are just friends. Remember that Uncle Stefen lives far away. He’s going home soon. How can we get married and live so far from each other?” Her voice was soft as she explained the facts to their young matchmaker.

  “Uncle Stefen, can't you live here with us?” Madison knitted her eyebrows together, pleading.

  “No, squirt, remember I have to go back to work with your grandpa?” As if he could ever marry Leah anyway. His family would disown him.

  Well, my mother would, at least.

  “Okay.” Madison moved on, carefree and swimming away like it hadn’t happened.

  He couldn’t believe she’d dropped a bomb like that. “That wasn’t awkward or anything,” he said before shrugging his shoulders.

  Leah watched her hands as she moved her arms back and forth under the water. “Yeah, awkward for sure.”

  Panicked that she’d lost track of time, Leah swam to the edge of the pool, then pushed herself up and out. “What time is it?” She tiptoed to the lounge chair, in search of her towel. She dried herself off before picking up her cell. “Oh man, we have to go, Madison.”

  Madison groaned. “Five more minutes.”

  She motioned Madison over. “Come on, sweetie. Jump out and go get dressed really quick. I’m sorry, Stefen, but can you give us a ride back to my apartment? I need to get my van.”

  Hastily, he jumped out of the pool. “What? Why?”

  Madison pranced up to his side. “We’re going to go dance with Auntie Leah’s super hero friends.” The little girl trotted to her towel, wrapped it around her tiny body, and headed toward the house. “Can he come with us?” She asked Leah as she passed.

  Stefen stood in front of Leah, dripping, and she had to look away. Wet, half-dressed Stefen was even more delectable than dry fully clothed Stefen. His body was flawless. Not because he had an unrealistic eight pack and perfect abdominal ‘V’, but because he was fit. His stomach was flat, but definitely had definition. His chest was firm and arms were perfectly toned.

  I wouldn’t mind having them wrapped around me.

  “Super hero friends, huh?” Stefen grinned. “I may have to come with you to see what that’s all about.”

  Fairly dry, Leah offered him her towel.

  He smirked, noticing her staring at his abs.

  Ignoring it, she turned away and explained, “I teach a dance class to a group of amazing kids who happen to have special needs. Madison loves to come and help.”

  “Wow that’s extraordinary, Leah. How often?” He toweled his face dry, holding it under his nose for a moment.

  Leah wondered, did he just sniff my towel?

  He smiled, knowing he’d been caught. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Smells like you.” He sniffed again. “Like flowers.”

  Taken aback, she gawked for a moment, then pulled her sundress back on. “When I’m allowed to use the space. It’s hard because my kids are used to schedules and routines, so when we get cancelled, or we’re not on the calendar for weeks at a time, it’s unsettling for them. My friend works at the studio, though, and she’s always fighting for us.”

  It had been so challenging getting the owner’s approval before Jenna had gone to bat for them. Shaking her head, she explained, “Insurance liability issues are apparently the main issue, even though we sign the same waiver as everyone else.”

  With hope in his eyes, he offered, “I would love to help…that is, if you don't mind.” Stefen blinked as a droplet of water fell off of his eyelash.

  Leah’s gaze fell to his pretty pink toenails. She wanted to laugh again, but something stopped her. Seeing this compassionate side of him forced her to realize something frightening. No matter how carefully she guar
ded her emotions, he was getting to her, and she feared that the heartbreak she was trying so hard to avoid was just around the corner.

  “Sure, but we have to get going. We only have an hour before class starts.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Stefen murmured under his breath. Remembering Madison was in the backseat, he cringed.

  They were at Leah’s flower shop, and he watched her step out of the apartment above, dressed in her dance apparel. Peering behind him, Stefen noticed Madison was still wearing headphones and watching the movie she’d started earlier.

  Thank god.

  Turning to watch Leah once again, his body was suddenly on fire. She was striking in her white see-through camisole dress. Thankfully, with a black leotard underneath. Shamelessly, he visualized the camisole without it, then wondered what would’ve happened if she’d come out in only that. He might have had a heart attack. Licking his lips, he thought about how delicious her skin would taste.

  No worries. I’ll be tasting it soon…hopefully.

  The dress fluttered in the wind when she ran down the stairs to her van. What was she doing?

  He watched her grab a couple of yoga balls from the back, and he jumped out to help her. “Hey let me—oof!” A yoga ball hit him in the stomach.

  Leah’s eyes went wide. “Oh no. I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.”

  Rubbing his gut, his smile was a little pained, but he was grateful it hadn’t hit further south.

  He reached for the huge ball. “Let me help you before you take me out with one of these.”

  “Ha, ha.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Very funny, Dr. Jones.”

  “Ah, another Indiana Jones fan, I see.” His grin widened, excited that she knew lines from one of his favorite flicks.

  “One of the best movie series out there, aside from the Bourne movies, of course.” She pursed her sassy lips, speaking matter-of-fact.

  If she didn’t stop naming off his favorite movies, he just might drop to one knee and ask for her hand in marriage.

  Yeah, not gonna happen.


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