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An Exceptional Twist

Page 26

by Kimi Flores

  Sitting up, he bellowed, “Leave her aloooone!”

  Oh crap, what if he attacks me in his sleep?

  Moving closer to the doorframe, she prepared to make a run for it, screeching one more time, “Stefen! Wake! Up!”

  His eyes snapped open, and he blinked hard several times, trying to get his bearings.

  Leah stood timidly in the doorway. “Are you okay?” she panted, still frightened by what just happened.

  Disbelief blanketed his face as he stared blankly in her direction. “Leah. You're safe. I’m sorry. They can’t hurt you. I won’t let them. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe.” The desperation in his tone concerned her.

  Wait, he was dreaming about me?

  That made her feel even worse as she stepped toward him. She wanted to be the balm for his fears, not the cause.

  Jumping out of bed, he pulled at her waist, fell to his knees, and wrapped his arms around her, holding her so tightly, she could barely breathe. He wept violently into her chest, drenching her tank top.

  Seeing him fall apart was devastating. No matter how she fought it, her own tears began to fall as she ran her hands through his hair, bending forward to kiss the top of his head. This was a side of him she never thought she’d see—weeping and vulnerable. Though she was sure he’d regret it in the morning.

  Releasing her, Stefen rubbed his wet eyes with his knuckles, filled with desperation as he looked up at her. “Stay with me? Just for a little bit? Please?”

  Pulling him toward her once more, she rubbed his upper back. “Of course.” Looking up, she attempted to hide her own tears, but her sniffing gave her away.

  Standing up, he pulled her by the hand toward the bed. He slid to the other end, making room for her to climb in. As she laid down, he snaked his arm under her body, pressing her head to his bare chest.

  She could hear his heart beating viciously, and her heart broke into a million pieces once more. She wrapped her arms around his stomach and felt his muscles constrict before he relaxed into the light caress of her fingertips against his chest.

  As he dozed off, she heard him whisper, “This feels right. Thank you. For staying.”

  Under different circumstance, feeling his skin and their minimal thin clothing between them would’ve made her mind wander and her body pound with desire. Tonight however, she couldn’t deny what Stefen had said—this did feel right. Like they were two separate fragments that fit perfectly together.

  She was beginning to wonder, why can’t this be our reality?

  Stefen woke up the next morning with Leah wrapped in his arms, underneath him. Sometime in the middle of the night, he’d laid on top of her, practically smothering her. Wincing, he began to remember bits and pieces of last night. His nightmare, Leah waking him…him bawling like a damn baby.

  He’d shown her how weak he was, and he didn’t know how uncomfortable things would be between them once she woke up. Although he didn’t want to wake her to find them together like this, he couldn’t help but savor the moment.

  This was what he’d given up.

  I’m such a selfish jackass.

  As always, she was breathtaking, almost smiling as she dreamed.

  When she began to stir under him, he decided to get out of bed before she did. Slipping out from under the covers, he put on a T-shirt, pajama pants, then stepped out of the room.

  Downstairs, his cell phone rang. He forgot he left it in the living room. The caller ID said that it was his father, along with the last ten missed calls.

  “Hey, Pop,” he answered casually. “How’s it going?”

  “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all morning.” He sounded excited. “I have some incredible news. We finally got all of the proof we need. Now we can finish convicting Delgado and his two thugs. This nightmare is finally over.”

  Stefen was happy about this news, but for him, the nightmares were not over. After last night, he was sure they wouldn't be over any time soon. He would never tell his dad, though. It was bad enough that Leah had witnessed it.

  He moved into the kitchen to begin breakfast and brew some coffee. “That's great. Thanks, Pop. I know how much work you put into this.”

  “Of course, son. Taking care of my family is my job, and I feel responsible since I forwarded that case to you. I'm just thankful that we finally got one of his punks to point fingers. They had the guy on something else. They offered him a crazy deal, but it was worth it, and now we've got Delgado.” There was a slight pause. Even with the fantastic news, his dad sounded a bit sad. “So have you decided what you’re going to do now that your furnishings and car have been sold? Are you staying in Santa Barbara, after all?”

  He prepared the coffee machine and switched it on. “Yeah, I'm staying. I really like it here, and I have…friends. I already met with a real estate agent. I was also thinking about either opening my own firm, much smaller of course, or just doing contract work. I don't have concrete plans on that part yet.”

  He wanted to address one of his dad’s comments, but felt strange. They didn’t have discussions like this.

  Taking a breath, Stefen decided to go for it as he started breakfast. “And, Pop, you aren’t responsible for Delgado. For what happened. You gave me a case. That was all. Don’t hold onto that guilt. And it all worked out. It ended up being exactly what I needed to refocus, and it gave me this new opportunity.”

  There was dead silence for a few minutes. “Thank you for that. I’ve been kicking myself for giving you that freaking case. I should’ve taken it myself.” His dad choked up.

  This was uncharted territory. He’d never had this type of conversation with his father before. “Well, don’t let it weigh you down. If it were you, I probably would’ve taken the law into my own hands. So everything is as it should have been.”

  Again, silence. Then his father cleared his throat. Was he crying? “Let me know what you decide about work, and I'll support you. We can open a branch out there, or you can open your own. In the meantime, if you want any contract work now, we've got plenty I can send you.” The deep inhale gave his father away.

  Stefen would honor his silent request of not talking about it any further. “That would be great. I've been going out of my mind. The break has been nice, but you know how much I thrive on work. Give me another week and send me what you've got. I’m also going to work on getting my license here in California.”

  “I'll get some things sent out to you, and you can start working on them whenever you can.” The serious business-like demeanor was back.

  “Thanks again, Pops.” He smiled before hanging up.

  Leah opened her eyes when she heard the bedroom door close. She looked around, suddenly remembering everything about last night. Relieved, she let out a sigh when she saw that he was no longer next to her…or on top of her, radiating his body heat.

  He was so hot. Literally, it was like having a polar bear laying on top of you on the hottest day of summer.

  She didn’t believe he’d take advantage, but it would’ve been so awkward to face him if they’d woken up together wearing nothing more than their underwear. She got up, made his bed, then headed into her room. After throwing on some casual clothes and putting her long hair in a ponytail, she traipsed down to the kitchen to make breakfast.

  She was surprised to find Stefen already in the kitchen, making eggs. He’d just said goodbye to someone on his cell and put it down on the counter.

  “Good morning.” She stood by the entryway, her fingers laced in front of her, unsure of how he would be feeling this morning.

  Turning to face her, he appeared to be in a great mood. “Good morning. How do you like your eggs?” There was something different in his eyes this morning, and she literally felt her heart skip a beat.

  His eyes danced along with his full-mouthed grin. He looked genuinely happy. She was worried for nothing.

  “Uh, not burnt,” she teased, nervously pointing to the pan of crackling eggs and bacon.

  He qui
ckly flipped the eggs before they had a chance to burn. “I've gotten better at the whole cooking thing. I try not to completely depend on Abby. Poor thing is so sick all the time.”

  She pulled up a chair. “By the way, how did your physical therapy go yesterday?” If he was going to avoid the subject of last night, then surely she could. For now, at least.

  “It went well. I like the new doctor out here.” A grand smile broke out when he shared the next thing. “I can pick up heavier things now, but as you saw yesterday, I still have a long road ahead of me.” He rotated his shoulder forward and back. The tight undershirt he was wearing gave her a full view of the muscles in his arm, his shoulders flexing. “I only have one more operation on my eye, and I should be back to normal soon. Out of everyone's hair.”

  “That's great, Stefen. I'm so happy for you. But you know you’re not a bother.” She shifted on the seat as she watched him cook in his PJs.

  Something else hit her. Now that he was almost fully healed, he wouldn’t need her anymore. Will he want me around at all? Since his back was to her as he plated their food, Stefen didn’t catch her in deep thought.

  “I keep hearing that, but I still don't get it. I've never had anyone take care of me unless they were paid to. Abby, Caleb, and you have sacrificed so much to make sure I'm fine.” Turning to face her, he asked, “Why? Why do you do it?”

  “It's what people are supposed to do. Help your fellow man and all.” She waved her arms in the air. “We weren't put on this earth to live and survive on our own. We take care of each other. Wouldn't you do the same for any of us?”

  He’d changed a lot in the last couple months, but maybe he wouldn’t make that sacrifice.

  “Honestly, before all of this happened I would have said 'no way'. I might pay someone, but I wouldn't do it myself. Now? Absolutely.” He placed a plate with eggs and bacon in front of her at the breakfast bar, then joined her with his own.

  “I've never known any other way. It's the way things are supposed to be.”

  “I'm starting to get that.” Taking a small bite of his food, he glanced over at her while she enjoyed her breakfast. He took a deep breath, then puffed it out before taking another bite.

  “Everything all right?” She leaned over her plate and took another bite.

  His leg began to bounce, and she knew that as a telltale sign that he was nervous about something. Leaving his fork on his plate, he turned his chair to face her. “I'm just going to say it. I'll probably screw this up because I've never done this before, but…Leah, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? I was such a prick. I can't believe it myself. You’ve become…important to me, and I just can’t have this between us anymore.” He moved his hands back and forth between them.

  Leah was stunned. This was not at all the awkward conversation she was expecting.

  He shook his head, looking remorseful, then he chuckled to himself. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but Leah, you are the best ‘girl’ friend I’ve ever had.” He separated the words to make sure there was no confusion. “You’re amazing, and I just can't imagine my life without you. There’s no excuse, but honestly, you scared the shit out of me before. As destructive as it was, I acted out the only way I knew how. Can you please forgive me?” He pleaded with his eyes as he reached out for her hands.

  She stared at him, not knowing how to react. She was thrilled that he was answering questions that had plagued her for weeks. He did want her around. Now and after he was back to his normal, cocky self.

  But the apology? She had no idea how much she’d needed that. How had they gotten this far with no resolution? They’d only swept it under the rug, ignoring the real issue.

  “I've already forgiven you, Stefen.” She squeezed his hands. “I don’t need to rehash it all, but you have to hear my side.”

  She paused a moment and took a deep breath. “I willingly gave you something that I can never take back, and you broke my heart. I’ve never felt like such trash or so inferior in my life. You knocked my self-confidence down and shattered my spirit.”

  He stood up, pulling her with him, engulfing her in his arms. “I’m sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness. I swear, I’ve never known any other way until I met you. But I've learned. It kills me to see that I’m the source of any of your pain.”

  Leah placed her hand on his chest and pushed away so he could see her face. “I’ve been able to move on, and I’m grateful for the new ‘us’, but please don't take advantage of that. I couldn’t handle a second heartbreak from you.” Her eyes started glossing over. She’d never intended on ever sharing this with him.

  She pulled away a little more to look deeper into his eyes. “Stefen, I know you’ve changed. I see it.” She moved her eyes back and forth between his eyes.

  Since I’m being honest here, I’m gonna let him have all of it.

  “When I first met you, I saw this incredible guy lingering inside. You were guarded and yes, arrogant, and also lots of trouble…” he rolled his eyes before she had a chance to continue, “but I could also see that deep down, you weren’t happy.”

  He dipped his head, trying to avoid her stare. She wasn’t going to let him feel shitty about this anymore. Holding onto his chin, she raised his head and looked into his eyes again. “Stefen, we all saw it, and don’t even get me started on how much Madison adores you.”

  Neither of them could hide their smiles when she mentioned the little girl’s name. “You do deserve my forgiveness, and I agree. Besides Abby, you've become my closest friend. We’ve already had our truce and started over, but just know, when you screw up, I'm that friend that will point it out. I won't let you get away with crap. Deal?” She backed away from his embrace and stuck her hand out to him.

  “Deal.” He shook her hand.

  “Let's finish eating. This is actually kind of good.” She motioned to her plate with her lips.

  He chuckled and sat back down. “Thanks. I've got some mad skills in the kitchen now.”

  She lifted her index finger in the air. “Okay, first 'keep it real' moment, Stefen. That’s what arrogance sounds like.” She pretended to be put off.

  He looked panicked for a moment until he caught her smile and relaxed. “So, now that we’re officially friends, how do you feel about going car shopping with me today? I can't keep relying on you guys to cart my ass all over town.”

  She looked at him questionably. “Have you decided to finally set roots here in this 'lifeless commonplace'?” She put finger quotes around those last two words, reminding him of what he called Santa Barbara on his last visit.

  Raising his eyebrows, he pointed to himself. “If you get to point out when I'm being a jerk,” he flicked his wrist to her, “can I point out when you’re being a brat?”

  “Oh Stefen.” She shook her head, chuckling ominously. “I'm always a brat. That's part of my charm.” She smiled smugly and fluttered her eyelashes.

  “Keeping it real...that was very bratty and arrogant.” They both laughed.

  “I'd love to go car shopping with you, but you know it’s a pretty serious thing.” She took a sip of her drink and continued her snarky comment. “Once you ask someone to car shop with you, help you move, and take you to the airport? You’re bonded for life. So what kind of car are we looking at here?”

  “Probably a Porsche Cayenne. I had one in Chicago but didn't drive it much. I really liked it.”

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes. “What is it with you guys and your expensive cars?”

  He casually mentioned, “Well, not sure if you know this or not, but Caleb, Bri, and I are trust fund babies. Our grandfather left us each enough money to never have to work a day in our lives, and we’ve always had the best of everything. We love our expensive cars.”

  When she frowned at him, he put both hands up like he surrendered. “Dammit. I heard it, too. No need to point it out.”

  “Good.” She nodded, satisfied. “Let's get ready to go get your luxury toy.” She started to pick u
p the dishes when he stopped her and did it himself. Wow. She could get used to this new Stefen.

  “Leave in an hour?” He asked.

  “Works for me.”

  She got up and started to head upstairs when he pointed out, “One of these days, Leah, you will replace that minivan, and you’ll see what all the fuss is about.”

  Without thinking, she blurted out, “Yeah, when I marry that doctor one day.”

  Oh crap! She froze on the stairs. She really could no longer see her and Ben lasting long enough to even think about going down that road, but she knew it was a sore subject for Stefen. She didn’t want to leave him on that note.

  Peeking over her shoulder was a mistake. His smile had disappeared, and he was looking down at the floor, mouthing profanities to himself.

  Deciding to lighten the mood, she made a smartass comment. “I was kidding, Stefen. I warned you that I’m always a brat.”

  He snapped out of it quickly, chuckling as he shook his head. “And that’s part of your charm, right?”

  “Yep. You know you love it.” She headed up the stairs, leaving him to his mumbled words in the kitchen.

  After their day of car shopping, Stefen offered to take Leah someplace nice to thank her for everything. The black V-neck, open-backed dress and matching strappy stilettos she’d picked up from home might’ve been a bit much for dinner, but she loved dressing up.

  As she got ready, Leah thought about how blown away she’d been, watching Stefen in action. He knew how to conduct himself when it came to business and looked downright sexy doing it. Every woman in his office must fall at his feet and give in to his every wish.

  I wonder how many of their desires he fulfilled.

  Chastising herself, she moved on to another image.

  The moment they stepped onto the luxury car lot, everyone practically tripped over each other to serve them. He’d called ahead to arrange a meeting with the manager, rather than have any of the salesmen on the floor attack them like sharks.


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